The Bartow tribune. The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1917-1924, April 05, 1917, Image 9

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Honey to Lend On good security, Bartow County Farms given preference. Loans will be closed without any delay and rates and terms will be made satisfactory. J. T. MORRIS Opened Under New Management Sanitary Bakery Fresh bread, rolls, pies and cakes baked daily. Birthday and Wedding Cakes a Specialty. GIVE US A TRIAL Telephone 28 Cartersville, Ga. What To Do When Backache Comes On many People Find Quick Re er in Foley Kidney Pills 1 ■ i uacivii\:iio > unites mi, and it •“ as if yon 4-anit stand the min. ■ ii 'ssinj* in yutir back and sides., •t foci that you must keep on ering.tLll it wears itself out. It more apt to wear you out and * riously affect your general health. Oct a bottle of Foley Kidney Pills 1 start taking them at once. They iually help from the very first doses, r backache is one of nature’s danger ignals that your kidneys are not in . .sound and healthy state, that they •e wrong; and when youV kidneys •e wrong, you may be sure you face serious condition. Polcy Kidney Pills have a direct id beneficial action on the kidneys, adder and urinary organs. Their effect is quickly felt in improved kid ney and bladder action, and in the massing away of those painful and alarming symptoms. No more back he, weariness and dragging pains. No more painful, sleepless nights, Having to rise time after time. It will pay V°u to try Foley Kidney Pills promptly, a did Mr. J. W. Etrt.s. R. 2. 'h \a land, CJa., who writes us: “1 suf fered with a terrible backache. Every time I would lean or stoop over to one . T'd-liave avpainful catch in ray l ack just over my kidneys. Just one hex of Foley Kidney Pills entirely re i-IVB DOLLARS DOWN One Doha? - ?r week-will put thjs range in your b- le. We believe it to be a good value. -g— ~ $ ~eme3B3MMl= 1 The firm that appreciates your business. * ’ o. w. jakson & sors SOLD EVERYWHERE /vW’vih . •'• Jfejf \.s# , rpp? ■****%! Mr. J. W. Etris. lieved my backache. It has been some time since I took them, and I have not felt any of the symptoms since.” Foley Kidney Pills are sold every where in 50c-and SI.OO sizes. The SI.OO .size is the more economical buy, as It contains 2 % times as many as the 50c size. THE BARTOW TRIBUNE-THE CARTERSVILLE NEWS. APRIL 5, 1917, LINWOOD (Left over from List week.) Miss Frances Hicks, of AcwoitU, spent the week-end with Mrs. B. P. Curtis, Miss Caroline Jolly and Miss Suiali Fite visited friends and relatives at Oak Grove Saturday and Sunday. Mr. D. E. Chism, president of the Southern Production Cos., of this place, has returned after spending a day or two visiting points of interest north of here. Mr B. P. Curtis, of the Republic Mining Cos., of this place, has returned from an extended trip north and east. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ward spent last Sunday with Mrs. Ward’s father, Mr. Scott Dodd, near Adairsville. Messrs. Manning and Herod have in operation their large saw mill plant in connection with their numerous other enterprises. 40,000 VOICES And Many Are the Voices of Carters ville People. Forty thousand voices—What a yrand chorus! And that’s the number of American men and women, who are publicly praising Doan’s Kidney Pills for relief from backache, kidney and b.adder ills. They say it to friends. They tell it in the home papers. Car tersville people are in this chorus. Here's a Cartersville case: A. W. Franks, Erwin St., Carters ville, says: ‘T suffered greatly with kidney trouble and tried many medi cines without relief. I was advised to try Doan’s Kidney Pills and they gave tie relief.” (Statement given April 7th, 1908.) AFTER A LAPSE OF OVER SIX ) EARS Mr. Franks said: ‘‘l have the same opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills low that I had some years ago. 1 don't suffer from kidney trouble at this time.” Price nOc, at all dealers. Don’t, simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mr. Franks lias twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Milburn Cos., Props., Buffalo, X. Y. —(advt.) IN MEMORIUM. On March 3d, 1917, at 9:30 o’clock, the sweet spirit cf Miss Hannah Adams took its flight, and went home to God who gave it. Miss Hannah spent her early girl hood in and around Pine Log, moving Pom there to Folsom where she has Ince resided. She and her sister, Mis? Lydia, lived alone, and their love foi each other was something pathetic. Miss Hannah was never well, and differed much, but that did not keep her from radiating sunshine, and.good c-heer around her O! How we miss her nd the ever welcome smile she gave every one. Their home was a home of many visitors- for one always fell wel come there. „ She was conscious to the last, and talked beautifully of the sweet rest and relief from pain, and said she was ■Mad to go. We can truly say of her, “HU ed are the dead, who die in the .Lord.” Rev. Hudson and Rev. Smith con ducted The funeral , services at he 1 time, and a large crowd was present,, despite the inclement weather. They oaid a high tribute of respect to hdr loyalty to her church and her high t hristian character. She was laid to rest beside her her mother ar.d' other loved ore?, at Pine Log, on March nth to await the coming of her Lord. 'Dear friend thou hast left us Here, thy less we deeply feel. But ’tis God who has bereft us; Ho can all our sorrows heal.’’ A FRIEND. TRY “CASCARETS” FOR LIVER AND BOWELS IF SICK OR BILIOUS Tonight! Clean Your Bowels and Stop Headache, Colds, Sour Stomach. Get a 10-cent box now. Turn the rascals out the head-ache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and had colds- —turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cas es rets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liter, clogged bowels, or an upset stomach. Don’t put in another day c! distress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour, fermenting lood: take the excess liile from your liver and carry out all the constipated v-aste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight straightens you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any' drug store means a clear head, sweet stom ach and clean, healthy liver and bow el action for months. Children .ove Cascarets because thev never gripe or sicken.—(advt.) TRIBUTE OF RESPECT, Miss Estelle Wilson, daughter of Mr. Jessie Wilson, died at her home in Bartow county, Friday, March 211, and her remains were laid to rest in' Mt. ( armel cemetery in Cherokee count\, Sunday. Rev. Ingram conduct ed the funeral services. idiss Wilson s survived by her father: five brothers, Messrs. Jim, Oscar and Otis Wilson, of Covington, K.v.; Messrs. Lee and John Wilson, of Bartow county ; two sisters, Miss Lucy W ilson ami Mrs, John Abernathy; be sides a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her death. Miss Estelle was filteen years of age and was a favorite among her friends and playmates. She will be sadly miss ed by all. She was sick but a very short time. She was stricken with pneumonia Thursday morning and died Friday. And as our blessed Savior said of Lazereth to his sister, your loved one is not dead but sleepeth, and will awake at that glorious resurrection tuorn, and will. I'm sure, be among the most precious jewels. A FRIEND. For Rent, Barn. Well located for sale stable, corner of Leake and Erwin streets, in the heart of the cotton market. With slight changes this barn could be used for other purposes. See or phone W. H. Field at the warehouse. Your responsibility to your children does not end with your death. The Prudential Monthly Income Policy enables you to provide steady, unfailing support for wife and family after you are gone. Ask me about it. It is my busi ness to help you—let me do it I. B. HOWARD, Agent, Cartersville, Ga. Mascot Range Here Is a Range So Good We Say TRY IT AT OUR RISK ”*** ~~ LLI .. ... jj ■■ j i j ,'&<*>.'•. " Ww. j 'f •'' ■ ->>:■ ■ { ___ ! ,■ AWc Ip '' h ' ' ~ ATCO S TORES CO. “THAT COTTON MILL STORE ’ Retailers of F.verything and Buyers of Produce We are the only distributors of this Range in this territory. Every Little Saved Helps YOU can save a little piece of every dollar you make by buying your Groceries and Feed Stuff from the Bartow Gro cery Company. Call and see us; we appreciate your business. Bartow Grocery Cos. 22 Wall Street. Next door to Home Savings Bank Phone 118. Cartersville, Ga. THE PRUDENTIAL Insurance Company of America Home Office, NEWARK, N. J. If you could try out any Ordinary Good Range for a week in your own kitchen and then tryout the MAS COT tor one week, you'd find such a differ ence and distinction in favor of the MASCOT that you wouldn’t give the ordinary range a second thought. * We know the MASCOT will give you greater service, 'doing your baking and cook ing much better, and last Ang er—but you, yourself, don’t know this, so that’s why we make this remarkable SPECIAL OFFER Order a MASCOT, put it Tin your kitchen. Try it out thoroughly on your baking and cooking. If it doesn’t prove better than any range you have ever used, and you decide within thirty days you don ’t want to keep it, notify us and every cent will be refunded. Could anything be more fairt