Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, August 15, 1885, Image 1

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VOLUME XI. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 15, .1885 NUMBER 9. — ■ - — The Advertiser and Appeal ’ 18 PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY, AT 4 ‘BRUNSWICK. - GEORGIA -—BY T. G. STACY & SON. Subscription limes. Ons copy one yetr $1 00 Ono copy six months 100 Advertisements from responsible psrtteswlU be published until ordered ont, when thetlme if not specified, end psyment exscted sccordingly. Communications for lndivldusl benefit, or of s personal character, charged as advertisements. Marriages snd obituary notices not exceeding tour lines, sollcted for publication. When ex* reeling that space, charged as advertisements. Allletters and communications should be ad' dressed to the undersigned. Advertiser and Appeal. Brunswick, Georgia, OCEAN LODtfE, No. 214, F. & A. M. i this Lodge ere held on iu each month* at 7:00 i good standing are fra* Regular commnuicecon< the first mud third Mouda} o’clock, P. M. Visiting and all brethren ternally invited to *tt«nd. Bit. G. L. BOHLATTER, W. M. AS. E. LAMBRIGHT, Secretary. SEAPORT LODGE. No. 68. I. 0. 0. P„ Usetsevery Tnmdaynlght et ji £ hto-doch. o I AH. E. LAMBRIOHT, P. * B. Secretory. OGLETHORPE LODGE, NO. 24-R. OP P. Meets st thslr Cattle Hsll. In Michelson'a bond ing, every Wednesday at8 p. m. Visiting knlgbte In good standing are f ratornslly invited to attend. H. 8, McCKAKY, C. C. V. R. MITCHELL, K. of R. and 8. SECTION NO. 605. E. B., meets First Wednesday in avary month. T. B. FERGUSON, President H. J. REID, Secretary. NGENNESS LODGE, No. 2905, KNIGHTS OP HONOR. ontifat 7SWP.— , . E. A. Nxtsos, Dictator. D. O. OvriM. Financial Reporter. MAGNOLIA LODGE, No. 1105, AMERICAN LEGION.OP HONOR. Regular meetings 2d and 4th Fridays n ea month at 8:00 P. M. _ ■ T. O. STACY, Cpmmander. J. T. LAMSRIOHT. gesreury. SEAPORT LODGE, I. 0. G. T„ NO. 58, 7:30. J. M. RICE T. P. OOODBBEAD, W. 8. Y. M. C. A. The Young Moo's Christian Association holds its prayermeeilog foremen ovary tubbsth afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Methodist chnrch. Everyono la wel come. , MUSIC. 1 am prepared to give musical Inatructioo on all HIRING AND DRAS8 INSTRUMENTS. Violin a specially. Headquarters at Olorer k Dnnn’s afore, e0-tf Fbof. Fn. ltlEMAN. Dr. W. B. BURROUHS, LAND. REAL ESTATE, COLLECTING AND INSURANCE AGENT, Offers for sale ] 00 of tha moat desirable lota in town, and aome valuable farms near the city, where auytbing can be grown. Terms reoeonsble. References:—Merchants* Rational Bank. Atlanta, Ga.; First National Bank* Macon* Ga.; Savanna) Bank and Trust Co., Savannah. Ga. may21*ly ( A D. GALE & SON, LOCAL DENTISTS, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. Parties having work in the dental line will find to their interest to call. Office in new Kaiser block over dm** tore of Lloyd & Adam* D.D.Atkinson DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. Office up "taira in Wright** new building. Jet) CALL AND BE SHAVED AT THE Artesian Barber SHOP. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS! COC.llNE. .Macon Telegraph. Tbe world baa bettrd in neb of late of the power of cooaine to alleviate pain in surgical operations of tbe eye. Those who have been attentive news paper renders have been informed of bow the sufferings of Gen. .Grant were constantly relieved by tbe ap plication of cocaine. To tbe unprO' fessional mind tbe new discovery bus presented only a wonderful no (es thetic when applied to a point of pain. But it appears that it has re medial and curative properties also, which render it invaluable. Per haps all tbe good properties of cocaine have* not • yfct been discovered, bnt even in its present shape it affords relief for most distressing complaints. It bas been a standing reproach to tbe medical profession that no care or even palliative bus been found for hay fever. The profession has been disposed to laugh pt this, for tbe rea son that tbe victims of hay fever are not very nnmeroas, tbe disease itself lasts bnt a few weeks, and nobody dies of it. Still the patient snffers torture, and everything tbe doctor recommends or prescribes only ag gravates tbe difficulty. Thousands of remedies’ have been tried in vain, and a elnb of bay fever meet annually in the White Moon' tains to compare notes, to swap sneezes, and to soil handkerchiefs. Asthma has also been considered an incurable complaint, bnt one that is generally attendant npon longevity. It would appear that cocaine promises not only relief, bnt cure to those affected with the diseases named. Tbe London Lancet says: “Tbe acoonnt given by Mr. Wat son of tbe Westminister Hospital, of bis suffering and subsequent care by tabloids of cooaine, is too circum stantial to admit of no donbt, even bad we not received confirmatory evi dence from many sources. It bas bet-ii objected to on theoretical grounds that cocaine must of neces sity be inoperative, or at all events of comparatively little use, in most cases in which symptoms of asth matic type prevail. Carionaly enough, however, it bas been shown that co caine, when applied to tbe mucoos membrane of tbe nostrils has the power of allaying even tbis spasm. Tbe observation, too, is not new; for many months Hgo Dr. Boswortb, pro fessor of larynology at Bellevue Hos pital Medical College, published a detailed account of spasmodic asthma completely cured by cocaine. He pointed out at the time that many inveterate cases of asthma are de pendent on, or, at all events, asso ciated with nasal disorders, the relief of which is promptly followed by an abatement of all tbe distressing symp toms. If tbis principal of associated treameut should be on integrity, it will be difficult t<> assign the limits of its sphere of action. Ktlr work of all kinrta guaranteed. Silop in l»o*t martl-ly Ta: « Proprietor. NotioSr Taxea due the city for 1H85 art* payable a* Mlowa: Firft quarter on or before :nith day of April. 1885. Second quarter ou or berore -Hat day or July. ihn5. Third quarter on or before .1Ut day of Oct., IStA. Fourth quarter ou or before JUt d*v «»r Dec., l&Sf, J. F. NELSON, Clerk and Treuinrer C. B. Telephones, PRIVATE LINES Built, equipped with telephone*, and rallied, a,, ply to the Manager or tbe uaar.t Telephone. *o JOHN P. EAaTEULtN* nnpt. v *>5‘U Charlcwfoo C. Tbe country school teacher bud been telling her scholars about tbe seasons uqd their peculiarities, and to impress tbeir youthful minds with tbe facts she questioned them ou tbe poiute she bad given. Sbe asked several questions, and finally reached tbe bad boy iu tbe corner. “Well, Johnny,” she said, “have you been paying attention f" “Yessnm,” be answered promptly. “I nra glad to bear it, Johnny. Now, cun yon tell me wbat there is in tbe spriug ? “Yesum, I kiu,” but I don’t want to.” "Ob, yes, you do. Don’t be afraid. You have heard the other scholars. Be a good boy, now, aud tell os wbat there is in tbe spring ?’’ "Wy—wy—mum, there’s a frog, uu’ a lizzard, an’ a dead cat in it, but didn’t put ’em there. It whs George Winters, for I seed him when be put *eui there." A Kentuckian who won’t mortgage bis farm and go bare-footed Tor Hie sake of owning a short-horned heifer is no pstriot. ^ ^ Two Dangerous Seasons, Spring ami tall are times when so many people pet sick. Tbe changes in the weather are severe on feeble persons, and' <-ven those natnrnlly strong ere apt, hr they Hay, “to lie feeling mi s<* in hie.” Then they are just in condition to bo struck down with some kind of fever. A bottle or wo of Parker's Tonic will invigorate lie digestion, pul the liver, kidneys t blood in |>erfect order, and pre- -,. u o -i . ... tt vein more Serious attack*, Why fcof- Ohio said tbe President of tbe United j ^ |H , rhtl|M HO « imp i e Stales: “Its a long time bet-.eeu the!* lur ,ti r jne will save job? Good for changing of postmasters.” {both sexes aud all tiger. “But I tell you he’s a good man.” “I don’t care if be is; I shan’t vole for him." “Why?" - "He tries to put on si in-." “In wbat wny ?” “Why, lie weura two suspenders, and carries his terbacker in n box, and be never'thought of chucking bis pants into bin boots till be wanted the nomination.” As tbe Governor of South Carolina said to the Governor of Nortli Caro lina, so tbe Democratic Governor ol “DAT’S RIB DP EN DOWN'D AttxnU Constitution In tbe summer of 1864, when Sher man was 'manipulating bis army in neighborhood of Atlanta, a -negro named Harbert living on tbe Turner plantation, in Putnam county,‘met tbe writer hereof in tha woods and said be wanted to have a talk. Some thing like tbe following colloquy en sued: 1 “Wbat is file matter now, Har bert ?” “I tell you, I ain’t feeling afell in my mint.” “Wbat is tbe trouble ?" “Well, sir, look like ter gwine ter be trouble all rono) “Wbat kind of trouble, Hal “War trouble—was trouble, _ r Yankee folks deyer cornin’ aho.TVi? “How do you know ?’’ ’’ . “De news dan got in ’mongst my bones. Deyer cornin’ sho. Deyer cornin' rite yer.” Herbert's statement was laughed at as tbe wildest vagary, but tbe collo quy proceeded: “Well, suppose they do come, wbat are going to do?” ‘.When, honey?” “Why, when they come?” “Who? Me? Bless yoreabul,I’m gwine ter git np ’fo’ day, fry roy meat en cook my bred and eat roy brekfus.” “Well, what are you going to do after you eat your breakfast “Bless your soul, boneyj I am a gwine ter whirl in and git my dinner.” “And then what will you do ?” “Well, sir, after I gets ^dinner, I’se a gwine ter fly ro can get some supper.” “Then what ?" “Den I’m gwine ter marob ter de bouse en ax marater ef be got nothin’ else for me ter do. Den, after dat I am gwine back en git me a little snack er sump’u uudder ter eat, and den I’ll drap back in uiy corner and nod. Dat’e me, up and down.’ WHAT THERE IS IN THE SPUING. BILL RYE ON KINOOEOROE III, George the III. was born’ in Eog' liod June 4,1738, and ran tor king in 1760. He was the son. of Frede rick, Prince of Wales, and held tbe offioe of king for sixty years. He was a natural born king and succeeded bis grandfather George II. Look as yon will adown the page of English bistory and you' will not fail to notice the scarci'y of self-made kings. How few of them were poor boys and bad to skin nlong for years with no money, no influential friends and no fun. • Ab, little docB tbe Eng lish king know of bard times snd carrying two or three barrels of wa ter to a tired elephant in order that be uiay get into tbe Hfterunon per formance without money. When be gets.tired of being pfiuce, all he bus to do is joBt to be king all day n’t good wages, And then ut night take off bis bigb-priced crown, bapg it op on tbe bat-rack, put on a soft bat and take in tbe town George III. quit being prince at tbe age of 22 yoars and begAU to bold down tbe English throne. He would reign along for a few years, taking it kind of quiet, and then all at once he would declare war and pick out Borne people to go abroad and leave tbeir skeletons on some foreign shore. That was George's favorite amuse ment He got op tbe Spanish war in two years after be dome tbe throne; then be bad an American revolution, a French revolution, and Irish rebel lion and a Napoleonic war. He dear ly loved carnage if it coaid be pre pared on a foreign strand. George always' wanted imported carnage, even if it oaoie higher. It was in 1765 and early in George’s reign, that the American stamp act passed tbe Legislature and tbe Goddess of Liberty began to kick over tbe dash board. George was different from English kings morally. When be spit on bis ban.I and grasped tbe sceptre be took bis scruples with him right into tbe tbrone. He was not talked about ball so much as other kings before or since bis time. Nine o’clook most always found George in bed, with bis sceptre under tbe window-sasb, so that be could have plenty of fresh air* As it got along . toward 9 o’clock be would call the hired girl, tell her to spread tbe linen lap-robe on tbe tbrone till morning, iBsne a royal ukase directing her to tarn ont tbe cat, ana tbe cook to set tbe pancake batter behind tbe royal stove in the council chamber, then be would wind the clock ana retire. Ear ly in the morning George would be np and have all his i-liures done end the tbrone dnsted off ready for another bard day’s reign. George III .is tbe party referred to iu tbe Declaration of Independence as “tbe present king of Great Britain,” ami of whom many bitter personal re marks were tunde by American patri ots. On this, eide of the water George wax not highly esteemed. If be bad •emir over here to spend tbe samniwr with friends io Boston daring tbe lays ol the slump act. > tfeitemeut, lie mid Imve gone home parked in ire, it doubt, amt with h Swiss sunset un der each eye. George’s mind was always a little on the bias, and in 1810 lie went cra zy for tbe fifth time. Always before that he bad gone right idiend with his reign whether be was crazy or not, bnt with the fifth attack of iusauity, coupled with congestion of tin* brain and blind staggers, it was decided to tie him np in tbe barn and let some one else reign awhile. Tbe historian tack, and in 1811 tbe Prince of Wales became regent. George III. died at Windsor in 1820 with tbe consent of a joint com mittee of both bouses of Congress at tbe age of 82 years. He made the longest run as king, without stopping for feed or water, of any monarch in English history. Sixty ‘years is J jt long time to be a monarch and Ioojt trader tbe bed every night for a Nihil ist loaded with a cat-glass bomb and paris green. Sixty years is a long time to jerlt o sceptre over a nation, and keep on tbe right side politically all tbe time. * He was always trying sumo soberae to make a pile’of money easy, so tht)t he wouldn’t have to work, but.lie died poor and crazy at lost, in England.— He was not very' smart, but be at tended to business all tbe time, and did not get up nraoh reputation as a moral leper. He said that as King of Great Britain and general superin tendent of Cork be did not aim to make-much Poise, bat be desired to attroot universal attention by’ being so moral that be wo'nld be regarded as eccentric by other crowned beads. SBMBOr SITTINGS. Pilgrims were formerly ealled “palmers ” from tbe staff or bongh of pAlm they were wont to carry. There are three lunatio asylums in tbe United States which have .brass bands composed of patients. Tbe increase of auieide is scientifi cally ascribed to tbe fastness of, mod ern life to forced education, and to tbe increasing difficulty of existence. Tbe franking privilege whs abol ished in Great Britain io 1840, and in tbe United States in 1873. Tbe dis continuance of tbe privilege saved to tbe government of this country '$2,- 220,000 annually. Six ooneea of gam Arabio is said to bo sufficient for a day’s ratios when no other food is eaten—a 'diet common to tbe Moors of Morocco during tbe season when tbe gum of tbe aesoia tree is running freely. A remarkable specimen lately ex hibited to tbe London Zoological society was a Brazilian snake which bad partly swallowed a live lizard. Tbe lizard bad nearly succeeded in entrag its way out, through the body of tbe snake, when death overtook both creatures. When a barber seeks to make biro- self social with a customer, in tbe chair, be fa ‘probably scraping an ac quaintance. Indigestion Cared. I suffered for over five years with indigestion, scarcely able to retain tbe simplest food -.on my stomach. Tbe burning seneiitinu.was almost in tolerable, and my wh»|e system was deranged. I *..» •> al.m.i aud could not sleep, and consequently more’ or less nervous all tbe time. I declined in fiesb, and suffered all the usual de pression attendant upon this disease. [n a word, I was miserable. At last, failing to find relief in anything else, I commenced tbe nee of Swift's Spe cific. I began to improve at once. The medicine toned np tbe stomach, strengthened the digestive organs, at’d soon all Hint burning censed, aud 1 could retain food without difficulty. Now, my health is good and I can eat auytbing iu tbe shape of food,and digest it without the slightest diffi culty. I most cheerfully bear tbis testimony, becanse there are' band- reds suffering ns I was, and I am sure they can be hs readily Cared. Take tbe prescribed dose after eat ing, instead of before. James Mann, No. 14 Ivy St. Atlanta, Ha., May 13, 18S& Treatise on blooo uml akin diwea*s«* mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3. asys that blindness succeeded this at-1 Atlanta, Ga.