Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, November 12, 1921, Image 4

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MRSMNft GiOTVtS •so l | *48 1 PACE FOUR ■'(THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. CHARGES INSULT, •TERANS REPLY church tomorrow at 9 a. m. The services will conclude in ample time to attend the unveiling of the monou- ment to the Spirit of the American Doughboy. The public iH heartily in vited to attend the service. Let us I edfcm Poll Wire. Week. Recent- j Gull '“ altar 10 P'W that this Tr . ri...— world, ijkcnt Of WaUon Charges— s5 Denied In House PLAINS. ifisillNGTON, November 10. —| PLAINS, Nov. 10. Mrs. R. S. Oli- , ». r , ver returned Saturday from a pleas- orchester Mass, post No. 5, oi , . .. .. . 1 ,rcn / ant visit to relatives in Decatur, ncrican Legion, is the first to > Mf and Mrs AuMtin p rcnch a nd d to the request made by Sec-1 perward French, of Richland, were Weeks for all information and | guests Sunday of Mrs. E. Timmer- possession of the legion rela-i n?an, Jr. the charges by Senator Wat- j Leo Partin, who teaches in the pf Georgia, that American sol France had been shot with- tuit-Tfiartial. fftclcgram from R. R. Murphy, adjflKnt of the post, received at the waMepnrtment, reads: , “Worcester post, No. 5, of the A hi Wean Legion, bitterly resents the juii^ion upon our comrades in the arifi^nursc service contained in the rcjS&cd remarks of the senator from Gclftin and desire to go on record as Bering their co-operation to the wafr^cpartnient in suitably Mnswer- iiiffiihi.s insult, rebuking the man who waMtuilty of the remark.” The Private Soldiers and Sailors Irifii in a letter to Secretary Weeks dettfred that “unless the records of ♦ l «-*%ar department have been tamp- I with" a scrutiny of them will >h "all the evidence necessary _„.j conclusively that tyranny, llity and abuse were the rule got the exception in the attitude fficuA r -toward enlisted men,” Aii! F. The letter was writ- ccmhcction with Mr. Weeks' t$IE‘(he American Legion as- >MHirlng facts relative to al mi. treatment of soldiers, infcjiting on the charge of il* J hangings made by Senator Wat* Representative Johnson, of Dakota, Republican, who yea* i was in a clash with Rcproscn* . Bulufinke declared, “No mat- k>w we agree or disagree with brmcr secretary of war or Gen- fershhig, I know the charge that ivorc'takcn out and hanged with* jourtmartial is not true. And 1 j that no officer or private car* tout such orders for illegal hung* school at Pelham, spent the week-end with hi? parents, Rev. and Mrs. G. R. IJartin. Mrs. R. A. Stapleton and little Alice Andrews, of Americus. spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. R. M. Andrews. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Taylor left Saturday to spend a month with rela tives at Morgan. R. S. Oliver attended the monthly meeting of the county commissioners in Americus Monday. J. A. Hiller and family, from Ter rell, spent Sunday guests of Mrs. Mattie Caughman. Mrs. Leila Chambliss and Mrs. Lucy Coogle were guests of relatives at Oglethorpe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jennings and Lynette Jennings spent the week end with relatives at Morgan. Miss Agnes Thomas is spending several Jays very delightfully with friends in Dothan, Ala. Mrs. Bowman Wise ami Mrs. Alton Carter were guests of relatives near Richland Sunday. Rev. L. II. Johnson is spending several days at Greensboro, where he filled the pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday morning and even ing. Dr. Parker, from Chipley, is spend ing a day or two with his wife, who i? a patient at the hospital. Mrs. Margaret Kelly, of Hiawassee, (IMHADUEIW FOR SALE was applause /rum the icmtic side when Mr. Bulwinklc red thiit while he had served jten divisions overseas, he nev- iforo had heard the astounding nent that men who were dc- 1 1 “/'.traitors or cowards had j shot down in their tracks by run thdir own side, a never heard of, a man being N in France or anywhere clso leas without court martial con- in,’’-sdcclarcd Mr. Bulwinklc, J 1 will not stand here and let sichaltengcd the statement that g cither cowards or*lnsane, were fdown,.by .their comrades." FOR SALE TWO SPLENDID JERSEY COWS, FRESH IN MILK W. T. M’MATH PHONE Dan a-tt. fMISTICE DAY SERVICE AT i CALVARY CHURCH. V romlrtdmf the presiding bishop kgouncil there will be a eelebra* pf the Holy Communion in all lupal churches in the United j* on November U, • Armistice Us service will be held in Calvary —White female seller, with onoplerrd spot around lef; eye, ine.ntmtg*. For reward notify JcufcUBh, Americus, Ga.—10-tf RECEIVED—Extra niee^Mip- of hen*, fres*i from the coun- nd prices right. Fine selection ailing. Phone 71, West End ottles FOR SALE—Five or «»i\ thousam btalks of .ear cane. S. L. Ham mond, phone 335—7-4t. " 1 FOR SALK—Milk cow. Gives four gallons milk a day. R. C. An drews, Box 42, Rt. A, 'Smithviilc, Ga.—7-6t CHRYSANTHEMUMS for sale—Mrs. • Egbert Allen, phone 618—8-6t. FOR SALE—Pure-bred, registcrcil Duroc Buars. Cherry King. Ap- lily Agricultural College.—3-tf. TELEPHONE Clark’s Transfer, 303, for BANNER LUMP COAL—28-tf FOR SALE—I. X. L. Stalk Cutters; will cut green cotton stalks. Price 150. H. R. Johnson.—29-tf. FOR SALE—Five Mom' Bungalow, 238 Horne street, for cash. Phone or write J. B. Eastcrlin, Jr., Andcr- sonvillc, Ga.—oct 27-20t. WATCH the Red Trucks hauling BANNER LUMP RED ASH COAL—28-tf. • FOR SALE—Fifteen acre nursery a few miles from Albsny, containing from five to fifteen thousand seed ling pecan trees. Address, Crugcr Wcrtbrook, Albany, Ga.—10-7t. FOR SALE—White Orpington hens and pullets, $1.00 each. Call 2902 10-2t. PERSONAL SPECIALLY engraved Christmas cards carrying your own plate, fur nished as follows: 26 for $6.00; 50 for $9.26, or 100 v for $16.00. Place your order early. Hightower’s Book Store—10-4t. SALESMEN WANTED MONEY TO LOAN LOST AND FOUND WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS KEYS MADE—Locks repaired. Yale •• rri keys a specialty. Prices reasonable. Phone 843.—l0-7t. •WANTED—Everybody *ti Americus to come to the Americus Busines- college Friday evening to atend tlA best dance of the sea«on. Splendid music—lots of fun.' Admission $1. -9-3t. Daisy Chrysanthemums Blooming so-fine, For a bright bounuct, I’honc two-four-nine. . —9-sjt WANTED PECANS—Send sample.- or write us the brand you have Highest prices paid. Owens & Poole, Inc., Albany, r,a.—4-14t. WANTED—Your HAT to CLEAN and BLOCK. Service guaranteed. Columbus Hat Works. Columbus, Ua„ Member Chamber of Commerce, Ki- wania club.—12-30t. SALESMEN to cover local territory rolling dealers. Guaranteed salary of per week for right man. The Richard. c 0 „ 20n Fifth Avc., New York N. Y.—IO-. r it. FARM LOANS ATTRACTIVE TERMS DIRECT INSURANCE COMPANY CONNECTION E. J. WITT . B-tf i Years Old -Was Sick To Thjc Coal Buying Public Winter Is Here We believe you want the best and the best in tbe cheapest in the end. Montevallo at klll.SO and genuine Blue Gem at $12.00 while rosting a little more are worth a good deal more for they burn clean and leave no clinkers. We also have other coals for less money HARROLD BROTHERS Prompt Deliver, Phone No. 2 FIRE, LIFE, CASUALTY INSURANCE HERBERT HAWKINS 10-10 Plantar, Bask BelMla, Now Feels Young Alter £. Taking Eatonlc for >1 Sour Stomach t bid lour stomach ever since 1 f the grip end it bothered me badly, ■re taken Katonic only a week and I much better. Am 80 years old,” i Mrs. John Hill, atonic quickly relieve, sour atom- , Indigestion, heartburn, bloating I diatreaa alter eating becauae it I up and carries out tbe excess “ r. and gases which cause most *1 ailments. Ifyou have "tried and still suiter, do not s. Eatonlc has brought l of thousands like you. iota but s trlde with your t*S guarantee CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS FOR FORDS 50c; GUARANTEED. ALL OTHER SIZES, 65c AND 75c. ALSO INNER TUBE PATCHES, 50c PER BOX. - 'l If 3 FREEMAN’S BICYCLE SHOP, ~ "LIGHTN1N’" SERVICE. 206 N, Jackson St * Phone 937 FOR RENT — Unfurnished apart ments, up and down stairs as pre ferred. Phone 933—7-tf. FOR RENT—One four-room house on McGarrah street, and one six- room house on corner Lee and Finn streets. Phone 247, Mrs. Geo. Oliver. —8-6t. v FARM LOANS—Low Interest Rate and Good Terms. W. W. DYKES. LOST—White sctttr, female puppy. lemon spot around one eye, aju* 9 mouths. Notify 1). T. Jennings, Americus, Ga.—9-lf. STRAYED OR STOLEN—Pointer pup .brown and white spots. In formation or return to Times-Recor- dcr.—9-3t. SYRUP LABELS —• For 10-pound cans printed in stock, for $1 per hundred, at Southern Printers.—8-4t will spend the winter at Plain, with ' them for a visit of several «o«to. f her daughter, Mrs. L. B. Johnson. ; Dr. H. A. Cook and J. H. Pritchard,. '*2* Cody and Mar-; of Parrott, were business \ sitors to . Bonnie Doinincc, Li.JA Co 1 ! u . mbu, » *P®nt the | Plains Monday. Laura Wise. Alvin *Tinim!-VL.'r daughter, Mra. A number from here arc ttending Mrs. E. Timmerman. Miss Mar- , .ii,i Crm *Z'’ Timmerman I the Lutheran synod which onvencs garlic Hudson, Mi, s Julia Coleman, ana <nnarcn returning home with in Macon this week. Th. e going Mrs. II. It. McGee and Miss Alice PRICE TA Extraordinary Quality Merchandise At Less Than Cost Everything At Sale Prices LADIES’ OXFORDS AND PUMPS All Women’s Black and Brown OXFORDS; alt Black ■ and Brown "2 and 3- Strap PUMPS. Values $10.00 and $ 11.00. SALE Price, Pair— $7.25 LION BRAND WORK SHOES Good news, men. This lot came in this week. In Men’s and Boys’ MUNSON’S Ar my-Last Work Shoes, $6.00 values for— $4.45 Boys’ Shoes, Same as Above $5,50 Value. $3.95 MEN’S SHOES The famous Bion F. Rey nolds SHOES for Men. There s none superior in style or quality. Made right inside and out. Value $ 15.00. SALE PRICE, PAIR- $9.75 MEN’S SHOES We have fitted thousands of men in Leonard Shaw & Dean’s SHOES FOR MEN. Every pair has carried comfort and complete satis faction, All $12.30 values, SALE PRICE, Pair— $8.S0 All $10.00 Value, Sale Price $7.25 ATTENTION, FELLOWS! We’ve received this week an other 15 dozen of those Nov elty Hats, in all shades of Brown and Gray, for men and young men. Bought to sell for $7.50, but this sale— $4.95 GET READY FOR WINTER MEN! Men'i heavy winter Union Suits, spring needle weave, warm and lasting. Values $3.00 and $3.50. This sale— $1.75 Same As Above, ^2.50 Value, For $1.40 Lamar St. . S. L. SILLS Americus, Ga. ‘‘I Personally Guarantee Every Article That Goes Out of This Store To Be Just What It it Represented to Be. Prompt and Courteous Attention To Everybody” KIRSCHBAUM CLOTHES • FALL AND WINTER 1921 alue! What does it mean? Quality first- sound quality in fabric and tailor ing. Then pace—a fair, honest, closely-marked price. That’s our idea of value—is it yours? Kirschbaum Clothes $3°, fo% U° and $45 CHURCHWELL’S AMERICUS