The Bartow tribune. The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1917-1924, September 06, 1917, Image 8

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Mr. Merchant: We have a good stock of white corn sacked in even weight bags for the feed tirade. Let us filJ your or ders at market price. Field Milling Cos. UGH! ACID STOMACH, SOURNESS, HEARTBURN, GAS OR INDIGESTION The Moment “Pape’s Diapepsin" Reaches the Stomach all Distress Goes. Do some foods you eat hit back— taste good, but work badly; ferment into acids and cause a sick, sour, gas ey stomach? Now, .Mr. or Mrs. Dyapep tic, jot this down: Pape’s Diapepsin helps neutralize the excessive acids in the stomach so your food won’t •sour and upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is upset you usually get happy relief in five minutes, but what Tleases you most is that it helps to' regulate your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. Most remedies give you relief some timesl—they are slow, but not sure. ‘Tape's Diapepsin’' is positive in neu tralizing the acidity, so the misery won t come back very quickly. You feel different as soon as “Paiie's Diapepsin” comes in contact with the fclomach —distress just vanishes I —your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no erutations of undigested food, your head clears and you ieel fine. Go now, make the best iinvestment you ever made, by getting a large fifty cents case of Paj>e’s Diapepsin fiom any drugstore. You realize in five min utes how needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspejxsia, or any stomach disorder, due to acid fermentation.—- {advt.) \ LAND We will give a three-year lease to have cleared and put into culti- acres of as fine land as there is in Bartow County, where the timber has just been sawed, divided into tracts of 50 acres or more. Will furnish houses and give whatever timber that is left on the land. This land is a part of the Lyon Farm, six miles west of Car tors ville on the Etowah River. For further information, write T. J. LYON 46-50 West Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIR DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY Try This! Hair Gets Thick, Glossy, Wavy and Beautiful at Once. I minedii ate ? —Yes! Ce rtain ?—th at ’ s the joy of it. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl’s after a Danderine hair cleanse. Just try this—-moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, diirt or excessive oil, and in just a few moments you have doub led the beauty of your hair. A delight ful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, fad- dry, brittle or thin. Besides beau tifying the hair, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, for ever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few week’s use, when you see . Tew hair—fine and downy at first —yes —‘but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of it surely get a 25- v( nt bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and just try it. — (advt.) BAD STOMACHS BUSINESS FAILURES In this day of high efficiency more failures are due to disordered Stom achs than to any other cause. Nothing undermines the body and mind so quickly as Stomach Trouble. It saps the energy and reduces ambition and vitality to a low ebb. Cathartics fre quently aggravate the trouble. Over come quickly your Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Trouble with Mayr's Won derful Remedy, as it reaches the seat of the disease. Millions havee been re stored by it. Let one do6e of Mayr’s "Wonderful Remedy convince you to day. For sale by Young Bros. Drug Cos. —(advt.) W4TH THIS 250 MEN NOTIFIED BOARD KO P EG TO GET QUOTA. (Continued from page one.) 1092 1630 Jerry Thomas Brown, Lin wood. 1093 1826 Roy C. Harris, Stilesboro. 1094 1992 Ivory Davis, Taylorsville, R. F. D. 1. 1095 372 Olin C. Hendricks, Atco. 1096 42 Geo. Fletcher Collum, Car lersville, R. F. D. 1097 431 Warren Thacker, Carters ville. 1098 1428 Claude C. Roebuck, Adairsville, R. 3. 1099 106 William H. Cochran, Adairsville, R. 4. 1100 639 Mack Wilburn, Cartel s ville. 1101 425 William Terrell Fincher, Carte rsville. 1102 1230 Ernest Thorn Pendley, Emerson. 1103 1092 Antone Crawford, Cass -Station, R. 1. 1 104 1627 Willie Barrett Mathis, Linwood. 1105 21 Luther Alvin Nation, Ac worth, R. F. D. 1106 423 Henry McCoy, Carters ville. 1107 1469 Robt. Franklin Watts, Rome, R. F. D. 10. 1108 1754 Freeman P. Atkins, Rydal. 1109 1886 Jolly Marling Kennedy. Taylorsville. 1110 1144 Charles K. Gilbert, Cass Station, R. 1. 1111 1618 William Obe Wilkie, Kingston, R. 2. 1112 1216 Esom McCoy, Emerson. 1113 462 Dewey Strickland, Car ters vi lie. 1114 1586 Emery Crawford, Kings ton. 1115 1299 Claude Fuqua, Kingston, R. F. D. 2. 1116 1594 Walter Finley Raxter, Kingston. 1117 2032 Albert Richey, White. 1118 238 Banister Henderson, Adairsville. 1119 1080 Walter Barron, White. 1120 1437 Pinkney F. Worthington, Taylorsville, R. 1. 1121 1493 Leonard Harris, Kingston. 1122 1226 Make Russell. Allatoonia. 1123 1479 John Albert Hubbard, Taylorsville, R. 1. 1124 1338 William C. Kennedy, Kingston,, R. 2. 1125 1649 John William Woods, Adairsville, R. 4. 1126 1795 Warren Baker, Stilesboro. 1127 176 James Edward Pickard, Adairsville, R. 2. 1128 1711 John V. Hughe®, White. 1129 415 George Richard House, Cartersville, R. 1. 1130 1467 William Leßoy Alford, Reme, R. 10. 1131 409 Luther Lewis Milner, Car tersville. 1132 1597 William .Jesse Sulims, Kingston, R. 1. 1133 453 Percv Weems, Carters ville, R. F. D. 1134 973 Herschel Harris, Carters ville. 1135 1773 William Dudley Barrett, Rydal. 1136 1822 James T. Ear wood, Stiles boro. 1137 890 Clarence Scott, Carters ville. 1138 294 Rufus .Martin, Kingston. 1139 1579 Warren David Pinson, Kingston, R. 2. 1140 408 Raymond Kincaid. Car tersville, R. 1. 1141 1231 Union Exeell Parris, Em erson. 1142 804 John Patmore, Carters ville, R. 2. 1143 2006 Thomas Watson Byrd, White. 1144 230 William Leonard Jarrett, Adairsville. 1145 271 James Augustus Jarrett, Adairsville. 1146 375 Jule Patterson, Acto. 1147 1421 Richard L. Pickard. Adairsville, R. 3. 1148 65 Henry Arthur Pendley, Aewonth, R. 2. 1149 282 Joe Evans, Adairsville. 1150 1458 William A. Hubbard. Kingston, R. 2. 1151 1988 Fred Jolly, Taylorsville, 1 1152 1800 Oscar Lee, Stilesboro. 1153 1158 Arthur Duck, Cass Sta tion, R. 1. 1154 1605 Tip Cox, Kingston, 1155 1920 Lee Davis, Taylorsville. 1156 988 Arthur Smith, Carters ville. 1157 1516 Henry Clay Broadwater, Kingston. 1158 1806 John D. Taff, Stilesboro. 1159 1069 Janies H. Green, Carters ville, R. 2. 1160 751 Jim Franklin. Cartersville 1161 1796 Mike E. Hill, Stilesboro. 1162 1046 Jesse L. McCreary, Cass . Station. 1163 1663 Nonnie Bentley Mathis. Linwood. .1164 615 Ed Frederick Jones l , Car -v.. t ©rsville, - > 1165 1029 Tacit Bruee, Cartersville, R. F. D. 4. 1166 455 Dewitt T. C. Payne, Car tersville, 1167 833 Virgle Merritt Denning. Cartersville, R. 1. 1168 1757 Oscar Olin Barnes, Rydal. 1169 1885 Ernest L. McEntire,, Fairmount. 1170 483 Charlie James Milner, Cartersville. 1171 SSt Warren Orr, Cartersvilie. 1172 1087 .Tack C. Kellog, White. R. 2 1172 1598 Sim Wright, Kingston. 1174 346 Fred Prince, Atco. 1175 1251 Raymond Powell Ingram. Cartersvilie, R. 5. 1176 1404 Frank G. Putman, Rvdal, R. F. D. 2. 11 11 1.i7 William Harvey Rruce Cartersvilie. R. 3. 1178 1262 Brinerd Willis Anderson Emerson. 1170 62 James Walter Dewberry, Ac worth, R. 1. 1180 207 Willis Tedder. Adairsville 118*. 67 Nathaniel Newberry, Car tersvilie. R. 4. 1182 616 Gregory Carrott, Carters vdlle. 1183 1967 Jake Ham Sutton, Tay lorsville. R. 1. 1184 1750 Olin Clifton Doss. White. 1185 1 081 Oscar E. Cowart, Cass Station. 1186 528 Herman Pruitt, Carters vilie, R. F. D. 1187 912 Carl Clifford Quinn, Car tersvilie. THE BARTOW TniTUNc-TKE CkfiT r f S IL L E NE*S SEPT. 6, 19i7. •i, •. o i, b K. F. 1). l. 1189 1,j27 Everett Jones, Kingston, R. F. D. 2. 1190 ii William Chas. Robertson, Acworth, R. ]. 1191 699 Frank Tourteliot Jackson, v ciTucTbv ilie. 1192 1758 Charlie Stephens Souther, White. H 93 248 Robert Wylie Stone, Adarf, rsville. 1194 2019 William Lawrence Yan cey, White. 1195 ,i2l Willie Hutchens Carters ville, R. 2. 1196 695 John Marshall, Carters ville. 1197 947 Otis Reubin Henry, Car tersvllle, R. 2, 1198 611 Bartow Abernathy, Car tersville, R. F. D. 1199 1382 Guy Claude Mashburn, Adairsville, R. 3. 1200 1134 W r . Crow, Cass Sta tion, R. 1. 1201 2009 Joseph Henry Heath. White. 1202 1544 Wilburn Jones, Kingston. 1203 1653 Lucius Wdlson W r elch, Adairsville, R. 4. 1204 160 Carl Raymond Black. Adairsville. 1205 1252 I>ayton Bufford, Emerson 1206 283 Alvin Gaines Jones, Adairsvilte. 1207 1471 Horace Oliver, Rome 10. 1208 1514 Frank Raymond Johnston, Kingston. 1209 1027 Andrew* Orr, Cartersvilie. 1 210 2029 Grant Jones, White. 1211 1737 Claude L. Ingram, White. 1212 1003 James Ivey, Cartersville. 1213 817 Van B. Abney, Carters ville. 1214 1855 John Mullins, Carters ville, R. 4. 1215 59 Henry Whiitlev, Acworth, R. F. D. 1. 1216 1831 Jessie (Buck! Moore, Stilesboro. .1217 815 James Monroe X'eei, Jr Cartersville. 1218 1126 Willis Jewell, Cass Sta tion, R. 1. 1219 612 William G. Gravitt, Car tersville, R. 3. 4220 869 Roy Baugh, Cartersville. 1221 1538 Arthur Stephens, Kings ton. 1222 1599 William R. Wheeler, Kingston. 1223 1637 Geo. Washington Cham lee, Adairsville, R. F. D. 1224 764 Horace Price, Cartersville 1225 359 Reeves Stephens, Atco. 1226 1583 Sylvester Shields, Kings ton. 1227 984 James Henry Jones, Car tersville. 1228 1725 Jesse E. Donald, Pine Log 1229 724 James Prichett, Carters ville. 1230 -938 Obar Lanham, Carters tersville. 1231 1317 Clarence M. Raiford, Can tensville, Rl 1. 1232 1587 Willie R. McDaniel, Kings ton. 1233 1526 Charley Edgar Hood, Kingston. 1234 1815 Charley Harris, Stiles boro. 1235 497 Alex Cager Pruitt, Car tersville, R. F. D. 1236 1990 Thomas Roland, Taylors ville, R. 1. 1237 667 Buddie Clayton. Carteirs ville, R. 1. 1238 1037 Charley Lewis Cotton, Cass Station. 1239 463 Odel Milner, Cartersville, R. F. D. 1. 1240 1515 Joe Samuel Clemmons, • Kingston. 1241 1838 Elihue Abernathy, Car tersville, R. 4. 1242 1914 Thomas Riley Williams, Taylorsville. 1243 1718 James Daniel Smith, Rydal. 1244 84 Denrward Bennett Daniell, Chicago, 111. 1245 531 Anderson Williams, Car tersville, R. 3. GREEN’S AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, ner vous indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gas es in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and ailmen tary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and impurities from the blood. 25 and 75 cent bottles. Sold by Young Bros. Drug Cos. —(advt.) FOR SALE AT BARGAIN 120 feet Its Shaft With boxes and couplins, good condition, also one good 13 H. P. boiler and 10 H. P. engine. See J. J. WADE, Allatoona, Ga. Call 244 or 243 for Tip-Top or But er-Nut Bread. EASY TO TAKE NO PAIN OR ACHE. It s no longer necessary to bear the veakening sickness and terrible nau ea that always follows a dose of cal mel. LIV-VER-LAX cleanses the torpid liver, and livens up the whole systen by ridding it of the clogging poisons Yet It works-eo gently and pleasantlj that you hardly know you’ve taken it LIV-VER-LAX, being purely vegeta ble, is absolutely harmless, and does not tear up the system like calomel And it’s guaranteed to be satisfactory, or the druggist will return your money. For svle at 50c and SI at Griffin Drug Co.—(adrt.) ,jj*. 1770 John Franklin Cornwall, Rydal. 1247 468 Masco Barnett, Carters ville. R. 1. I<>4B BJ9 Harry Colemans Carters ville. 1249 663 Clarence Harsell Swan son, Cartersville. 1250 1807 Robt. G. Taff, Stilesboro. 1251 469 Mitchell Wyley, Carters ville, R. 1. 1050 245 Harold Lynn, Adairsville. 1053 580 Eugene Bailey, Carters ville, R. 3. 1254 1734 Pies Cornwell, Rydal. 1255 351 Elisa Cornett, Atco. 1256 1607 Clarence Yarbrough, Kingston. 1257 1454 Foster Worthington, Tay lorsville. 1258 1200 Lon Lanham, Cartersville, R. F. D. 5. 1259 94 Willie Eugene Addngton, Adairsville. 1260 1297 Liftis Law'son, Kingston, R. F, D. 2 1261 148 Paul McKinley Satter field, Adairsville. 1262 14 Dafid Franklin Nation, Acworth, R. F. D. 1263 980 Orrnand W T otford, Carters ville, 1264 109 Russell Richardson, Adairsville. 1265 1852 Eli Gentry, Cartersville. 1266 892 Jim Watts, Cartersville. 1267 1449 John Lewis Wilbanks, Taylorsville, R. 1. 1268 1298 John Thos. Worthington, Kingston, R. 2. 1269 782 Wilford Hill, Cartersville. —CASH —CASH —CASH J. W. Vaughan & Cos. * Clearaway Sale of all Summer Goods. We need the room for our big Fall and Winter Stock--a cash sale that will pay you big to take advantage of. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday are the days for this big Clearaway Sale Isc Colored Lawns, Batiste and Dimities . . 9c 20c C olored Lawns, Voiles and Batiste . . . || q 25c Colored Voiles, 36 inch wide . . . [sc 35c Colored Voiles, 36 and 40 inch wide . 20c 40c Colored Voiles, 36 and 40 inch wide . . 23c I 5c Colored Crepes assorted stripes and figures 8c 25c and 35c Colored Crepes in stripes and floral patterns f 4c 35c White Garbordine Skirting, 36 inch wide . 20c 69c White Basket Weave Skirting 38 inch wide . 35c Men and Boys Sport Shirts, last call . . . 45c Men s Low Cut Shoes in patent leather, tan and gun metal, all sizes * $ 1.85 New line of Men’s and Boys’ Caps just received. New line of Men’s and Boys’ Neckwear received. SI.OO and 1.25 Ladies’ white and tan Skirts. Clear away A few $5 Wash Skirts left. Clear away price . $2*75 A few soiled Shirt Waists, most all sizes, $1 values. Clear away price ..... 48c J. W. Vaughan & Cos. Phone 122 Cartersville, Ga. Best Coca Colas In Town Our Coca Cdlas are delicious. They can’t be made any better. They are the best in town. Gilreath-Champion Drug Cos. “A Safe Drug Store”