Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, November 15, 1917, Image 7

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,plT. NOVEMBER 15, »«• uy your Maxwell Now . receive d a shipment of the 1918 models, which " beautifully designed and built for service. MAXVVFLL IS THE UR THAT YOU CAN AFFORD We invite you to call and inspect them or let us demonstrate one to you. HAPPEIX MACHINERY CO. 234. “Tlie Homo of The Maxwell Car." l-amar Street. Agents for Engines, Farm Machinery, Auto mobile Accessories. Tires and Tubes THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. PARE SEV£~. ' MUCH 111 The Leslie Red Cross Chapter had very interesting meeting Monday afternoon at the Lodge Hall. The uuernuun ut u»o **•*••• TUOISASDS OF REFUGEES BEING membcrsh comm|ttco reporte d tl5 CAKED FOR BT BUITISH AB- P THOKITIES WITH AMERICAN BED CROSS HELPING. SALONIKI, Nov. 14—(Staff Corros- spondenco of the Associated Press...) There are 70.000 Ore sufferers cam i- ing out In tents In and around Salon- ldl, with the British and French mil itary authorities and the American Red Cross taking care of them. A tour of these relief camps gave an oppor tunity to Bee the extent of misery want of these poor people, and the paving members enrolled up to the present da)f. The ladles at the work room, under the direction of Misses Mary IJttloJohn and Mary Parker, of the Americus Red Cross Chapter, will soon complete the lesson they are giving on sergteal dressings. Mrs. E. L. Wilson aid mother, Mr J J. Sloan, have bought a quantity of wool and are carding and spin ning thread to maks socks tor the rddiers, owing to the trouble somo are in getting the thread. It and ... ... . . , efficient relief work being done:„hows they mean business, regardless chiefly by the British, as they have or difficulties. It will bo a sight to the largest stock of available supplies,' some of the younger set to see thread with tho Americans and French also being made on an old-Ume eplnnig doing their share. | wheel. ' . r The Dubular camp, where 2,500- Mr. and Mrs. Lasco Harvey spent 3tates for the r people are being cared for by tho Sunday in Americus with relaUves. tlon ' To ^™ g - B _ D> |gq British and the American Red Cross, | Mlsu Luclle Green went to Cordolo iracn ment CMPM !N FULL SWING ATLANTA, Cu.. Nov. 14.—Do you be lieve In naUon-wtde prohibition? If eo, let your congressman know where you stand. That Is the Blogan of the whirlwind campaign now being conducted tu Georgia by tho Anti-Saloon League or this Btate, of which James A Christ ian Is superintendent, and in practical ly every section the campaign epakers find public sentiment overwhelmingly in favor of tho issue. The proposed prohibition amend ment to the federal constitution whl :h has passed the United States Senate will come to a vote In the national House of Representatives 'n Decembor. If It passes the House and Is signed by the president, It will then be refer red to the legislatures of tho various BRAGG’S MARKET choice cuts of Beef or Poik in Steaks, Roasts and itews. Good Sausage Meats, Liver, Steak, Brains, Vienna Sausage, Sliced Hams and Bacon. Butter, Eggs, Fish and Oysters. BRAGG’S MEAT MARKET 123 W. FORSYTH ST. PHONE 181 was the first one visited. It is tweb shopping Friday, miles back of tho city, on rising taillr.t Mrs. Mattie Hutchinson, of Tifton, which the Bulgars thought to tako, is spending tho week In Leslie with when they made their first rush on the relatives. city Mr. Floyd Hines made a business On the way to the camp we passed trip to Cordele Thursday, the British supply base, and had an Mr. Ted Young* was bruised up con- opportunity to see the vast reserves siderably Saturday afternoon when hts tho British have laid in. in ammunt- car, driven by his son Edwin, collided tion, food and charcoal for the cold [with another ouotombile in which two months ahead. Nothing could havejmen were riding, one of them sustain Not how cheap, but how good we can make your otograph, Portraits, Commercial Work, Kodak Fin- ling. Films developed free. Prints 3c to 5c each, tisfaction or your money refunded. Send us your is; we pay return postage. ' liiumuo, ivuvuiuo i shown more clearly that the British. a broken arm in the shake-up. Tho Miun ii iuuic i/ »i like the French, are here to stay. In Occident happened on the Americus Is now being waged throughout tho country under the auspices of the sntl-Saloon League ot America, and the campaign in Georgia :s a part of the great national drive. Richmond Pearson • Hobson, famous hero of the Merrlmac and probably the ablest prohibition advocate In the world, Is being heard by large and cu. thuslaBtic audiences whereever ho ap pears In the Georgia campaign. He will sreak in Macon today; In Athens tomorrow and In Savannah on Friday. Bicycles For Girls Bicycles For Boys ■ Bicycles For Men Williams-Niles Co Hardware Phone 706 Illtt: tile r I Lm is, ait uviu UV “J j , .a. i >l ninni-a /xf ahoiia Leslie road near Mr. J. M. Johnsons munitions alone the stacks or shells A. McPheeters Forsyth Street - r - r - r extended for a mile along the road, and as far back as the eyes could see. In the engineering park there were acres of wire, curved steel trench covers, and lengths ot narrow-gauge railway, ready to put together, as children eons'ruct a toy railway. Tlie stock of charcoal being laid in Is prodigious, for there Is no intention that tho Tommies shall again be cold ! While in their trenches and dug-outs. ; Endless tiains of pack-mules and cam- ' ions circulated through this supply base, with the bustle and road and overhanging cloud of dust of a colos sal enterprise. In Camp Dubular, where refugees are quartered, a city of white tents spread out for half a mile ovor thd level plain. They were the regula tion nritish army tents, drawn from the big reserve base. They were laid out in regular streets and cross atreets. Everything was scrupulously neat, with British Boldlers on guard to see that order and proper sanita tion was maintained home. aged Both cars were badly dani- Reisonablo Idea. Le Roy was being teased by hif aunt, who told him that his father S • ullUL, vv Ilw •HI'* M1 _ Several of the Methodist hero will'liked his baby brother bettor than he attend the South Georgia Methodist, and said: conference In Albany this week. »j daddy should V.ta rao Hotter. Miss Leila Ranew left Tuesdaw for| ’cause ho knows roe longer ” Manchester, where she was called cn account of sickness in the family of A number of young men from this community have already been assigned to duty In our army, and some are now tn service ' aomo- where" In foreign countries. It Is quite likely that many more will go. The occasion may arise for someone In this community to remit funds to relatives of friends who arc In service In foreign fields. We are enable, through our bank correspond who have branch banks in foreign countries,, to effect payment of such remittances by a safe and direct method, and we offer our faculties for inch purposes to the people of the surrounding community. The Bank of Commerce when you jump out of bed these cold mornings! You shiv er—br-r-r-r. What’s the use? One of our little gas heaters will make you perfectly comfortable. Turn it on, instant heat—turn it off, expense ceases. $6.00 and $7.00 her sister, Mrs. J. L. Amason Mr. J. W. Suggs and family havo moved to the home of Mrs. W. C. Laramore, on Bailey avenue. Clyde Harp and family moved to I^eslie Monday. Mrs. Homer Oxford, of Ocilla, visit ed relatives and friends in Leslie last week Mrs. Molllo Nunn and daughter, Mrs. Bose Johnson, of Huntington, were iu town Monday. Mrs. Grorge Laramore was In Los lie Monday morning shopping. Rev. J. C. Cook and father, Rev. J O. A. Cook, left Tuesday for Al bany, where they will attend the Meth odist conference which Is being held their this week. — Mrs. J. D. Cocke Is spending this -We have to do It all ourselves," j wc#|£ j n . Atlanta with relatives, eald the commanding, officer of thOj w c. Laramore and two camp, "for singularly the rofuge<;s j dauBht er8 left Thursday for Macon, refuse to do a stroke of work ' or | where thcy w i|| reside In tuturc. selves. When their supply MIga Rosa Morgan, of Americas h meat came we asked them ,0 i v | 3 |tea i, cr mother, Mrs. Annie Morgan, the flies off ot it, but they would week shoo the files off of it, hut mey wuu.u, { week not keep their own fond clean unless ^ ^ Mf> , j gtevenson and paid for It." I v;rody (Stev)cnson, of Chlckasawhat- The refugees are grouped in tho chec _ gpcnt g un day In Leslie, tents by families, five to a tent, wlth^ M | >s Rutb p ar ker spent the week- army cots. They are a very wretijhoJ, ^ at War wiek with her sister, Mils lot, who lost everything in tho big •-«— — 1 Americus Lighting Company » 9 © 9 : • 9 9 9 9, • $935 The Grant Six Is The Best Seller . goby Parker, who Is teaching school » tire which destroyed Salonlkl. There) . are many old women and children ^ Sa „ le Wadc and ao n Thomas, £ ned Cross j visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. CUpton. at nurses were bathing the Infants, with, !■ a, ™ r ( ’ aatu ^ Broyles. wh0 mad e a hoy scouts as helpers. Not a baby had trlp t0 his homo sit Knox- dled. ami there Is Rule sickness <■*- ^ . e , urnod t0 Leslie Sun- spite the usual camp experience the ^ * infants are going through. j y ^ LetUe Fryar gpent lha we ek- Food for dinner wa» being m| w|t „ „ cr parent , at Rochelle, the party passed. Lach family, ^ ^ M , hat can com o out had a card showing n» number and ^ ^ a „ dUorlum Friday even- needs, and only one member of be ^ ^ number flf (ho Ly family is recognized In P r “ enUng fe „ m courao wl „ be the attraction, these cards Their holders wero ga | ^ Cr , (p W ilklnson has recently ered in long lines, men women and ^ the home now occupied by children. The British furnish a good ^ to part of their arm- rations, and tb « ad ' crypbl ' American Red Cross adds rice and^ l,fans J a Statesman 8et RIqM. Ur. Edward W. Ryan, head of the, ETan tbou who themsetvea L)p. r.nwaru «. — — i ^ r en iaob© wo© American Red Cross here, took tho npon comet ipeoch frequently uso Initiative In starting these camps. v.'hlch now represent one of the ncenil7 that “he did not belong to a ert relief works of recent year«. C enftin club.” “Belongr Certolnly While the conflagratton was stilt rag-' ££ ing, he had set up soup kitchens, and ihouJd bay , uld that he wns not a within twelve hours of the start ot membor.—London Answers, the tiro he was feeding *A0O people.' Tho military aatb “ riU “; t0 d<r this army ot d^Ututo p~ French came tn later, and the work In our auto insurance you obtain Safe Protection of excellent character-the kind of in surance protection that covers all the essentials and is backed by a strong, sound company. nmun Herbert Hawkins l ™ing~^e problem now t. what he inhabited. rr:;: - wRh Pi. When the winter Britten. Americans and French co- In and the cities of tents can no longer This popular priced car is one of the most numerous on the streets of Americus. It is one of the most attractive of all automobiles, and while built on substantial lines it has a classic finish and a light, smooth running quality that makes it the ideal car. m 1 S I 4 $935 Our garage is now open, day or night, for all automobile trade. A force of experienced mechanics will give you prompt, expert attention. We also carry all automobile accessories. J. D. HOOKS MOTOR CO. Lamar Street i % : tot • || :