The Bartow tribune. The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1917-1924, April 05, 1917, Image 6

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\Peesee SEMI-PASTE fcjoF&BARII PAINT is by far the most economical and best paint you can use. Simply add one gallon of pure Linseed Oil to one gallon of Pee Gee Semi-Paste and you get two gallons of paint that Lasts Longest Looks Best This enables you to paint all your out-buildings at lowest cost. Pee Gee Semi-Paste Roof and Barn Paint is the best protection against destruction and decay. Ask For Free Color Card. A Fee Gee Finish For Every Pur pose Lumpkin hardware Cos. Cartersville, Ga. Whenever You Need n Genera! Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS EGGS FOR HATCHING From prize winning stock. $1.50 for setting of 15. A. H. HALL Highland Farm. —and STRYCHNINE are the 1 mL I ■ca ingredients that predomi- \ y. . , s |P J stock,raws ination v/ith Black Antimony, Gu/Z-irv tr \AIP Ol F Charcoal, Bicarbonate of Soda U ||;7 I / * jY || genuine medication for sick or ' l=_ good under all conditions, Ai. radioing physician of 25 years’ the theory, that sic!: animals required as serious medication as £>’ Y his preparation some 10 years ago, it did not take long for the |fv ’ th, and other s interested in the care of stock, that his theory was I lor. or rather prescription sprung into immediate popularity; and la IORE THAN TEN THOUSAND DEALERS THE SOUTH & K POWDERS” with cheap “hller” feeds, or condimental powders that SeSft': •n (at to the necessary exterf to make them efficacious) and are me, totally void of any such virtues. fflEyg ‘resting pamphlet on the care of stack and poultry which should be in or poultry raiser. This book explains fully the efficacy of “SOUTHERN jra' ' ! POULTRY POWDERS” and going into the ecological reasons pf M’J owing comparative reasons why certain other ingredients cnstomarilv |§p* hicken remedies lack virtues, and in some instances are positively in- Eg-* equest. The in gredients used in “SOUTHERN STOCK OR POULTRY Pi package, and the virtue ar.d merit of the remedies are positively guar- Rff* 8 r y guar __ 861E1 M gp jj ft Ac* t>. KUJ’SOt AHO rotnc KLMLDT 2 ißPfiw PH STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION AT SAVANNAH. The committee in charge cl the pro gram for the State Sunday School ( •mention. Savannah, May Nth, f)th. 10th, is being congratulated upon its success in securing for the program three of the best Sunday school work s' s in America: .Mr. John L. Alexan der, Chicago, 111., Secondary Division Superintendent of the International Sunday School Association, the world’s greatest teen-age specialist: Miss Xannie Lee Fray-er, Louisville, Ky., Elementary Superintendent of the Kentucky Sunday School Association, v, ho is well known as an author of books on Junior Sunday school work aid also as a lesson writer; Prof. E. O. Excell, Chicago, 111., famous com poser and world's greatest convention chorus leader will have charge of the .music assisted by his pianist, Prof. W. }•'. Erwin, a talented musician. Many of the leading Sunday school workers of Georgia are to speak at the convention, among them are: Mr. T .1. Eagan, Atlanta, president of Georgia Sunday School Association; Dr. E. C. Dargan, Macon, pastor of First Baptist church; Bishop F. F. Reese, Savannah, Bishop cf Georgia for the Episcopal churches; Dr. Plato T. Durham, Atlanta, Dean Candler school of Theology, Emory University; Dr. Joseph Broughton, Atlanta, viee piesident of the Georgia Sunday School Association; Mr. T. M. Furlow, chairman executive committee of the State Sunday School Association; Dr. Marion McH Hull, Atlanta, superin tendent of North Avenue Presbyterian Sunday school, and in all more than sixty of the best Sunday school work ers in the state. Delegates. Every Sunday school in the state is asked to send three delegates besides One 2S-cent package of “SOUTHERN STOCK POWDERS” contains 61 complete feeds. It you were to go to a doctor for this prescription, and then to the druggist to fill it, it would cost you $2.00. Here we have it ready for you, scientifically ccr-snound.-d fcr the small price of 25 cents. ASK VOUR DEALER FOR THE GENUINE “SOUTHERN STOCK FOOD CO’S” remedies AND ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. These remedies are unqualifiedly guaran teed—don t forget that, please. If your dealer can not supply you, write dire t to us, and we will see to it that you are supplied. ' All of the “SOUTHERN STOCK FOOD CO/S** preparations are compounded under the personal supervision of Dr. W. A. Verdier. FOR POULTRY RAISERS .. There is nothing on the market that will keep you chicks in as ‘fit’’ condition, or that *rt>v*rcvi neare r to ma hing hens 100 per cent, efficient as layers, as “SOUTHERN POUL iTu OWDERS.” These powders have all of the virtues thaS ccniiihutc to the best h* 3 *™ an< l laying qualities of your hens, and used regularly and as prescribed will prove the greatest benefit and economy you can pursue in the care of your poultry. Sold by all dealers the South over. A 25-cent package contains 64 complete feeds for 10 head of Hens. SOUTHERN STOCK FOOD COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. WRITE, FOR FREE BOOK o.J££4 ( w S>FOC K ————— itlii i i kti THE BARTOW TRIBUNE-THE CARTERSVILLE NEWS, APRIL 5, 1917. pastor and superintendent who are del gates who are delegates by virtue of their office. The Sunday schools are also requested to elect three alternate delegates who can take the place of i ny delegate who finds it impossible c attend. Trains will be met by the ent< rtninment committee. After reg istering the delegates will he a-signed j entertainment for lodging and break : fast. This arrangement, same as last ; vear, was made because experience j has shown that delegates prefer get ting their own lunches and suppers at 1 town town restaurants near the con j vention clutch. The various railroad-: | or the state have granted a low round trip rate to Savannah on account of the convention. Items of Special Interest. Two afternoons there will be special eonlerences for pastors and superin tendents and for Elementary, Second ary and Adult Division workers, and aBo a lunch and conference for all of ficers of county Sunday School Asso ciations. A Bible class parade has been plan ned for Wednesday afternoon, .May 9. P is expected that a thousand men will he in line. The program committee has arrang ed for a special train to take all del egates who care to go to Tybee Beach, and spend a little while in social in tercourse and recreation on the ocean beach This is planned for Thursdav afternoon, the 10th, so all will be re fieshed and ready for the great climax session the last night. WRmSSBB sum Sail Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxica tion, Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stom ach Sufferers owe their complete re covery to Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ail ments. For sale by M. F. Word and druggists everywhere. For Rent, $15.00 Per Month. No. 800 South Erwin; street. Seven room house. Can give immediate pos session. See or phone W. H. Field at the warehouse. FOR RENT —Six room house, 108 South Bartow St. Can give possession April Ist. R W. Jackson, Phone 3102. TYPHOID FEVER THE PRODUCT OF FILTH. •He died of typhoid fever on the ! Uth of December, 1861.” To be the consort of a queen, to be ! beloved by her people both high and low, 10 be the real but unobserved ad viser of the affairs of an empire, these !are achievements worth while. To be cut off from all of them at the prime age of 42 Dy a wholly preventable dis ease seems wanton. ‘ The good Prince" Wait, consort of Queen Victoria, patron of the arts and sciences, a skillful administrator and an upright i :an was sacrificed <o a filth disease. Typhoid fever is found only in man P is caused by a short rod-shaped mi croscopic vegetable, which enters the body through the mouth and leaves it in human discharges to enter another human mouth to which it is carried by fingers, flies, fluids and food, e>sentially a disease of young adult liie. Older people are less apt to have it probably because they have suffered from an attack of the disease in their youth. Typhoid fever is known bv various names, ‘-slow fever,” ‘‘low fever,” but whatever name it is called by it kills about 8 per cent of those vhem it at tacks. A certain percentage of those who recover become carriers, that is, persons who though well excrete the organisms of the disease ir their dis charges. Carriers are largely responsi ble for the perpetuation of :yphoid fe ver, but the installation vf proper sewer systems which not only take away noxious, wastes but also do not deposit them in some one else's water supply, the abolition of flies, cock roaches, and ether filth insects, the maintenance of a pure food supply, and the intelligent cate of the typhoid patient, these are the measures which will rid us from this disease. LTntii very recently typhoid has been the scourge of armies but now the anti typhoid inoculation has reduced this danger to a minimum. The Prince-Consort was universally mourned. The grief of the queen was deep and lasting and the whole nation sympathized tin the truest sense with her in her sorrow. How many other widows of leas exalted position mourn also because of the rapacity of typhoid fever ? Need a wagon? Let us talk lo you about the MITCHELL line. Ste \Y. 11. Field, Agent. !* CMAt SCC MKHAICE* Al NeW SWans Do Wn Makes the Finest Biscuits TEN cents worth of flour is worth more in nourishment than any food you can eat. There is more energy in a pound of flour than in a pound of meat. Sunshine in field and mill, scientific care and testing, and a perfect process of refining and grading have resulted in this wonderful new Swans Down Flour. Southern Indiana is particularly noted for the fine, soft winter wheat it grows. All Swans Down Flour is made from this wheat with all the excel lence of healthful phosphates and gluten. 'Better Health for I HO BETTER FLOUR MADE l mmi liwi ■ I D- mk Mm I I) i Wmmiw I 24 '-••• XIBS. I] KH * AUT brothers ■ 1 ' c' tf'h |.... „ CARTERSVILLE GROCERY CO., Distributor JCTiwrynos £ss!y sryi/s/i WFAR-FUIL 'y/!/. 5 TH£ Oo y^Fl/P/A'Cr/ SAYS: ''You've Got to Step Around it: a • ■sPfe Jjl Good, Live Circle to Really Ap jnSS AND WHAT STEINBERG SAYS IS SO |i OH j OU can’t sprint after an elusive hap- j i -• piness in a pair of worn out kicks — j j I \ c§c signed, comfortable shoes and then get a IV move on you because everything’s in a STEINBERG’S DRV \GOODS—SHOES—SLIPPERS 14 Wall Phone 322 Cartersville, Ga. Money to Loan At a low rate of interest on farm land and citv •/ property. Jas. M. Smith REAL ESTATE DEALER 22 Wall Street. Phene 118- Your Family Flour of this finer, lighter quality not only assures you delicious biscuits and bread, but also a thoroughly health ful, nutritious food. Perhaps you already know our standard of excellence through Igleheart’s “Self- Rising” Flour made from Swans Do wn—the short-cut to delicious pastries and hot breads. IGLEHEART BROTHERS Evansville, Ind.