Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, September 24, 1921, Image 1

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The number 125 cun be divided into four part'in such t manner that if you add four to the first, subtract four from the second, multlpiy the third by four, and divide the fourth by four, the result will be the same in each case. What art* the parts? An.w.r to yesterday',: Fir.t, $20; Second, $40; Third, **0| Fourth, $10. THE fI PUBLISHED IN THE _ FORTY-fHIRD YEAR.—NO. 38. MERICUS ORDER WEEKLY I HEART OF DlXif EDI Tf ~ ~ AMFRIt’US. GEORGIA SATURDA YAFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 24, 19 21 PRICE FIVE CENTS. HOME EDITION. Daugherty May Call Klan Officials to Washington NEGRO CONVICT DIESSUDDENLY, MYSTERIOUSLY 'HERE IS VIRGINIA RAPPE’S TORN WAIST 300 DEAD FOUND IN OPPAU RUINS OF EXPLOSION G.O.P. LEADER ! ASKS KU KLUX QUIZ LAUDS HARDING FOR PEACE PACT Expiret From Ruptured Artery ! Day After Received—Inquest Finds No Cause Estimates Of Dead Run As HiRhlWadswoith, Chairman Of New As 1500—French Troops On Job day The mysterious death Wedn nf buster Whitehead, a negre, on the ! Sumter county chain ."any, on the 1 second day he hail placed on I the teanjf. was the topic of conversa- j tion about Americus today, following I a coroner’s inquest held over his ' body Wednesday afternoon and a I pout mortem examination made by ! I>r. F. L. Cato, county physician. On , the insistence of members of the cor- j oner's jury, who were unable to ob- | tain any clue to the cause of the ne- J Kro’s death from witnesses. Dr. Cato j made a thorough examination, at the j conclusion of which he announced j that the negro came to his death from pulmonary embolism—a blood clot | in the lung caused from an arterial J rupture producing strangulation from the flow of blood into the lung. This j was the form of the verdict of the j coroner's jury. Dr. Cato at the time gave no ox-, planation as to the probable cause of i the negro’s condition, hut today when I seen bv a Times-Recorder reporter j r-tated that he did not know what was the cause of the condition and that j there was no wav in which it could j be determined. He would venture! no opinion, but said such condition sometimes results from internal ! causes such as a diseased or weak blood vessel. He insisted that in his | examination he found no evidences! whatever of external violence. The negro who was sentenced to the chain gang from the City court Mondav. was taken to the convict camp 4 1-2 miles southeast of Ameri cus on the Leslie road Tuesday morn-; ri , . ing. He worked part of the day. ‘ ^ and Wednesday forenoon, according to testimony, stopped work, lying down and complaining that he was ill. According to the testimony forfe was uW To restrain hitn by both Harry McCoy, a white convict trusty, who has been »*iven a place as pang boss, and by J. H. Cobb, n convict guard. That the force used was not se vere wouM be indicated by the state ment of Dr. Catir after the post mor tem that he could find no evidences of violence. No testimony was given . at the inouest that the negro had I been punished, and all witnesses gave I much the same evidence, declaring ' that had been no trouble. Whitehead was an Americus ne gro, apparently robust and in the best of health when turned over to the gang Tuesday. He was arrested j a short time ago by the police for i chicken stealing. MAYENCE, Germany, Sept (By Asociated Press.) — troops and volunteer workers ! through the night in the ruins Badische Aniline company i Dppau where hundreds \v< yesterday by un explosion. Estimates of the number range a.* high as 1,500 in definite figures obviously a sible. Over three hundred ed. 22— s toiled s of the orks at e killed York State Convention Sounds Party Keynote United in the of the| SYRACUSE, Sept. 22. - States Senator Wadsworth kepnote speech ns chairman New York State Republican conven-l tion, today said “no finer stroke of j diplomacy adorns the annals of the State Department” than th* new' treaty with Germany. Had the Harding rnlminb tration | done nothing else, he added, “its; achievement in thus untangling and j setting aright our foreign relations would justly entitle It to fame.” j He said all honor whs due the |>res-1 ident for conceiving the “great and! benefieient step" of the coming con j ference on disarmament art! For Eastern question. HERE’S A REASON WHY IOWA LEADS , AS STOCK state .LEAGUE ADMITS Virginia Rappe’*: torn waist, bv the film actress at “Fatty" Arbuck be important exhibits in the Arbuckle garments were taken to Lor: Angeles. d and turned over to th | AMES, la., Sept 22.—The ! AH) cooperative livesstock shipping associations in Iowa, covering more than 700 towns and villages and doing a business last year estimat ed at* # 103,000,000. according to Dr. E. G. Nourse of Iowa State College here. Dr. Nourse, who is head of the college’s agricultural economies department, has just completed a state survey. Average saving of farmers in marketing expenses is estimated ut •35 cents a hundred pounds. Cooperative shipping associa tions in Iowa doubled last year, 3 NEW NATIONS MRS. TYLER TRIESJ TO‘FIRE’ But Impel ial Wizard Simmons j Say» She Hasn't The Power , I To Do It HOLDS RESIGNATIONS OF CLARKE AND WO But Hasn’t Indicated He Will Ac- ccpt Them—All Not Har mony In Ranks WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 officials of the Ku Klux Klan „ be summoned to Washington for terrogation by the Department ofE Justice, Attorney General Daugherty indicated today. . Director W. J. : Burns of the Bureau of Investigation! has been instructed to set agents at ’ work on rfn investigation of the> KIan's organization in various part# of the country. „ j Congressman Peter F. Tagus Esthonia, Let via And Lithuania i Massachusetts, who. introduced a Voted Into Membership By Assembly At Geneva GENEVA, Sept. 22—(By Asso ciated Press.)—Three additional na tions were admitted to the League of Nations today—Esthonia, Letvia and Lithuania. Membership was xted them by the League assembly olution in the Nati nesday, calling for a ! the Ku Klux Klan. nal House Wed -stigution ol CHICAGO'S GREAT LIBEL SUIT OPENS 0 . A . , . , ' - * * , mi. in uj int- L.eagu dlO being formed. The first Was I at this morning's session, started in 1904 and in 191C theru were hut 57 active. Approximately 27.5 per cent of the total livestock business of the state, or 49.754 cars were handled by these associations in 1920, as- cording to the survey. DAUGHERTY TO ACT IN DEBS PARDON SOON tomey^tener’J^nauKhcrty^stated te-i COn,t ‘ tU ‘' onal ri * bt ,:1 »« day that his recommendations.un thaj the demurrer will question of a pardon for Eugene | ^ave the effect of dismissing the suit Ilebs, Socialist leader, may be sent. on the ground of insufficient evi- to the president next week J deuce. CHICAGO, Sept. 22—The $10.. 000,000 libel suit of the city of Chi- cago against the Chicago Tribune- op tied today with counsel for the n.ewrpaper asking th? court to uphold ! its general demurrer based m thu At-, annaiiiiiii/in.i - f freedom of the ALEE TEMPLE, SHR1NERS, PLAN TRIP TO ALBANY j Alee Temple, Savannah, is pre- ! Paring for a pilgrimage to Albany for n ceremonial to be he l d there on Thanksgiving Day. November 24. Po tentate Hubert and his divan are making elaborate preparations for th:s, the first ceremonial held s-'n^e the return from the mee ing of the Imperial Council at Des Moines last June, and a large class will cross the “hot sands.” There is marked activity in Alee’a membership at this time, and the tern- f j pie is singularly honored by having \ 'the imperial Potentate this year— Noble E. A. Cutta holding the ofTi What’s the Matter With Us, Anyway? GOVERNOR CONDEMNS - KLAN BEFORE MASONS. j* j ST. LOUIS, Sept. 22.—Governor Hyde, of Missouri, condemned ^he Ku Klux Klan as an organization before five hundred members of the Grand Lodge Masons of Missouri last n'ght, declaring 4t a "secret and fur tive organization whose methods arifl subversive to v Americr.n ideals ohd the rule of law." lie declared Ma sons "have no connection with tttfi organization and want ^ with it." SAMUEL M. VAUCLAIN, PR ESIDENT OF BALDWIN LOCO MOTIVE WORKS, ANSWER S QUESTION FOR TIMES-RE. CORDER. Whal’i the matter wilh i ! Plan have been perfect*-J for the I derrertion* c * u ** ^ u ' tan Francisco next June for dt ?” , \ ion and «•■••»►••*«■•»« MARKETS AMERICUS SPOT COTTON. Good Middling, 19 .3-4c. the cause of business LIVERPOOL COTTON LIVERPOOL. Sept. 22—Market opened steady, 12-20 up. Quota tions, fullys, 15.18. Sales, 15,000 bales. Futures: Nov. Dec. Jan Prev. Close . 12.74 12.46 12.29. Open 14.11 12.81 --- | Close 12.02 12.65 Witnesses in Aibuckle Case—Miss Z«y Pi Dolly Clark, right. } trip to San Francisco next June for, ! the Imperial Couticil session, and the ! band and patrol of Alee Temple. Sa-, van nab, accompanied by the Band and I ' putrol of AI Sihah Temple, Macon,! 1 will act as official escort to the lni-| perial Potentate on the trip across the I continent. RAPPE FILMS BARRED BY FIRST NATIONAL Prev. Onen- 10:15 10:20 10:45 11 :00 I 1 :15 II :20 11 :45 12:00 12:15 12:20 12:4 Close NEW YORK FUTURES Oct. Dec. Jan. ! 10.70 20.02 20.05 [ 10.00 20.20 20.21 | 19.85 20.25 20.24 ! 10.88 20.26 20.23 ! 10.85 20.22 20.21 j 10.82 20.17 20.17 i 10.75 20.17 20.1 1 i 10.82 20.12 20.10 | 10.65 20.00 20.00 10.67 20.05 20.02 10.65 20.08 20.05 j 10.70 20 05 20.08 10.75 20.15 20.15 i 10.75 10.10 20.08 1 10.85 20:25 20 25 j 19.85 20.15 20.15 19.78 20.20 20.19 ! 10.80 20.23 20.22 j 19.83 20 .30 20.28 f 10.77 20.18 20.20 | 19.6.3 20.02 20.00 ' j LOS ANGELES, Sept. 22. — All' First National film exchanges werei ordered today to withdraw all films [from exhibition in which appeared I ( Virginia Rappe, the actress for whose! f death "Fatty" Arbuckle is held at i San Francisco on a charge of mur- ! der, it was announced today. Thirty- two hundred exhibitors are repre sented in the action. What can remedy’ conditions? Ihcso questions everyone is ask ing. For they atfact everyone in timately, vitally. Everyone is feel- • ng the effects of commercial Osgjialion, either in wages or divi- The Times-Recorder, through the N. E. A. Service, has asked the men who should be best able to answer these questions for their diagnosis of the situation. It has received signed statements from a number of national figures, w<iose names appear in an announcement elsewhere in this issue. The first of these is offered here today. Oth ers Will follow. trying to half his ii time. Tb mug mills |MI , 8C00 OIL WORKERS TO STRIKE IN SYMPATHY ! LOS ANGELES. Sept. 22 -All l<~ ! cals of tin* Oil Workers International Union in Southern California tepre- I senfing eight thousand me.i, lave voted t.. strike in sympathy with the amfricus temperatures fFurnishod bv Pharmacy I he finest unworked world have been < Philippines. ron fields in iscoveied in vt enough work to keep n working on reasonable Baldwin Works are run* •npneity. Steel Not doing the same thing, became we don’t want to run to ca pacity—hut because the money is not available to swing it. We are all working people, sup porting each other. Closed plants throw thousands o’* ‘ * that hurts the far than it helps him. fairly eats up mo turn >f work, hut owner more closed plant onev, with n io dividends. Labor iges are cut off, or t is because there for otherwise th. e. And the slock public themselves vlie’ll there are n< 6 pm 8 pm 10 pm • Midnight 2 am “Fatty "^Ail.ii direct il,c pio- 90 years old in active service Episcopal church. in”the ! BAPTISTS TO I’KAY FOR I FARM BARN BURNED; WORLD PEACE NOV. • 1 1 I IKE BUG SUSPECTED ‘‘OUR BOARDING HOUSE” A new daily comic, by Gene Ahearn. that matt er ol wit and modern dang. STARTS TODAY FIRST OF ZR-2 DEAD BURIED AT ARLINGTON WASHINGTON, £,. f j first of the deadj^th. Iter^rnd a mkionzl unman o badly cur*h*-d they may die, and v*ral head of cows and hogs were to death. Th.:. year's crop t* hay rn-fl n.iall gram was lost, hut i Jeporn cri*p had r.ot been gathered. ** v in Arling \ j| art f arm j* located near the ig place-on which a fin# new DO THEY READ THE TIMES- RECORDER? The following letter, Mr. Ildridge says, proves that THEY DO, not only in Americus, but in CUTH- 1ERT and a number other towns: of • <TTIIRERT, Ga., Sept. H, 1 HU 1. MP. G. M. EI.DRIDGE, Americus, Ga. Enclosed lind 95 cents f which please send me one doz cold-plated safety pins. Yours truly. MRS. —. —. . t only oavs to atjver- BY SAMUEL M. VAUCLAIN Prr.idcnt, Baldwin Loconiulite Work., The chief thing that in the n atfei lack of cuoital. the outstanding link ir the cnul* is chair of rear** iim for busi neas depression unemployment. And the ennor why ho niur.y peo pie do not under-1 Melb stand what u »he|hi*r matter with us is! right this: ! vival 1'eople are m-t will-! men ing to realize that'with, work —- not rnon- M. — is the basis not t prospr the «'udle ♦•frort is being made post of things. Steel everything. If steel V, lai'roads would be busy. It pendent upon tl 1 orting each oth id. because the otln j rock*—no „ I What w sticlc his fing fellow .sup on the r pital float the ship, is Tor somebody to into that endless —-r,- things'. Secretary >n has done that very thing with lew tax proposals. He has the • idea —you can’t expect a re in business unless business have money left to do business We do c, * in t-noueh 1 pay; nor ■ S. M. , ; <U K h fu I'M chillies, nor housing Wo nro . "iff-iii'i: from a ilcprcclalcd value i .f our own money. ()„r momy’s; ' ■aluc is unimpnir.1,1 in other countries but we can't sell our Roods ahrond.l and We only yet about on the dollar here. The only way to analyze the ness situation is to analyze your household. If you ran briny its and its standards down to the level you Will yet a|o.,y -hut things you nts value ^ plaining ngaipst ! think that ‘if ' doesn’t ha It ought !ih|. <? un The <doi| thing taxation, sprc.’.d 'body would miss dual r.intrfl>u*ioii. Tho an thinK hr errapes he- nislness man is taxed. But '•'.nii out of hit hide, i "-hi r w'ny to yet it. Mirl,ken Idea, mistake for anybody, roni- MRS. TYLER TRIES 1U •FIRE’ KLEAGLE BATE. ATLANTA, Sept. 22—That all.If not complete harmony within thoj rnngs of the imperial officers hat of the Ku Klux Klan, tin der fire nr, a result of the expose— of the New York World, is indlv»ta ed by the fact that Mrs. EPznhetW Tyler, head of the woman't depart^ ment of the .order and whose was mentioned as hnving been arretn ed with Edward Youny Clarke, perial kleayle, some time ago, I telryrnphed to New Jersey order the dismissal of Klcagle Bate tcleyrapheri Imperial Wizard mnns Tuesday demanding the disnuaa sol of both Clarke and Mrs. Tyleri nnti bv the denial of Col. SimmortE that Bote hns been “fired." Col. Simmons stated that he held ttB resignations of Clarke and Mrs. Tylet in case he found their, eonnectlow with tlic order embarrassing. * J Mrs. Tvler stated that she had' rent the telegrnm ''firing” Bate im- ; mediately after his telegram was F**; eeived nt the offices of the Ku Klui Klan. She said one told Bate In the t'icyrsm that he was “utterlji unworthy of the honorable titleioX kleugle ’ and Informed him that shtl was telegraphing to Crank Cobllt Adkins to revoke Bate’s comihlssIuB instantly. Result of Change,. ._ J r, s. Tyler said she had found II necessary to make several change m the Klim’s organization in Not Jersey nnd these changes had be* displeasing to Bate. She said hi message asking for her discharge* ’•ns not n surprise to her in view: of what had gone before. • . ra In reference to the telegram di Mrs Tyler dismissing Bate from hit . position ns district kleugle, Colondl himmoiiK suid Mrs. Tyler did not lisvJi "‘t’ “Uthority to discharge Bate: "• ] "The statement - credited to mt hat I approved heartily of Mrs. Ty’ ler s position is only, purtlally'cor rect. I agreed with her thateuK mnn who would judge hastily a ftof. having heard only one side of a caslii and demand the distnissal of Mr t.larke nnd Mrs. Tyler because'Wl statements published in * . newStuSr without making any effort t*R all 'he furls of the cst« or giving them opportunity to orbs **nt thi-ir 4k. -- ent their wide of the c.„ w „ n _ worthy to hold n position of *2 sponnibility. “I authorized the sending of i telegram to Grand Gohlln AdkUl* ill whose lerritory New Jersey is lo rated, requesting information ? ln ref erence to B„,e. Aside from th%“ v mn in the ease has been au izeil hy nte nnd action will no . " "•<' have eomnleted “Bate profits tax tnploymont, th*» business man pay an enormous being -ye many things you have! Tb. been havim' lately. i for w . Apparently we must wait till hard I no re Umes pull people down t,, doing imtbir without things to make them realize what has happened—and to get the dollar-, back to its normal vslue. Condition* Improve, t In th»» readjustment we are now Roing throuedveonditions are ntetdi- ly growing betf^r. But it will take a ”Visr time. Meanwhile rvmhodv —wot only labor, or cepitsl, or * doesn’t have taken away by business man is plined. ) as to pay too, iey there can. be fi'*w enterprise, more work for has not been fired.” Simmon, Enraged. The telegram, which • was ml* public by Mr. Bate, follows rece ;erp c ^d th r ^ ln '--P CuX r MS ,U Ty!? r Ve to n s°i f r 0 f* r w°„ n f .'f'ody. Kfce^s profits do not g 0 into the ♦rong box*—they go back to labor to tm* nun lie. Anybody can se* that what'?, wrong with us is no capi vw Of what has. now beconi* tcfn.itional knowledge. wiTHIM (hat said* two be dismissed 'it on If we !h *’ the entire hou^e tlSpSe", “7. ' ,a ' strueted will Wl"5&85aH ereort, yones-lf.” tal and an endiess chain, of elrcum- s*ances. Nohodv in nartlcular is tc blam^—everybody is! „ ToT4prrow—Bgoiasiia xr ; A , Colette! Rimmons Wo... 4. * _ J '.’ y - .t'i d»*e76umenf, J„’i against the T n t v ,„ ber, of 1„ nffi^ t „ r * included a r- '■;‘iesU th' 7 Fulton