The Bartow tribune. The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1917-1924, April 26, 1917, Image 12

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B. Y. P. U. PROGRAM OF EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH. j GROUP NO. 1. , Leader —Miss Minnie Spence. , Scripture reading. . Prayer. Introduction—By Leader. Duet—Hassie Dalton and Myrtie Burdette. “To the Uttermost Part of Geogra phically Considered - ’ —Hassie Dalton and Daisie Cope. “To the Uttermost Part Racially Considered” —Ada Heath and Myrtie Burdette. “To the Uttermost Part Considered in the Light of the Monetary Cost” — Mr. Geo. Adams. "To the Uttermost Part —the De mand for Sacriflcal Self-giving - ' Audrie Daniel. “To the Uttermost Part —Our Per sonal Obligation”—Paul McEver. ‘‘A Story of the Christdike Devo tion” —Cora Kitchens. Song—“ Have Thine Own Way Lord.” MOLLIE BURDETTE, Cor. Sec. MR. WORD AS A MAN. The Bartow Tribune-The Cartersville News, Cartersville, Ga. D<ar Mr. Editor: Having just read a card from Mr. M. F Word in last weeks Tribune- News on his retiring from business calls for expression from numbers who know' the man and can appreciate the sweet spirit within. After years in business with its many disappointments as they come Deafness Cannot Be Cureck, by l<*cal applications, as they cannot reach tin diseased ixjrtlon of the ear. There is only <>n< way to cure deafness, anti that is by const it utiori al remedies. Deafness is caused by *ra inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Knstaehiat Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have 8 rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and wber it Is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its norma! condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing hut an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be rured by Hall’s Catarrh Curt . Send for circu Jars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. gold by Druggists, 750. • Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation- TONOLINE IS BEAUTY AID, ANNOUNCES SPECIALIST Mildred Louise Talk of Interest to Women. As health is a first aid to beauty this story, told by Mildred Louise, beauty specialist, of Boston, Mass., is of unusual interest. “I can recommend no better health giver than tonoline,” said Mildred Louise. “I was for many nlontlis a victim of stomach trouble and nervousness. I had suffered terribly from pains that followed eating. Headache also would add to my worries. Poor digestion fin ally brought on nervousness. “Relief came, however, when I took the advice of several women who said, “Take tonoline.” ‘‘Not long after I started the tonoline treatment, my patrons began to re mind me of the improvement in my condition. And because health is the quickest way to beauty, the improve ment was particularly noticable in my face. “What tonoline really did for me I cannot say. I am so grateful that I am very willing to recommend tonoline publicly.” Tonoline is a purely vegetable prep aration which goes to the seat of com mon maladies—stomach and kidney trouble, catarrhal affections of the mucous membranes, liver ailments and impurities of the blood—and quickly restores proper action. Tono line is being explained daily to many people at your druggist. Notice:—As tonoline is a wonderful flesh builder it should not be taken by any one not wishing to increase his weight ten pounds or more. Although many reports are received from those who have been benefitted by tonoline In severe cases of stomach trouble and nervous dyspepsia, chronic constitu tion, etc. —soc BOX FREE FREE TONOLINE COUPON AMERICAN PROPRIETORY CO., • Boston, Mass. Send me by return mail a 50c box of your celebrated flesh builder. I enclose 10c to help pay postage and packing.—(advD MILDREDINA HAIR REMEDY NEVER FAILS To restore gray hair to its natural color and beauty. No matter how old and faded your hair looks, or how long you have been gray, it will work win ders for you, keep you looking young, promote a luxuriant growth of health hair, stop its falling out and p n si ly remove dandruff. Will not sell skin or linen. Will not injure your hair. Is not a dye. Refuse all substitutes; 50c a bott’e at druggists. FREE. We will send a large t-ial bottle Free by return mail, to anvone who sends this Coupon to American Proprietary Cos., Boston, Mass., with their riw and address and 10 cents 1“ silver ;o pay postage. —(advt.) to all, finds him still thoughtful of ev ery one who may have contributed in any way to his success; and solicitous for the best things to those who are to follow. I believe his benediction will bear fruit and the new firm receives a rich legacy from the past straightforward business dealings of this house that will be lasting. C A. D. A CHILD HATES OIL. CALOMEL, PILLS FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Give “California Syrup of Figs” if Cross, Sick, Feverish, Constipated, Look back at your childhood days. Remember the “dose” mother insisted on—castor oil, calomel, cathartics. I low - you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With out children it's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don’t realize what they do. The children’s revolt is well-found ed. Their tender little “insides” are injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and b >wels need cleansing, give only deli cious “California Syrup of Figs.” Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless “fruit laxative ’ handy; they know children J. W. VAUGHAN & CO. ■ f - f AM - ' V \ \\ f f \ --t*\ Mail and Phone Orders will receive our careful attention. State size and price of dress desired. THE BARTOW TRIBUNE-THE CARTERSVILLE NEWS, APRIL 2, 1917. love 'to take It; (hat it never fails to c!>.au the liver and bowels and sweet en the stomach, and that a teaspoon ful giv. n today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tb of ‘‘California Syrup of Figs,” which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups plainly on eaeh bottle. Beware of coun terfeit., sold here. See that It is made b; “California Fig Syrup Company.” Refuse any other kind with contempt. —fadvt.) StomachJp. Gernp^|j|jj^ Cne Dose of Mayr’s Wonderful Rem edy Drives Them Out—End Torture. j Stomach poisons breed millions of germs that eat into your vitals, caus ing Gas Pressure, Indigestion, Consti pation, Torpid Liver, Auto-lntoxica tion, Yellow Jaundice, Gall Stones, , Appendicitis, Cancer and Ulcers of the Sale of Practical Wash Dresses D A O M AM Ihe Tamed-for-Fit" „ , Dresses of Many Uses Electric Brand - FRIDAY we start a 4 days sale of these dainty House Dresses of wonderful fit Scores of delightfully stylish models to choose from in fine Percales, Ginghams, Chambrays and other high grade cotton fabrics of pleasing colors and patterns that will wash without fading if launder ing directions are followed. For Kitchen, Parlor, Porch or Street Wear SI.OO -UR TO 2.50 ==SIZES 34 TO 40= = We Guarantee That These Dresses Will Fit All Women Perfectly. Women of stout and oddly proportioned figures can be fitted as accurately as women of the most perfect proportions. Self-conforming, adjustable waist bands on many of these dresses make this faultless fitting possible. Two Other Great Features Exclusive to These Dresses: The Adjustable Hem The skirt-bottoms of]Barmon Dresses are finished with adjustable hems. If the skirt requires lengthening, merely pull a thread. No riping of reams or restitching^necessary. These dresses will not be shown until Friday morn ing, and then for four days will be displayed on front tables, where you can pick and choose easily, so we advise you come Friday, if not Friday, be sure to come Saturday, f impossible to come either day, then just drop everything else and come Monday or Tuesday. J. W. Vaughan & Company Mrs. Chester Ogden, of Roanoke, Va,, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W S. Peebles. Wanted=Second hand grain bags in good condition-W.H. Field. Stomach and Intestines, etc., etc. Thousands of sufferers have been re stored by Mayr’s Wondeful Remedy, among them Justice of the Supreme Court, Congressmen, Doctors, Lawyers, Packers, Ministers, Nurses, Farmers, Mechanics —persons of every class — probably your own neighbors. Stom ach troubles are due mostly to catar rhal poison. Mayr’s Wpnderful Rem edy removes that poison, thoroughly cleanses the system, drives out the disease breeding germs, allays inflam mation and ends suffering. Unlike any other remedy. No alcohol —nothing to injure you. One does convinces. FREE l ook on Stomach Ailments. Write Geo. H Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, Chicago, or ob tain a bottle of Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy from Young Bros. Drug Cos. or any reliable druggist, who will return your money if it fails. —(advt.) 500 Bushels of Cow Peas AT COST. Wishing to contribute and encourage as far as w e can, in the movement for increased food production the undersigned has been able (with much difficulty) to contract and secure about 500 bushels of Field Peas that we are glad to place in the hands of the tenant and farmer, for planting and gathering, at actual cost. These peas are stored in McGinnis Warehouse and can be had on the following terms: That they be planted, cultivated and gathered this fall; at $2.85 per bushel spot cash at time of delivery or same price with an approved note at 5 percent inter est; or payment in peas this fall at market price. There is no question or doubt about the reserve of all food products being short, with a greater demand for all that can be raised this year at attractive prices. We are not suggesting or dictating, but offering to the farmers of this section our co-operation in any way that we may meet an alarming situation. And in that invite their calling upon us. AMERICAN TEXTILE CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BANK OF CARTERSVILLE HOME SAVINGS BANK KNIGHT MERCANTILE CO. LUMPKIN HARDWARE CO. The Double-Wear Under-Arm Shields. Every dress shows its first signs of wear beneath the arms. This is especially so of wash dresses. Barmon Dresses have Under arm Shields that double the life of the gar ments at these points. PLANTERS SUPPLY CO. J. W. VAUGHAN & CO. McGinnis warehouse co. L. F. SHAW & SONS CO. FLEMISTER GROCERY CO. CARTERSVILLE GROCERY CO ' We agree to replace any Dress Free of Charge that proves defective in work manship or material.