Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, November 19, 1921, Image 3

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Saturday, November :us TIMES-RE 1/RDF.R. age is S cent* aid C( Per head. On cattle, cent* and commission head. / stock g territory I Georgia Baptist eonver among those scheduled to i body. their wives and friends, will he guests B. Y. P. U. CONVENTION at dinner tonight at the Agl'cultural OPENS IN MOUL College, of John Prance, ltotnrinn - — and principal of the school. It fs MOULTRIE, Nov. 17 With understood that the girls of the than 300 delegates present, schoot will prepare, cook and serve practically every union i the dinner. STven o’clock is the hour, territo , r >’- the »P emn 8 ^ssions t resident Frank Lanier announces, annual convention of the South em Regional Baptist Young Pe The city council will meet in Kit- Unions were held at the First ulsr semi-monthly meeting tonight at *' s * church here today. The co; 7:30 o’clock. tlon will continue through tomo yardage is IS , 25 cents per A number of the biggest live- growers and shipper* in this , , ry are among the stockholder* C °T? 0ra , °r i°' vnin x the stock- yard*. The fiecliion to lease the yard* was reached tit a meeting held Alfalfa roots will penetrate feet into the ground to secure mr turc and food. southern Georgia and Florida, and upon their return will occupy a coxy apartment in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Evatl T. Mathis on Church street. As Miss Pinkston the bride has en- joyed the widest popularity not only in Amerlcus where she has spent her entire life, but in other sections where she has been an admired guest ’ Safe, sanitary and «ervic«ab$i, Ccle’t Gat-Coal Combination Rtnia meant tbit and more. Built by lujta who know how. Gatewood-Cosdall Hardware Co.—17-11. the fact that several the grounds every di ding is keen, ft is exp than 100,000 hogs \ through the yards be late spring, or more number that passed TERRELL ELECTS NE W TERRELL ELECTS NEW DAWSON, Nov. 17. " of many friends. Because of” her loveliness of disposition and charm manner shq has always surrounded herself with friends who love and esteem her for her many splendid . .. , -At a called meeting of the board of county com- < missioners the resignation of W. K'. Sirmons as superintendent of roads, file v >m ' n8te “ by President Hard- raider of deeds in the Min hlli t. < r oIumbl ‘ , > has resulted in I® . n? f“ tBrned by the’Ful- BtTk s ty EranWjury. ISted agal " 8t Johnson, it was • , 9 the ““growth of a trana-l ■etionin 1917, when A. G. Taylor , hiTa 0 ^ 81 ''*"' T P ‘° yed Johnson'as .. of hi, wifln. !!r d , mg ‘ he oottlemcntI LOVELY HOME CEREMONY, he m. 11 t,c ' Ta yIor alleged! The marriage of Mlrs Darien Pink- to H“ n * check for U95.06,Mon and Mr. Sherlcy Hudson, of ,“a, 1 ... P0 ,i ed *• “«“rity for bond! Louisville, Ky„ was solemnized Wed- an i Johnson cashed the check| ne *d»y afternoon, NovembLi 16, at 5 Inbn" , ed , to refund the money.| o’clock, at the home of ‘he bride’s Johnson is said to have retained tho|P ar «nts, Mr. and Mis. J, A. Pink- *oe. I stun, on Church street, tun /c rge,wcre Poohed by direc-| Rev - Father Keenan, of Albany, U Soaator Thomas E. Watson, it Iserformed the impressive ceremony “ I in the presence of only the immed- un ,„~ nm l'«te relatives of the family. MOULTRIE STOCKYARDS I The entire lower floor was elab- LEASED; CHARGES CUT orately decorated with gorgeous I • I chrysanthemums in shades of deep ULTR . ,E ’ - O’.’. 17—The corp-1 y*U°w and delicate pink, in combina- iration owning the Union Stockyards | tion wi **> pink roses. At intervals mre has leased them to Henry T. I were tall floor vpses filled with MeKown, of Moultrie, and he is non I handsome yellow chrysanthemums, mv * charK . e ' °">y a few change! I the «o being used exclusively in the will be made in the rules that here-1 lnr Re living room, where the wedding iofore have governed the operation of| (Mlrt y ,to o d to sign their vows. Un- ■he yard, Mr.. McKown has stated. | ,lladed candies burned in catherdu! ; me commission charges, however,I candelabra, the effect produced being i»ve been materially reduced. The| jne of unusual beauty and richness. : lew scale of yard charges and corri.l . The spacious libr'ary was filled ’ to take effect December 1, was ac cepted, and Claude Marshall was elec ted to Succeed him and the prison commission requested by the board to commission him as warden of the convicts. Mr. Marshall’s salary was fixed at $175.00 a month. There were a dozen or So applicants for the position. Mr. Sirmons has been elected su perintendent of roads in Lowndes After Eating hotel ;for the'members of her bridge club, three tables being nrarnged in the attractive parlors. for the pas time.. Baskets. of cosmos filled the apartment and at the conclusion of the game refreshments were served, The’hlgh score prize was a handsome embossed wicker sewing basket. Fresh Water Bream today. Sher lock 1 A Co 17-lt. qualifications. Upon her return from her wedding journey she will part'd, pate in the social affairs planned for her previous to her marriage. Mr. Hudson, is of a prominent Ken. tucky family, who are well known both socially and financially, mid has won the esteem of everyone in Amer- ieus, where he has been connected with the division engineer's office for the past two yems. He is a young man of splendid qualifications, who has won distinction in his chosen pro- Just Takes An Eatonle “The first dose of Eatonio did won- ' ders for mo. I take it at.meala and am .- no longer bothered with Indigestion/’ writes fore. Ellen Harris. Thousands of people, like tbfa dear ladjr, gratefully testify about Eatonio, which does its wonders by taking up and carrying out the excess acidity and gases which bring on indigeation^ ■ * i heartburn, bloating, belching and food repeating. Acid stomach alio , causes about seventy other non-ofrgat- J ’ ’ Ic ailments. Protect yourself. A big box of Katonic coats but a trifle with «• your druggist's guarantee. H f Works Like " a Qocl^ P^ttSOW^QL'INlNE Ofttw Cbktem&ffoios QTANDAflD ttmtdy *orM ovtr. T.W.t I ’’’ I'» .1 fir.I ,n«,Mtllwi .1 CoUll • r OrttH tin. ,,-1.) —. • r "» - I'nn.rd r„l | ■ Cft, Mr. IIUIh HI.HnPSMRS: trait .Hi Kijtniituir. M I ^ 4tliimaB 'Vltlttl.l. I o. Ih-rtiOl county, and will leave for Valdqsta the first of the month to take up his *1, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Persons have just received news of the 1 death in Valdosta of . their little granddaugh* tei 1 , • Minnie- 'Chthryn Swindle, seveh months old. The funeral was held there this afternoon. Neither could attend. ' x < Miss Nevada Pittman Is spending a few days with Amerieus friends. — Afrs. C. J. Pinkston, of Albany, is ARTS CLUB TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON The Arts club will meet Friday af ternoon at'3 o'clock. Members are urged to be prompt. The afternoons are very short at this season and give little time for work. Though this will be arts and crafts day, an interesting article on Indian rugs which could not be given at the last meeting will be read by Mrs. Charles Council. Also reports from Vhe president and delegate who have just returned from Savannah, where they attended the Federation of Women’s Clubs, to which this club belongs. * • • CENTRAL BAPTIST UNION REPRESENTED IN MOULRIE. Rev, Henry T. Brookshire, pastor Of the Central Bapt>r church here, and John Edgar Sheppard, of the Junior Baptist Young People’s union, left today for Moultrie, where they will attend the two-day cession of the B. Y. P. U. to be held in that city. Fifteen associations from the southwestern region will be repre. I Y OU’LL find the smalt coat of a generous bottle of Dr. Bell's I’ine-Tar-Honey a sum wcll spcnt wjieit you learn how promptly ami efficiently and comfortably it relieves the lingering or new cold or cough. Its balsamic and healing antiseptics' are unsurpassed In promoting ease' from distressed bronchial tubes, help ing to loo-on phlegm, congestion, and allaying inflammation. Get a bottle at your druggist’s today. 30c. Don’t put it off too long—write home today 1 East, West, Home’s Best See The ding Wednesday. The officers and ' Bible ichopl teachers meeting will bo- held this evening at 7 o’clock at tho Central Baptist church. All member* of the class and interested persotis are In- Dcfiell’i! tfith mammoth pink chrysanthemums Placed In French baskets and which ‘OLD NEST |bung on the walls. [ In the rtning room were quantities •f pink roses, pta 'td, in a fragrant duster In the center of the table Rylander Tuesday vited to attend. i Dr. Carl W. Minor, pastor of the First-Baptist church;-will give hh exe 'rom which a beautiful course dinner vas served following the ceremony. Dosltlon of the lesson for next Sun- dey, this evening in tint lecture room jf the. church, at 7 o’clock, at which Roses were banked against the man- cl, and rested In low vases on tho abinets and on tables. The lovely young bride was hand- .omely gowned in a dark brown vel vet dress, with which, was worn a imort brown hat. Her corsage was ;imo important angles qf the lesson will bo discussed. Alt interested Son- Way school teachers In Amerieus are cordially invited to attend. . The members of the Rotary Club, I SAVE MONEY! Return Engagements '(They'll fly away, mother bird, v theyil/fly away.“I ! i - ;T ^ u P ’ Let * Oliver Auto . Punting Co. S ee your car like new. t class Paint. First class Work. Over Turpin’s Garage. , ■ ' Amerieus, Ga. Springtime and the nesting birds out side the window once more make keen het loneliness. A pathetic scene from a great pic- • ture. I LOOK AT THIS Winter Styles That Withstand Weather FOR WEAR AT MONEY SAVING PRICES Sold Under Absolute Money-Back Guaran tee. TIRES 30x3 Non-Skid 9-00 30x3 1-2 Non-Skid *..$11.00 32x3 1-2 Non-Skid ....$16-50 32x4 Non-Skid ....$« 9.00 COLD 1 present. BEACONSHOFsf^ m - 0r0 We » r r-« M «^omfori-for each dolUr sixm™;.l,.- HO |^ S i. lh ^ “ W olh f r - A *3.50 or $4.00 shoe tha, six months is a higher-priced shoe than a $5.00 BEACON that lasts Prices quoted below arc based cm LOW FRQI reduced 20 per cent; hidez and materials bought at A year ago these shoes would have t::‘ _ __ ' " Only the belt quality goes Into Beacons; cz by men who have made shoe* all their lives. - Styles are correct for Fall and Winter. Beacon sh< REAL MEN Have * look > mcn - See for your.elv, ---------- uuimt invested in li.” ‘t** >«t> only lhan a $5.00 BEACON that lasts a year. cm LOW PRODUCTION COSTS: labor -Hhe bottom of the market. cost you double. B .t*» c ? refullv casefully made give you the moat for It’s a REAL shoe for $19.00 $20.00 Eng Story of Home jilt The Greatest Star, ist Ever Assembled boldtvyn Picture OYD. Relunv. J/i Rupert Huvlie: TUBES 1-2 Tubes ' Tubes w 3>. b “ Return Engagement HARQ^D V “GET OUT A: "hesi Tires and Tube, are ew, fresh goods fully guaran-. Ld If not satisfactory, taken Ck with'out argument. We bn oiirrv a line of cheap tires, ■ens see them. F c. A. & w. G. I jT TURPIN ■. 'i Phone 24 Miss Meiva 'Clark sings twice at all performai second, “Home, Swict Home.” Miss Ryals has arranged p special organ pi continuous. s, firs*’Boy of Mine,” and •am so that music will lie DRY GOODS DEPARTME ocr: MOTTO; RylandergTheat TUESDAY, Nov| 22 a {Shows Daily—3=00 and 8:15 10c and 20, Tax Includad “One Price end Always ilio Right I'ricc' Phones 182-183 PRICES—Adults 35c;’Children, 15c; Colored