Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, October 21, 1920, Image 2

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LIFE’S FAILURE Church Not At Fault, World S. S. Conven tion Is Tola XOKIO, Oct. 19.—Failure of hom life and not the failure of the churcn was held to be responsible for the “social unrest, the sin and crime and shame that abounds on every hand, with the Rev. W. E. Biederwolf. D. SDNDMai00L;SAYSROMEViCE IS‘RESPECTABLE’ (By REV. P. B. FITZ WATER, D. D.J Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Paol-Qi* SclVS Prominent Bible Institute of Chicago.) | 1 b *TOnUIlCUl (©. 1920. Western Newspaper Union ) Jays Men Practic let do' not* themselves maintain family rf r t e he t °deplomble legacyu. which we X history of fallen altars S ra of d a b n aposute' cler^. A JUSS.™ if indeed it even so much as held a P, “! ’TheM^oW, .feveriT^rush of modern life as evidenced by the WIRE FENCE LESSON FOR OCTOBER 24 Continually WHAT THE KINO REQUIRES. LESSON TEXT-Matt. 6:1-18. GOLDEN TEXT—110 ye therefore per fect, even u your Father which Is In heaven Is perfect.—Matt, 6:48 eaven is peueti-— —. ADDITION A la MATERIAL/—L^v. It. 18; Deut. 6:4, 5. Luke 6:20-38. PRIMARY TOPIC—What the Heavinly Father Wants Us to Be. JUNIOR TOPIC-What Jesus Wishes Ills Followers to Be. _ INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC —Measuring Up to Chrlat’a Standard. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC _The Character Which Jesus Requires. time to stop and tie his shoe string. It is a race to keep pace with steam an “ 3 : ,e The Ci toruption of the fan, Q| AX/VR DV AIITA ily union.” The latter was caused, jLn I Ll\ U1 flU IV said Dr. Biederwolf, “first by the . prevailing method of education • . j c which practically removes boys and Atlantan Convicted ror girls from immediate and continuous o,,_ pt-,..- Anri parental influence in spirtual things; ixUnninEf IJown ftna for the period running between the. Killinfir Woman inordinate absorption in material in- J terests. Modern life is a dashi ATLANTA, Oct. 21.—Frank Me the° U community as A 0” soehal'^center j Donald, on trial since Tuesday on and its responsibility in guiding the| a charge of murder as the result of relgious education of youth. an automobile accident which cos “Legitimate as this d “> r e when Mrs Carobel Holley Smit h her life all one s pleasuresare foundoutside on September 2 b, was found guilty the home circle the family life from of ; n J 0 ] untarv manslaughter by a cnnfiker as follows: wmcn ymvnv»«| »'•***“* vu —— *•‘1. The quickening of * . girls from immediate and continuous natural tendency to s ep sub ti e l.nrelv induced in this flay y 81 x 6-10 line wires Standard 52 l-2c 31x12-10 line wires Standard 12 l-2c SBx 6-11 line wires Standard 60c 38x12-11 line wires Standard 47 1- c 46x 6-12 line wires Standard 67 l-2c 46x12-12 line wires Standard 65c 38x 6-11 line wires Medium 521-2c «6x 6-12 line wires Medium 55c Army Barbed wire 115-lbroUs $4.60 He ,^ 4 ^ 1 — ---*6.85 All Delivered. Prices Will Advance Nov. let. GEO. D. MASHBURN. HAWK1NSVILLE, GA. the standpoint just now under con sideration must consequently suf fer,” he concluded. Other sneakers at the congress were the Rev. John T. Faris, D. D., of Philadelphia, who discussed pos sible co-operation "between secular and religious educational agencies and the Rev. Rufus W. Miller, D. D.. of Philadelphia, who spoke on ages of seven and twenty-one and second, by the excessive pursuit of pleasure. CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Sick For Tbrea Yean, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed—Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Faint Rock. Ala.—Mrs. C. M. Stegall, of near'here, recently related the fol lowing interesting account of her re covery! “I was in a weakened con dition. I was alck three years In bed, suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, t couldn't walk across the floor; just bad to lay and my little ones do tha work. I was almost dead. I tried avery thing I heard of, and a number of 'doctors. Still I didn’t get any relief. I couldn't eat, and slept poorly. I believe If I hadn't heard of and taken Cardul I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me What it did for her. “I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and atrong. I haven't had any trou ble alnca ... I aiire can testify to tha good that Cardul did me. I don't think there la a better tonic made and I believe It saved my life.” For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardul successfully. In tha treatment of many womanly THE LOAfER BV THE WAYSIDE WONDERS WHY THE WALKER- GETS A RIDE M THE WORLD HELPS HIM VlHO KELPS HIMSELF If you ever need any help in this life, you need it now W e will help you by giving 10 Pe rCent Off on Jack-oleather Boys* Clothes. They are guar anteed all wool and will give satisfaction. of involuntary manslaughter .. jury in the criminal division of the Fulton Superior court Wednesday night, and he was given an indetermi nate sentence of from one to three years. Judge John Humphries, be fore whom the case was tried, made the verdict of the jury the order of the court. The case was in the hands of the jury at 5 o’clock Wed nesday afternoon. The so-called “Sermon Mount” Is the king's proclamation of the laws which obtain in his kingdom. These laws do not set forth terms of salvation to sinners, hilt the principles of life which shall obtain when Christ reigns on earth. I. The Characteristic* of the Sub- jects of the Kingdom (vv. 1-12). Tpi-se characteristics tire set forth In tlie nine Beatitudes. 1. The consciousness of utter spir itual poverty (v. >'i.) “Boor In spirit does not menu to lie without money (lsn. «J:2). hut to come to the end of self in u state of absolute spiritual beggary, having no power to alter one's condition or to make one's self better. 2. A profound grief becuuse of spir itual Insolvency (v. 4). :l. A humble submission lo Gods will (v. 5). The outgrowth of mourn ing over spiritual insolvency Is meek ness. 4. An Intense longing (o conform to the laws of the kingdom (v. 6) 5. Merciful (v. 7). The subjects of the kingdom now lake on the chnrac ter of the king. U. Purity of heart (v. 8). Since the king Is pre-eminently pure, the sub jects who eujoy fellowship with him must have lienrt purity. ROMK, Oct. 21.—After lengthy discussion a meeting of laymen of Rome churches adopted resolutions urging the reading of the Bible in public schools, provided that children whose pareiits or guardians did not desire them to attend such readings, be excused. A minority was represented by Rev. J L. Hodges of the Fifth Ave nue Baptist church and J. W. Keown of that church, which urged that the exemptions be eliminated and all the children be compelled to attend the Bible reading. Mr. Hodges said he was sick and tired of coddling two per cent of the pop ulation and the time Had come to quit that. Dr. A. J. Moncricf quoted an un named Roman as saying that “vice is more respectable in Rome than any place I know. Men prominent ly connected with the churches of the city indulge continually in prac tices that would not for a moment be tolerated elsewhere.” BUT DON'T NEGLECT IT A cold is an acute ca tarrh which can easily be come chronic. A great many diseases may be trac ed to a catarrhal condition of the mucous membranes lining the organs or pans. PE-RU-NA _ — AN IDEAL EMERGENCY REMEDY Just a few doses taken in time have Mvedthousandsfrom serious sickness. For fifty years Pcru-na has been the popular family medicine for cougba, colds, catarrh, stomach and bowel disorders and all diseases of .catarrhal origin. KEEP THE Tablets or Liquid HOUSE Sold Everywhere Bank Vice-President Tells How Ziron Iron Tonic Helped His Daughter After Operation for Appendicitis. DAWSON MAN REFEREE. DAWSON, Oct. 21.—Judge S. H. Sibley, of the United States court, has appointed R. R. Jones, a member of the Dawson bar, referee in bank ruptcy for the counties of Terrell, Webster, Randloph, Quitman, Stew art and Early. He succeeds Judge A. H. Gray, of Blakely. BETTER THAN WHISKEY FOR rew Elixir, Called Aspiron- al, Medicated With Latest Scientific Bemedies, Used and Endorsed by Euro pean and American Army Surgeons to Cut Short a Cold and Prevent Compli cations. Every Druggist in U. S. In structed to Befund Price While You Wait at Count er if Belief Does Not Come Within Two Minutes. 7. Peacemakers (v. j9). The one Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. It you suffer ai these women did, aka Cardul. It may help you, too. At all druggists- E 85 BULBS! The sensation of tho year in the drug t ratio is Aspironal, tho two- mimito cold and cough reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by the labora tories; tented, approved ami most enthusiastically endorsed by tho high est authorities, and proclaimed by the common people as ten times as quick and effective as whiskey, rock a ,,d rye, or any other cold and cough remedy they havo ever tried. All drug" Btorea arc now supplied with the wonderful new elixir, so all you havo to do to get rid of that cold is to step into the nearest drug store, hand the clerk half a dollar for a hot tie of Aspironal and tell him to serve you two teaspoonfuls with four teaspoon- fuls of water in a glass. With your watch in your hand, tako the drink at one swallow and call for your money back in two minutes if you cannot feel your cold fading away like a dream within tho time limit. Don’t bo bash ful, for all druggists invito you and expect you to try it. Everybody’s do ing it. When your cold or cough is re lieved, tako the remainder of the bottlo home to your wife and babies, for Aspironal is by far tho Bafcst and most effective, the easiest to take and tho most agreeable cold and cough remedy for infants and children.—(Adv.) FOR AUTUMN PLANTING. NARCISSUS—Paper White, 50c Dozen- HYACINTHS—Largest size Bulbs, Dou ble and Single, 2 for 1 5c; 85c Dozen. FRF-SIAS—Mammoth Size, 35c Dozen. We only have a limited quantity. Bulbs are very scarce and hard to get. Phone 502. Can Deliver Promptly. Don’t Forget Your Winter Lawn Grass. Planters Seed Co. Forsyth St. Next to Dudley’s EXELENTO KINKYHAIR "Ererr woman • — havo nice. Iona hair.' ■ays May Gilbert. "My hair has —. — *ro-- _ Inched Ions by ualn* your wonderful tfikln troubles. treatment of ekln l»vuu.c rrJCEOF EACH 25. IN STAMPS ON COIN EXELENTO MEDICINE CO, Atlanta, Cl who has received tile ipeuce of God through Jesus Christ will diffuse peace to oiliers. \ 8. Suffering for Christ's sake (v. 10). The world hated Christ, the king, therefore those who reflect his spirit ill their lives shall suffer perse, cation til Tim. 2:12). _ 0. Suffer reproach (v. 11). i This means suffering falsely. In such case we should glory in it, for It brings great reward iu heaven. II. The Responsibilities of tho Sub- Jecto of the Kingdom (vv. 13-16). Mull is corrupt, and the world Is In utter darkness. The disciples of Christ are to live such Uvea as to pu rify and enlighten. Their responsibil ities are set forth under the figures of salt and light. 1. Salt' of the earth (v. 13). The properties of salt are (1) penetratlDg; (2) purifying; (3) preserving. Since suit only preserve* and purifies In the measure that It penetrates, so Chris tians only us they enter into the life of the world can preserve It from de- cay. _ The light of the world <v. 14). Light Illuminates and warms. This world Is cold and dark. The devil has set many pltfulls and snares. As sons of the light we should live so ns to prevent the unwury from stumbling and falling. III. The Laws of the Kingdom (vv. 20-48). 1. As to- deeds of righteousness. They must exceed that of the scribes am) .Pharisees. 2. As to sanctity of life (vv. .1-20). “Thou shnlt do no murder,” means more than simply fo refrain from tlie taking of life- Rush ffnger 18 heurt murder (v. 22). 3. As to organized life (vv. 27.12). The family Is tho unit of society. There is no sin that so rots society as that against the relation of the sex es. The two awful slits against the family are (a) adultery (vv. 27-30), (there is heart adultery as well as heart murder; (h) divorce (vv. 31, 32). Moses, for the hardness of the hearts of the people, permitted a man III case of adultery to put nway Ills wife and give her a bill of divorce ment. . As to oaths (vv. 33-37). Speech the absolute lest of character. Whatever is more Ihan the simple form of- alllrmatlon or denial comes of the Devil. J 5. As to behavior toward those who do not recognize the laws of the king dom <w. 88-48). (1) Not revengeful (vv. 39, 40); (2) willing to ilo more than is required (v. 41); (3) chari table (v. 42)—even the borrower should not he turned away; (4) love toward enemies (vv. 45-48). Love to enemies consists (a) in blessing them tliat curse us; (b) In doing good to them that hate us; (c) In praying for those wl\o despltcfully use us. “Get It out of tho Blood ” HARRIS’1-2-1 Blood Remedy Purifies and Cleanses the Blood from Impurities 50c and $1.00 at Drug Stores Manufactured by Harris Blood Remedy Co. Dawson, Georgia MMsaxasg Lintsm A FTER any serious Illness, tha first thing you notice when you begin to get around Is yonr lack of strength and energy—a tlr®6« veah reeling. The sooner you get your strength bad; tho better. The thing to do la to eat plenty of good, nourishing food, get all the fresh air you can, exercise conservatively, and taka Ziron Iron Tonic three Umes a day. Your doctor will toll yon this la sound advice, and urge yon to follow It Read this letter from Mr. J. B. Kelly, esident of the First NeUonal Bank, Gracavllle, Fla.: “My daughter bad been In bad health alnca toaiAprtll She was operated on for ippendldUk She been taking Ziron for two week*Her appetite la battor than It baa been. Her narres ora UttWjand she say* she facia better • • . I know that Zlrth la good for weak tad feeble people.” Ziron to a scientific, reconstructive tonic, prepared from valuable strength- building ingredients, for weak paopto with thin blood. Druggists sail Ziron on a money-back guarantee. Try It Timpa-Rprorder^Want Ads are Result Getters. SEE ME AT ONCE. - HAS Etvrsutsz-■ SBRttftSSS good terms. Call and see me at once.* as l ean save you money on anything you want to buy and can sell anything that you want to sell. KING STILLMAN. AIli*<ft> Building. America*, Ga. Times-Recorder Want Ads are Result Getters. I Yes Sir-ee! God la Everywhere. Let us remember tbnt God Is et the seashore and in the mountains Just as much as he is In our home town and In our home church. We need to re sist the devil of license which Is al ways whispering his evil Insinuations Into the ears of people away from borne. We need religion Just as much In summer as wo do In winter, per haps more. So when we are away from homo let us not neglect our Bi ble, and our dally prayer, and attend ance upon tho house of worship when ever possible. ^^AMELS have wonder ful full-bodied mellow- mildness and a flavor as refreshing as it Is new. Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos win you on merits. Camels blend never tires your taste. And, Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor! What Camels quality and expert blend can mean to your satisfaction you should find out at once I It will prove our say-so when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Comolo ore sold everywhere in scientifically < cigarettes; or ten packages [200 cigarettes) carton. Wo atrongly recommend this eai supply or when you trevel R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winaton>Salem, N. C. •a led packages of 20 Complete Line Of Goodyear Cord and Fabric Tires and Tubes In Stock at Americus Automobile Co. Open All Night Phone 105