The Bartow tribune. The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1917-1924, September 13, 1917, Image 10

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‘UR CHI" MB HEBE HEXI MONDAY Junior Order Secures Ora tor To Deliver Patriotic Address. house an address will be made to the people ot county by Mr. John S. Wilder, of Sa- Mr. Wilder comes to Carte os ville at the invitation of the Junior Order United Anieircam Mechanics for the . j ur}>osc of delivering a public'address, j Present also will be State Counsellor | Sandsroan and State Secretary Ix>ve- j less, also of the state order, both of j v, hom will poselbly make short ad- dressee. Wilder has within the past few y (3 ars aquired fame as an orator and earnest crusader in causes which he espouses. His eloquence and oratorical powers have brought to him a great following so that he is termed by his friends and admirers Bear-Oat Wilder. The public is cordially invited to at tend this meeting inasmuch as Mr. Wilder will diiscuss many problems ai:d points of difference concerning the present war and the attitude of the government with respect to canving it on. The ladies are especially invited and it is hoped that each and every member of the local lodge will be pres ent with his family. Assurance is given that no speaker in Cartersville for years will hold his audience' with more intense interest and none have discussed subjects of more profound aud deep interest to the people at. this time than that which Mr. Wilder will have in his ad dress at the court house at eight o’clock on next Monday night. Nc|ice of First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of Daniel H. Ingram, Bankrupt, In Bankruptcy. No. 959. To the creditors of Daniel H. Ingram, of Cassvllle, Ga., in the county of Bartow, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of September, A. D., 1917 the said Daniel H. Ingram was duly adjudi cated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of bis creditors will be held at Court House in Cartersville, Ga., on the 24th day of September, A. D., 1917, at 10:30 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. C. D. McCUTCHEN, Referee in Bankruptcy. September 10, 1917. MULES rfv t i 7 MULES I will be at Herman Leake’s Stable T uesday, Sep= tember 18th to buy mules from four to ten years old. John P. Oglesby BIG CULL IC BE MADE FOB WHITE SOLDIERS Majority Of White Men Must Get Ready To Go September 19. tow county’s quota will be entrained fcr* Gamp Gordon but just, who the.-;e copiers will/be cannot vet be announc ed by the local boaid for the reason that the district board has not certi fied the names to be sent forward, but all white men who are liable for ser vice should be in readiness to leave by September 19th as notices will be sent forward between this time and | that date. No negro soldiers will be certified at this time and, hence, it is altogether probable that more than half of the white men subjected will be notified. The time is close at hand but the district board has been so rushed with appeals that it has been impossible for it to notify the focal board just who will be sent forward. It is probable that the list will leave Atlanta today, and when received the locai boa";' will promptly notify those v ho are called. The negro soldiers will be largely included in the next forty per cent. The reason for them not being called at this time is that the railroad and cantonments are not prepared to pro vide separate compartments and loca tions for the negro soldiers. On some designated day next w r eek. possibly as early as September 19th, the forty per cent of Bartow county’s quota will' join the five per cent sent forward at Camp Gordon. Mr. Merchant: We have a good stock of white corn sacked in even weight bags for the feed trade. Let us fill your or ders at market price. Field Milling Cos. Mr. Merchant: Try ms on Oats. Field Milling Go. THE EARTOW TRI<-’JN ~ THE GATT EFSVILLE NEWS, SEPT. 13, 1917. An Elephant with Sells-Floto Circus, here Friday, Sept 21st, taking his daily bath. Come To The Southeastern ATLANTA, GA. October 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ONE FARE PLUS 25c ROUND TRIP ON ALL RAILROADS Grand Circuit Fastest horses in America will compete daily for prizes aggregating $34,000; Horse Show; Cattle Show; Swine Exhibits; Poultry; Agricultural Display; Horti cultural Display; Educational Exhibits; Women’s Work; Dog Show. Seventh Annual Georgia Corn Show; Boys’ Corn Club Contest; Girls’Canning Club Contest; Boys’ Pig Club Contest; Boys’ and Girls’ Poultry Club Contest. Midway, Larkland, Clean Fun and Frolic, Free Vaudeville Attractions, Free Brass Band Concerts, Free Fireworks Nightly. $65,000 In Prizes You Can’t Afford To*Miss It! CARD OF THANKS. We want to exile s our thanks t.o our many friends and neighbors for their kindness during the sickness and loss of our baby. MR. and MRS. Wild. I.AWUO.V CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK Vets Like Dynamite on a Sluggish Liver and You Lose a Day’s Work. I here s no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating cal omel when 50 cents buys a large bot tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone—a per fect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn’t make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is ■ mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today i and you will feel weak, sick and j nauseated tomorrow. Don’t lose a ; day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dod son’s Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, sluggish ness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Yotir druggist says if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you. Registration Notice The Registration Books will be opened on October Ist and closed on October 9th 1917, for the election to be held in the City of Cartersville, Ga.; on October 12th 1917. Purpose of election THE ADOP TION OF A NEW CHARTER for the CITY OF CARTERSVILLE, AS ENACTED BY THE GENERAL AS SEMBLY OF 1917.—Registration books will be open from 7 o’clock A. M. to 12 o’clock M. and from 1 o’clock P. M. to * P. M., and kept open daily, Sundays excepted, from October Ist to October 9th inclusive. | |||JF. IV. DANIEL, t. - '-S -SS m ‘ CITY [CLERK ' 'i Nashville, 'Chattanooga >& St. Louis Railway E marketingVservice * The Marketing Division of the Traf fic Department of the Nashville, Chat tanooga & St. Louis Ry., will furnish to persons desiring to purchase the names and addresses of the owners of the following: FOR SALE 2 cars Grazers; 1000 barrels corn; 250 bushels Crimson clover seed, small or large lots; 200 Angora goats; 2000 pounds Red Top-Grass seed, large or small lots; 2000 pounds Honey; 2 each of Registered Percheron mares, fillies and stallions; 2000 gallons sor ghum mol lasses, large or small lots; 100 bushels Burt dais; 100 bushels Texas Rust Proof oats; 40 bushels Turf oats; 200 bushels clean and ex tra line Rye seed; 400 bushels seed vheat; 250 bushels seed Barley. To producers will he furnished the names and addresses of persons by whom the following commodities are WANTED. 500 bushels seed Barley; 50 bushels Burr Clover seed; ! car small grazers; Address L. P. BELLAH, General Agent NASHVILLLE, TENS- Notice of Election An election will be held in the City of Cartersville, Ga. on October 12th, 1917; PUR POSE, THE ADOPTION OF A NEW CHARTER for the CITY OF CARTERS VILLE, AS ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEM BLY OF 1917. W. W. DANIEL, CITY CLERK 2 or 3 cars Hickory King seed corn; 1000 bushels Crimson Ctover seed, small l#ts; 500 pound® Red Top Grass seed; 2000 pounds Red Top seed; too jKninds Lespedeza Grass seed; Tennes see Millet seed, car lots and less; 500 bushels Winter Turf oats, small quan tities; Gray Turf oats, car lots; L cust Posts, 7 to 10 feet long, oar lots; 50 bushels seed rape; 500 bushels seed Rye; 200 pounds sweet clover; 100 pounds common and hairy see ! Vetch; 2000 bushels seed wheat, will accept smaller quantifies; barn yard manure, car lots and leas; 2 bushels white clov er seed; 10 tons cotton seed hulls, small Jots. Breeders of live stock and producers of field, garden and orchard products fer sale, except such as reach the mar ket through ’established and logical channels are invited to communicate to the undersigned complete discrip tirn, prices, quantities and other nec essary information of such commod ities.