The Bartow tribune. The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1917-1924, August 30, 1923, Image 6

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©Skool Boys Head! “The Lost Pagoda” By Lieut. WARREN H. MILLER India—land of magic and of mystery, of jun gles and forgotten buried cities, of ferocious an imals and cannibals, of terror and beauty-what a country for exploration and adventure! It was to Burma, in India, that Dwight Kershaw and Nicky Dale, two American youths, went on a scientific ex pedition with Mr. Baldwin, cu rator of a great museum. Fight ing desperately for their lives aganst savages, frequently en Amerkmßoy “The Biggest, Brightest, Best Magazine lor Boys in All the World." And then, if you want a good laugh, turn to “Jibby Jones and the Bolshevik Band,” by Ellis Parker Butler. You know Jib by—no matter what queer idea he gets, he always makes a go of it. Thi3 time he’s got a band, and before he’s through h e has everybody sitting up and tak ing notice. Count on Jibby Jones for action and fun. Marooned on a crumbling, deserted light house, surround ed by water —that’s one of the exciting adventures of th e two boys in Charles Tenney Jack son’s story, “The Last Light.” What an experience you’ll live through with them! We are saving a copy for you Bring Your Re gistration Card and get a copy FREE, M onday, September 3rd. nriT,muuuiuum uun qua l ! T Y Waxjghan-Ca:-y XXJ gUAUTT fIRST SIHCI 1890. HHIJU'ltj CQ - O' Cartersville, Ga. A Frienily Word In extending credit to you, we judge you are able to pay. Pay your account PROMPTLY at time promised, and in FULL. This bill is the most important one you have to pay. You must eat every day. That you have other bills to pay 0 will not excuse you from paying this one promptly, as you promised to do. Something to eat comes first. ERRORS—We make them, so does everyone, but we cheerfully correct them. We want an early opportunity to make right any injustice that we do. HOWARD’S PHONE 84 Order Canned Goods Now Then if unexpected company arops in you will always be pre pared to serve them a most deli cious meal at a minute’s notice. Our sjtock comprises a varied se- Wtion of the new season’s pack, which insures you the very best of everything. GROCFRIES-FEED STUFFS ROGERS & COMPANY countering infuriated jungle beasts, their searches through the wilds and wastes of Burma brought many strange discov eries and hair-raising adven tures. Read this thriller, “The Lost Pagoda,” starting in the September issue of Football’s not so far off now, and when it comes you’ll want to be ready with all the inside dope. You’ll find it in a crack ing good article, “Inside Tips on Football,’' by H. G. Salsing er, the noted football authority. It’s just as interesting to fans as to players, too. Then there’s the final install ment of “Medicine Gold” ; a new and thrilling battle in the “Knight of Ascalon” story; and more adventures of Stephen Claghorn, in “Privateers of ’76.” Also special radio ar ticles, with all the newest in formation. f TRIBUNE WANT ADS ; FOR SALE —Feather bed, made of gen uine goose feathers; price dreason ! able for quick sale. Phone or see Mrs. W. W. Daves. ‘ 30-3 t FOR SALE—Deering Nsw Ideal Mow er; good, cuts good; $16.50. A. IV rooks, West Avenue, city. m 30-3 t SALESMAN WANTED—Prefer one with light delivery truck with top for house-to-house proposition in rural districts. Also want a good shoe man f*r re,ail store. Answer fully first let ter to No. 997, care Tribune-News, Cartersville, Ga. 16-3 t CASH PAY for produce, fryars, hens and eggs. Opera House Bldg., on Market Street. 9-4 t. FOR RENT—Nice six-room cottage, near West Side school. Phone 20. WANTED — Flour salesman for Car- ! tersvllle an,} surrounding towns; on commission. Good line. Low prices, j J. W. Dobbs. Box 19, Atlanta. ROOMS FOR RENT—No. 14 South Er win street. 23-2 t , WANTED Small furnished home, Oct. Ist. Address B, Care Tribune-News. FOR RENT Upstairs over store. Apply to George Kass’ store. 23-3 t FOR SALE—One Jersey milk cow, or will exchange for No. 1 top buggy. Thos. H. Withers. 23-2 t FOR SALE —At a bargain, one elec tric iron, worth $6 at $3.50. Apply at Tribune-News office. It FOR SALE —An electric heater, just the thing for your bathroom; eco nomical to operate; fits any light socket. It's worth $12.50, but you can j buy this one for $9.00. Apply at Trib une-News otfiee. It FOR SALE—Cabbage plants; late Flat Dutch and Dnumliead; also collat’d plants. W. L. Lowe. Casa Station. 7-19-7 t FOR SALE—At Kingston. Ga., four farms: one 5 acres, one of 57 acres, car 70 acres, and one 3SO acres. O. F. Morris, Roekmart, Ga. 30-4 t WANTED TO RENT—Room with connecting bath by gen tleman. Apply in writing to X Y Z. care Tribune-News. 30tf WANTED TO BUY—One second-hand iron safe. Spot cash paid for :t. if a bargain. Address "Merchant,” care of Tribune- News. FOR SALE OR RENT I ifO-acre farm upper edge Bartow coun. tv. specially adap ed to fruit. Smal’ I pecan, apple, grape, fig a nd cherry or chards now growing. Can l e made combination stock farm. Address FRUIT & STOCK FARM, Care Tribune Publishing Company. ’ FOUND—At Tabernacle. Sunday night of last meeting, one plush rape. The towner may obtain by and Laying for ad. f It THE TRIBUNE-NEWS, CARTERSVILLE, GA., AUGUST 30, 1923. Locals and Personals Misses Elizabeth and Dorothy Gerties have returned from a very pleasant visit to the.'r uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hurling, of Taylorsville. Mr H. F. Cowart and grandson, Jul ius Cowart, were well-known visitors in Cartersville this week from the Cass : taiion distrigt. Mrs. E. C. Nelson and her daughter, Miss Rubie Tinsley, of Powder Springs ■re being delightfully entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Weston Jones and other relatives. Mrs 1,. L. Fleetwood and M ss Mil t'red Fleetwood returned t 0 Cartersville Tuesday evening, after spending the past two months in South Georgia and Florida. ■ rof. Carter Pittman, principal and director of athletics of the Moultrie schools, was a guest several days this week of his brother, Senator Claude C. Pittman. Mi. and Mrs. Clarence Freedlow and Master Clarence. Jr., of Chattanooga. A Haney ftigjgf -j” vj Kitchen [UB <ave in the kitchen \ mi m . eans that extra [giw .. " work or for recrea -LJ when it costs so lit ~ | tie, make your Kit 1 nr chen convenient? Here is a suggestion for your approval. HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS Are Step-Savers C. F. FAIN COMPANY Furniture 8C Undertaking Cartersville, Ga. DAY PHONE 200. NIGHT 47S [/§S Now ( yNp' It’s Time to Buy I- j,/ j fS SCHOOL ■ L ttJ JplfX THINGS. wffT | / qOON the school bell will clang its J / /v, Jj imperative summons. Have you \\ Jj*y // / children that are going to school this \ fj V Fall? If so, you will find it easy to as- \ y J / \ semble a practical, smart outfit here. * (2) / (3 I pi We have a complete line of warm outer \/ . apparel as well as tubables that you twill more than likely need quite a quan tity of for warm September days. / //L \ y yh We are equipped to clothe your %U \ child properly from'head to foot. c i | ‘ Complete Stock of _&" F U CHILDREN’S SHOES ’ EP It ITYTT g 11111 1 OLtJULXJ JLXIXXTII.I IXXTTL QUA| jTy LZ3 '■" J.W VauShan-Ca'' 1 ml sFpvirF economy Jn u ouviv.u j tlllgl3rTl quality first since 1690. nmm m : Lr Cariersville, Ga. Tenn , were Sunda> guests of heir aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Howard. Misses Lorene and I ouise Armstrong ot Allatoona, have returned-home, after a week’s visit in Atlanta, where they were delightfully entertained as guests of their aunt, Mrs. Will Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Tinsley, of Atlanta, joined their children, Roy, Mildred and F. C.. Jr., a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Weston Jones for a visit of ten days, and returned home on last Wednes dyn. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Irwin and chil dren have returned home after a de lightful stay in Tifton, where they vis ited Mrs. Irwin’s parents, who will be pleasantly remembered here as Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jordan. Mrs. J. W. Vaughan has been spend ng this week in Atlanta with Mr. and lira. James Vaughan, Jr. She joined her husband, Mr. J. W. Vaughan, there and accompanied hirr. home. Mr. Vaughan has been away some three weeks, visiting Northern markets in the interest of the J. W. Vaughan Company. Mr. W. T. Fowler, superintendent of the Glade Farm, accompanied by his nephew, Edwin Fowler, who is in Uncle Sam’s navy, stationed at Hampton Roads Va., and who is a son of Mr. L. W. Fowler, well-known farmer, spent Thursday in town on business. Mrs. H. J. Porter has returned to her home in New Orleans after spend ing some time here with her mother, Mrs. H. E. Williams, who is now con sidered out of danger, a fact that Will come as welcome news to her host of friends. Mrs. C.*A. Powell and son. Harry, of Charleston, S. C., and Mr. Nick Haley, of Dewey Rose. Ga., have returned home, after spending a short lime here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Keith and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cox. Mrs. T. J. Ingram and little son, The Cash Grocery Company .EXTRA SPECIAL Blue Seal FLOUR A full standard Patent Flour —It’s GOOD, Six Dollars the Barrel Self-Rising . $6.20 YOUR MONEY MUST BE WORTH MORE At The The Busy Corner J. W. Stanford Phone 94 Jerry, who have been spending the j past three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McDaniel, of Rydal, hag returned to her home in Lilesville, N. C. Mr. Ingram, accompanied by cous in. Bradley Wall, came down for Mrs. Ingram and spent a week. They re turned by motor. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bird, of Lake Helen, Fla., have returned home, after spending a short time in Cartersville and Cassville with relatives and friends, making the trip in their car. Mrs. Bird will be pleasantly remem bered as Miss Jessie Pittard, daughter of Mr. J times D. Pittard, of Cassville. Rev. L. C. Vass, synodical evangelist for the Cherokee Presbytery, was a re cent prominent visitor in Cartersville, coming up from Acworth, where he was conducting a meeting.