Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, October 28, 1920, Image 3

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>DAY, OCTOBER 28,1920. MAT YOUR IQI BALLOTCLOSELY SbJ epublicati Ticket Print ed To Deceive Voters ATLANTA, Oct. 2'(.—-“Don't vote Republican ticket by mistake,' the advice to Georgia Democrats Thomas W. Hardwick and other |mocratic nominees whose names placed upon the “official an ballot" without their knowledge, consent or approval. Democrats here express the beliei that the Democratic dbminees were bodily placed on the Republican bal lot either for the purpose of curry ing favor with those Democrats who may be inclined to vote for Harding and Coolidge or for the purpose of catching Democratic voters by mis take. Whether a voter of Democratic af filiation makes such a mistake w’i depend upon whether he iooks at the top or the bottom of the ticket. A voter presenting himself at the polls on the Becond day of November will find available two sets of tickets. One will be the Republican tickets and the other will be the Democratic tickets. Both will be printed on white paper, about the same size, siimlar as to type, and each with no distinguishing marks upon them at 'a glance. At the top of the Democratic tick et will appear the list of Democratic presidential electors, followed by the - list of Democratic nominees for the United States senate, governor and state house offices. At the top of the Republican ticket will appear the list of Republican presidential elec tors, followed by the identical same list of Democratic nominees. In voting in the general election •the voter does not “strike” his bal lot as he does in a primary, where a choice is made between competing candidates whose names appear upon the same ballot or ticket. He votes either the Republican ticket, bearing one set of names, or the Democratic THE GRAY BALL. “WHAT’S that fort” asked Mr. Ben TV Bunny, ponting with his cane to a round gTav ball hanging from the lowest branen of the wiilow tree by thfe Lily Pond w.-iere the Meadow Grovo school was having its regular fall picnic. Mr. Scribble Scratch didn’t know, but said Nick would tell him, as he had charge of ail the games. Now the truth was that Nick didn’t know a whole lot about the ball him self, but that morning he had re ceived a note from somebody who hadn’t signed his name and this is what the twins had read:» WhoeVer hits the large gray ball on the willow tree first will get some thing most unusual.’’ “I see," said Ben, nodding ap provingly. “There’s a prize for the jest hitter—for anyone who hits the bull’s-eye. Now, sir, what shall we throw and when shall we begin?” He laid down his cane and rolled up his sleeves, thereby showing his willingness to start the ball rolling, or, at you might say, to start the stone-throwing. Nancy had filled her apron pockets with stones from the edge of the pond, and now passed them around to everyone. Then all the boys lined up and took turns trying to hit the ball on the tree. Greenie Grasshopper couldn’t throw a cent’s worth, nor any of the bug people, nor Phil Frog, nor Teddy Toad, but the Muskrat boy and Ben Bunny and Wall? Woodchuck had pretty good luck. But when Scam per Squirrel threw, whack, it hit the ball right in the middle. “Bzzzzzzzz," went the ball. You’ve hit the Bull’s-eye,’’ sang out Nick, “and that’s the best any one can do.' No one wanted to try after that. (Copyright, 1020) ticket, bearing another set of names. Therefore, a voter who puts in the box a Republican ticket, thereby votes for the Republican nominees, while a voter who puts in the box .1 Democratic ticket, thereby votes for the Democratic nominees. There is no marking or scratching of names to be done on either ticket. Hence a Democrat desiring to vote the Democratic ticket for president is liable to be deceived by the Democratic appearance of the bot tom part of the Republican ballot. In voting for president, the voter does not cast his ballot directly. He votes for presidential electors, and these in turn cast the ballot of their state. If the Republican electors should carry Georgia, then the votes of this state in the electoral college would pro for Harding. If the Demo cratic electors carr ythe state, then the votes of GroegiC? abr.hL the votes of Georgia in the electoral college go for Cox. t Another peculiarity of the official Republican ballot is that it bears the names of two candidates for the Americus Seed & Supply COMPANY Offer DEPENDABLE STOCKS of .ARM and GARDEN SEEDS From Reliable Growers For Southern Planting Ruta Baga Turnips Cabbage Spinach Kale Carrots Radish Lettuce Onion Sets Abruzzi Rye Fulghum Oats Rape Georgia Rye, Texas Red Rust Proof Oats Winter Vetch Burr Clover Crimson Clover PHONE 150. 121 W. FORSYTH STREET United States senate. The first is the name of Thomas E. Watson, and the second is the name of- Harry Stillwell Edwards. Both of these appear to have been placed upon the ballot without the permission of the gentlemen. Mr. Watson specifically declined the Republican offer to put his name on their ballot. Mr. Ed wards announced sometime ago that he was not running as a Republican candidate, but.hs an independent who favors the League of Nations. G. H. Williams, the Dublin man who started out as a Republican candidate for the senate, withdrew some days ago on the ground that Mr. WaL-on represented the views concerning the League of Nations. \ oters who wirh to cast the Demo cratic ballot should examine care fully the ballots, furnished them at the polls, and sec that they put a Democratic bai.ot iu the box. Tins car be determined by examining tne caption. The Republican ballot bears at the top the captiqn. Of ficial Republican Ballot.” The Democratic ballot bears at the top the caption, “Official Democratic Ballot.” / British Interests will establish an aerial mail service over a route 26^ miles long In South America, from Pernambuco to Buenos Aires, “I Spent $1 on Rat-Snap and Saved the Price of a Hog.” James McGuire, famous hog raisor of New Jersey, says, “I advise every farmer troubled with rats to use RAT-SNAP. Tried everything to get rid of rats. Spent *1.25 on RAT- SNAP. Figured the rats It killed sav ed the price of a hog.” RAT-SNAP comes In cake form. No mixing with other food. Cats or dogs won’t touch It. Three sizes, 35c, 66c, *1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Nathan Murray, druggist, Sheffield Hardware Go., Sparks Grocery Co., Americus. AMERICUS UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors and Embalm era. Nat LeMaster, Manager. Day Phone* 88 and 231. Night 661 and 161 McNeil Electric Company FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Just Received Shipment of SIMPLEX IRONS That We Can Sell At $7.50. M’NEILL ELECTRIC CO. 103 Jackson St. Phone 271 THE AMERICUS TIMES-F CUT-OFF. E. W. Holloway was a business vis itor in Oglethorpe Monday. Ernest Coker made a business trip to Montezuma, Saturday. Havana Picked For Championship Bout NEW YORK. Oct. 28.—The fight between Jack Dempsey and Georges Several from here nttonded the box SSgEZ** £ JSFSSte Forcign-bom women in the United States number more than 5,000,000. For every 1000 men between the ages of 18 and 45 yean there are in France 1230 women, in England 1175, in Ita sty wo et dogs to school, where they are aught manners. supper at AndersonvtUe Friday even ing. Miss Beulah Pennington returned to Albany Thursday. R. H. and R. S. Stubbs made _ business trip to Americus Saturday afternoon James Tolen Willie Robinson and Jesse Kitchens attended the Masonic banquet at Marshallville Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Holloway, Mcs- dames A. J. Pennington and R. H. Stubbs were shopping in Montezuma Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stubbs, Misses Zula Grace and Audrey Newman at tended the Federation club at Ideal Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earley Coker are the proud parente of a fine baby boy. Miss Kate Allen, David Beden- baugh and John Lingo were in Amer icus Saturday evening. W. J. Pennington and Jesse Kitch ens were in Americus Saturday af ternoon. J. A. Smith, of Abbeville, visited here last week. Several from here attended ser vices at the Lutheran church at Fountainville Sunday. Misses Bessie and Eula Kitchens entertained the younger set Friday evening. Hardy Cooke, of Montezuma, was a visitor here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coker, Mrs. A. J. Pennington and W. J.tPenning- ton, visited Mrs. D. E. Pennington in Americus Tuesday afternoon. held in Havana. Cuba, it nounced here last night Selection of Havana as the scene of the contest waa made by Tex Rick ard, Charles B. Cochran and William Brady, who stated they had received an offer of such proportions from a syndicate of Cuban capitalists that it was finally determined the champion ship battle would be staged in Ha vana. Details of the match have - been agreed upon and the actual signing of the arttffes of agreement merely await the arrival of a representative of the Cuban syndicate. He is ex pected to reach this city within week and upon hie arrival definite an nouncement of the date of the con test will be made. SICE TER TURNS GUI ■ DARK If* WHEN RHEUMATISM IB YOU HARD! Sloan’s Liniment should be kept handy for aches and pains W HY wait for a severe pain, an ache, a rheumatic twinge fol lowing exposure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to nuke you quit work, when you should have Sloan’s Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active,and fit,and on the job? Without tubbing, for it pent traits, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Notethe gratifying, clean,prompt relief that follows. Sloan's Liniment couldn’t keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't make good. That’s worth remembering. All drug gists—three sizes—the largest is the most economical. 35c, 70c, *1.40. Sloa Linimen PROGRESSIVE SHOE SHOP Ladles and Gents Fancy Work Ci*> on Special Attention Goodyear Electric Shoe Repairing System Wark Called For and Delivered W. M. Bivins and E. D. Bright p hoan 796 214 N. Lao Si. Grandmother’s Recipe Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. That beautiful, even shade of darlf, glossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray or streaked, lust an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dredfold. Don’t bother to prepare the mix ture: you can get this famous old recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients at a small cost, all ready for use. It Is caUed Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This ean always be depended upon to bring back the natural color and lustre of your' hair. t Everybody uses "Wyeth’s" Sage and Sulphur Compound now because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You elmply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another appli cation It becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. This ready-to-uso preparation Is a delight ful toilet requisite tor those who de sire dark hair and a youthful appear ance'. It Is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of Kill That Cold With CASCARA Ef QUININE FOR Colds, Coughs . AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours—Relieves Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara (a beat Tonic ! ^oi»-No Opiato In Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT W°AEN ■WILL For three generations women have been talking about Stella Vitae-“‘‘Woman'B Relief,” "Mother’s Cordial.”Telllng each other what Stella Vitaa has' done for them, and their daugh ters, and their friends. Any woman may (rjl Stella Vitae on the positive guarantee that if the first bottle doesn’t help, the druggist will refund the money. Ask your druggist. What Some Women Say About STELLA-VI17E 3. LILIE REYNOLDS of Mad- ,8.C.,saj»i‘ CP. DAVIS Dental Surgeon Rei. Phone 81C. Office Phone 818 'Allison Building MB. R. L. HALL, of LarklnvlUe, Ala., a well-known merchant who sold STELLA VITAE and uaod it in his family, writes: "STELLA VITAE has provod to bo the best medicine my wife bos over usod for a run-down system." MRS ... . Ison, 8. C., says: ‘‘I have boea using your STELLA VITAE, with won derful results. It is the most won derful medicine for women that I have ever used. I want all my frlondo to try STELLA VITAE.” THACHER MEDICINE CO, OattuMga, lean., U. S. A. P O. Box 118 B.C. HOGUE CONTRACTING, BUILDING, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING, EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR SUMTER COUNTY FOR TIFT WHITE SILICA BRICK. rURNER ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND CONTRACTORS. ,24 Windaor At*. Niftift PhoB« 809 rone 124 (S.rvlce I. Our Motto.) s cheerfully fumiahed on all classes of work We carry a com- of Fixtures, Lamps, Fan*, Boudoir Lamps, Irons, Sewfn? Ma- j* ‘jy'fnro .n. HVatliTg Elements of all kinds. See our display. fire, life, casualty INSURANCE HERBERT HAWKINS 14-16 Blasters Bank Buildint ALLISON COTS THE PRICES ON FURNITURE Ever since Henry Ford started an tomobiles on the downward path ■ few weeks age, yen have been won dering whether furniture dealers ere going to cot. We ere. We Have— we ere willing to do onr pert in get ting beck on a normal basis. While we see no Immediate prospects baying farnltare cheaper wo have house fell of farnltare. We will guarantee our prices for six months, that is, If there Is any drop In farnltare, we will protect yen et the prices we will name yon. We believe yon will agree that this is e fair proposition. ALLISON FURNITURE CO RAILROAD SCHEDULES (Central Time.) Arrival end Departure of Passenger Trains, Amsricns, Gsu SEABOARD AIK UNE. arrives Leave, 10:59 pm Cordele-Savannah 1:20 am 6:15 pm Richland 10:00 am 3:10 pm Cordele-Savanna'. 12:3 pm 12:31pm Richland-Montgy 3:10 p 10:00 am- Cordele-Helena 6:1-pi PEPTONA A Reconstructive Tonic Aid for enriching the Blood, building the Strength and Improving the Health Gen erally. * MURRAY’S PHARMACY LAMAR STREET htOA, MtiyUthm-SoJenu, N.C. Mg&cuj| ©ef yi^ou/ cu fuMM OwlsM'AffneAt mu W-S oj -uurntK xfiAjaw Mr ^oCKv -6dKc D -fudvt. (iEtCutc*\ ■kusonitua* .^octericA/ HuMu XuvnC.—trnSJb. mu rldtb fertrK iuiu LffC*t iruJMona OVtr\ flwd/. Slu ' Mr Xt> KWtr r€Kv 'ftt/iD -tCKz 3 JvCUA .“(ittOjttry Axusomout O-nJ, .ftaetdried flm<Loj L XomC.—u?iEL, xuij doth fiooK Iff Eta OWr\ flwd, S'amjaGM , £ nwvm/wg xnfe if a* miouM. AJayqer man j^but Amt^onaXuro, oCAstfcnAball, mrKi CUut, /t| ammjmjomX Xo people,, 1m doutn mm VEVW AsOlW book, (D Mien ■Jfutw a^cim £jtnr AOmt ChW OAmruj CrfiMUffZ. KUon IS.Ooo , . 3£tv diabUcJ'Mjfen Ulour! ikirsa Mji Xime mm mum Aifo. ’• jSwrKi QMl. Ot (?rwieeiwx -AfialefopfmMt gauw! yiu-Nums -pium u/ru^ Nvvvjiviu/iusrji Dtaa/ifcow-j ujpucuMa. uroitor; — ’SiUuekt Mm* Ab Covu^oajj £clvt\e£a/ axO&j Qsm^ aan 1&X Mm€ds' CCUmz£& OAA S-t/mfAj (Xj Atvctrttcgta/t *'- S'll SpiX£s AM0W O/ -teft AALcrm ftuoX cud cyuucK eu> 9 c^zAr a, wRaci< t Amsvj CLcrtWA/ tfie dtAwtLr-yXbJjQi,! 'T XJ 3'II ■fle/iei 0j aajoj&j , MO OAiauXbu Xemovururl SUt. tOb AueamtCmc Jkbt Avutfed 9 Hauz aau AfocK 1 T -«B5-