Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, May 26, 1921, Image 1

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THEY’RE BITIN' GOOD RIGHT NOW He got his fishing tackle out, And fished with vig and vim; And yet the jqly "bite” he got A skeeter gave to him. WEEK EDITIO AMERICUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 2b, 1921. AND BATTLE AtlantaSpeaker Coming a/r e , rcises Next Monday Night Announcement-Was made today by officers Of the local post ot the m Ei0n nnd thc local unit of the Woman’s Auxiliary that memorial exercises for those who paid the supreme sacrifice in the great ir would be held in the auditorium • o’r »i Car f leK ' c Library at 8:30 by eiviSl° n t d h ay "-l? 1 ’ 1 ' Ma V :l0 ' thcrc- E ' vin ? ‘be citizens of Americus an opportunity to-pay tribute to the memory of those whS gave their all crisis^ C ° U y thc Breat World . T Jj e speaker of thc occasion will be Basil Stockbridge, of Atlanta, former state commander of the £™ r ' ca " Legion in Georgia. Mr. Stockbridge is a very forceful spenk- » eipccially on such occasions as this will be. He served on thc bor der with the Georgia troops and was a captain in the Dixie Division, lie has had wide experience in Legion affairs both state and national. He was one of the original delegates from Georgia to thc now famous St. Louis caucus in May 1919, where the American Region first saw the light of day. _. Auxiliary to Participate. Th* Woman's Auxiliary unit of the local post will co-opcrate with the officers and members of the post in arranging a program and in mak ing the .exercises a success. It is sincerely hoped by those in charge, that thc citizens of Americus and Sumter county will turn out in great numbers and join the post and auxil-. Lad-ees and Gem’n—Batt’rees for Thursday’s Game; Davenport and Hixon; Pinkston and Ray Well, folks, here's thp big news’chief of police will be invited of the week—the lineups of the Hons and Kiwanis baseball teams that will “kick off” the big benefit game to be staked at the Playground Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock to ajd the Chinese Famine Relief Fund. Stand back, don‘t crowd, There is room enough for all, although it is admitted tne event will be one of the greatest clown acts ever staged by a circus in these parts. Thc re spective managers' have announced that the opposing pitchers will be Postmaster Davenport, for thc Lions, “Uncle Jim" Pinkston, for the JCi wanians. Judge Hixon will receivo em for the Lions and Neill A. Ray for the Kiwanis bunch. Rut what's the use going through thc whdie list in this slow fashion, when thc line ups will give the whole range of tal ent at a glance? Here they are Lions' Lineup. Judge Hixon, catch. Postmaster Davenport, pitch. Parson Brookshire, first base. Dr. Keister, second base. “Bud" Allen, short stop. Will Dupree, third base. Doc Carswell, left field. R. It. Boyd, center field. Nat LeMastcr, right field. 'Kiwaniant* Lineup. Neill A. Ray, catch. * Pinksti Uncle Jim numoers ana join tne post and aux.l- Rules. Marquise of Queensbury tad* rulca . 10 *? vcrn - - Home run* may be I who so gallantly fought and who i willingly gave their lives for their >untry and in defense of the princi- x ole* of American Democracy in or- * der that their loVed ones back home might live In peace and happiness. th old and It behooves every one both young to be present and participate in these exercises.' Besides the address of thc evening by Mr. Stockbridge who will pay tribute to to departed concedes, there will be o-her feature.! on the program which the ladies of the Aux iliary are working on jointly, auch aa quartets, solos, instrumental mu sic. readings, etc. The full program will be announced in these coluumns later. Popples to B. Worn. Thc ladies of thc Auxiliary havo arranged to have tile Shirlie poppy, the official memorial flower of the American Legion, on sale on the streets of Americus on Monday, May 30, and it is urged that every man, woman and child in Americus -and Sumter county purchase and wear one on thia date. Thc flower* arc made of ailk by the French War Or phans and are sold at 10c each in thia country through the American- Franco Children's League, the money going for the support and education of French orphan children under the supervision of an organization known as La Ligue Amcricaine Francaise des‘Eufants, of which Mme. Miller- and is president. Buy a poppy. Wear a poppy. ... on, pitch. Judge Littlejohn, first base. "Stump” Shiver, second base. Mayor Sheppard, short slop. "Sky Pilot” Minor, third bnse. "Lecco” Ansley, left field. “Doogan” Lane, center field. Loafer” Hudson, right field. Substitutes, Kd Aiidrcws, “Ham- bone” Bragg, “Pullcm" Davis, E. B. Everett and “Rcxall” Murray. r — ----- -J ®S ape- cial guhsts to preserve order and act aa body guafd to the umpire in case of need. “* The police patrol wagon will he parked on one side of the field And thc ambulance on thc other for uso in emergency. ' StiR Other Teams. Af(cr thc .aforementioned teams have played a few rounds, two teams :M| " representative of thc younger and mmf;. curie snapped at white house ON TAX BOOKS TO SHOW SHIP Reduction To Be Consid erable. Says Chair man Of Equalizers The tax rate In Sumter county will have to bo raisc(l by the commission ers this year, or the board will have cX will'meett° f the get .Tong’^th'w£’money.' to“l* a .hrtW Mhlhki^ n V ay |,rovo ■ That was the conclusion drawn be a better exhibition of the na- f ro m statements made Wednesday by tlonal game. Manager Bradley Hogg of tho Kiwnnians, announces his players as follows: Hollis Fort and E. J. Eldridge, c. Nathan Murray and Lewis Ellis, p Alton Cogdell and Bob Edwardq lb. Steve Pace and Fred Smith, 2h George O. Marshall and Mike Hol loway, With: dr Smith and Jim Lott, 3b. Evan Mathis and Asa Pittman, left field may _. run in relays. Management not re- sponsible for sore arms, torn lonsible for sore arms, torn pants other casualties. Tho iheriff and W. D. Ticdcman and Emory By- lander. cf. Sam Heys and Hcrschcl Smith, rf. The Lions team was announced by Manager Dave Jennings as follows: Lyons, ss. Clark, lb. T. Jennings, 2b. Chappell, 3b. Snow, If. D. Jennings, cf. Sanders, e. McNeill, rf. Williams, p. . Substitute—Poole, Withers. Cut ler. The entire public is invited to at tend this Thursday half-holiday fun event and share the hilarity, at the same time helping to swell the re ceipts for this worthy charity. The ndiqjssion .fee will be SO cents. Busi ness houses and offices in Americus will closo at 1 o'clock for (die after noon. members of the county board' of equalization, who have begun their work of equalizing the tax returns for this year. From statements made by members of tho hoard it Was ascer tained that fully 90 per cent of tho property owners of the couty have made returns at figures below last year s valuation!. Which had been pretty generally famed by thc board. In some instances thc reductions arc as much as SO (fcr cent. In others the cuts aro much smaller. Thc board has begun *with return* in thc Fifteenth district, and will proceed mplcting each district separately. “We arc gratified to learn," said BOBBY JONESJS Atlanta Golfer And Brutish Champion Both Eliminated MOREGRISTBY ' BRAND JURY Thc following additional grand jury indictments arc given out by Sheriff Harvey: TClifford Harvey, seduction. J. S. Mathews, white, concealed weapons. Rufus Bailey, concealed weapons. James Chauioliss, forgery, 2 counts, and assault with attempt to murder. Jerry Gervin, making and having liquor. Will Hayslip, Fred Newsome and Jesse Johnson, .car breaking. > Wes Clark, making and having liquor. , A. B. Carey, white, having liquor, two counts, and furnishing liquor to minors. Annie May Ross, assault and bat tery. Lucile Brown and Avmeta Stal lings, larceny from house. Mel Singletary, concealed weap ons, 2 counts. J. C. Lail, white, making liquor. Coleman Cain, seduction. Frances Lee Morgan, assault With Rent to , HOYLAKE,'May. 25.—Fred J. Wright, one of the two American sur vivors, in tho British amateur golf championship, won his way through the fifth round this afternoon, de feating John Ball, royal Liverpool, four, and three. Ball this morning eliminated J. H. Douglas, of Chicago! Dr. Paul Hunter, of Lo4 Angeles, the other American, was eliminated In the fifth round by B. Darwin, of Woking, two and one, leaving Wright the sole American representative of thirteen originally entered. HOSPITAL To Take Treatment'For Trouble Developed In France , HOYLAKE, May 26.—(By Aaao- clatcd Press)—Only three Americans were 'eft os compctitori in the Brlt- tish geif championship tournament here at 2 o'clock this afternoon, the survivors then being Frr J J.'Wright, of Boston; Dr. Paul Hunter, of Los- Angelem and J.- K. Douglas, of Chi cago. Bobby Jones, of Atlanta, was eliminated in the fourth ham, or Liverpool. W. C. Fownes, Jr., of Pittsburg, lost to hia team mate, Wright, rhree and two. Cyri! Trolley, British campion, followed Jones to defeat, being beat en by J, B. Bcddnrd, of Pcnnsylvnn- nia, two and one. Major Lawrence S. Churchill, com mander of Souther Field, who an nounced several days-ngo that he had been transferred to Washington for "temporary duty,” will enter the Walter Reed General Agmy Hospital there “for observation and treat ment.” This information was con tained In a copy of the order of trans fer received by tho Timcs-Rccorder today from Washington. Major Churchill was reticent to discuss hia reason for entering the hospital, saying: ‘‘It's just a little trouble I de veloped in France, really nothing much.” It ia understood Major Churchill has been suffering from stomach trouble as a .result of ids - strenuous service in the aviation corps in , France, and asked for relief froiti ounJ this aettvo duty to enter the hospital for treatment to restore hia normal health;: He stated today that he ex pected to leave in two or'three days fare. C Chairman Frank i\. Wilson, of the board, "that values of realty in thc returns have been maintained better than thc values ef personal ty, including live stock an farm belongings. However, it ia ap parent that there will bo a consider able slump in the total valuation for the county when the consolidatioh is completed.' Just what this will be we connot yet tell, because we have only begun our Work. We are hand ling each return separately, endeav oring to give a fair and proper val uation to each. In this we are using last year’s valuations us a guide, but -got as a criterion.” The valuations for 1920 totalled $11,309,672, of this 110.400,038 be ing for thc white and $909,034 fof tho colored. Cards Now Ready For f ...itwi Methodist Workers V.' GuytoV^Isiier, wSo !a~at the of thc Methodist Education:!) ‘ Rev.' head of the Methodist Education:!) campaign in Americus and which is being waged throughout thc state, announces that thc distri bution cards to be used in ths drive Sunday nfternoon nro now ready to giro out to the captains and ths tesin workers. He urges all those who have plodg cd their support to the drive to meet in tho auditorium of the-First Meth odist 'church .Tbureda; PRICE FIVE CENT! CUSTOMSHOUSE AND NOTED! ARE DESTROY! Soldiers, B&mbecJ, Fir< On Crowds—Sinn Fein Blamed LONDON, May 26,—(By nted Press.)—The customs house Dublin, says a Central News dispa burned this afternoon, the burp]] being attributed to the Sinn 1 Flames broke out' simulta throuRhout tho building which wholly destroyed. It was one of tile finest building in Dublin nnd cost a million poan Another account says the huildin was fired through boipb* throw UUry ' we bombed as they drove up to the cet Thc soldiers' fired machine riflc3 and revolvers and several sons were seen to fall. Three pear to linvc been ki'Icd. The affair seems a most < ntely organized attach. hortiy. afterward -Liberty, headquarters of tho Jrisi Tin Worker. - , w.T : •■I on fin* and Jo cd. ANDERSON HI LESLIE COUNCI Mrs. F- A. Wilson Vice Chairman Of Commu nity Body spacer: ** ■—* *. W. T. AnderBsn, Leslie ban was elected chairman of thc Community council, one of the > ions of thc Sumter County Farm reau, which ^ yet to be orfeani: nt* the community .meeting at 1 Jio Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. Wilson, one of the leading wo of the Fifteenth district, was ■ vicc.-chairmiin ami B. A, Brad secretary and treasurer. .This was the fir* 1 community < cil to be organized in Sumter < ty, and will fie followed by othe Sheppard, of Hunting 7:45 o'clock-: _ _____ and the' necessary instructions' for the final campaign Sunday qfternoon. REEVES BROWN ENDS HIS LIFE FEW CHANCES IN TEACHERS'STAFF NEARLY 50 DEAD IN EGYPT RIOt Mi icon Merchant Lies >°jwn On Track* Ahead Of Engine Several Not Applicants —Three Places Yet To Fill county manager for the Farm renu campaign, and County A Marshall attended Hie meeting, following committees were select nnd the date of the next mectin pet for Friday, June 3: Program of Work- (). O. HurnetL Leon Griffin, Cmi'mim Mass. Mi min i.ship - J. W. Clopton, E. R, Bolton, J. W. Peel. By Lawn—J. T. Bolton, F. W! llincs, JI, L. Speer. Methodists Off For District Conference ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, May 26.— •rare.)—7" (By Associated Press.)—There was only desultory firing in tho streets Arbitrators Cut Wages Of Hat And Cap Makers Churchill will accompany him. HUNDREDWAGE DISPUTES FILED of five thousand union .cloth hat and cap makers of tho New* York district were reduo^d -ten. yir emit by arbi trators in a decision mhde public today.. The reduction is effective immediately. MARKETS AMERICUS SPOT COTTON Good Middling :..ll 3-4c Car Stolen In Fropt Of Residence Of Mayor uring thc Americus Lighting company was stolen Tuesday afternoon from in front of 313 College street, the-apart- menta of Manager Ewing. The theft is considered an unus- usually bold one, aincc it was done in the broad open day time and directly in front of the house of Mayor Shep pard. Manager Ewing left the car in front of Ills apartment* when he went to lunch and did not use it during tlw afternoon. When he went home early in tha evening the car was gone. The license number is 17668 and the motor number la 4348413. The car is • |920 model. NEW YORK FUTURES July Oct Dec. Jan Prcv. Closo 12.62 13.36 13.76 13.85 Open 12.68 13.43 13.83 13.95 10:15 am 12.73 13.47*13.34 13.96 10:30 12.74 13.46 13.87 13.96 10:45 12.73 13.49 13.B7 1398 12.80 13.53 13.05 14.00 13.49 1398 13.97 12.79 13.45 1.1.89 1398 12.75 13.50 13.89 13.97 12.8, 13.58 13.90 14.05 12.80 13.65 13.94 14.05 12.80 13.56 13.95 14.04 12.R5 13.65 14.05 14.12 12.88 13.68 14.12 Jl.16 12.90 13.71 14)3 14.S6 ......1292 13.7) 14.10 14.20 12.88 13.66 )496 14.20 200 12:90 13.67 14.07 14.20 2:15 ...12.87 13(67 14.08 14.14 2:30 12.87 13.67 14.01 2:45 ...12.85 13.67 14.0 Close 12.90 13.68 14.0! 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12::43 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 CHICAGO. May 25.—More than a hundred new wage disputes' submitted by railroads all over the country have been filed with the Railroad Labor board in the last live weeks, it was learned today. r Every submission asks reduction in wagda of Various classed. ‘The dis putes will’lic heard bd#tining June here last night following the recent riotous disturbances in'which nearly fifty were- killed and two hundred wounded. Looters and skulkers 1 xrere respon sible for these disturbances. MACON. Mav 25.—Reeves Drown, vice president of tho W. A. Doody company, was killed by a switch en gine here today, . According to the crew, Mr. Brown took of his hat and Inid down oh thc track when the engine was within ten feet of him. Friends say they believe his death and could ascribe no causo ior his rfuicidc. ' Presbyterians, To Act On Appropriations ST. LOHIS, May 25.-—Final action on thc recopimrndatione for foreign miaBione, - systematic benefleienecs, Christian education and ministerial relief was planned at today’s session ith'oi ~ ' of the Southern Presbytqrian General Assembly. None'of the large appro priations' for church activities during next year have beeq deeded jin. WILSON STRIVESTO New Plan Proposed For Silesian Solution *Jay 26.—(By Associated iatest pinn for settlement or tne Upper Bifosian controversy, supposedly a British suggestion, Is to give Poland and Germany respective ly tho communes that have voted ‘heir favorat the recent plebes- cite, but to hold the entire under con- tret of thc commission for ■ thirty !'’’!)• - , j ' - ’ - * Only a few changes were made in ,the personnel of teachers of the Am ericas public schools when tho board pf education elected officers at the annual meeting Tuesday night. The result of the election was given out Wednesday by Superintendent Mn- thla ns follows: Hisf'i School. C. M. Kale, principal; Mias Lily Brooks, Miss Eleanor Murphee, Miss Pauli Spelling, Miss Martha Cobb, re-elected. New, Miss Edith Carter Kuncy. Former teachers not re-applying, Rev. Guyton Fisher. Mrs. Law rence Brown, Mrs. Sam Heya an-1 Lorln Smith are roprrsentives from the First Methodist church hero to thc Americur. District eonferonef which will lie held in Arlington tut dny' and Thursday. The do'egatea left in Mr. Fisher's ear early thia morning for thc conference, and will return here Thursday nftoieoon. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Heys and Mr. Smith represent different depart ments of tho church work, and will make reports of their accomplishment nt thc conference. Jumps Ini Of VsM losfe Party 14.14 ho 14.12 14-27 LIVERPOOL COTTON - _ _ July Sept. Dec. Jan. Prey. Close 8.14. 8.47 8.69 8M3 Open — 8.61 -8.78 8.78 Clos ..8.31 8.62 nk in order to make some xd ents. While the epgiue was chugging nwaV causing a disturb- ance In thc watep n big jack fish W inlo thc boat, probably try- jump over the boat into the open' lake." The fish fell between the legs of Welter*Wil proceeded to out again. REGAIN HfS HEALTH WASHINGTON, May 26—For-| many-letters from friends and ad- mcr President Wobdrow Wilson |sj mirers (n all parts of the world. ‘ ‘ «« «ada a great,deal, a* «lernye, , d the habit of reading aloud which has long been cultivated In the Wil- ■On family circle is coniine— 1 '' * Miss Hilda Blount, Miss Eunice Rus-' tin, R. M. Smith. Furlow Grammar School, ncipal, Mils ‘Sarah Crtbb. Miss Lhzabcth McLendon. Miss Foy Mott, Mlaa Linda Mathia. Miss Jonnic Da- vis, Miss Ciaudo McLaughlin, Mm. Annie P. Walker, Mias Edith Crelgh ton, Miss Genevieve Morgan, Misi Clave More Kempt), Mila Annlo Me- jAnrlln. MU* Ella Polk, music. Mias Martha Wheatley, drawing, Miss An nie Fulton, Mias Hilda Johnson, all re-elected. Mis, Annie Pcrka, new, to succeed' Ml*s Sherman who did not • apply. Mary War Wounds Fatal To Former Leslie Man LESLIE. Mny 25.—Lon Frazier, who wns n former resident of near Leslie before joining thc army and .received injuries while in France which caused his^Icalh in a hospital in Greenville, S. C., Sunday. His body’ Is expected home today.' Tho body will be buried! in the Pleasant Grove cemetery. About onco in every two and one- half years, there are two full moons in one month. : Mias , Unles* the weather hr entirely toh bad, Wilson takes a motor ride ev- i ry “»unlly accompanied by Mrs. Wilson. His favorite route is •i. -so . -- - favorite route is through Rock Creek park, one’of the Ihost beautiful parks In the world,’ al though on occasion h ' trl] ‘ — ..'iliiams, who kill it before it jumped WA«^N B ^ K y^ M -i>reri- dent Harding and party returned to Washington today from New York, tho yacht Mayflower docking two hours: lato.VwIpg.'ta' i rbugjt voyage WEATHER. and riMKiiCHkiiiiil )recast for Georgia—Fair tonight Thursday; warmer in north por- keeping hia own counsel these days.. ~ -— — - It is doubtful Whether there, ia any- . l J , *_ h f bl ‘ of . "5 d, . nE « 1 «« d one outside' hia immediate family circle who knows what the foriher prezfdcnt thinks about the develop ment of Wdrld affaire. It would not l>e surprising if even hia Immediate family doesn’t know. • ■, Since the’ Wilson drove from thc capitol to their new (home In S. street on the day President Harding was . inaugurated, the])' have lived about the’tnost secluded life possible. On occasion they attend the thea ter ka quietly and Inconspicuously aa it can be done, usually Occupying scats in the rear of the bouse near the entrance. This is to make the walk from the motor aa short os pos sible. The former president is still quite lame and While hi* genera! health ia said to be Improving, slow ly but surely from week to week, it la not likely that he over will be en tirely relieved from the handicap of Every detail of Wilson’* life is nr- raftged with the single idea of build ing up his health and strength. Mrs. Wilton devotes herself unremittingly to the labor of love which managing tho household with this end in view involvbs. The former president receives mmmmmo takes' longer B i into thc country, c receives very few though many nr bis ot friends would like to call.'. „ that-he would not like to havo but tho doctor, advise af ' expenditure of energy. Invol tcrtaimng them. That thc former ly interested in cvi SfiSH-of-N, the treaty of aty Rambo, now, ta succeed Mbs Hartsfield, who did not npply. Mbs Annie Davis, new, to’succeed Mr*. Annie-Bata, who did not apply. E«»t Amtrfcti, SebAoI. - Priniepal, Mias Susie Taylor; as sistant. Miss Naomia Wright. Prc-spect Heights School. Miss Elizabeth Belcher. JTwo vacancies remain in tho high All teachers fn the McKay’ Hill colored school were re-elected. Macon, Too, Out Af Odd Fellows In 1 )22 ■ATHENS, May 25. — Macon and Americus are the competing citfea for r* grand encampment of swa of Georgia. The cn- ipment pment opened yesterday with 2, delegate*- present or on their J! 1 ,* election of officers ultcil ns follows Tho most densely populated city in the world is Bombay . Americans aro eating 8 per cent less meat than they did 2i> years ago. IlmitSand girls disappear- * in the United State*. I CARTOONETTE I