Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, December 25, 1885, Image 4

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RUNS WIC & WESTERN iRA.3XiR,OA.D. i&ti * Or ar*l after Sunday, Doc. », 18M, pahmiger trMTi win run ii* foHMMf «* FOK THE WEST, NORTH ASH KOCJH. Mail. Exiirn**. tlrun.wick,rln Uft W ttawam is.45]> 111 • Wngroiw via 11 ft W HP Ml a in wins |i in ,Ta.fc«:ivi|le, vin H, V ft W nr H:00 M lawn m savannnh, vfnS,F*\V. .nr 1:45pin 5:55 a in ninth, rln s, p, sonvlllo, rln H, rwn, rln n ft 1 ■■■■ 7£M«m i»pm Vnycrons, via II ft w Iv in:41ufii loss pm Albany, via lift.\V up iRtOpnt 1:00uni Macon, via0K It. ur 8:10am Atlanta, tin CRU nr IfsMpm ‘HiM fiOBpni ...... 0:50 n 111 Chattanooga, via W ft A Cincinnati"via ciii.Ho . FROM THE WEST, NOIITlt ASD SOUTH. Mall. Exproua, f*.a nut 'Cincinnati, vin l>’in. So Iv .. n,ft |»ul 'CHaur.nooga, via WAX.. .Iv h:M a m Atlanta, via G II It Iv 2:45 p m Macon, vin C It K .Iv ..... «:45 p m Albany, via II AW Iv II:.*) a in lb:47 |* in wavcmiM. via It ft W . .nr 4:2» j> ui :i:SH a in .Incksonville, via n F ft W ar 7:15 iu 7:W a in HavniHiah, vin H F ft W . I .nr 7:4Q p m Savr.nnaii. vin .S V ft W .. »v 7 an am n:i:» p Jacksonville, via 8 F ft W.4v l:l» p m »:W p vVayeroa*. vin B ft W .. ...Iv 4:42 p m 21:55 a ““litowtok, - ~* Brunswick, via 11 ft \V nr 8:16 p iu 7:08 a m ..... Wuycr* [Hunts on hnvannali. Florida ft Wwteru Hail way, Pullman Palace Sleeping and Mann Boudoir cDuffibj iieu'l I’u*m. Agent, A. A. GADDI*, Vice-Prem, and Geu’l Manager F. W. ANGIKIt. • Awt. Gcn'I. PUB-, \|p >n ^ EAST TENNESSEE, Virginia I Georgia R. R. GEORGIA DIVISION. THE TRUE SHOUT LINE NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST! Offers tho traveler speed, comfort and safety,with •olid drains, perfect through car arrangement and positive connections. Pullman Buffet Brewing Boom Sleeping Car Ms COD to Naw York. Condensed Local Passeugor Schedule, on basis Cen tral Standard Time, by which all trains ere run, in effect Novembet S3,1886. Leave Dalton Leave Home.. Anive Leave #*53? MACON ATLANTA... 0:45 a n 11:13 pm 13:86 p iu 3:80 pm 4:00 pm 7:20 p m 7:40 p m 10:05 p*m Spin . S:80pm .11:27 pm .11:83 pm . 2:43 a in Leave 2:5>iam 'Leave Eastnisu 3:05ain Leave JEtHJJ* 8:43 am Arrive DKUN&WICK 11:00 am NOUTUWABD. -Leave llRUNS WICK 8.20 am Leave JE8DP U:06am L-iave Eastman :i:3o p ra Arrive VA *, nv 0:10 p m Leave 6:10 p.hi Arrive . Tr .«. Pt 10:80 p tn Leave llhifipoi ArrfvQ at Rome 1:53 am Arrive at Dalton Jl :20 am “ OHaTTaNOOOA.... 4:65s m All tra|uipcOnm’<-t at Chattanooga, Atlauta, Macon aud Jesop with diverging linen. Nos. 13 and 14 have through Pulliu m Buffet *loop. Ing Cara botwt on Savannah and Now York via Ma con and Atlanta, through coach botweeu Chatta nooga and Jacksonville, and between Muon and 8a rantiiih. Pullman Sleeping Cara Mfcou to Savannah .and Ma<-'.n to J ick-niivilb*. No». 11 and 12 run solid Iwtiweeu J««tip uul Chat- •Xanoog i. mid htiiinrougli sleeper between Atlai and Knoxville, Berth* reserved daya in advance 4:13 p iu 12:20 a in 4:11 a in 0:40 a m 7:00 a in ll:Ift am 12;0l p in ■<:00p rn 4:18 i* 6:40 p rs Trains to and from Ifawkiusvlllo connect at Cochran. Dally except Sunday. 4. W. FRY, ttupt. Uoorgia Division. Atlanta. 4. 4.GRIFFIN, U. W. WWKN-N, A G. P A Atlanta. OeuM Psaa Ag't NEW YORK OBSEEVER, OLDEST AND BEST RELIGIOUS AND SECULAR FAMILY NEWSPAPER A truatworthv i»apec for buidiieea men. it has special department* for farmers, 8timlrt\ * Teachers aud Houaektrpera, The New Yoi-k Observer, FOU188G, © Voliarrie, Will cou’aiu a now and never befuro fcubliahed series of Ireimm* Letter*; regular correspondence from Great Dritnin, France, ii■ rmauy and Italy; Letter* troif mlaal.»n utation* in India, China, Ja> pan, Africa amt*MicrQni-.tia; ordinal art idea from men of influence and kin.wl. d e ot atfnira in differ- «U jiirta this country, miki Mdected article* from ^rihe choicest literary and r<‘Mgi<>ttn publication*, in poetry and pnuu*-. A new volume, containing a Decoml aeries of Ire- BR’.ih L ttora, o sketch of the author, and n review Cf lit* lire ami work, ha* lu eu published. Wo tuTvr tlui year apccwl and attrnetlve in- ducemenUtoaubaeriber* and trieud*. Sample coplt-* fe«**. NEW YORK ORSEUVKU, New York DISSOLUTION NOTICE, The copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned I* this* day d>*.dved by mm uni consent. All accounts will be wttfod or. i ..utn ..'.RIGHT, Nov. 2*.:8*3. JAS.T I.AMBRIOHT. The undcratgtied will continue t*lM^naine«sat the old staud. and reapectfnlly re<|n<-sts a t-outimunce ot the patronage beFtows.7 upon the old Urm. JO*. E. LftJfaC^OHT. The sewing machine busiosas will bo continued y tl^ nnderafgued. who I* agent for the Singer , oil and other aupplies lor sale, also machines repaired. JAS. T. LAMBRIOHT. alnrMers HAEDWABE '<4 >nd 150 Cmgnm, 1(9 ind Ul BA Falluit, -AVANNAH, . GEORGIA. Agricultural Implements, ’AS MILLS. GRAIN CRADLES, AVERTS PLOWS. BRINLY’S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS. hE|l PINS, GRASS RODS RUBBER & LEATHER BELTING. : l RCULAB SAWS, CAIlPENlERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS, GtJNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKL.< AOEXTS FOB FAIBQABK8* Standard Scales, DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER, To,.tb.r with .Mills.of BE«LTBABDWAU *r .1 lb. Mih prl,.,i FALMEB BROTHERS. To Printers. Second-Hand Printing Material for Sale! We liavo on hand a largn amount of vt-iy sorvice. able Hccombliaml printing nmforla!, both of body an»l display type, which wo will sell at very iow prices. Wo can iurni»li im entire ontllt for :i *lx or •even column uowspaper. If you uor-d anything, write to ut about it. T.G MT vf‘Y A SON. Urunswich. Ga. W. E. PORTER, PAINTING And Paper Hanging IN ALL Til K! If HFJANVHEr HARVEY & r. • -DEALERS IN- Fa|c3r and Staple Groceries, Glassware Crocker^, mkhun's new buding, NEWCASTLE STREET, WHERE WILL BE FODHDAK A8SOBTMEHTOF ALL ABTIOLEa USUALLY FOUND IN FIRST-CLASS DBUO8T0BE, SUCH AS &C. Corner Newcastle and F Sts., •V! Binniswick, Greorgia. ' CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMERY &HOILETiARTICLES. 'i; - . f k«. |. . it;ll .tiK-k oi Jam-, .ml Choice Family Crocerlc, .nil sell.. chep ., the bctjgood. ;« be .old. O-iTre “cls e, Trial I are a«re of piwting'yon in prices, ^quality of goods and u will ^ojrf-r de«*-rt 4M. delivery,*- Try ua o: febSl-ly Est^i>lislied. 1866. COOK BE0THBB8 & CO. ©kip Ckand-lerv. Our .loch In thl»Un.l«ovtciwlve.iia complete. Muster* ud owners of reMeli will find It to their Interest to ex.mln.0Bc .tock »nd price, beforo purchMiott elsewhere. Family Groceries! A full and select «tock of Choice Family Grocoriea always on baud, guaranteed fresh,and being direct from first hand wo are enabled to sell at “hard time" price*. FEED, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS At Wholesale and Retail. 'FISHING TATKLE. Everythin# iu this line Iron, a FLY-HOOK to n HARPOON. Rest quality lines of .11 sizes. Ammunition! Ammunition! Ammunition DUD.DING, UP •prltMy For Thirty Days • I will otter Kin I< \ IMi.WNN In HOUSES AN lek TERMS:—One-half cash, balance in <»iuiam!tw years. Apply early to W. II. DURROCQH8, Brnuswick.Ga, Dr. W. B. WRROUHS, land! REAL ESTATE. COLlECTfWC ANS IUAURANCE AGENT, Otfcli/i fur sale 100 of the moat dcalrablo lutsin town, and soute vaiunbli* farim near city, where anything can t o grown ’ Terms raasounhle. Affsrancss:—Mcreh-t.ita' National Dank. Atlanta, Ga.: First Nut'ocsl Dank, Macon, Ga.; Savanna! Rank and Trust Co., savannah. Ca m »y2I ly CALL AND BE SHAVED AT THE Artesian Barber SHOP. STRICTLY FIRS-CLASS Hair work of ail kind* a specialty. Ball guaranteed Shop tn Post Office bnUding. nurSl-ly 4! A SHAW. Propriety. T. O’Comron. Js. T. O’Connor & Co./- ’ INSURANCE AGENTS. FIRE! MARINE! ACCIDENT! REPRESENT HIE STAUNCHEST COMPANIES C? THE WORLD. otfKMy JOE WALLACE, All buaineaK ••ntruftml to me will receive prompt attention. Aut-tion room* on Grant street, next to Warnke. the tailor. uov!6*ly J. Just Received at J. A LARGF AND WELL SELECTED ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, notions, Mis, Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear, ' C . '/ ’ V;.» ‘ Meiis’ aiid Boys’ Hats, Gents’, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes, Crockery, Glass, Tin, Wooden and ^Willow War RE-OPENED TN # *a-Pliy»IclBii’^PreicrIptton»lC«reluK F Compounded. A .hire of paliltc p.trou,go .oliclted. WH.S. SLAIN. Groceries. PRODUCE MEATS, EGGS ^rtie^SiSSmmpeb]Lhlxt. BWOMI- bet illustrated with aplendid •naxavingo. This inher c DOT iittuoraoeu "ivu »jiwuuiw w ■ -u-; -, u publication furnishes a most valuable oncy clopeaia of information which no person should bewithout. The popularity of tho Scntvrmc Asiimci» U ouch that IU circnlntioQ nonrly oqualjth.t oIUl other papers of its class combined. Price. f3-JJa DisconnttoiCluba. Kpldby^all nnwsdealsrs. year. Discount iouiudo. pniu nu uiiwiuww^- MUNN A CO., Publishers, No. 36lRroadway, N. X. tATENTS a ^“"hndThteW; I the Patont Office and have^prepi th couni zVLSO A CHOICE LOT OF csH-saocBsaras. »t» J, j-' ' ' f - ! AN ORDINANCE. «T. 3ST. 3DT3TPIWE, (Successor to J. IJ. Florrid), SHIP ASD MACHINE SMITH, Also ULACK^MITHING is all ns Bbasohes! i Shop on Hay streeL oppoeitt- Ii. 14. Il.-opar. j wha*f. ^». SPENCEE R. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY t, COUNSELOR AT»LAW, Tax Notice. Tun tluu tho city ferteSJ aro pey.Mo a. lollow*: ........ r i Fifrt quertor on or befoi-oCOth day of April, less. BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. J Becoml quarter nu or before ::l,t .lay of July. ls*A. Third quarter on or before 31*t ttay of oat.. Fourth quarter on or befor. Slat -lay of Pee,. IKS!. J. F. si:LUOS. Clerk ami THuat. rt'.B n ii (.inn iv., fttiojit anil iiinke of fence in the city oi BFnuhwick n Co'li- of OrJInKhri-o of sni'l city, ntti! certnin Rules of Council, iituf for other pur poses therein mentioned. S^axibN 1. Be it irihiiiust by the Mayor and f’ounhil'oi the city ot nrnn*wlrfc, and it I* hereby ordafped by authority t,f th»* Kam.% Thut the C'od% of Ordinance* Hint !. , u!«*ac»f Gonncil ot said City, preporrdby a. 15. Mabry in 1hS4, nudor the author), ly of th«* Mavor ami Council, and by them fb|ly ex- amitteu snd a|. t rt.v <», bo and the same »»t Iu»ry''y adopted as tbo Code 6f Ordinancm aud U do* of Council for the city of Brunswick, lo beff force ami t.«ko i-iTcct therein on au after tbo*paa*3ge and publication of thi< onlinnnce. Sue. C. And be it fnrthor ordain* d by tha anthor- ity ato 'osoid, That nil ordinancei uot contained la said ixhW (except the ordinances parsed since the framing of *.i:d cole) bo and the aamo are hereby repealed, to take • ffect ou and utter the i»*sagesnd publication of this ordinance. FaftScd iu Council this the 2d day of September, A. J. CROVATT, Mayor, j Attest: J. F. NELSON. Clerk of Council. C and applications tor pat nited States and forelir - Caveats, Trada-Marks. m— Assignments, and all ptm-- I securing to inventors their rights lathe I United States, Canada, Kn |b»nd, Yrxnce^ I Germany and other foreign countries, prt I pared at short notlco and on nsasernable tonns. I Information as to obtaining patentscheer- llnir r Bi.on _4,ithout .Hiintt-hook.or ^"information sent free. Patents through Munn A Co. aro noticed q irea. i ue well understood by all persona who wUh todU* HiSLS" 1 ‘ Axxmcjat. 881 Broadway, y“«?k Scuktitio REMOVAL! W. P. BOERFLIKGER, The Jeweler, UA8BEM0VEI) TO ULS WAV STORE Hi THE IKLz^iser BlooK Where he invite* hi* Irl.nd. ».'d cn.tora.r. .ml tho genets! public to«x.miuo hi* .tuckol JEWELRY, . Watches, • Etc,, Etc. lieing sold at lor. 4? Whlcu uave just arrived ami prices. Repairs of nil kinds done on abort nolle* and Satisfaction Guaranteed. jflT’Doss'Patent of Stlffenod-Lsck Watchoa tutilr aipocialty. A'holessic and Retail lVaforsiu SADDLES & SAB,HESS, lUBBBli AND Leather belting, y> FBEKCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS. SOLE HARNESS, BBIDLK, AND PATENT LEATH ER. WHIPS AND SADDLERY WARE. BRIDLES, Etc, CITABLE FOR MILL MEN AND TURPENTINE ' ” ’ MANUFACTURERS, A Specialty.. "WRITE FOR PRICES.’ Savannah, Georgia. r