Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, November 19, 1921, Image 2

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) Scent fVom, jTHI roug' HORSfMEN 1 Of THE AfOCAlVPSE > ScenefrontWM FOUR HORSEMEN of ttg ARQCALYPgE 1 Mrs. Sidney Drew Whote own acreen comediei need no intro ductory speech—said: "Thank you for letting me tee 'The Four Honemen of the Apocalypee.' My heartiest congratulations. • • • In my mind it is the best production I have ever seen and takes its place far ahead of the ‘Birth of a Nation,' dhlch up till now held flrst honors in my esti mation.” f' ■ ^ ■ « , Atlanta Journal "The piece takes its place with ‘The Birth of a Nation,' ‘Way Down East,’ and other greet motion-picture masterpieces. * * In the opinion of many it surpasaes them all.” The Boston Globe “'The Four Horsemerf of the Apocalypse* is a really great picture • • • one which stands out in sharp contrast to the everyday dap. trap for which too many producers seem to think the American public is clamoring.”. r*ACE TWO' ROADSPREPARE FOR RATE CUTS Michigan Central Notifies ployees — Farm Products •i Freight Reduced DETROIT, Mich.. Nov. 17.—The general demand for a reduction in transportation costs, will require a reduction in wages .of .-ill em- polyes, the Michigan Central Kail* road company announced today. In m notice to all employees, the com pany advised that it deairod to con fer with repre«ep»^ivcB of the vari ous classes of employes with a view to arranging an agreement on wage reductions. 10 PER CENT CUT ON FARM PRODUCTS COMING. NEW YORK. Nov. 17.—The Asso ciation of Railway Executives, repre duct ion in wsges. The freight rate cut wiil apply throughout^he entire country, except on trafTic moving wholly within New England. I It was Expected that the new rate would be effective within ten days, Em-I* 11 ™*l rofl d p t jt W * R 8 »'d, h*d arked the Interstate Commerce Com- mitFion through their general counsel to authorise the change on one day’s notice. The reduction will cost the railroads lftn*ut 155,000,000 it was estimated. AUGUSTA AWARDED NEXT # PRESBYTERIAN ‘JYNOD TIiOMABVILLE, Nov. 17. — The Presbyterian Synod after two days of most delightful and interacting btisi- ne?s adjoin iHrd last night. There was a large attendance of ministers and elders from nil over the state and some remarkably interesting address es given. The ledies of the Presby terian church served lunch each day at the Y. M. C. A. so that there would CAKE CONTEST TO AID PLAYGROUND Mize Grocery Co.. Putting On Bak-a Cake Movement Under Music Study Club r THE AMERICUS TIMES- CORDERO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER -19.-1921. will also be on calc. All ingredients for the cake! mak ing will be furnished free by Mize Grocery company, and already this morning the store has been filled with-women eager to secure the ma terials for entering the contest, which promises to be the liveliest one held in this vicinity in many years. HARDWICK TO CHANGE a S £a vr J^RRANT SYSTEM ATLANTA, No* “17.—Radical FOR SALE tenting 201 railroads, yesterday dc-|b* very short interruptions of the cided to put into effect a 10 per cent’ business serrions for dinner hour. freight rate reduction on all farm products “ar soon as possible." The reduction, it was announced, would not apply to intrastate rates in New England, but would affect freight en tering and leaving those states. Announcing the decision, Thomas Dewitt Cuyler, president of the asso ciation, stated that any reductions in such rates made since September 1, 1020, were to be included in the 10 per cent and that it would be put into .effect without waiting for a The gueals were entertained in lo cal homes ami the people of Tluunas- ville were* delighted with their guests. Dr. I.eRoy Henderson, of Albany, was elected moderator and Augusta selected for the next meeting. The proposal to divide the Synod was re jected. RHEUMATIC TWINGE MADE YOU WINCE! T TSE Sloan‘a freely for rheumatic ilacbet, aciatica, lumbago, ovrr- ■ worked imisclcn, neuralgia, back ache., stiff joints and for sprains and strains. 7f penetrates mthmt rubbing. The very first time you use Sloan's Liniment you will wander wlw you never used it before. The comforting warmth and quick relief from pain will delightfully surprise you. Keep Sloan's Jbndy and at the first sign of an ache or pain, use it. At all druggi^a—JSc, 70c, $1 .40. SI Liniment ning Monday morning, the contest closing Wednesday at 10 o’clock, when the judges will pass on 1 the merits of the delicacies. There will be two classes of cakes. Isyer cakes and plain loaf rakes on which first and second Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jordan, of l>riir» will be awarded. Following Barlow street, announce the birth of i the decision of the Judges, the cakes twin boys, November 17. W 'N he immediately placed on saje . in the Mize Grocery stroe, in order Mr. ar.d Mrs. T. B. Young. 302 that persons desiring to purchase South Jackson. announce Vie birth of them for Thanksgiving day may do a daughter, Thursday, November 17.* so. Sandwiches and mayonnaise Americus will be the sweetest city in Georgia and the Mize Grocery company the sweetest spot in Amcri- cua nAxt Wednesday, if present in dications arc fulfilled in the Bafce- a-Cake movement sponsored by the Music Study club of this city, aided by the Mize enterprise, and entered into by the best cake makers in the community. Already a score have signified their intention of enlisting in the cake contest, and it Is certain that the store will be filled with delicious complement of the culinary art as exemplified by the friends of the Music Study club and interested wo men in the city. The movement is for the purpose of furthering the progress -of the Playground, and all proceeds from the cake contest will go for this worthy cause. All women who FO R SALE—I. X. L. Stalk Cutters- enter the contest arc requested to will cut green cotton stalks. Price' have their products placed in the $50. H. R. Johnson. 29-tf. Mizo Grocery company's store begin- ‘ [Changes in present methods of issu ing, distributing and checking of the state warrants will bo made at once, according to a statement by Governor Tliomaa W. Hardwick. The governor will, make these changes following recommendations made by auditors who examined books and accounts of Claude .At* West, former executive secretary to three governors, who Is now at liberty under a $10,n00 bond on a charge of embezzlement made after alleged discrepancies amount ing to approximately $20,0tii) were ACTED AIMIfflfllTC discovered 4n West** Isocounts. ] IOOTBA “The system used!lor the last 30 MOULTRIE, Nov. 17—The Moui. years in handling niuK-li of the state's j trie football team, winners of the money has been entirely ,too loose,” l High schiol championship for South the governor declared Wednesday.' Georgia, has announced that it will "As soon as possible! changes will he I give the entire net proceeds from made in tile system /which tve believe the game to be played here Friday will threw ample safeguards around afternoon, to the local aisociated the public money, q/i matter in what ] charities. DonnldzonviUe high will channel it may flow furnish the opf/sition. LOST AND FOUND 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT on all * HATS, beginning Tuesday and con- tinuing throughout the week. Ameri- cus Millinery Parlon, 606 Jackson avenue.—14-tf. FOR SALE—Pure-bred,. registered Duroc Boars. Cherry King. Ap ply Agricultural College.—3-tf. TELEPHONE Clark's Transfer. 3"3 for BANNER LUMP COAL—2B-tf FOR SALE—Five room Bungalow, Horne_strect, for cash. Phone LOST—Between my home on Lee street. Church and Jackson streets to Hightower’s Book Store, one pair Gold Rimmed Spectacles. Will re ward the finder. Mrs. John /A. Cobb—16-31. LOST—Heirloom, old style Cameo brooch, between the monument and playground in Americus November IT. $5 reward. Notify Mrs. J. G. Aycoek, Andersonvillc.—16-2L LOST—Bunch of Keys, containing Postolficc key and several others. Return to Timex-Recordcr.—16-2t. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS Eusl, West, Home’s Best You must see THE OLD NEST Rylander Tuesday 238 Horne street, for cash. Phone j KEYS MADE—Locks repairede Yalo or write J. B. Lasteriin, Jr., Ander- keys a specialty. Prices reasonable, aonville, Ga.—oet 27-20L Phono 843.—10-7L WATCH the Red Trucks, haulint BANNER LUftIP RED CO A L—28-tf. auling ASH FOR SALE—Fifteen acre nursery a few miles from Albany, containing from five to fifteen thousand deed- ling pecan trees. Address, Cruger Westbrook, Albany, Ga.—10-7t. WANTED TO RENT — Six-room house or larger, in good neighbor hood; must have alt conveniences. Address P. O. Box 217; City.—15-3t . eruption* r. Hobson's Ec terns for pimply faces. illy Remedies. Any druggist. r.Hobson’s i Ointment OYLANDEO THEATER Thursday, Nov. 17 MR. AND MRS. CARTER DE HAVEN IN ' “My Lady Friends” It's fast and furious. Fun for everybody, except the platonic mil- . Monaire who went out to spread a little sunshine and gathered a storm. * Also Pathc Review FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—New Fordson Tractor, McKay disc plow and Roderick Lean harrow, Frank E. Matthews, Plains, Ga.—12-101. FOR SALE—Carload of Tennessee MULES. Coins see them. G. A. .A W. G. Turpin—!4-6t. FOR SALE—Chrysanthemums. Mrs. W. C. Wright, phone 74 16-2t FOR SALE—Gas Stove, in good con dition. Phone 826.—l6-2t. WANTED—One ton of velvet beans and 25 bushels ear corn. C. J. Clark, phone 303.—14-3t. uRYLANDER ' Wednesday, Npv. 23 I THE DISTINCTIVE DRAMATIC EVENT. George Ford Presen la The Distinguished Young American Actor FARSI LOANS ATTRACTIVE TERMS DIRECT INSURANCE COMPANY CONNECTION E. J. WITT 5-tt FOR RENT party without unfurnished up- FOR SALE—tUO acres nice pebbly land, on good road two miles of Americus. 6-room house, two tenant houses, barn, crib, etc. If you are in terested in a farm close In at a bar gain, here Is your opportunity. Cash or terms. P. B. Williford 16-3t. LOST—Tlmes-Recorder route book, with initials “E. R. L.” on inside. Return to Times-Recorder 15-d'n. FOR RENT—To small children,' stairs apartment, consisting of three { large rooms, hall and bath. With all modern conveniences. Phone 017, or call at 307 South Jackson Street—12-tf. SOFSHA ialhe P Vi surrounded hr a (roup of America'* ablest Shtke- r ' .pearson Artists and with a navel system of >' mounting nnd illumination—“As pleasing tn Ik* EYE ns to the EAR," will giva SHAKESPEARES dclitJitful comedy. “Merchant of Venice” “LK1BKR is an institution.”—N. Y. Tiinos 'Came in like a lamb; went out like a lion.”—New York Son. ”40,000 taw LEI HER in two weeks.”—N. Y. Herald. FOR RENT — Two nice rooms to ■ couple for light housekeeping; bedroom furnished if desired; or will rent to one or two gentlemen. Kins 782. —17-3t FOR RENT—-Three unfurnished up-! staira rooms. Rent reasonable.; 183 S. Lee street, phone 755.—16-3t | GREATEST SHAKESPEAREAN ORGANIZATION ON TOUR MAIL utders filled in the order received, when accompanied by cheque oi money order, together with aell-addesaed stamp ed envelope (to avoid error) add 10 per cent Amusement Tax. Owing to the njinute detail and elaborate setting with which this production is staged curtain will tisc promptly 8:30jj. m. PRICES: Entire Lower Floor, $2.00; Lower Boxes, $1.50; Balcony Boxes, $1.50; Balcony Scats, $1.00; Gallery, 50c War Tax Extra. Scats on Sale Lawson Drug C*., Nov. 21. MISS MELVA CLARK WILL SING TWICE AT EACH PERFORMANCE, FIRST ‘HOSANNA,’ SECOND, ‘LA MARSEILLAISE’ “The Four Horsemen Apocalypsef . The Million - Dollar Picture With Big Special Orchestra and Melva Clark Celebrities and the Press of no intro- Tha Four heartiest mind it is the and takes its of a Nation,' estl- Adolph S. Ochs President of “Tha New -York Timas”— said: ‘‘I with .to congratulate you on what I con sider is the highest po.nt that has yet been retched in dramatic presentation on the acreen. I do not believe I ever saw an audi ence for more than (wo hours so impressed and thrilled. I hope your .great enterprise and artistic work will have the reward it so richly deserved." The New York Sun “At a work of super picture art it hat never, been surpassed.” Tickets Selling Now By Mail, Wire And Box Office Fuzzy Woodruff Atlanta Constitution. “The ‘Four'Horsemen' it beyond criticism of man.” ■ Jk The New York Globe “It Is a picture to renew your faith in film production and to makt you forget the hor rors in the screeig reproduction of other masterpieces.” • The Chicago Daily New* i ''Many pictures you can afford to mist, bttt not ‘The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse'.” Atlanta Georgian . “At times so wonderful Is this picture screen i^cturization the spectator is scarcely conscious .that the characters shown on. the acreen art not real personalities in flesh and bloodj” the United States: PICTURE FACTS COST—More than $.1,000,000. CAST—More than 12,500 people, STARS More than 50 stars. TIME More than 16 months to photograph. FILM Ranks as the Greatest Film Ever Con ceived, and So Pronounced By Its Competitors. The Rylander • PPier, MATINEES NIGHTS - • Two Days-Nov. 18 and 19 Friday and Saturday Lower Boxes $1.00 $1.60 Entire Lower Floor ... ..._ .76 1.00 Balcony and Boxes.... ..... ,50 .76 Colored Gallery ... ,26 . ' 2S All Seats Reserved. Make Reservations At Once Two Performances Daily Matinee 3:00. Night 8s 15 MISS MELVA CLARK WILL SING TWICE AT EACH PERFORMANCE, FIRST ‘HOSANNA,’ SECOND, ‘LA MARSEILLAISE’.