The Bartow tribune. The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1917-1924, July 12, 1917, Image 5

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Edited by EUNICE GINN Picture Show Party. Mrs. J. B. Howard was hostess at the Dixie jm Monday to see- Madam Bernhardt in “Mothers of France” in honor of her sister, Mrs, Henry Cod ing, of Columbia, S. C. At the conclus ion of the picture an ice course and punch were served at the home of Mrs. Howard and assisting in sewing were Misses Caroline and Mary Lou \oung and Harriett and Octavia How ard. Those invited were Mesdames Hen ry Coding, G. H. Aubrey, Stella Brum by, Will Young, Frank Hammond, Robert Munford, Horace Howard and her guest Miss Mary Cabinnas; Mes dames P. C. Flemister, Beu Gilreath, Bd Strickland, Jr., Stewart Lumpkin, ;<im Jackson, Lee Womelsdorf, Harry Womelsdorf, George Brooke, Lila Morgan, W. M. McCafferty, J. A. Mil ler, Sam Howell, Rockwell Johnson, Conyers Fite, A. B. Cunyus and her guest Miss Sara Brady and Miss Christine Lumpkin. Dr. and Mrs. H. P. McElreath and children will leave Monday for a week’s camp at Cohutta Springs. I Have Bought for yon 2160 Mason Fruit Jars, 1000 Jelly Glasses, 1700 Mason Jar Tops, To can your fruit and vegetables. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. Matthews. Exclusive agents for Votan line. rsi^^^ifflrsi ;■ -■4 i | | '^ll ill 'n„■:■/,S REPAIRING IS THE IJJ f MANLY BROTHERS"! Lbi ■*-..—WWWmm———mJ Deli^htfuLA, g Gift of All % UH There is no more appropriate and pleas ijfll ing remembrance than a ring. It has a HI personal touch and carries with it a ViV\ II Bentiment that no other gift does. It is ever l present, ever remembered and lasts for years. W-W-W Rings | ( tan are designed by artists of rare ability. Their designs and workmanship stand out JJIJ Every W-W-W Ring is a safe purchase because the f/IJI stones are guaranteed secure. If at any time a stone //'if >NXS. comes out or is broken we will replace it and / S 'wSS. reset it without any charge whatever. / /m W-W-W Rings come in all prices j/f/w ranging from $3 to sls and even higher. Come in and see them today. I F. M. RADEBAUGH I JEWELER library notes. The Road To Understanding.” Though perhaps "The Road To Un derstanding” is not equal to "Just David’ by Elanor H. Porter, still it has merits of its own* The first chai>- ters of the story jars and yet those jars are necessary for the unfolding ot the plot that gradually erases the unpleasant elements and smoothes out tangles until the whole is a beau tiful lesson. The characters are strong and force ful, leaving a vivid impression on our memory. Helen with her narrowness and selfishness wins our applause and admiration as the years roll by and she changes her disposition by study, work and her will power to be other wise, into "a perfect woman nobly planned to warn, to comfort and com mand.” \ Betty we love at sight, just as the Petty hungry father did—dvhom years of separation has modified from a stern and uncompromising individual to a whole hearted, sympathetic gen tleman. The Road To Understanding is a story with a message and that mes- THE BARTOW TRIBUNE-THE CARTERSVILLE NEWS, JULY 12. 1917. WOMAN’S PAGE sage is to face our difficulties on an open plane with broad views and not merely from a Selfish standpoint and in the end true love will find a way. KINGSTON CLUB. The Woman s History Club met at the home of Mrs. Nellie Abston on June 28. Beside the members several visitors were present. The president, Miss Bell Bayless, ! : ( sided and the roll call was respond ed to by quotations. The literary pro gram was omitted and new officers foi the coming year- were elected as follows: President, .Miss Bell liayless; vice-president, Mrs. Emma Dodd: re cording secretary, Mrs. Grace Hender son; treasurer, Mrs. #essa Blackmon: press correspondent, Miss Leila Dar deif The committee on Red Cross made a splendid report of the work which vas begun in April. At the conclusion of the meeting an ice course was served and assisting the#hostess in setwing were Misses Etta Barrett, Annie Jolly and Odel Branson. Supper at Mosteller Spring. Mrs. M. O. Maxwell chaperoned a party of young jteople to Mosteller spring Sunday everting in compliment to Miss Amy Silks, of Savannah, the guest of Miss Leo Upshaw. Supper was spread on the rocks near the spring and afterward? the party motored to White for church. Those invited were: Misses Amy Silks, Cleo Maxwell, B. Roberts, Maxie 'Collins, Vera Adair, Verdah Maxwell, Era Mae Henson, Hattie Bell, Virginia Garrison, Mrs. W. B. Reese and Mrs. M. O. Maxwell, Messrs. Frank Bradford, Murry Upshaw, Robt. Bell, John Lowe, Mack Bradford. Frank Woodall and Troy Upshaw . U. D. C. The Bartow Chapter U. D. C. met Tuesday afternoon of last week with Mrs. J. A. Monfort. The delegates to the Washington convention told inter estingly of their trip. The U. D. C. Chapter, desiring to give practical aid to our soldiers, passed a resolution offering the ser vices of the Chapter in co-operating with the local Red Cross movement. At the close of the meeting a social hour followed and an Ice course was served by Vlis. Monfort assisted by her daughter, Miss Guill. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Marion Greene the first Tuesday in August. Miss Elsie Puckett is visiting friends | and relatives at Jefferson, Ga. 'a child gets cross, SICK AND FEVERISH WHEN CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If Tongue is Coated Clean Little Liver and Bowels. If your little one’s tongue is coated, it is a sure sign the stomach, liver end bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When your child is cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn’t sleep, eat or act naturally; if breath is bad, stomach sour, system full of cold, throat or if feverish, give a teaspoonful of “California Syrup of Figs,’’ and in a few hours all the clog ged-up, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn’t be coaxed to ; take this harmless “fruit laxative.” ; Millions of mothers keep it handy be | cause they know its action on the ' stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a little giv* ! en today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot -1 tie of “'California Syrup of Figs,” which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups ' plainly on the bottle. Reware of coun ; terfeits sold here. Get the genuine : made by “California Fig Syrup Com- j pany.”—(advt.) LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER Girls! Mke This Cheap Beauty Lo tior. to Clear and Whiten Your S u !.-.. Squeeze the of two lemons in to a ,ottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and lotion, and complexion beau tifter, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store cr toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fra grant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freck les ami blemishes disappear and how ! clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless.—(advt.) PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. Cel Moon and two young daughters, of Palmetto, Ela., v ere the guests last week of Misses Kate and Lou HilH enroute in their car to Mississippi where they will visit -Mrs. Moon’s father, Mr. John Flem ming. • * Miss Mary Cabinnas, of Forsyth, is the guest of Mrs. Horace Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Trippe and children, of Florida, are the guests of Mrs. Milner. Mrs. A. W. Parham and Miss Lyda Parham, of Gainesville, Ga., are guest i of Mrs. C. C. Vaughan. Col. C. D. MoGregory, of Dallas, Ga„ was the guest of Mrs. G. A. Bell Sun day. Mrs. Ophelia Montgomery returned to her home in Atlanta Sunday after spending several weeks with her sis ter, Mrs. John Hill, and other relatives in and around Cartersville. Miss Gertrude Bruce and Mr. John G’bby were quietly married July Ist at the home of Rev. L. G. Hames. They have scores of friends who wish them all happiness. Mr. E. T. Parham, of Griffin, Ga,, spent a few days with relatives in the city this week. Miss Roslyn Wheeler is spending this week with relatives in Marietta. Miss Ola May Manly is visiting rel atives at Buford, Ga. Miss Sara Brady, of Madison, is the guest of Mrs. A. B. Cunyus. Mr. Robert Cunyus, of Louisana, is visiting relatives. Mr *nd Mrs. L. .1. Allen and son were week-end guests of Mrs. Keith. Mrs. Robert Cheney and daughter, Fatsy, of Macon, are guests of Mrs. j Ernest Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brown an- 1 nounce the birth of a daughter, Mat- j tha Peek, on July 9th. Mr. Eugene Harris, of Atlanta, was the guest Friday of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cunyus. Mrs. Warren Hendricks is visiting her son, Rev. Lindsay Hendricks, in Summerville. Misses Dorothy and Lucy Cunyus return Saturday frpnt a three weeks’ visit to their aunt, Mrs. Harvey Hen derson,* in Charlotte, C. : v Mrs. Rockwell Johnson and young daughter, of Atlanta, are guests of her mother, Mrs. Henry Harvey. LECTURE AT WHITE. Rev. John G. Logan will lecture at the Methodist church at White, Fri day evening, July 13, at eight o’clock. Mrs. A. B. Cunyus will sing and the public is cordially invited. YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN; Cincinnati Authority Tells How to Dry Up a Corn or Callus so it Lifts off With Fingers. You corn-pestered men and women nded suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cinciunati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it. can be lifted out, root and all. without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, and will posi tively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is Inexpensive and is said not to irri tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn’t any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time.—(advt.) In the District Court of the United States, For the Northern District of Georgia. In re- James T. McClure, Bankrupt. No. 839 In Bankruptcy. A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by above named bankrupt and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on August 11th, 1917 at ten o clock A. M. at the United States District Court room, in the city of Atlanta, -Georgia, notice is hereby giAen to all creditors and other per sons in interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted. O. C. FULLER, Clerk. By j. C. PRTXTUP. Deputy Clerk. THE BEST TEST Is the Test of Time. Years ago this Cartersville resident told of good results from using Doan’s Kidney Tills. Now O. R. McElroy, car penter, of N. Gilmer St., confirms the former statement—says there has been no return of the trouble. Can Cartersville people ask for more con vincing testimony? Mr. MoElroy says: “The trouble I had, 1 believe was brought on by straining myself at my work or by exitosure. The kidney secretions pass ed too frequently and were very an noying. My back has been none too strong at times and has pained me. I hare taken Doan’s Kidney Pills ■> these troubles and I am glad to say that they have done me so much good that for some time I have been free from any sign of the disease.” (State ment. given February 4. 1911.1 OVER THREE YEARS LATER Mr McElroy said: “Though my work is hard on my hack, 1 have had no re turn of kidney trouble.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mr. McElroy has twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Milbmn Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.—(advt.) ALWAYS IN THE LEAD DIXIE THEATRE K. W. GOITLI), Mgr. Phone 41 I Cartersville, Ga. Monday, July 16th WE PRESENT Muriel Ostreche and Arthur Ashley o, —lN— “Moral Courage” A DRAMA. Tuesday, July 17th We Present * •• vj* *if House Peters and Kathleen William** —IN— “THE HIGHWAY OF HOPE” By Willard Mack. Wednesday, July IBth We Present Bdith Storey and An tonio Moreno IN “Capt.of the Gray Horse Troop” A DRAMA. „ Thursday, July 19th We Present Pauline Frederick —IN— “Her Better Self” By Margaret Turnbull Admission 5 and 15c. Friday, July 20th We Present Norma Talmadife ’ L -IN- Jtv “Panthia” By Cynthia Stocklay Pietograpb, a magazine of the screen. Admission 5 and 15c. Saturday, duly 2!t We Present Roscoe Arbuckle in “The Rough House” His newest and laiesi comedy p- Ora Corew and Joe Belmont in “Her Circus Knight” A COMEDY Latest War Pictures ADMISSION 10c TO ALL. LAND TO LEASE We have 250 acres of fine land on farm seven miles west of Cartersville on which the timber has been cut, that we want to have cleared. We are willing to furnish houses and give two free crops to have this put into cul tivation. Also giving whatever timber that is left on the land. Write T. J. Lyon, 46-50 West Alabama street, Atlan ta, Ga. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malariaientiches the blood,and builds up the sys tern. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. Telephones 3605 or 3<j AN APARTMENT FOR RErf;i Three rooms and private bath, gas, electric lights and screens. Henry Harvey, Phone 360, 221 N m Erwin Street. ♦ IX)ST —A Masonic watch eh 1 with comipass and squire on sides. The finder will,he liberally! J warded if returned or for informal <1 John R. Young, Real Estate and S 1 tal Agent. | Choicest cuts \|| in Town Displayed - freshest y/ meats ARE HERE THE CHOICEST CUTS Of meats that ever graced a butchtj block await your inspection in tf shop. The freshness of our stock' assured by the quantity of meat f sell. We're bound that you should pleased and you will be. L. F. Shaw & Sons C TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE I OR NASTY CALOMI Your Liver Without Maki You Sick and Can Not Salivate. Every druggist in town—yo druggist and everybody’s drugg has noticed a great falling-off in t sale of caloiriel. They all give t same reason. Dodson’s Liver Tone taking Us place. “Calomel is dangerous and peop know it, while Dodson’s Liver To is perfectly safe and gives better r suits,” saiJ a prominent local dru gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is persa ally guaranteed by every druggi who sells it. A Jnrge bottle CQsts cents, and if it fails to give easy r lief in every case of liver sluggisl ness and constipation, you have on to ask for your money back. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a plcasan tasting, purely vegetable remed harmless to both children and adult Take a spoonful at night and wal up feeling fine, no biliousness, sk headache, acid stomach or const pated bowels. Tt doesn’t gripe t came inconvenience all the next da like violent calomel. Take a dose < calomel today and tomorrow yo feel weak, sick and nauseate Don’t lose a day’s worjkl Take Doc son's Liver Tone instead and fe< fine, full of vigor and ambition. FREE OF CHARGE . Wljy suffer with Indigestion, dy|l pspsia, torpid liver, constipation, soub stomach, coming ug of food after ea ing, etc., when you can get a aampl| bottle of Green’s August Flower fre at Young Bros. Drug Cos. This med cine has remarkable curative proper, ties, and has demonstrated its effl< lency by fifty years of success. Heat ; aches are often caused by a disorders stomach. August Flower jk put up in 25 an 75 cent bottles. For S?!? by all dealers in civilized countries. —(advt.) l Free il \ “The Modern Method of Decorating Walls” This illustrated book, gives full information and practical sug gestions of the latest and best ideas on the decoration of in terior walls and ceilings. It shows a number of rooms In colors designed by leading art ists, giving exact specifications for obtaining harmonious color effects with Flalkoa}! 1 “ The Modern, Durable Sani tary Fiat Oil Finish.” It cornea In white and 24 deep, rich velvety colors which do not fade. Ask for free book or write for it to Peaslee-Gaalbert Co.,lnc.,Louisville, Ky. i- *-*-——* Lumpkin Hardware Cos. - Cartersville, Ga.