Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, October 04, 1917, Image 2

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THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY, 'K'TnijtjJ THE TIMES-RECORDER ESTABLISHED 1879 “A MESS «E (IKEESfs' human system is likewise a debatable question. The wheat eating Cartkag-' Tile Milltovvn Advocate invokes a mians were vanquished by the pork A COLUMN OF CLIPPINGS — . Tile Milltown Auvocaie *uvum•* inians were >bu4uib«au * THE TIMES-RECORDER COMI’ANY, iaucgyr j Q from the Times-itecorder eat i ng Romans. The goat eating ^Publislmr ^ * on l ** e blue-stemmed collard! creeks easily overcame the herbivor- But the inspiration is lacking this ous Persians, while the beef eaters fia^d'iv’lverrsundar m“ D ning‘ani most regal of all fall garden products of K ngland and the sausage fed Her- Saturday. ——not yet being ripe for the table. v,..„,Mn„. r.rnven their bruv- Not until frost falls and sweetens relay, ever* ouuuaj — Weekly (every Thursday). man battalions have proven their brav- So, regardless of what physlolo- ostofflee*at^AmcrlAs^'ca 8 . underact tho lea ves of this delightful plant will Bis ts may argue, a flesh diet is not : March 3. 1879. * lt be entirely ready for plucking. It altogether conclusive of ferocity of Is like tho persimmon In that It must character. It may serve some well, be kissed by frost before it attains others badly. Writing in 1692, John perfection. Of course, there are some Locke, the English philosopher, said, who cat it ahead of time, but they "I impute a great part of our discuses Uve and Learn. When a woman is not sure of her husband, she seldom has any good- looking lady friends hanging around her home.—Americus Times-Recorder. Well, we learn something every day, whether it does us any good or not.— Columbus Enquirer-Sun. FRANC MANGUM, Editor, and Manager. Subscription Kates. Daily and Sunday, Five Dollars Buu „— — — - - . Yl Week“y. a one nC Dollar a year (in ad- are not persons with appreciative irl England to our eating of too much palates. brenH vance). Mr L H. Kimbrough, circulation manager, Is the only authorised travel ing representative of The Times Recorder. Member of The Associated Press. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also the lo cal news published herein. OFFICIAL ORGAN FOR: City of Americus Sumter County Webster County Railroad Commission of Georgia For Third Congressional District. U. S. Court, Southern District of Georgia. Americus, (la, October t, 1»U. PAR AGP APHIC ALLY SPEAKING The six best sellers we know any thing about aro bread, meat, sugar, shoes, hats, and clothing. If more girls confessed during courtship to having cold feet there would be fewer marriages. A woman will buy anything she doesn't want provided she thinks it U something the other woman wants. Over In the Fourth district every other man is under suspicion ot being a present or possible candidate for Congress. Well, all right, lust suppose now that wife paid the bills, and husband should buy a pair of shoes fqr twen ty-two dollars, what do you think she'd say! Perhaps tho reason why the corres pondents in Flanders wired there would be no news tor several days wa K that they organized a fishing party down the river somewheres. The ancestry of the celebrated blue- stemmed collard may bo traced direct ly to a remote period of American antiquity, and in vegetable genealogy, it is not even surpassed by the Indian corn. The cabbage Is simply a cultivated form of tho collard, and In develop ment has lost many of the glorious qualities of the latter. In the ponderous pages of Gibbon, the historian, we find that soon after the Emperor Diocletian had abdictated the throne of Rome, He was solicited to reassume the reins of government and the im perial purple. He rejected the temptation with a smile of pity, declaring that if he could show the cabbages which he had raised with his own hands he should no longer be urged to relinquish tho enjoyment of happiness for the pursuit of power. There are records that George Washington,.Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry all enjoyed “a mess of greens" and all readers of history are familiar with the fact that Daniel Webster, In one of his grandest peo rations made the halls of the august Senate resound with fervent eloquence when he apostrophized the collard with “Hail, mighty esculent! Whittier even burst into song with one of his finest lines when, during an inspired moment, his thoughts re verted to this queen of October gar dens. We can conceive of nothing more enjoyable than to sit back in languor ous luxury as the aroma from the kitchen, while the dinner is on the stove, is wafted through the bouse flesh and too little bread.' ery on a hundred stubbornly contested fields. Then again, until they got it m their barrack rations, meat was somewhat of a luxury to the Scots and Irish, who largely comprise the British armies. It may be pointed cut also that the rice nourished Japs licked the stars out of the meat fed Russians. At any rate, many have found that If they can’t do without meat alto gether they can get along very well on a great deal less of it, and on less of everything else, for that matter It’s hard on the butchers and grocers, bnt It easier on the nurse. t'hicken.Ssrratcbed. "Ar© men all hen-pecked?" asks an exchange. Well, we give it as our professional opinion that a few single men can plead not guilty.—Americus Times-Recorder. Hut most of them Are ''chicken"-seratched. — Columbus Enquirer-Sun. No News. Maybe the reason the European war correspondents wired their 'papers yesterday to look for no news for that day on the war was the same reason the great New York editor had in a reply to a waggish inquirer, knowing Mr. Dana's horror for the use of the word "news” in the plural, one friend telegraphed him one night, 'Are there any nows?” And in re ply he flashed back "Narry new.’’— Athens Banner. Don’t Throw Away Your old Automobile Tires and Tubes. Bring them to us for repairs. Our Steam Vulcanizing Plant is at your service. Every job we tum out is completed by an expert workman. Time will demonstrate the wisdom of bringing your vulcanizing to us. G. A. & W. G. TURPIN RO.BT. E. WHITE Abstracts and Loans Americus, Ga. A man will kick because his wife spends four dollars a bottle for per fume and then throws away flvo or six dollars a week himself on cigars, cigarettes, dopes, chewing gum, set ups, and the like Is fit for treason strategy, spoils, one-stepping, con spiracy,corporate greed, combinations in restraint of trade, suicide compacts false dating cold storage eggs, con cocting headache drops with out stat ing the per cent, of poison, and selling sausage that never saw a hog. Ni doubt he would also vote a Repub lican ticket. "Married men are alway more popu- "aMrried men are always more popu lar than single ones, because the girls all know they’re placed,” observes the Thoma8viHe Time-Enterprise. We thought it was because the girls knew they couldn’t afford to tell!—Americus Times-Recorder. This interests us strangely. We shall have to invesU- gate the matter.—Columbus Enquirer- Sun. J. LEWIS ELLIS Attorney at Law Planter’s Bank Building Phone 830. Americus, Ga, F. G. OLVER LOCKSMITH. Sewing machines and Supplies; Key and Lock Fitting, Umbrellas Repaired and Covered. Phone 120. Lee STREET. MAE WELL The Right Color. The flag of Germany is red, white and black. It should be all black.— Rome Tribune-Herald. C. P. DAVIS • Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea. Residence Phone 316. Office Phone 811, Allison Bldg. HOLIDAYS. and brings to the senses a dream of the fragrance of tho rose of Sharon and of the spicy gales from Araby the blest. Take a Substantial piece of country These short skirts will put the mus- ham and let It boll about thirty mln- ical comedies out of business. Why u t e s, the while its savory odor excites We see it mentioned that the move ment to make October 12, “Columbus Day,” a national holiday. Is meeting with general favor. This reminds us that the expression, "national holiday, is often heard but there Is really no such thing. In dependence Day, the Fourth of July, la not even a national holiday in the sense that it is prescribed by the act of Congress. However, lt is observed by all the states and territories Last year there was an effort made to have Congress declare October 12 a national holiday in memory That Thunkaf jving Turkey. It will soon bo time to begin to save money to buy a Thanksgiving turkey, says the Andalusia Star. Our usually very well informed contem- poroary Is mistaken this time—that i to say, it he has reference to buy ing a turkey this year’s Thanksgiving, It is too late to begin now to try to save up enough money to buy a tur key this year. If wo begin now, how ever, to save money to buy one next year, by skimping and cutting to the bone, as it were, we may save enough It we don’t have to spend it for some thing else.—Columbus Enquirer-Sun. JttSS BESSIE WINDSOR, Insurance, Bonds, Office Forsyth St. Phone >81 EMMETT S. HOBSLEY, Civil Engineer. DAWSON, GA. LAND SURVEYING A SPECIALTY WRITE FOR REFERENCE. VMER1CCS CAM I*, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednesday night in Fraternal Hall, Lamar street. A11 vis iting Sovereigns Invited to meet with I. STEPHEN PACE. 0. a NAT LeMASTER. Clerk. L G. COUNCIL, Pres’t. G. H. COUNCIL, Vlce-Pres ING. 1891 T.E. . S. COG Planters Bank of Amer^ CAPITAL. SURPLUS & PROFITS $225,000.00 1 Resources Over One Million Dollar^ A NATION CAN THRiyf i THROUGH THE THBIfT U PEOPLE Not only must we sareh war, but we must to survive. Tbeneit GoverDmem I Loan Bond Issue will beou sale during the monte ml We are always glad to j Prompt, Conservative, Accommodating We Want Your Business No Account Too Large and None Too Small HONEY 5 i 0/ pei MONEY LOANED interest and borrowers have ilege of paying part or all of principal at any i period, stopping inlerest on amounts paid. We have best rates and easiest terms and give quickestl vice. Save money by seeing us. G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEB Americus Undertaking Comp Funeral Directors and Embalmers MR. NAT LeMASTER, Manage, Agents for Rosemont Gardens Day Phones 88 and 231 Night 66l| should a man pay two dollars for a every gustatory nerve. Then peel ■eat on the front row, when ho can the leaves from the atem of the col- Christopher Columbus, but the bill re- etand on any Btreet corner free of i ttr d, rinse thy mwell, an pdut them celved ,cant consideration. This year in the „dt. plentifully .sited and pep- •« ba » bMn overlooked n the press pered, and leave them alone In their ot weightier matters. [ICl vU, UUU IvOVO AllvUI uiuuv as tu Let a woman promise to meet her glory tor two l0 three hours. In the In thc second session of tho fifty- husband down town and If he’s five nie|int , mc htt v e a husky pone of crack- lblrd Congress It passed an act mak- i a ua. *.,mm fn. n wnnif .. .... In* T.nhor Dav a nubile holiday in minutes late she’ll Iubs for a week; Ub . brcad in tbe ma king. When this ln 8 Labor Day a public holiday In minutes late ane w iubs mr a j| b ' brca d in the making. When tn's ' ~ > — — and If she's an hour behind time she’ll cc , m (,|„aiion Is served, It’s a dish fit the District of Columbia, and it has " C 1*111 U1 Ills l lull BCIIBU, it a u U'OIS sit. also get mad because he didn’t wait (cr , thc klng and on h |s cabinet. recognized the existence of certain for her. "Does it make you mad,” says the Columbus Enquirer-Sun, "to lose your pocket knife?" It Is pretty bad to have somebody pocket your knife, but It Is much worse to have them knife your pocket. 'I' [IIC IIIIIB BUU Oil uio vhuiuvi. We heartily agree with the MUltown d “> 8 “ holida >’ for commerclal pur Advocate teat one of tho chief glories P 08CT ’ bat ' wltb the cxccpllcn naraed ’ or fall Is the advent ot the delicious ‘ ba ™ la »° ^ncral statute on the sub- .lue-etemmed collard! An Early l’rimnry. Next year we are going to have tho double primary system in Georgia and the old convention will be no more. This means an early primary us where there are more than two candidates, thc two receiving the highest vote will have to make a second race, unless, o course, one of tile candidates re ceives a vast majority of all thc votes cast In tho first primary.—Effingham County News. r. and A. H. AMERICUS LODOB F. & A. M.. meets ot- ery second and fourth Friday night at 7 o'clock. FRANK J. PAYNE. W. M. I. RESCOE PARKER. Sec’y. ject. A girl who applied for a Job as nurse said that she had nad no pre vious experience with children because she had always worked for "the very j best families." You think that's a joke, but it Isn't. They say that when the cat’s away the mice will play, but It has been cur observation that when the mice are gone tbe cat will do a little frolick ing on her own account. And you can take It any way you please. A TIMELY QUESTION NOW. This economy in food practice, to- ’ " '■ I gether with the high prices of meats, The English government !. collect- ereoarlna menus lag all the horse chestnuts and will use them against tbe Germans. This ought to win tbe war. If horse cheat- nuts, liberally served, won't kill the Ormans, nothing will. The fact that another train has been held up suggests that that Is thc only way some men can get enough money to pay for those new fall coatsults, hats and shoes their wives and daughters are buying. When we see a man hanging arsuid In front of a dry ftoda atore for .wo hours, first on one foot, then on the other, while bis wife la Inside buying n spcfl of thread and two yards of •I’o'icn, we know that he ,ia -Ivi.ig tb-.- greatest deu-ontration of bfs d.' voticn. has set the people to preparing menus which consist as much ub possible of vegetables, fruits and cereals. At the same time it arouse, the old, old con troversy over meat eating. But there !. nothing new in the entire argument. Some people have always eaten meat. Others, from .the time of Nebuchadnez zar, have preferred the product of tho soils. But many concur with Augustine: He that catctb, let him not de spise him that eateth not; and let him not. Judge him that eateth. in other words, be governed by the Latin axiom, that de eustlbus nun eat dlsputandum. Just 'whether certain meats are "clean” or "unclean” la a mtter of taste, and sometimes ot religion, and whether any meat is desirable for the [them. Louisiana is the cniy state In the union where there is no statutory law designating certain days as holi days. However, by common consent, the Fourth of July, Chrstmas and Thanksgiving arc observed. Many ot tho states have holiday and anniversaries of peculiar state significance. Among these are May 20, In North Carolina, the anniversary ot the aiming of tho Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence; August 16, Vermont, Bennington Battle Day; April 21, in Texas, anniversary of the bottle of San Jacinto; February 21 in Alabama and Florida, Mardi Gras Day. Some states observe Lee's birth day, and some Lincoln’s. In Alabama there Is a legal holiday on April 3, Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. The legal holidays named In the code of thc state of Georgia are: New Year's Day. the first of January; January 19, Lee'a birthday; February 22, Washington’s birthday; July 4. In dependence Day; first Monday In Sep tember, Labor Day; a day in Novem ber for Thanksgiving Day; December 23, Christmas Day. As a matter of fact, we have too many holidays, and business would be better served if there were less of We Should Worry, Too. Three or four Georgia editors have gone crazy on the length of women’s skirts. Every issue ot their paper has them going up or coming down. What do wo care how short the women wear their Bkirts? If they can stand it, guess we can—SwalnBboro Forest- Blade. M. B. COUNCIL LODGE F. And A. M. meets every First and Third Friday nights. Visiting brother* us Invited to attend. DR. J. R. STATHAM, W. 3L ' NAT LeMASTER. Secretary. WASHINGTON CAMP, NO. It, P. O. S. OF A. Meets every first and third Monday nights In P. 0. 8. ot A. Hsll, No. lit Lunar St All members In good stand ing invited to attend. Beneficiary certi ficates from 3250.00 to 32.000.00 Issued to members ot this camp. T. E. CASTLEBERRY, President. . O. D. tiEESE, Recd'g. Sec’y. A Good . Bet. Some newspaper man has figured It out that Governor Hugh Dorsey raay get in the senatorial race next year. We don’t know anything about but we would like to win a new suit of clothes on the proposition that he will not.—Douglas Enterprise. The Rlne-Stem Collard. No one could do lt near so well as the editor of tbe Times-Recorder, so wo want to suggest that he pay th e Georgia blue-stem collard its proper due ns an article of table delicacy after frost falls upon it; how and how long it should be boiled, embellish ments and the proper way It should be eaten. Now hcre'a somethin ■’ worth writing about, and after seeing what he built' up around a 'possum, xe want to see him put the blue- stein collard in its rightful place.— I Milltown Advocate. —THE— UNION CENTRAL LIFE INS. COMPANY Cincinnati, Ohio The be& Life Insurance The lowest coft good Insurance Ask eny of our many pol icy holders here LEE M. HANSFORD Ag’t., Planter’s Bank Building, Americus, Ga. Commercial City Bar AMERltuS, GA. General Banking business INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSI1 A. D. WILLIAMS FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMERI ALLISON [HRTAn Day Phone 253 Night Phones 730-lOj Not how cheap, but how'good we can maktj Photograph, Portraits, Commercial Work, Ko ishing. Films developed free. Prints 3c to Sc 1 Satisfaction or your money refunded. Send w | films; we pay return postage. L. A. McPheeters 1251 Forsyth 5 Ever have a backfire? &J, short circuit? Ever hear oti| burning up? Then see, AUTO FIRE INSUF rates are reasonable. Herbert Ha' GOOD TIMES TBIS FAl Sounds good doesn’t it? Everybody will M ^ 118, and good things to eat go along v/itn PrCI everything that is good to eat If y° u lieve it, give me that next order. You’ll be s you’ll get the be& and freshest of grocenes, with prompt and courteous service. ARTHUR MIZE, Phone 201 FORSYTH STREET - j , i .