The herald and advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1887-1909, May 13, 1887, Image 4

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■ -• - ■■ ' li : - iSt. -*— Ijt:: r jp^. F 3 L. Jerald and ^duertiser. BY THE NEWNAN PUBLISHING CO. 8. W. MURRAY, Business Manager. Newnan, Ga., Friday, May I3tn, 1887. ? f A Vi b‘ . fr« SKTZKKD AT THE POST-OFFICE, NEVSA5, GA.. AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. WriAT IS LIFE? A little crib bfBide ihe bed, A little face upon the spread; A little frock behind the door, A little shoe upon the floor. A little lad with dark-brown hair, A little blue-eyed face and fair; A little lane that leads to school, A little pencil, slate and rule. A little blithesome, winsome maid, A little hand within his laid; A little cottage, acres four. A little old-time fashioned store. | fr A little family gathered round A little turf-heaped, tear-dewed mound; A little added to bis soil, , A little rest from the harvest toil. • >: ^ A little silver in his hair, A little stool and easy chair; A little night of earth-lit gloom, A little cortege to t he tomb. f - ( **•?.*■ (r. Bill Nye on Etiquette. Chicago News.J Whenever I am invited to any large doings where fair women and brave men in their other clothes are apt to congregate, I always inquire if there Is to be any etiquette there. The pres ence of etiquette at au otherwise hap py gathering has frequently debarred tue from attending, and compelled me to spend the evening with my fam- ly, where I could lay aside ail restraint and my coat. Bo, the life of a President, fraught M it is with the most virulent and ma lignant form of etiquette, would pos sess no charms for me, and I sm not surprised that the boys of America re fuse to rise as one man and be Presi dent, fearing very naturally that some time at a State dinner they might get the great men mixed up and the error telegraphed and cabled right and left, oratsome other official festival and hur rah to a plenipotentiary at the wrong place might be assigned to the dele gate-at-large from Father India, aud the wife of the clergyman from Swed en might find herself drinking from the mustache cup that properly be longed to the minister from Ni Scotia. I am sure I am not pessimistic or anything of that kind when I say that etiquette is destined to make it self so prominent as a part of official life at Washington that a plain Am erican citizen, with a small bag of sul phur tied around bis neck and a con sciousness of rectitude in his heart and a smooth potato in bis pocket to keep ofl rheumatism, will be seen there no more. Other nationsbavegiven themselves over to the false joys of etiquette and where are they to-day? Empires, powers, and principalities have in f >r- mer times forgotten their duty to the common people in order that they might devote themselves to the R. 8. V. P. C. business, or that they might work a wedge of custard pie under a big red mustache by means of a four- tined fork, and where are they now? Other and more democratic nations, who drank their their tea from a sau cer with great satisfaction and low, purring sound, have conquered them. Many Signs of Rain. If moles cast up hills, it will rain. If swallows fly lower than usual, ex pect rain. If the crickets sing louder than usu al, it will rain. If frogs and toads croak more than usual, expect raiu. It tne convolvulus and chicken- weed close, there will be rain. If cats lick their bodies and wash their faces, it will rain. If the cock crows more than usual and earlier, expect rain. If worms creep out of the ground in great numbers, expect rain. If cattle leave oil feeding and chase each other in their pastures, it will rain. If seabirds fly toward land and land birds toward the sea, there will bo rain. If the marigolds continue shut after 7 o’clock in the evenine, expect rain. If bees remain in their hives or fly but a short distance from them, it will rain. If the cows make a great deal of Boise and run round and round, expect ram. If water fowlsscream more thau usu al and pluDge into the water, expect raiu. If the leaves of the trees move with out aDy perceptible wind, rain may be expeoted. If fish bite more readily and gambol near the surface of streams and ponds, it will rain. If sheep and goats spring about in the meadows and fight more than usu al, expect rain. If peacock and guinea fowls scream and turkeys gobble, and if quails make mere noise thau usual, there will be rain. If horses stretch out their necks and snifi the air and assemble in the cor ner of a field with their heads to the leeward, it wilt rain. If smoke from chimneys blows down, or If soot takes fire more readily than usual, or falls down the chimney into the grate, expect rain. LARGEST STORE IN THE SOUTH, CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON & CO., IMPORTERS AND HEADQUARTER FOR DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY, SHOES AND DRESS MAKING. SILKS 1 all the New Weaves, Colors and Shades, including the finest line of Black Bilk in the South. VELVETS I 19“Lyons French Dress Velvets, a specialty in black and colors- Full stock on band. TRIMMINGS! French novelties. We carry the largest and most elegant lines in the South. WOOLENS I ^•■“Everything New, Stylish and Pretty. Our stock represents all first-class mills in America and Europe. WHITE GOODS! ffi^^French Weaves a specialty. We have certainly the largest stock In the country, EMBROIDERIES I E^*Imported from St. Gaul, Switzerland, all widths for fall suits. See them. TABLE LINENS I SI^^From Germany, France and Ireland, with Napkins, D’Oyles and Tray Cloths. WASH GOODS! ffi^“All kinds, all styles, all prices and all colors, in immense quantities. CASSIMERES! «®“French and English saltings, with a lull and complete line of Boy Cassimeree. HOSIERY I ff^-And Gloves In all the new styles and colors. See this elegant variety. MILLINERY I 4V*Bonnets and Hats made only to order—We sell no patent goods. DRESS MA^NG 1 SVEqual to Paris In Fits, Style and Design. Hone superior. Few equal. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! In Carpets we lead the van. We import direct from the mills, and use cash in discounting every bill—saving to the trade from 90 to 25 per cent, besides giving new, clean and stylish goods. We have no middle man to divide with, but pay our duties on imported goods here at our custom house, and as we are the only importers in oar line, we know that we can give fresher goods with later styles and designs than any other Southern firms who deal exclusively with second and third hands. In fact, we have virtually no competition in the South, and further we guarantee prices equal to New York or any other Northern or Eastern city. WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS FOR The celebrated Crossley factory of Hartford, England, and have a full and complete stock of V el vets, Wlttona and Brussels received for tb e spring trade, all with rugs, poitlere goods etc., to match. FOR SHOES, SLIPPERS AND BOOTS Don’t forget that we have every pair made to order in all lengths and widths for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls and Children. How don’t forget our place and remember that the prices as well as the quality are guaranteed on everything we sell. Samples of Dress Goods sent on application. Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON A CO., Importers, 66 and 68 Whitehall, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, U, 13, and IS Hunter Sts., Atlanta, Ga. Advice to Husbands. Never talk in your sleep unless you are sure what you are going to say. Don’t- be discontented. It is much easier to make your wife feel that way. Never tell vour w.ife that she is a eharrring singer unless you happen to be deaf. Don’t flatter yourself that you know more than your wife uniil you have get home from her fuueral. Don’t be too friendly withyourpros- pectiye son-in-law. He may think you intend to live,with him after he is married. Don’t try and fool your wife about drinking unless you happened to mar ry an idiol. Then it isn’t worth doing so. Neves tell your wife how much bet ter some other women dress, unless you have more money than you know what to do with. Never boast to your wife about the value of your past experiences. Your mother-in-law may settle herself down on you next week. Never find fault with the quality of your wife’s cooking. You m»y possi bly drive her to join some cooking olub, which would be much worse. A printer stood at the desk of a bus iness man the other day, and noticed him using letter and bill heads bought of an Eastern house. Said the printer, who was a customer, “Wbat would you think of me if I were to go east and buy your line of goods for myself and family?" The merchant replied: ‘*1 would think you a fool, when I know you can get the same goods as cheap from me and aid a fellow citizen.” When the printer called his attention to the imported letter and bill heads the vnerebant coughed and weut be hind the counter to wait on a custom er. And the same merchant had only a few days before asked the printer to give him a free puff about bis big stock of goods. _ Sabbath day is the beautiful river in tha week of Time. The other days are troubled streams, whose angry waters are disturbed by the countless craft that float upon them; but the river Sabbath flows on to Eternal Rest, chanting the sublime music of the si lent, throbbing spheres, i pulsation of the Everlasting Life! -•*-* river. Eabfcjfb, <*> ! oasbj UNMATCHABLE BARGAINS THIS WEEK. JERSEYS! JERSEYS! TWO GRAND BARGAINS 1IS0ME LOW PRICES!! ] tired spirit, to the rest which it seekB, and the weary watching soul, to end less bliss. As a raindrop foretells a storm, so does a pimple upon tbe human body indicate health-destroying virus in tbe blood, which can be neutralized and expelled only by Dr. Harter’s IroD Tonic. Perhaps no local disease has puzzled and baffled the medical profession more than nasal catarrh. While not immediately fatal it is among the most distressing, nauseous and dis gusting ills the flesh is heir to, and the records show very few or no cases of radical cures of chronic catarrh by any of the multitudes of modes of treatment until tbe introduction of Ely’s Cream Balm a few years age. The success of this preparation has been most gratifying and surprising. The juice of two lemons in a glass of ic* water before going to bed, and in the morning before breakfast tbe juice of one in water, will cure the system of an attack of biliousness. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from ac tive practice, having bad placed in bis bands by tbe East India Missionary tbe formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for tbo speedy and permanent cure of Comsumptiou, Bronchitis, Catarrab, Asthma and all Throat and Lung affections, after haviBg thor oughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suf fering fellows. Tbe recipe sent free to all who may desire it with full di rections for preparing and successful ly using. Address, with stamp, nam ing this paper. Dr. M. E. Cass, 210 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. Henry Bergb, the animal’s friend, has printed ruleson ‘‘How to approach a kicking horse.” It appears that the safest way is to hire a man to do the approaching for you. bucklen’s arnica salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcere, Halt. Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. J. Lyndon. A Gift For All.—In order to give all a chance to test, it, and thus be con vinced of its wonderful curative pow ers, Dr. Kings’ New Discovery for Consumption, Cough9 and Colds, wil! he, for a limited time, given away. This offer is not only liberal, but. shows unbounded faith in tbe merits of this great remedy. All who suffer from Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially re quested to call at Lyndon’s Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle Free. Large Bottles $1. Renews Her Youth.—Mrs. Phoebe Chesiey, Peterson, Clay county, Iowa, tells tbe following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town: “I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress my self without help. Now I am free from any pain aud soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and re moved completely ail disease and pain.” Try a bottle, only 50c. at Lyn don’s Drug Store. de-lec-ta lave. Good teeth promote the general health, enables us to thoroughly mas ticate our food, insure a pure breath and wholesome saliva, produce an agreeable effect upon others by tbe ex hibition <>f a clean and healthy mouth, but to have good teeth, we must keep them clean and correct any acidity of tbe secretions of tbe mouth by using Delectalave. For sale by all druggists. “rough on piles.” Why suffer from Piles? Immediate relief and complete cure guaranteed. Ask for “Bough on Piles.” Sere cure for itching, protruding, bleeding, or any form of Piles. 50c. At Druggists or mailed. SKINNY MEN. Wells’ “Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im -otence, Nervous Debility. For Weak Men, Delicate Women. $1. wells’ hair balsam. If gray, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beau tifies. No oil nor grease. A tonic Restorative. Stops hair coming out; strengthens, cleans, heals scalp. LUMBER. I HAVE A LARGE LOT OF LUMBER FOR SALE. DIFFER ENT QUALITIES AND PRICES, BUT PRICES ALL LOW. W. B. BERRY. Newnan, Ga., March 4th, 1SS7. COULDN’T HEAR IT THUNDER. An interestfttf letter from Mr. John W Weeks, superintendent of DeKalb Pau per Home: From a feeling of gratitude and a de sire to benefit others, I voluntarily make this statement. I have great reason to be thankful that I ever heard of B. B. B., as I-know. what a blessing it has been to me. I have suffered with Bronchial Ca- ear, which in a few days began to dis charge matter, with terrible and almost unbearable palDitation and all soitsof noises in my bead. In ten days aftei the commencement of discharge and pain in my ear I began to grow deaf and in six weeks 1 was so deaf that I could not hear thunder. I w»b then com pelled to use a conversation tube, and it was often that I could not hear with the tube. I then commenced taking B.B B. and the running of my ear ceased in five weeks, and 1 can now hear with out the tube. My general health has improved, palpitation ceased, and feel like a new being, and appreciate the ben efit I have received frou B. B B. (made in Atlanta, Ga.) With gratitude to God and thankfulness to the Proprietors for such a medicine I cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with deafness and catairh. Try it; persevere in its use and you will be convinced of its value. JOHN W. WEEK’. Superintendent DeKalb Pauper Home, Decatur, Ga., May 1,1880. BRIGHT’S DISEASE. I have been a sufferer from Kidney and Bladder troubles for several years. I have lately had what is termed bright’s Disease, and have had considerable swelli g of my legs and shortness of breath. The uiea has poisoned my blood also. I secured and am using (B. B. B ) Botanic Blood Balm, and find it acts powerfully and very quickly, and I am delighted with its efiects. I had pre viously used a large quantity of various advertised remedies and several emi nent physicians also waited on me, but B. B. B. stands at the top John h. martin. Roek Creek, Ala., May 4,1186. All who desire full information about the cause and cure ol Blood Poisons, Ul cers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney Com plaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail, free, a copy of our 32-page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled v. ith the most wonderful and startling proof ever be fore known. Address, BIGOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Borns, Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruises. B anient, Corns, Contracted Hnseles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw ■Worn*, Swinney, Biddle Ga Hire. 11s. Scratches, Sprains, Strains, Stitehre, Stiff Joints, Backache, Calls, Seres, 8pavia Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what la olslmed forlt. One of the reasons for the great popularity of the Mustang Liniment le found In Ite universal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. The Lumberman needs It In caee of accident. The Honsewife needs It for genemlfamlly use. The Cannier needs It for Us teams and his men. The Mechanic needs It always on his work bench. The Miner needs It In case of emergency. The Pleneer needalfr-can’tget along without lr. The Farmer needs It In his house, his stable, and his stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman needs It is liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs It—it Is bis best friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It—it wUl save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. Tbo Railroad man needs It and will need tt so long as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs It. Tbwe Is noth ing like it as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant seeds It about bis store among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle In the Home. Tis the best of economy. Keep a Bottle la the Faotorr. Its immediate use In esse of accident saves pain and loss of waged. Keep a Bottle Always In the Stable far nee when wanted- OFFICE & Bin FCR51TLRE & FIXTURES. A«k for Illustrated Pamphlet. TEBRY SHOW CASE CO., SasbviUe, Tew. PIANOS' ORGANS Of all makes direct to customers from head- quarters, at wholesale prices. All goods guar- anteed Nomoneyaaked W ■ re W a till instruments are xe- ceired and fully tested. . , Write us before pur chasing. An investment of 2 cents may save you from SSO.OO to S IOO.OO. Address JESSE FRENCH, NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. Wholesale Distributing Dcp’t for the South. <£bucational. - COLLEGE TEMPLE Uaa entered Its thirty-fifth annual session For full numbers and marked success, the last term has proved exceptional. The Literary, Music and art departments are all thorough, satisfactory and prosperous, and we begin the New Year under the moet favorable auspices. Send us your daughters; patronize home institutions thereby secur ing the same educational advantages at cheaper rates, and retaining the inestimable privilege of heme influence. With the sym pathy and hearty support of the past, we will secure to those entrusted to us a thorough, practical education. Spring Term will begin Jan. 4, 1667. For catalogue apply to M. P. KELLOGG, Pres, and Prop. NEWNAN MALE SEMINARY, NEWNAN, GA. C. L. MOSES and A. S. JONES, INSTRUCTORS. Spring Term began first Monday in January, 1887. . Address tbe Principals for Catalogue. 1886. 1887. ofhAdtomi. corn, the Pare, tt ofta. PALMETTO HIGH SCHOOL (FOR MALES AND FEMALES,) PALMETTO. OA. JOUN E. PENDER ORA S T, Prin. SPRING TERM WILL OPEV JANUARY 5, 1867. Healthy climate, pure water, good BOdety, cheap board and tuition, experienced teach ers, and especial care to pupils. Tuition, per month - Music, per month - Board, per month - • - 31 60 to 31 TO - - 300 • SOOtolOOO . Send for Catalogue. Professional £arbs. i\ S. Wfflooxon. ^ ' W C. Wright. WILLCOXON A WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Newnan, Ga. WUl practice in aU the Courts of the Dls- trie land Circuit. All Justice Courts atten ded. Office in Willcoxon building, over E. E. Summers*. Orlando McClendon. R. W. Freeman. McClendon a freeman, Attorneys at Law, Newnan, Ga. Practice in all the courts, collections made conveyancing, and all legal business attended to with promptness. Office over Jamea Park* east side public square. W. A. TURNER, Attorney at Law, Newnan, Ga. Practices In all the State and Federal Courts. Office No. 4 Opera House BuUding. W. Y. ATKINSON, . Attorney at Law, Newnan, Ga. W1U practice In all Courts of this and adjoining counties and the Supreme Court. J. 8. POWELL, Attorney at Law, Newnan, Ga U. Collections made. G. W. PEDDY, M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, Newnan, 3a. (Office over W. E. Avery’s Jewelry Store.) Offers his services to the people of Newnan and surrounding country. All calls answered promptly. T. B. DAVIS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Newnan, Ga. DR. THOMAS J. JONES. ity. ■ _ street, R. H. Barnes’ old Jewelry office. Res idence on Depot street, third building east of A. A W. P. depot. SALESMEN ^ WANTED - 1 " to canvass lor the sale of Nursery Stock! {Steady employment guaranteed. Salary axb expenses paid. Apply at once, stating age. (Refer to this paper-’ CHASE BROTH) 509 coat back Bouclays at 11, worth 31.75. 200 plain all-wools, find grade coat back at 81 each. 75 colored Bloucleys, worth 33.50, at 82.25. Thousands of Jerseys at about 60c on the dollar. SILKS AND VELVETS. Colored French Faille Francaise at $1.50. Extra quality Rhadames at f 1. Figured China Silks at 50c. Beautiful Summer Silks at 30c. FOUR BARGAIN LOTS OF BLACK SILKS. Lot No. 1 is nice Block Rhadames at 81. Lot No. 2 Is Gross Grains at 98c. Lot No. 3 is Heavy Duchess at 81-50. Lot No. 4 Is wide Silk Surahs at 86c. All of above are fully 30 per cent, under the market. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. 60 pieces Merino Cenptnes at 25c; real value 40c. 500 Novelty Suits at 83.60, worth 86. 200 Novelty Suits, containing 8 yards 38 inch all-wool plain material and yards Fancy Velvet for 85.50 and 87. 125 real French Novelty Suits at 812.50,815, 818, 825,835. 500 pieces Small Checks, Stripes and Fancy Weave Fabrics, In all the new colorings, from 60c to 81 per yard. Owing to the Great Rush of last week, I was net able to do justice to some of my numerous patrons. I have engaged a number of extra satee-people and will endeavor to accommo date all. SPRING BUCK DRESS GOODS. One lot fine French’Sergo 75c, cheap at fl. One lot XXX Bilk Henriettas at $ 1.16, worth 11.50. One lot All-Wool Albetros at 50c, worth 66c. One lot 42 inch French Foulc at 60c, cheap at |1. One lot 40 inch English weave, Ottoman on one side, Satin Berborn other; a bargain at 40c. One lot very fine Black Cashmeres at 70c. MILLINERY. Tlic very latest productions in Hats, Bon nets, Flowers, Jet Goods, Laces, Ornaments, Gauzes, Crepes and every new style of Hat Trimming-—all marked lowest prices. Miss Higgiuson, who has charge of Trim ming Department, Is without a doubt the finest designer in the Southern States. Country Millinery will be supplied at as low prices as can be had in any market. The unanimous opinion of all who have ex amined my magnificent collection of novel ties in Dress Goods Is, that fabrics half so beautifnl were never before seen in this coun try. The prices are lower than elsewhere. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Machine Linen Torchon 10c for 12 yards. Machine Linen Torchon 15c, 20c, 25c for 12 yards. Real Hand Made Torchons, 5,000 yards as sorted, at 5c, worth 8c. 4,000 yards assorted at 10c, worth 15 to 20c. 45 inch Oriental Lace at 60c, cheap at $1. 45 inch Oriental Lace 75c, worth 11.25. Special sale of Swiss Embroidered Flounc ing, 45 inches wide, at f 1, worth $1.50. 500 pieces Swiss Edgings, big jobs, at 5,10, 15, 25, 35, 40 and 50c,^alUworth double the price. 200 pieces Hamburgs at 10c, cheaplat 15c. DRESS GOODS. 1,300 yards all-wool Heather Cloths at 50c, 20 pieces Black Checks 42 Inches wide at 75c, worth 81.50. Crinkles, Ginghams, Seersuckers. The lat est lines of French and American Satinre, Scotch Ginghams, French and Novelty Cotton Dress Goods. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. UNPARALLELED BARGAINS' Ladies’ Ingrain Hose, white feet, 10c. Ladles Balbrigan Hose, full regular made, at 121jc. Ladles’ Solid Colored Ingrains, full regular, at 20c. Ladles’ Lisle Hose, blacks, navy, seal and Modes, at 25c. Ladies’30 Gauge Schopper’s Ingrain Hose, a bargain at 30. Ladies’ Bla^k and Colored Silk Hose at 80c, worth 31.50. Childrens’ Real French-Ribbed Hose at loc, worth 25c. . Childrens’ Ingrain Hose, splendid grade only 20c. Gents’ German Half Hose, full regular, at 12«c. Gents’ French Half Hose, 5 pairs for 81, worth 35c pair. Kid Gloves, Muslin Underwear, Ribbons Corsets, Ruchlngs, Veilings, Fancy Fins and Jewelry. 1)4 White Duchess'Qullt* at|81. 100 piecea Crinkled|Seersuckers at 5c. 90 pieces wide Satlnes at 12K, worth 20c. 50 pieces American Satlnes at 10c. Fruit Loom Bleaching at 7)Xc. Splendld|8ea Island, 5c. 500 gross Fancy Dress Buttons at 15 and S8e worth 35 and 60c. PARASOLS! PARASOLS! On to-morrow bargains can be had la LADIES’ SILK UMBRELLAS! COACHING PARASOLS! New spring importation just in. GENTS’ FURNISHING! BOYS’ SHIRT WAISTT. Largest Lines in Atlanta! Great Bargains! 10,26,50,75and81! 1 lot Gants’ Percale and Laumlrledjflhlrti, 6lightly soiled, at 50c each. 1 lot Gents’ Unlaundried Shirts, regular!! Shirts, going at 65c. 500 Gents' Satin Lined Scarfs at 25c, worth 50 and 76c. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. Largest stock in Atlanta. Check Nainsooks at 5,7%, 10 and 12& 200 pieces large white Plaids at I5c, worth 25c. White Persian Lawn 7J^c yard. 2 cases India Linen Checks, a great bargain, at 10c. New Goods opening every day. ECZEMA ERADICATED. Gentlemen—It is due you to Bay that I think I am entirely well of eczema after haying taken 6wift’s Specific- I hare been troubled with it very little in my face since laet „ wt Ifie. I Hare been troubled with it very littJ At the beginning of cold weather last fall i *- * -* ” “ " —idoubt broke it qyj » kubi u “>j djdwcui id my wife greatly in case of sick headache, and made a perfect Uttfe three year old daughteMast^mimraer. M M0RpJS ea wiui lb wry uiue m iuj irew muw. a- aazx, it made a alight appearance, but went away and tae neverretorned S. 8.8. no doubt broke it qp: at least it put my system in good condition and I got well It also benefited “ - ----- cure d I rot well It also benefited my w re or a breaking oat OB my little t] Watkinaville, Ga., Feb. 13,1886. NEWNAN MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. ISON & MCNAMARA, -DEALERS IN- MARBLE 6 GRANITE, MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONES, TABLETS, CURBING, ETC. 0WSPECIAL DESIGNS, AND ESTIMATES FOR ANY DESIRED WORK, FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. NEWNAN, GEORGIA. THOMPSON BROS. DEALERS IN FURNftURE, ORGANS AND UNDERTAKING GOODS, NEWNAN, GA. BEDROOM, PARLOR AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE. WE HAVE FOLDING BEDS, EASY CHAIRS, OFFICE CHAIRS, ANYTHING YOU NEED. ESTEY AND GEO. WOOD & CO.’S ORGANS’ WOOD AND METALIC BURIAL CASES fyodCTB filled at ary time of day or night. W. C.AYCOCK, WHITESBURG, GEORGIA. W. E. AVERY dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, GOLD PENS, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, SINGER SEWING MACHINE, NEEDLES AND OIL, VIOLIN STRINGS, BRIC-A-BRAC, NOVELTIES In bouse decoration, etc. WEDDING RINGS, MEDALS, BADGES, PRESENTA TION AND SPECIAL PIE CES OF JEWELRY. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. Everything guaranteed as represented— all work warranted. W. E. AVERY, the Jeweler, Newnan, Ga. OPIUM AND MORPHINE HABIT Quickly end Permanently Cured by Dr. Tanner’s Opium and Morphine Cure. For sale by A. J. Lyndon, hiew- nan, Ga, $1 PER BOTTLE, For circulars and information address Tanner Oi iunt Cure Co., P. O. Box 105, Atlanta, Ga. Nellwood, Ga. Dear Sirs:—I consider your Opium cure the greatest blessing on earth for those addicted to the habit. It is a painless and perfect cure. 1 shall ever feel grate- fu to you, for it has saved me from a life of misery and wretchedness. 16-13 Yours truly, J. P. Gorton. SIMRIL MANUFACTURING CO., NEWNAN, GA. IKRS, Rochester, N. Y. NEW MILL! GOOD GRINDING! I have erected a new mill on the siteof the one recently burned, and with new rocks and outfit entirely, am prepared to rerre mr aot.afrfiwe'afaJjf * MANUFACTURER AND DEADER IN DRESSED AND MATCHED FLOORING, CEILING AND ROUGH LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES, ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, SAWED AND TURNED BALUSTERS. BRACKETS, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, ETC., Mv Blind* are wired with patent clincher wire machine, which never break* loose Cor- 11 i*nhin<je jjff 068 ®* vrnon bills ft* tnrtldlPgft- vfgrlte tat prioj^and ROOFING, VALLEY, GUTTERS ill special Tinwork and Repairing done iptlyand warranted. We also manurac- a. fall lineof 8upkkiobTinwabe which 1. . « _ r — 11 Jonlorc tchfl fire Willing oetpela. pwf ■ teuton teat FKCK. JOt Wbrk eo fit* Office. PROTECT YOUR EYES! MR. H. HIBSCHBERO, glasses* PAT! JULTIE1971. The well known Optician of 107 N. 4th street, (under Planters House) »8t. Louis, has appointed DE. EEESE, Of HE WHAN, as Agent for his celebrated Diamond Spectacles and Eyeglasses, and also for his Diamond Non-Obangeable Specta cles and eye glasses. These glasses ara the greatest invention ever made in Spectacles. By a proper construction of the Lens a person purchasing a pair of these Non-C'hangeahle Glasses never h»i to change these Glasses from the eyre, and every pairpurchased are guaranteed so that if they ever leave tbe eyes (no matter how rusted or scratched the Lenses are) they will furnish theparfr with a new pair of Glasses free oi charge. . Dr. Refse has a full assortment, ana invites all who wish to satisfy them selves of tbe great superiority of there Glasses over any and all others now in Use, to call a*d examine the same at DE. BEEBE’S DEUG ST0EE, A guarantee with every pair. So pod* dlers supplied 5 TEE OHIT mi IRON TONIC Vill purify the I -he LIVER t Butoie the OB of YOU’***, a eolately cared: LADIES Sirjfes® ■efe, speedy care. Glees a clear, her'**" eeat> ELY’S iCREAM BALM \Oives SeliflJ* I once and Cura (cold in HEAD, catarrh AND HAY FEVER. . Not a Liquid, Snuff or Fowdeu B1 - Jf ro m 1 jLffVnaita V rfflfifa Drags and uneu~ “FtVbKodors. A particle of the Balm ItL“S P is qukWy nostril, is agreeable to “lifenasalP"®**? sorhed .effectually ^jjuona. ef catarrhal virus, causing healing prot «w It allays pain and lnf yV?fheadrroin addi the membranal "nlngs of the he^^ 9 and tional colde, completely beai . restores the reuse of ta«ui and « 0 *U.;ioi* cial results are reslized by price 68 V thorough treatment win ^tered. « cents at druggists; by mai cents. Ciicnlara flNMKM