The Bartow tribune. The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1917-1924, August 23, 1917, Image 7

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Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman’s tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: "I had a general breaking-down 0 f my health. I was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. 1 had such a weakness and dizziness, ... and the pains were very severe. A friend to and i” e 1 had tried every thing else, why not Cardui?.. .1 did, and soon saw it was helping me ... After 12 bottles, 1 am strong and well.” TAKE Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women who suffered—it should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists J. 7 gQR SALE— 1 splen did pair work mules, nth wagon and har- ■ S W. H. FIELD. ■l Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA- HbR'iMU QI'ININK is better than ordinary and does not cause nervousness nor in head. Remember the full name and ■dt 1 r the signature of K. W. GROVE- 30c. I “Co-operators!” f 1 I There are three parties to each of vour telephone connections: you , the > j operator, and the party you call. wlHi All three must (co-operate to insure * i the highest quality of service. YOU co-operate for good service when you look in the book first and j rnake sure you call the right number. I THE OPERATOR co-operates by j I sving you the desired connection quick j ly, accurately and courteously. I THE PARTY CALLED co-oper- Ii stes by answering his telephone bell I Promptly. ; ■Bg| A/ I ALL CO-OPERATE for good I Service by speaking clearly and distinct- I - T ’ an d by practicing telephone courtesy j | under all conditions. IpOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE s]lj\ TELEGRAPH COMPANY MRS. PYRON CITES A PATHETIC SITUATION. August 15, 1917. |To The Bartow Tribune : Some years ago 1 heard a prominent speaker say to an audience of several thousand people, A case of typhoid fe\ er in a town or county is a disgrace to that town or county.” Since that time i have learned to know’ the truth of his statement, and, being true, it seems to me our town and county are many times disgraced, but doubly so because in many cases w r e are doing so little to prevent the spreading of this most dreaded dis ease. In town it is bad enough, but con ditions in the country are many times worse. In five miles of Cartersville there is a family of six children, a father and a step-mother. More than a month ago one of the girls (about 11 years old) was stricken with fever. She was very sick for sometime. She was sick on a bed without sheets and she had no gowms and no nourishment, only the butter milk procured from neigh bors which could not be kept cool enough to be palatable. Just as she was getting better the main stay of the family for work, a girl 14, a little girl 4 and a boy (5 were all stricken down with fever and because the mother of the home was not well the little girl just getting w r ell of fever has most of the work to do and is hardly able to drag around. The little boy in trying to get up out of the bed was so weak he fell and almost put out his eye. These children are laying on dirty mattresses, 2 of them in one bed, the little boy on a cot. They have no gowns, Jip sheets and no nourishment, only as the neighbors give them milk. One of our faithful physicians visits them but they are not able to buy me 1 - icine. The father of the family has been sick almost a year apd is unable men tally and physically to make a living even when the family are all well. This, with many other cases where there is typhoid fever is one where there is great need. T some times wonder if us Christian people really understand why Jesus said, Depart ye cursed to some mem bers of the church and come ye bless ed to others. Respectfully, ANNIE JONES PYRON. FOR RENT—After September Ist, one good eight room house on South Erwin Street, with all conveniences. Apply to Buck Patterson at Young B*os. Drug Store. WANTED—To sell my 6 cylinder, 7 passenger, 60 horse Cole automobile or will trade for small farm or city property. Machine cost $2,850.00 and has been run less than 5,000 miles. Good as new. This machine Is for sale at a real bargain. W. H. Field. THE BARTOW TRIBUNE-THE CARTERSVILLE NEWS, AUGUST 23, 1917. WHEAT GROWING FOR SOUTHEASTERN STATES. Washington, D. C., August 20. —To assist in carrying out the'program for a billion bushel wheat crop in the l lilted States Department of Agricul- Uire has just issued the first of a ser ies of practical emergency bulletins embodying constructive suggestions for wheat growing in the various sec tions of the country. The bulletin, "Wheat Growing in the Southeastern States,” is devoted to a discussion oi wheat production in Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Geor gia and South Carolina. In the program recently adopted by the department it is suggested that these states can easily increase their wheat acreages in proportions ranging from 12 to 455 per cent. North Caro lina, in which in 1916 wheat was seed ed on 1,053,000 acres, should find it possible without serious modification of its farming system to seed during the coming season 1,180,000 acres. The acreage figures for 1916 production and for the proposed production in 1917 for the other five states are as follows: Acreage Seeded in 1916 South Carolina 238,000 Georgia .393,000 Tennessee 900,000 Alabama ...133.000 Mississippi 18,000 Proposed Acreage for 1917 South Carolina 325,000 Georgia 786,000 Tennessee 1,080,000 Alabama 200,000 Mississippi 100,000 The bulletin treats of the cost of production and yield per acre, soils, fertilizers, rotations, preparation of the seed bed, sowing the seed, varie ties, protection from diseases and insect pests, and the management and harvesting of the crop. Specialists who prepared the bulletin believe that if more attention is given by southern farmers to the production of wheat, the wheat crop may become as valu able in certain sections of the south as in any part of the country. A large edition of the bulletin has been printed for distribution aniong the farmers of the states concerned. Copies will be sent free on applica tion to the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. done got so high IN CARTERSVILLE. A whole lot of people about here are complaining about the high price of everything in Cartersville, and some go so far as to say that prices are higher in Cartersville than else where. Whether that be true or not, there is certainly one class of people in Bartow county that are not paying the high prices for what they buy that other people are paying. That particular Tflass of people right now are only paying 75c each for the 72x90 bleached bed sheets that others are paying SI.OO for and they don t pay but $1.25 for the largest $1.50 bed spreads, and they pay only 50c for 75c dress shirts that sold two years ago at 50c, and they are only paying 10c each for large huck and Turkish tow els that others pay lac for, and used to sell at 10c and 15c even two years ago, and instead of -iaying 7c like tlieir neighbors for Octagon soap they only pay 6c a bar. They are the only ones that can get Sweetheart soap and talcum powders for a nickle, and no body hut them can get six spools Coats thread for 25c and 6 spools Coats and O. N. T. san silk and cro- chet cotton for 25c.. They are the peo ple who have found out where the one place in Cartersville is that sells all those things at the prices named. They have to go to Hardaway’s to find them at that price and the reason he sells that way. is because he don’t have to add on a big profit for book keepers, expensive delivery system, and to make up for lost accounts sold on credit and never collected. Hardaway is still old fashion enough to sell Jackson C. C. sl-50 corsets at the old price of SI.OO and 75c corsets at the old price of 50c each while up to date and modern houses have to get up to date and modern prices of 75c and $1.50 for them. And if you don't object too much to being old fashioned you can still buy for the old fashion price of 25c a yard the best oil cloth that sells at 30c a yard. And you can get some more summer underwear for both sexes at these old fashion prices from Hardaway if you are not ashamed of old fashion low prices. Some people are now reaping a harvest by getting their outings and canton flannels from Hardaway 3c to 5c cheaper than they can get them eleswhere, and later on. Also a whole lot of white goods and domestics cheaper than the present wholesale price. So if von don’t mind being a little bit old fashioned and economical come on and save your bit by buying from Hardaway.—(advt.) FOR SALE—Several second hand wagons, all at a bargain. See W. H. Field NOTICE. 1 shall be at the book store Wedues day, Thursday and Friday, August 29. 3b and 31 to register pupils for the coming year. Office hours from 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. 1 hope all pupils will respond promptly that there may be no con fusion on the day of school entrance. No pupil will l>e admitted to lust g’ade after second Monday in Sej>- t ember. H. L. SEWELL. Supt. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank all who so kind ly'-S&'c all the help and comfort i>os sible during the recent illness and death of our baby. MR. and MRS. W. W. DANIEL. When You Buy GROCERIES You want them fresh, and to get them fresh you have to buy from a store that gets them daily. When you buy from us you are assured of getting the best and freshest that can be had. We buy groceries every day in the week and buy only the BEST OUR PRODUCE The people we buy produce of know what to bring us; unless it is the best and freshest they know it is useless to bring it to us. * Groceries of all Kinds When you want Groceries, no matter what kind, call on us. We have them if it is kept in a first class grocery store. F. E. Matthews Cartersville : : Georgia Spend Your Vacation in the Land of the Sky. This famous resort section is in WESTERN NORTH CAR OLINA, a few hours ride. Two thousand feet above the sea level in an ozone laden atmosphere where all recreations may be enjoyed. GOLF TENNIS RIDING MOTORING MOUNTAIN CLIMBING HUNTING A few of the famous resorts are ASHEVILLE TRYON SALUDA FLAT ROCK HOT SPRINGS WA YNESVILLE HENDERSONVILLE BRE YARD Write for summer folder showing list of Luxurious Hotels Attractive Bungalows Homelike Boarding Houses LOW SUMMER FARES For complete information and illustrated literature communicate with' R. L. BAYLOR, j. s. BLOODWORTH, D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. T. P. A., Macon, Ga. ODD FELLOWS TO MEET. • The Odd Fellows of Stilesboro lodge, I O. O. F, will give a barbecue on Wednesday, the 29th, inst. This “cue" is gotten up by tickets; so all on the grounds must procure tickets. They can be had by calling on G. H. Can non, chairman of the arranging com mittee. H. .1. McCORMICK, Committeeman. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our wife and mother, Mrs. W. (’. Gunn. May the Lord bless each and every one of them. W. C. GI’NN and FAMILY. SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of tbl* paper will be pleased M earn that there la at feast one dreaded disc*** hat aelenoe has. been able to care In all it* itages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cww a the only positive cure now known to the d4- eal fraternity. Catarrh being; a constitution*! Unease, require' a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the fonudatis* of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and asslatlng no ture In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that thej effor One Hundred Hollars for any case that W falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by till Hmgglsts, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constlpaUoa. WHENEVER YOU HEAR THE WORD DIARRHOEA OR DYSEN TERY THINK OF C. C. C. COREA CHOLERA CORDIAL. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT THE BEST AND MOST HARMLESS REMEDY FOR THESE DANGEROUS TROUBLES A 25c BOT TLE WILL CONVINCE YOU. YOUNG BROS. DRUG CO.