Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, December 05, 1885, Image 1

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VOLUME XI. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, D! =»: Tiie&flvertiser and Appeal, IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. AT - GEORGIA, T. G. STACY &v'SON. Subscription Kates. On* copy one year....' ....t> 00 One copy alx months 1 00 Adwtlaeipents from reepenitble parties will be published until ordered out, when the time is not specified, and payment exacted accordingly. Commifnlcations (or Individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged a<f advertisement*. Marriages and obituary notice* not exceeding *” Wheaexseed- _nent*. i should bo ad- dresaed to ■ OCEAN f t Regular comi the first and thlri o’clock, P.M. YlBltlugfcnd sU temallylnvlttSta SEAPORT LOME, No. I. 0. 0. P. Meets every Tueedaynlgh t at^hto'c.ock. /AS. E. LAMBRIOHT. F. Ic R. Secretary. STORIES OF THE WJOtt. IIoxv He Became Brave. 8GLBTII0RPE LODGE, NO. 24—K. OP P. Meets at their Csatle Hall, in Michclson’s build ing* everj Wednesday at 8 p. m. Visiting knights In good standing are fraternally Invited to attend. , - h. «, McCrary, o. o. V. ft. MITCHELL* K. of R. and 8. SECTION NO. 593. E.(«•*« First Wednesday In ejury month. R p^lOU^st PrealdoOt. H. J.TtEID, Uecretsrv. NGENNES3 LODGE, No. 2905. KNIGHTS • OP H0N01I.- 'I ; rid . A. NxLspa, Dictator. E.v. Financial Boporter; imOLIAliODGETN^ 1105,, AMERICA I * LEGIOiyP DOJtOPu Regular meetings dd and 4th Friday, u ou month at 8:00 P. M. T. O. STACY, Commander. • A.T.LAMBRIOHT. geeyeUty.. 1EAP0RT L0DyE, 7."OrtrrT., «0. 58. • ----- „ GEO. C. CLARK # Y.M. c. A. The Young Men's Christian Association holds its prsyermeoting for uicu every feabbath morning st 9 o'clock at the Presbyterian church. Everyone U welcome. no more eras, MORE WEAK EYES! MITCHELL’S EYE-SALVE! A certain, aafe and efficient Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Cares Tear Di-ups, Granulation, Styo Tumors, lied Eyes, dint ted Eve Lashes, AND PRODUCIN'!) QUICK RELIEF AND PERMA NENT CURE. Alao equally efficacious when used in other mala dies* such ss Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever Intiammation ox- ists, MITCHELL'S HALVE mty l>o used to sdvan- tage. Hold by all DriiaBlst* «’• 3i>c. L. J.LEAVY&CO , Aurt'oii anil Commission Merchants, oi J General Collecting Aleuts, Spot. ttention given to the collection of ronts OasincSD aud consignments solicited, and speedy returns guaranteed, Office under Advkbtmku and Appeal offioo, Brunswick, rta. Refers by permla- slon to J.M. Madden, broker. Cook Bros. ACo., manufacturers of lntrW, ar* 51. Colsen, Mayor of tte citv of Bruusie*. ul4-lv General Conley tells the story of a man who came to him at the begin ning of a battle to say that he was constitutionally a coward, and that be conld not go into the fight.. /‘He asked that he be assigned to some duty that would keep him clear of the chance of disgracing himself by cow ardice. He was assigned to carry water to the men, and through the fight was so mnob exposed as any in the regiment, bat. having his mind occupied with the business of carry ing water, be forgot his fear. This calls to mind scores of instances in which men who beliefs themselves onwards discover that their distrost was not Warranted. ' At,one time, when we were aboat to cross a deep, rapid flowing.river, on trees that.had been cat down, ods on thu left bank ane the other on tbo right, so that tbeii; tops fell together and formed an unsteady sort of foot-bridge, onA man came to ipe, gave inq his mother’s piotnre, his pocket dairy, in whioh he had kept a history of bis personal life in tbo army, (old me that he bad never been able to walk a foot-log, that 'be -was sure lie-conic) not do it, bn^ be was (ping across (hat river in Lis' proper place with the same feel ing that be would charge a battery. He preferred to be drowned rather than bo accasod of timidity or cow ardice on account of any explanation he would make in regard to bis ina bility to wulk a foot-log. He gave mo uessagos to his mother and friends, and took bis place in the ranks with that desperate look Reen on men’s faces who? they know that the next instant they are “^6 be ordered to go forward to cer tain death. A rough, reckless fellow, who bad heard what my comrade had said, laughed at the idea of aDy man’s inability to walk n foot-log or rail, and lie took bis place beside the man wbo was ready to bo drowned. I don’t know wbut he said, but when my friend’s foot touched the log he straightened tip, looked across the other shore, and with as true and firm a step as a practiced gymnast, moved along the fallen trees until be touched the other shore. Then he threw up his cap high in the air aud sboatod, ‘Glory !’ For tbo first time in his life he had conquered what he had believed eu incurable physical weakness.” field with the bullets iphizzing about him the happiest minfates of bis life. He was happy because b'e bad proven bitnself a better man than he had Pt'f ,»>fc. Ataxic Poweroflioylng Expree- ,,0 “Ll2^_ d ’ swallows that built a nekt inside of a , , BaptUt Weekly, , school room wham mnrA'thnn iflhnKil. thonght he was. He was hysterically I D the up-bill business of life, no dren were in d £ ly attendance one influence has a more benign ef- A goosa Wfl8 m flattering, on the feet on the weary tovefer than kind- 8nrfaco of one of the WiMon8in i ake8 , cheering ^orjJs. Thy m as „ d inve8UgaUon provod that i forty- strength to. hia, feet, they inspire conr- two pound turtle Had it by the leg. age for renewed efforyhoy ore sun- )Both were drawD intofl ^. happy beoanse be discovered, after all, he was not a coward, and after that he never hod a doubt of himself, ]y f cheering words- They are He' bad none the daring that madi ■“ ' - men rejoice in a fight, bnt he had tha sort of self-control that made a good shino breakipg'tbroilgh" the clouds sharp-shooter, that mado a man to bp lC-l'V-au- depended on. in the crisis of batU£, that made a good volunteer to charj a battery, and made a reputation m man of rare and indomitable coi age. oed A D. GALE & SON, LOCAL DENTISTS, BRUNSWICK. - GEORGIA. Parttea having work in tho dental line will And to their interest to call. Office in new Kaiser block over drug* tore of Lloyd k Adania. D.D.Atkinson DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. Office up "taira in Wright’* new building. Jc23 A STORY LIKE THE ABOVE. A veteran speuking of fear in bat tle said: “Many men iniulo discover ies as to themselves in time of battle. On one occasion my file leader, or the man who stood in front of mo iD the ranks, turned and said: ‘If you see me attempt to rim, or if I show the white feuthnr, knock me .down, feel now as though I was going to bolt, and I if I get a chance I will go like lightning. If I start grab me, kick me, pound mo, but don’t let me run.' The fight came on, and the line at the flunks went back and back, and the center began to falter. The man in front of me, the man wbo bad been in front of me, was beside me. As the sweeping Federal line came on ns he said, with ghastly face, 'Let’s meet them half way.' He spraDg for ward with a whoop, and that part of the lino went with him. There was an awkward and furious struggle, but 1n five minutes we wero pursuing the Federols through tho cornfield, und in rare exhilation of spirits the man who bad been afraid that he would bolt was conducting himself after the He told Old Newspapers for Sale* Several tbouauu l olu oxclwngea* aultable for j • „ rapping paper, to put under carpet*, etc., for sale j manner OI ft frOllCSOUie GO". hundred. Apply at Tm3 0FF1CE . j afterwards that ho spent in that corn- ORANT ONCE EXPERIENCED TREPID. On one occasion Grant ackoi edged be experienced trepidation u confronting an enemy. It waf, opening of the war. He writesi j halted at night on the road, find: ceqded the next morning at ai hoar. Harris—the Confederate; aiander—had been encam; creek 1 bottom for the sake 4f ■near water. The hills .on oiff" of the creek extend to con^i height, possibly morn than oi dred feet. As we approi brow of the bill frbm which it • pected we could see Harris' possibly find bis men ready 1)0 meet ns, my heart kepi' higher, until, it felt as thoi in my throat. I wonld ba ; anything’ then to,’ have be Illinois, bat I bad not tho morel cour age to halt and consider wfijfrto, do; I kept right on. When we' 9Mch«d<ai point from whibh/.£ke w Mow was in full view, I halted. -f(ie flac^j where _ Hcrris hafi qneadjMd .a da^s’ before -ueaa ~ marks of a recent encampment plainly visible, but the tioops were gone.. My heart resumed its place. It occurred .to me at once that Harris had beeo ns much afraid of me as had been of him. This was a view of the question I had never taken be' fore; bnt it wns one I never forgot afterwards. From that event to the close of the war I never experienced trepidation upon confronting an on emy.” A recent murder trial in France has caused a great sensation. A man named Beaudoin was shot and killed while asleep in bed by the side of bis wife. Madame Beaudoin declared that she beard no report and did not see the assassin. One Brageul was arrested for the crime. He confessed his guilt bnt claimed that Madame Beaudoin hirer) him to do the deed. She admitted him through a window and then went to bed again. The a8' snssin rested bis gnn across the wom an’s legs in order to take good aim at her hosbund. The blood-stained bed was brought into the courtroom, and the prisoners were compelled to assume the identical positions they occupied at the moment of the murder. The jury found Bragenl guilty, and acquit ted Madame Boandoin. t tit ni irj. When ostriches aro breeding they gloom whjch bovUr ovor^miWy a sor- aro very ^ege,: yet a colay dog will rowing heart. , . tame them completely, and at the We all know how grateful and re- Oapeof Good Hope the doge do the freshing loving words-wordsof. sjm- worU of berding . witb _ eat it patby and apprtiiaHon^rw tp os, A d6g MoDgiog to 0harlea Pottm yet how spanngly |jp of us use 0 f Parker.barg, W Vs., goeeyegnlor- -them; they east bat iitti*, wh, ehoald ly ^ ther&^^ and brings back 3^ «•“**? *^^0 »® tbo " the mail: gets the milk from the milk- “I l V " ' midi’ deify, and has t Perhaps we filiice toolittld value on A. d-Ll'i When twin babies are so very mneb alike that they cannot be so readily distinguished apart, the difficulty can be overcome by slitting the ears of one with u pair of scissors. Another plan is to tattoo a lizzard in the fore head of one baby and an elephant in the forehead of the other. I see yon still keep up the mourn ing decoration for Grant," said a visi tor in tho composing room of a print ing office. “Oh, no,” said the fore man, “that's tlm priuters’ towel.” Actions, looks, words, steps, form the alphabet by which yon mav spell character. what rea wb ll > as “giving is than receiving.” SUB WAS READY FOB HIM. Rutland (Vt.) Herald. A farmer in this coanty wbo was widower, wrote to a lady in an ad joining town, whom he bad never seen, describing bis circumstances fully, and saying to her that if agree able to her be would call at her house The London Field tells of a< pair of ' <*. i IV ui-'ills' l . it at the bank,)59^re6tiy, ‘ .Possesses almost magic A n immenseVfwioun^land^ power i when , spoken in ,*jnoe»ty, Iongibg B ^ iSan Fran . Borne ate apt to Tegsrduae trifles oisco> 8nopp<)d a t a child ufho was fflP expreMons 'df ’sybrtathy and # agoillg h ih,. The' <AHd^' mother ^igbra(^ed the dog, who slunk amaj, brighten itb*i ,}ifo. apd hgpttp tbe ibnt so0n i retvned with a wm, afifl, hearts Jof | friends, and ^pijao ate %*itb reiVfexInvag'tnt capers, lsid’it Strang bashful about WHkg-’those it the feet of IW'ohfld. 9heh it huK- in Ahojn,pwft.,4o W o ,dr 9 le, thdUhey ’ ried to it ^ mi8tr ^ 88 ' Jo^H. p*Bff.or,Belize, N. J., “T*- %(.'tb®y ^osifjot opd( tried breeding, iqneil in an . immense enjoy their talents, andorel happy in wireoage . The (third day after the their bOfabany. Th^- think- one’s femkkrbad ^Hfog.ebe died on own ftmliiy ought td know ( all this the D<18 t. Thechck was greatly dia- without bdn&'tdH.'atod ’ftwt iti would tre88dd; He/draggOd thodead bird WSJIeTWSh words Of com- and l }ar iedlit l i.) M ving on- ‘ they ktb not Olwayt ly t»‘fohg.feofherti new 4>bb-wing ex- ^isspprobaUon and Thisdbne telhithmOd to the to jgive Vifcftt (inpatient and unkind neB tana sat on the fat/ and eventu- W •' ally eacceeded Ah' bringing out a nux***** “asingW bit- brood of tenyoung quaiL The young t^^braih^y.aiiqtiiet ah ^t^re fom- birds- ore n'ot* alivec " Hiw fcf.for a,„wbol9 'ifertttgSS**- , 1 *fcnoe i easts a glooip. oyef ^eashble -m u p . OET ' . M ,^ B “ IKP -., ‘/[io'teeholdrWhile amiiie,dtoj<u(le*aa Whenevsr the sabjeot oLmarrisge j ^ k *]j^fii <Msfcassh4 b> * "pohHo .‘journal, it is and weariest hoar. flowers, springing up along onr dnsty women is a bind road, fall of fresh fragance and bean- 8 re the merest bosb. Certainly there ty, so hind words and gentle acts are extravagant women, bnt their and sweet dispositions make glad the numbers are not near so great as home where peace and blessing dwell, spendthrift men. As a rale women And from the pleasant speech of oro economical, and in nine cases out such homes go out benign influences 0 f tei)i instead of being a burden to which ever widen and bless humanity, their husbands, are the exoot reverse. To be born with a happy disposi- They save more for him than he could tion is an invaluable blessing, and to do f or himself, let him try it ever so nse it in making happy and bright b ard. Comparatively few men who the lives of others is as much better oro j D p 08e88 j 0n 0 f fortunes, could have made their early starts in life If it bad not been for the frugality of their wives. If a man can live off his income, be can live equally as well, if not better, with the same expenditure, if he bad a good wife. And they are» not scarce. Nearly every woman will at once accommodate herself to her circumstunces. Htr ambition to lay in two weeks with hie minister and °P something will cause her hnsband make her his wife, at the same time *° economize, and in a financial, social, giving her numerous references as to a8 * el1 88 8 moral P° ,nt of ™ w ’ ^ bis character, etc He also informed 8,,bur ‘ ‘^“trioas yooug man should her that if she consented to this ar- marr y* rungoment that she need not answer bis letter at all. Hearing nothing I wa8 talking to Maj. Poore the oth- frorn her, at the appointed time be er day in Washington about the death wont to hor borne, fonnd her all ready, of Webster. He bad in his room a and they were made man and wife in large piotnre o( Webater sitting up THE DEATH OF WBBSTBB. few minutes after their first meet- Iike one of the early saints, and ad- ln 8- dressing some twenty persons in terms “Why are yon home so early?” of Christian admonition. Maj. Poore Asked a wife of her bnsband. “Is says that be has always understood the singing school exhibition ont al- that Webster’s last words referred to ready ?” “No, not more than half a drink of brandy which the doctor oat, 1 ” he replied. “Why didn’t yon said he might take if be was alive at stay to the close? Weren’t yon in- a certain boar. The doctor had said terested in the singing ?” “I was an- that be would not recover, and would til a sixteen-year-old boy attempted probably die before that boor, and if to sing ‘Larboard Watch Ahoy.’ Then be lived nt that hoar let him have the thought I would come home, go to stimulant. Webster, it seems, bad bed and try and forget all abont it” heard tho remark, tbongh he was in -*•*-» something of a stupor. When the “Love is blind,” bat it gets along clock came to the time he remarked remarkably well without the aid oi a in plain and emphatic tones, “I still guide. ' live—brandy!’’