Newspaper Page Text
team notices. $Thc §rrald and ^drertisrr.
To Whom it Mav Concern, j - ■ -
Newnan, Ga., Friday, June 24tU, 1887.
GJEOROIA-Cowkta Cou>tt.
XJ ; r of Betsy Tamp. Into of raid coun
ty deceased, being DOrepcewoted and not
lllcclT u» be reprcacnled. all pcrsonsconc-med
htt rv<julrvd to show cause In the O'urt of Or
dinary of said county, on the first Monday In
July next, w hy such administration altouid
not be vented la the County Administrator.
Tils Juac 2d. !*£?.
7 W. II. PEBHOKB, Ordinary.
VfB fee 13X10. and ex-ofllclO Clerk C. O.
Letters of Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Coir jet a County:
H. W. Camp having applied to the Court of
tmUnaryof raid county for letters of guar-
dtanahlpof Willie Blanche and Maud 0*rne-
lla Lamoert, minor children of W.T. lumber!.
d«*ce*s**<J. mi persons concerned are fequlr* a
1a atiow cause in raid Coud by the first Mon
day In July next. If any they can, why aald
application should nut begr.»nt*d. Till- Juue
rrioter** fee 13.00. Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
GEORGIA—Coweta County :
.Joseph E. Dent and J. T. Kirby. Sr., ad
ministrators deJxinU non with the will an
nexed of Elisha Min**, late of said county de
moted, hairing app'led to the Court of ordi
nary’ of said county for letter* of dismission
from their said trust, all in rnoiiM concerned
*re re<julred to show cuuhc In raid Court by
the first Monday In July next, tl any they can,
u by raid application atiouid not i** g»au«• *
1 hi* April 1*1, lft*7. W. 11. PEK.*>ONrt,
Printer’* fee |6 10. Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
GEORGIA—Coweta County:
Arthur Hutcheson, administrator of H. fJ.
Parker.deceased, having applied to the Court j
of Ordinary of raid county lor-letter* of di*-
mission from hi* raid trust, all jhtmjus con
cerned are require*! to show cuUHc In raid
Court by the Lr«t Monday m August next, n
any they can. why said application should
not he granted. Tins April 29th. lt"7.
Pilnters* fee 14.38. o«dlnary.
Letters of Dismission.
G120IlO I A—Cow EI a Cou n t y :
Jacob Hlurr, J. W. He Well and John Avery,
execulois of J. E. Gurley, deceased, having
applied t*i the Court of Oruitiury of raid coun
ty for Jcller* of disuilralou liom tlielr ran.
trust, all pemohK concerned are required »o
show cause in ralo Court ny tile first Monday
In August next, if any they can, wh»* said u,»
pilcaliou should not be granted. This Apri
Egg* arc plentiful.
Straw Hat*at coat at Snead'a.
Delightful aliowera thia week.
The latest style Collar* just received at
Don’t forget those elegant $3 Shoes at
John W. Smith, the Heard county
mnrderer, was executed in Franklin
l^Bt Friday. A large croWd witnes-ed
Major W. C. Ashley has gone to Bir- , the hanging, several going from this
his household effects. Frank U one of of Wesleyan Female College at Macon
cur best colored citizens and haw the have been pronounced the most brilliant
sympathies o' his white friends in his ever t in the history of that old and hon-
Oi is fortune. ored institution, whose growing popu-
iarity and steady advancement in the
Mrs. F. >R Sisk, who has been serious- arts of insti action for several years past
ly ill for several days past, is improving. j sa matter of general felicitation among
| R* W. Andrews is also greatly im- j lt3 frauds everywhere. The last grad-
. proved, and we are pleased to know Is uating claaa was the largest ever known
» T ,t ere IT 8 ; h "P a "‘ , „ ,ociabI ® now in a fair way to recover. Theinfant ; in the State, vrhile the total attendance
u tr id r e ° C r-.r- H - G * ,UT ? IJ : rhild of Mr. and Mrs Dick Hackney is ; during the seasion averaged about 275.
last Wednesday night. Se\eral couples . very low, but there were slight evidences The following compliment*! y reference
of improvement yesterday. Mrs. C. P. j to p r . Cosby W. Smith by the Macon
Edmondson was quite sick last week, Telegraph will be read with pleasure by
but is now convalescent.
a conrse in Kastman*** Business College
He will b- absent several mouths.
Rev. W. F. Qmillan. formerly of Car
rollton and a brother of Prof. F. A. Qail-
lian, is as«*i*ting At an immense revival
meeting now in progress at Prescott,
is reported.
tningha-n, Ala.
Mrs r. H Hyde i
.in Carroll county.
visiting her father
The town is full of visiting belles, and
the boys are happy.
S S. V* il*or» ae 1 )* lemonade and Milk
Shakes to »chiic* only.
On Sunday next the West Po’.nt road
«*ill pat or. a Columbus accommodation
from Atlanta. Going down, the train
will pass Xewnan about 7:30 in thr
morning, and, returning, at 6 o’clock in
the evening. This is a train that has
long been needed <*n this road, and is
his many friends in Coweta county,
where he i« as well known and as high
ly esteemed as in Macon:
The close of Wesleyan’s commence
ment exercises ends tie thiity-tifth year
f B r . C. W. Smith’s connection with
that institution. \*iththe exception of
Dr. rtanford, of Mercer, we know of no
other ins’ructor who can point to so Ions
an uninterrupted tecord. Dr. Sn ith has
Xo true bill was found against T. X.
Bordett *t the late tenn of our Superior
Court for the killingofL. W.Couch. The. ... ^ , --- - -----
grand iurv decided that it was a case of ' necessitated by the opening of the Geoi- j educated the daughters of the girls te
i mWH. pi a Midi nd. which has reached Griffin, i »*« taught and is now educating their
| justifiable homicide. . . , daughters daughters. Interested more
Atlanta people can now come to New-, ? hc , han the business
t an to do their shopping and return the j «ide of the college, he has done more
Mrs. K. T. Hollingsworth, of Gadsden,
I \ la., w bo has b»*en on a visit to relatives • same day.
Walker and lady, of La- ! here, left last Monday for Salt Springs
1 the city.
Judge M. *
Fayette. Ala
Mrs. W. A. Dent and children are at |
Tallulah Falls for the summer.
M'f»m Xa*nal ! y, of Atlanta, is thegnest
of Mrs. Hattie A mail this week.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA- i ow kia county:
Under and b> viuuc of an order from the*
Corn i oi ordinary , 1, as the udui iiistrutor on
tho estate ol jtl. 1>. G. i, deceased, late ol raiu
roiiuiy, will sell hclorv lue Court-house dooi
In Stflu county. on ilie- Ur*l Tin sway in Au
gust uext, lAtWfiii iin- legal hours ol rate, the
loilowiua desert 0» d prop, ny hciou^ing to raiu
Ouw house unu ml in ihecit> ol New
nnn, *»ld county, whereon W. H. Urr now re
sides, slid huunucU u> loilowrn: \jn the h«»rin
hy street ruhhihK »oulu ol the old VVltklhHon
w arebotiso and by luims ol W. i>. Orr, on toe
r*,t oy lands ol J. P. lire water ami J A. Hun
ter, oh .lie south hy rtpi ing street and on Inc
west by laud* oi J. G. Fuller, 'i Kit MS OK
Halk—Cash. Tin*June24lh, 1n87.
• G. A. J ACKHgN, Administrator.
Printers’ fee, 9< 7*.
Application for New Road.
0 EOUG1 A—Co w ETA Cou nay:
}'. 1). Hinih and olhers have applied for u
second-cun** public road running iroin Puck
ett HUttioii, lu the rticolid ulstrict, to about
one hundicd \ ;ud> bc^ouJ I he rosUlence oi
D. Hlins, in the Gram viilu Ulsiricl, a uistm.
of Mooul two luin s, llitue couhecling wiili i
public road running iron* Newnan to urunl-
\ lllo, whtcu hi* ta i n murkeu out by incc
luisfliohers and u icport tncreol lllade on outh
by tQeui. All pciSolls arc nolihetl ihut aalu
new road will, on and alter the hist \> cducs-
day iu Jul.) next, h) the Commissioner* ».j
Hoads and Revenue oi sum count), he unaii..
gntuled if no hew cause he suowu to the con
trary. Tula May 2U, loeT.
Chalrmun Hoard Cuiiiuj tuiuiii.Miunen*.
Ii yor want a good article of Plug To
bacco ask your dealer for “Old Rip.’’
M'kh Enla Li«soter, of Lu'hersviUe, in
visltlne Miaa Sallie Simril thia week.
Mm. > f . Ij Stewart, of Carroll ton. ia on
a visit to her daughter, Mrs. M. F. Cole.
Mias Willie Elder, of Turin, went up
to Atlanta yesterday for a short visit.
Mr. Eli Benson, a prominent citizen
of Carrollton, was in town last Wednes-
Misa May LovIpss. a popular belleof
c« ehran, Ga.. is visiting relatives in the
Miss Della Mcriwe | h r r, of the Fourth
district, is visiting tlie family of Mr. Q.
W. Davis.
United States Commissioner McClen
don had two revenue cases cefore him
this week.
Messrs hdgar Mailings of Grantville,
tnd Will Harris of Turin, spent Sunday
ii the city.
Mr. J. E. Dent and lady left for Salt
Spring this week, where they xa ill spend
sex oral davs.
Hammocks, $1 15; Croquet Sots, $100;
B.-se Ball goods of every description, at
S. S. Wilson’s.
Postponed Sheriff's Sale.
ii ECHO 1 a—Co \v eta Co u my:
Will lx* sold uu the first Tuesday in Julx
next, at the Court-house in rant county, xvltn-
In the legal lioiiih ol sale, to the hlgncst ulu-
d. r f« r cuf*h,lhc lolioxviug propel I) ,
Four bales of cotton xvci);hlng In the aggre
gate when levied on November lMh, 111 1NM,
nineteen hundr. d mid seven pounds, i lie ram.
being the cotton levied on by il. R. KicKeisoii,
L. i;., iu the ofilnt Dlatrlet, G. M., oi Coxveu.
county, under a dlsiretw warruni iu favor oi
lirnry It. iiuiris, or., ug.dnsi J. F. Hpragglns
—Issued ny R. \x . Joins, j. 1*. iu .mrunmei
county, Ga., NuVcmbci null. lv»i, and mauc
roluruuolu m the FebiUarv lerm, ISm, oi
MerlwcUier Superior Court. This cotton xvua
Ivrlinl ou iu f osi-iueuiiiiiy; u claim was in
terposed by the Holtilile l aeifie G- ano Com
pany, on trial In Meriwether .Superior Court,
the property xvas lound sutijcct to ike dis
tress wurranl, and tlu.s Jtld e menl xvus con-
firmed ny the supreme Court. This June 1st,
1HM7. Printer's loc, »o.07.
GKO. 11. CA11M1CAL, Sheriff.
Application for New Road.
GEORGIA—Coweta Couniy:
W. H. Copeland and others have applied for
a new *ecoi»d*clus public road, eoiumeueiug
Ml th* blucsMuith shop oi Jaeol
near viiere, where Joseph Elder
i-obiiM Hetty,
now resides,
iu the Panther Cieek d’isirict, aud i tinning in
a westerly dirtciiou and by the residence oi
Wllilum Cofielaiid, and lluough the lands o
Jacobus Petty, William Coiielaml aud Sarah
Sewell, aud intersecting luo County Farm
roiul uear said lunu, thence along the Count)
Kurin road to G. W. Warren's, xvuere it Inter
sects the Moore's Ferry road; which has been
marked out by the commissioners appoiute
•to review It, and ti tvixirt thercol made on
outli by them, with the rccouiiucuoulmu that
tin* same be extended to Allendale, a distance
of one-naif mile furl her. All p.-rsons are uo-
tfiled that said new ruud, with the exteuslou
t<» Allendale, xvlll, on anil alter the tlist Wed
nesday tu July next, by the Commissioners oi
Hoads and Revenue oi said county, be Itnail)
grsnted if no new cause be shown to the con
trary. This May 2b, 1**0.
Chairman Hoard Comity Commissioners.
T. E. FELL & CO.,
Mr. Robert McBride left last Wednes
day for a month’s visit to his parents iu
Brooklyn, X. Y.
The session of the Presbyterian Church
t its last meeting voted Dr. Stacy a six-
irjeks’ vacati n.
where she will sp**nd some time before
proceeding homeward.
Solicitor-General Reid has notified the
Newnan bar that the adjourned tenn of
Meriwether Superior Court, appointed
for Monday’ next, w ill not be held until
regular term lime in August.
Miss Jennie Cat*-s returned from Co
lumbus, Miss-, last Tuesday night and
will spend her vacation here. We are
triad 10 le ru of her success as an in
structor in the “a»-t preservative.”
J. B Mount’s branch store at Cfrroli-
ton is row in full b!a**t. The business is
in charge of bis brother, Mr. I. B.
Mount, who will probably move bis
family to that place early in the fall.
The appliances for converting the
heater at the Methodist Church from an
anthracite to a bituminous coal burner
have arrived and the Cole Manufactur
ing Company’ will put them in immedi
You may* advertise your cigars from
the tip of the north pole to the horns of
the moon, down to Carroll and out to
Blue .Shin, if you please,b^t you can’t
got up a cigar like the ‘ Newnan Girl.”
Only 5 cents.
P» Imetto has a musical prodigy in the
person of little Will Dean, ten y ears of
age, who lingers the keys of a piano with
the ease and grace of a Rubenstcin. He
is a nephew of Dr Wiley, who formerly
resided at this place.
Little Miss Wylene Lowe, of Colum
bus, who lias been visiting relatives in
New nan for several weeks pas’, returned
home last Monday. She was accompa
nied by* her cousins, Miss Laulie Kay
.and Master Warren Melson.
Persons desiring to take guitar lessons
can bo accommodated by applying to
Miss F.O. Word.
Mr. W. A. Davis, who has been attend
ing school at Athens, is at home for his
summer vacation.
Mr. T. W. Saxon has returned from
bis Western tour He is entirely satis
fied to remain in Georgia
Miss Sallie McGhee, of White Sulphur
Spring-, is visiting the family of Mr.
R. 1). Cole, Sr., this week.
Miss Willie Anderson, of Fort Valley,
:s visiting In Newnan this week, the
guest of Mis-s Connie Ilaitsiield.
Capt. .7. A. Hunter made a trip over
nto Fayette this week aud says the
crops aro as lino as he ever saw. ^
S. S. Wilson will continue to sell Wall
Paper at cost only two weeks longer.
Now is the time to get your paper.
J. R Herring is selling out his stock
of spring and summer clothing at erst.
It you don’t believe it, go and see him.
Messrs.,John M. and Henry Barron,of
\t untn, came down last week to visit
heir mother, who has been dangerously
Fowler Fly Fans,
Fly Traps,
Fruit Jars,
Self-Acting Ice Cream Freez-
Grain Cradles, ($c.oo each.)
Grass Scythes,
Scythe Stones,
Fence Wire,
Fishing Tackle,
Wagon and Buggy Materials,
Granite Iron Wares.
Thai will he solxl low for cash, or on the in
stallment plan.
T. E. FELL & CO.
Newnan. Ga.. April 1st. 1RR7.
W. art prepared to do any kind of work In
the Carriage, Buggy or Wagon line that may
he desired and In the beat dad moat work
manlike manner. We use nothing but the
best seasoned material, and guarantee all
work done. Old Buggies and Wagons over
hauled and made new. New Buggi^ and
Wagons made to order. Prices reasonable.
Tire, shrunk and wheels guaranteed, tilve
Via a trial.-- FOLDS A POTTO.
Newaga, retragry li, UtT
Mr. J. T. l>ent, who has spent lijfht
years In Texas, reacheil here Wednes
day night. His friends are jilad to seo
Our friend. W. T. Wood, arrived from
Florida oil Wednesday, and will spend a
few days with friends aud relatives
II you want a straw hat at your own
price (to to J. R. Heriing’s. The season
s drawing to a close and »11 straw goods
must go.
Mr. Jerry Black is recuperating at
Salt Splines, and when last heard from
was taking on adipose at the rate of a
pound a day.
Capt. IT. J. Sarcent went up to Salt
Springs tills week toget adraught ofthe
sdine liquid and a whift'of fresh air. He
obtaii ed both.
Advices from Hot Springs, Ark., arc
still to the effect that Judge Harris is
rapidl improving in health; whicu fact
will afford his numberless friends liere,
and throughout his ciicuit, unlimited
pleasure.—Carrollton Free Press.
Di. Hal! will preach the commence
ment sermon of Excelsior High School
at Senoia next Sunday. His pulpit here
will be occupied hy Rev. Ila-ve^
Hatcher, of Atlanta, who will preach
both in the forenoon and at night.
Judge J. S Bigby and Col. E. T.
Thompson have recently been elected
trustees of LaGrauge Female College.
These are honors worthily bestowed.
No ios'itut on -tands higher in the esti
mation of the public, and its future is
exceedingly bright.
A valuable horse belonging to Mr. W.
H. i-carreld got loose last Tuesday night
and sleiped off from the rear of the liv
ery stable into the back lot.breakingoi.e
.-f its thighs. It was hopelessly maimed
by the accident and had to be shot. It
was valued by its owner at $130.
Messrs. JonesA Toole, if f.aGrange, in
serted an advertisement in The Herald
anp Advertisbi’ about a month ago,
since which lime they have received over
-400 worth of work from Newnan and
vicinity. Thry are thoroughly con
vinced oftlic hem titsof advertising.
Prof. J. C. Bass, of Bainbridge, came
up this week to join his wife, who is
spending the summer in Xewnan. He
arrived just m time to receive a dainty
bundle of dimity and dimples from the
hands of his charming spouse, and is
10 day the proudest and happiest man
in town. Girl.
The regular semi-annual election o'
i officers for Orion Encampment No. 3, I.
O.O. F.. was held last Monday night.
! The following officers were elected: A.
j B. Cates, Chief Patriarch; Y. H. Thomp
son, High Priest; (• R Sponcler, Senior
Warden; W. E. Avery, Junior Warden;
| Jos. T. Kirby. Treasurer. R. F. Milner,
j Scribe, holds over bv virtue of an annual
term for that office. At the next regular
semi monthly meeting the above officers
wi I be dnlv installed and the appointive
officers w ill he designated.
The fol owing items aj-e taken from
the last issue of the Franklin yews:
Mr. Edgar Stallings, oi Grantville, and
his charm ng cousin, .Visa Lillian Stal
lings frim near Newnan, spent Sunday
afternoon in Franklin.
Mr. L. J Linch was called to Coweta
Wednesday by the announcement of his
inrther's serious illness. Sh- had died
w hen he reached her bed«ide. Our heart
felt sympathy is extended.
Ur. Daniel is doings large dental prac
tice. Ow ing to the amount of work he
w ill be forced to remain another week-
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Davies and Mr.
Clarence Sanders, of Newnan. visiteo
relatives in the vicinity of Franklin last
We must add to the full and attractive
report of l he exercises of Grantville High
School furnished hy our esteemed
correspondent, a special mention of Bob
bie Jones This little fellow, (now just
twelve 3’cars of age,) in addition to be
ing one of o'tr cleverest little friends, is
quite an accomplished musician, and to
no small degree was the eminent satis
faction expressed by the visitors at the
exhibition of the school due to him. His
performances on the piano were delight'
ful, and his acting in “Taking a Photo-
grap "equally good. Boobifl is a good
boy and w e expect to see him make his
mark some day.
ill-n any one man in fashioning and el«
valing its curriculum. He ami Dr. Bass
are joint lessees ol Weslevan for the
next three years. As said by Miss
Boone, the sweet valedictorian, these
two worthy gentlemen had v <5n the loye
of ibe pupils, a-id by that n ighty scep
tre swayed them a-'they chose
Dr. R. F. Bunting, General Agent of
the Southwestern Presbyterian Univer
sity, at Clarksville, Tenn.,spent Sundaj'
and Mona ay hero in the interest of the
above named' institution. During the
late war he was chaplain of a regimeut
of Texas Rangers, and was with that
gallant troop in the engagement which
took j lace in August, 1S04, between
Wheeler's division and the Federal
forces, about three miles south or New- In company with Dr. Stacy he
went over the old battle-ground last
Monday, and though twenty-three
years have elapsed since that memora
ble bvent he had no difficulty in locating
the spot where the engagement occur
It is rumored that Rev. H. S. Rees, of
Turin, has die osedet his mining iuter-
osls iii North Georgia, from which he re
alized Jii.OdO, cash
Mr. and Mrs. C. •*. Andrews, of Thom-
aston.Ga.. have been visiiing in New-
nanthis week, the guests of Kev. and
Mrs. W. R. Fooie.
Chicken cholera is --aging throughout
tliis section.—Fairborn yews. Try
North's Chicken Cholera Cure. It saves
the fowl every time.
Mrs. L. J. Melson, of Jonesboro, ar
rived this week on a visit to her father's
family. She will probably remain until
after commencement.
The city tax books will be closed Julj-
1st, Those who fail to give in their tax
es by that date will lie donble taxed.
L. S. Con vers, Clerk.
J.R. Herri- g is dettrmined to get rid
ot his spring clothing and straw hats bo
fore ii is everlastingly too late. It will
pay you to get his prices.
Mr. E. S. Roberts and lady, who
have been visiting the family of Judge
B. H. Wright, returned to their home iu
Wliitesburg last Monday.
Misses Corbell and Minnie McDaniel,
two charming young ladies of Fort
Worih. Texas, are ou a visit to tlieir
cousin, Mrs. H. H. Perks.
Prof. Quillian, of Luthersville, Is an
applicant ior the position of principal ot
the public school iu Carrollton. There
are several other applicants.
Capt. \Y. S. Gorman, the genial and
popular conductor of the accommoda
tion train, is enjoying a month’s recrea
tion at his home in Alabama.
Mr. Howard M. Smith spent last week
in Macon, attending the commencement
exercises of Wesleyan Female College
and visiting his lather’s family.
Mrs. M. M. Barron, who has been
dangerously ill for several days past,
wa- much better yesterday, and her
early recovery is now hoped for.
Mr. Harvey North leR yesterday for
ftogbketreiiN V. Y-, where hewrl. Ms
Miss Nell Carlton, who has been
spending some time with her sister,
Mrs. H. M. Reid, returned to her home
near Newnan last week. Miss Carlton
made many friends during her brief
stay, wto sineer-'y trust that her visits
will 1-e frequent in the future. Carroll
ton Free Press.
The eomnirncement ezercises of the
Fianklin Institute will begin on Sun
day, 26th. inst. and continue four days
The following | rogranirae of the week's
exercises has been furnished for publi
cation by Prof. Robinson, the popular
and efficient principal: Sunday, June
25th—Seimon at 11 A. si. by Rev. H.D.
D. Stratton, of Atlanta. Monday, 8 p.
m.—Exhibition. Tuesday a. m.—
Speeches, Recitations, etc. Tuesday-, 8
r. M —Concert by Music Class. Wed
nesday A. M.—Speaking by- Academic
department; 11 o’clock, Literary Ad
dress by Col. H. A. Hall, of Newnan.
Wednesday afternoon—Debate by young
ladies and gentlemen; Wednesday-
night, Exhibition and Levee.
The text of Rev. Dr. Hail’s baccalaure
ate sermon Sunday morning was from
the 10th chapter of Isaiah, 6th verse, and
was a most eloquent, learned and n| pro-
priate discourse for the occasion. We
regret that lack of space compels us to
omit even the in perfect synopsis that
was prepared.- -Criflin yews.
The Presbyterian revival meeting
closed Iasi Sunday, the concluding ser
mons liping preached by Dr. R F. Bunt
ing. of Clarksville. Tenn. At the morn
ing service ten new members were re
ceived into the church, and there have
been numerous other evidences of the
good effects of the two-weeks’ meeting
The North Chicken CholeraCure Com-
Tho other day a suffering citizen called
on Dr. Tom Colo to operate on a partly
defunct tooth, which had eaused him
much pain and unrest for a week or
more. Hedesired something done that
would afford him permanent relief, and
yet was loth to lose the tooth, because it
had been a mighty- good one in its day.
Til a twinkling Dr Cole extracted
the refractory molar, destroyed the
neive, fi'led the cavity with gold, re
placed it ; n the gum and sent the man on
hi- way rejoicing. At last accounts the
gum was healing nicely, and in a week or
so the tooth will be firmly rooted again.
It was a neat dental operation, and an
innovation upou the orthodox practice
that deserves to be mentioned.' Verily,
the world do move!
Newnan Sholud Do Likewise.
LaGrange will h-ld an election on the
third Monday- in July to determine the
question of issuing bonds for the pur
pose of erecting water works in that
city. No town the size of LaGrange
can afford to oe without fire protection
>*f some sort; and yet Newnan, with one
ihousand more population and with $1,-
500,' 00 of taxable property, is absolutely
at the mercy of the devouring element.
A tax of two-tenths of one per cent, on
this amount would be sufficient to equip
the town—the business portion, at least
—with a complete sy-stem of water
works;—or, It would buy a firsi-class
fire engine and all necessary appurte
nances for the organization of a tire de
partment. The money thus expended
would be returned two-fold in a few
years by tho dtcrease in insurance
rates alone, not to speak of the security
against losses by fire that the adoption
"f either system would afford to prooer-
t> -holders and tax-payers. Fully $250,-
000 is invested in property within a
stone’s throw of the Court- house, which,
in the event of a general conflagration
such as may occur at any time, would
be rbsolutely defenseless. In view of
these facts, the necessity for some sori
of protection against the ravages of fire is
no less urgent than apparent, and should
commend itself without argument.
It is simply a question i f enterprise, and
a matter in which every citizen ot New
nan is more or less interested. Every
town in the State, of equal importance,
has either a system of water works or a
fire department, and why should not
There is something peculiarly sad in
the death of a little child a blight, as it
were, upon the tender leaflet ere it lias
unfe^ded; vet there is great comfort in the
assurance that our 1 ttle ones are forever
safe in the arms of the blessed Redeem
er, Gone from us, leaving in our hearts
an aching void that nothing but their
presence can fill; yet tlieir memories are
immortal. We see them, hear them,
have them with us^till. E.
Newnan, ua., June 23d. 1kS7.
Drawn for tlio September Term, 1887. of
Coweta Superior Court.
Messrs. C. J. Harris, J. D. Hunter, J.
D. Johnson, J. B. Cla^kand J. J. Hunter,
of White Oak, gathered all the little
boys of the neighborhood together last
Saturday and carried them on a fishing
expedition- They pitched their camp at
Hunt’s Spring, where the boys were or
ganized into squads and furnished with
seines. They were then turned loose in
the creek, and so successfully did they
beat the waters and scour the same that
long before the dinner hou* arrived they
had caught between thirty-five and forty
pounds of fine fish. Three were cleaned
and cooked on the ground; and w’hile we
. ... , _ , do not venture to sav that the tradition-
natv received an order this we k for I , , . . . . - . _ ., .
1 ^ , * Al _ . j al twelve basketsful were gathered up
twelve dozen bottles of their remedy.
Within the past few days several trial
orders have fceen receive * from dtog
as remnants ofthe fen st, yet there was an
abundance for all and to spare. There
, .. «... were about fifteen boys in the party, and
si>ts and other parties throughout the ! . , , .
X . x, , . .i . . * . . each one tad fun enough to last him un
State. AH that tho proprietors ask is a 1
tHal;—after that the remedy will sell it
til Christmas.
Mr. Wi 1 Herring, of Cedar Creek di«
lric*, brought in a bnpgy-load of water
melons yesterday- morning, which he -clianics’Brass Band will afford our pee-
The Band Concert.
The concert to be given at Reese’s Op
era House to night for the benefit of Me-
Pearl Spring Park Association.
The stockholders cf the Pearl Spring
Pa-k Association met last Monday alter-
noon for the purpose of receiving the
charter granted at the late term of our
Superior Court, electing a permanent
board of directors and officers, and con
sidering other matters of impo-tance in
cident to permanent organization.
The following board of directors were
elected: P. II. Brewster, W. P. Broome,
Jos. T. Kirby, Y. H. Thompson, H. C.
Fisher, J. A. Hunter, I. N. Orr, M. B.
Hamilton and J. B. Mount. At a meet
ing ol the directors, held subsequently,
Col. P. H. Biewster was elected Presi
dent and Capt. H. C. Fisher chos> n Sec
retary and Treasurer.
The contract for building the dam was
awarded to Mr. W. S. Norris, of Mere
wether county, ifho has already com
menced work upon tiie same and ex
pects to have it completed by the midi.le
of July. When finished the structure
will be fourteen feet high, insuring an
average depth of wate- at the dam of
eleven feet. A waste-way will be con
structed on the north side of the dam,
abcut four feet from the top, which will
afford a safe outlet for the overflow in
time of freshet. Mr.Norri* isconstruct-
ing the dam upon a plan of his own and
guarantees it for ten year,.
The pond will be stock--d with the
choicest varieties of fish obtainable, and
in such quantities as will insure a fat re
turn for the labor and expense incurred
its construction. By this time next
year it will be Newnan’s most attractive
and pooular resort, and a monument for
all time to the enterprise and fore
thought of the gentlemen whoconceived
and have carried into execution so stu
pendous a plan for innocent sport and
-as a matter of interest it may not be
amiss to state lhat the stock is now
worth 150, and noi-e for sale.
The “Little XVatf” Again.
Our citizens will remember that dur
ing the month of December, 1883. a little
child, only a few days old, was found in
the woods, about three miles f-om town,
and near the Griffin railroad tank. They
will remember thrt cold, hunger and
exposure had ravaged its little frame
and paled its cheek, having been for
probably two or three days thus left
alone by some cruel mother. Exposed
and alone in its helplessness, its feeble
voice was unable to c-y so lond as to ar
rest the attention of any chance passer
by. It was brought to town to be cared
for by the county; lint Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Edmundson, whose hearts went out
in true sympathy for the waif, resolved
to rear it as their own. Although smiles
would play around the little one’s mouth,
and in its own way it seemed to desire
to bring as mnch sunshine into its new
home as possible, it never recovered
from the effects of the unholy act of its
mother; so, alter seven months of fitful
existence, dnring which time its adopt
ed parents did all-for it that human sym
pathy could suggest, it passed away, and
was laid to rest.
Go to the cemetery; turn to the right
as you enter the main gate and go up
the first avenue- Presently, you will
come to a neat little headstone of mar
ble, on which is inscribed:
I JM Glass,
1 G K Cranford,
3 V II Ben oil,
4 A J Ly don,
5 W G Camp,
6 E D Fnuse,
7 W C Snead,
8 E S Daniel,
16 J S Anderson,
17 M S 51 organ,
18 W W 'a-scr,
1!) W II Lu.-kie.
20 T E AtKinson,
21 A Leigh, Sr.
22 J N Boon,
23 J W B-,wers,
9 5V J M Graham, 24 5V D Lvncb,
10 TE Fell, 25 JR Cole,
11 M S Smith. 26 H II ilarrison,
12 T N Byram, 27 E B tVilkinson,
13 J W Arnold 28 H c Fisher,
14 J D Carmical, 9 NO BanLs,
15 W S Askew, 30 T W Powel.
1 B M Couch,
2 F A Potts,
3 G R Black,
4 G F Hunnientt,
5 A J Mills.
6 J J Millians,
7 E H Norris,
8 W J Lucy,
9 S W Woods,
10 J E c annu al.
19 L Wiggins,
20 8 A Qtiil.ian,
21 J M Cotton,
22 T F Jones,
23 M B Lambert.
24 J M Brown,
25 E H Carmical,
26 G R Sponcler,
27 It I Sewell,
28 J c Jackson,
11 COlumhiisJac, bs29 D It Thurman,
12 S D Thurman, 30 J T Willingham,
13 J C Wright,
14 J W Col ley,
15 John Dunbar.
16JH McKnight,
17 VV H Holmes*
18 G T Wortham,
31 5V C Ragsdale,
32 J R llubbard,
31 G M Luckie,
34 J L Taylor.
35 S T Lumpkin,
36 W 11 Bingham.
1 E Pitman,
2 J A smith,
3 8C Bowen,
4 G R B-ad ev,
5 J B Shell, '
6 J K Poik,
7 B H summers,
8 J B McClure,
9 R T Carpenter,
10 J W Hnd-ett,
11 W C Elmore,
12 H F Saxon,
13 W T Sprailin
19 C F Sasser,
20 L W Bohannon,
21 5V O Herndon,
22 J P Piles,
23 J I Leslie,
24 W W I. grem,
25 A C Pease,
26 D C Neely
27 N P s, roggin,
2s It p Cook,
29 L R • owell,
:-0.1 J B“ll,
31 It X Young,
Has never failed to effect a cure when promptly adminis
tered. Tried and endorsed by hundreds, who willingly testify
to the sovereign virtues of the remedy. It is manufactured in
fluid form and can be administered without difficulty. One
bottle will save $50.00 worth of diseased poultry.
14 T M Sewell, Jr., 32 n L Favor,“
15 J L McKoy, 3-‘l J < Thu man,
16 J A Beavers,(5th 31 J Y -5 olan,
district.) 35 L Gray,
17 A R Rurdett, 36 W H J aylor.
18 C S Fowler,
List of Letters
Remaining in the Post Office at New
nan, Ga., June 20th, 1887. If not called for
in four weeks will be sent to the Dead
Letter Office.
Miss Arminda Beck.
J. W. Burns.
R. Cook, (col.)
Grant Glass.
Mrs. T. J. Harris.
Miss Lo a E Jones,
Welcome Smith.
E. J. Smith.
K. B. Cook.
8 rancis Story.
Clark Taylor.
Early Wright.
J. R. McCol.i.rM, P. M.
claimed to have raised at home; but
as he failed to leave a sample at this of
fice we cannot vouch for their nativity.
We have no hesitancy in remarking,
however, that they looked very- fresh
ai d nice from where we stood.
Mr. C. M. Webb, who gave notice last
week th<t h« would prosecuie any per
son furnishing employment to Wiley
Gritfin, colmed. who i« under contract to
work for him the present year, desires
to supplement this no'ice by- warning
the public not to give employment to • Lou Thompson and Laura Daniel. Misses
•ny of Griffin’s family, they being in- ' Callie Hill and Annie PoweU will recite.
pie an opportunity for enjoyment that I
they will bo more than delighted to im
prove, we feel assured. A very elaborate
programme has been arranged, and un
der the direction of Mr. Y. C. Thompson
there will be no cause for disappoint
ment. Mr. Ernest Lower, the talented
yonng cornetist of Griffin, will be pres
ent and assist in entertaining the audi
ence. Mrs. A. J. Smith, of Atlanta,
will assist both in the vocal and in
strumental exercises. Vocal solos will be
rendered by Misses Lizzie Dent, Jimmie
eluded in the contract, also.
Mr. M. L. Cook, three miles south of
town, reports cotton blooms on the 10th
inst Mr. Tom Haynes, two miles
west of town, also had blooms on the
10th. Jerry Jones, a colored tenant on
Mr. Joe Dent's place, discovered blooms
.on the 14th. Le» is Tompkins, a colored
tenant on Mr. T. A. Brown’s place, ex
hibited several blooms on the 10th.
Miss May Loyless, of Cochran, will favor
the audience with an iest-nment-l solo.
Cornet solos and dnets by Messrs. Lower
and Thompson, instrumental dnets by
Mrs. Smith and Miss Toyless, and bind
quartettes by Messrs. Thompson, Argo,
Bant a and, complete the pro
gramme. The foregoing is of coarse only
a brief synopsis, bat it Ss soffit-lent to
Albert Pierce,
adoited «o>-
A. E. and S. A. Edm rxdsox.
Jcxe 29,1884.
Aged 7 soxths
“ASLEEP is Jesus.”
This is where the little stranger lies,
and the stone and inscription is a monu
ment t o the tender affection of its devot
ed foster-parents. Sorely, we can recall
no incident more touching, no narrative
more illustrative of pure charity.
And sold by all druggists at FIFTY CENTS and ONE
DOLLAR per bottle. Full directions with each package.
Will trade for fresh Eggs and first-class Better, at the New
Hardware and Seed Store. A. POPE.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ot pur
ity, strength, and wholesomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot
be sold in competition w ith the mnititudeof
low test, short weight, alnm or phosphate
K wders. Sold only in cans. Royal Bakisg
wder °n.. ins v. v.
A. P. JONES. j. e. TOOLE.
Fravk Johnson. \ colored tenant on
Mr. J. D Simms’ plar-e. was so unfor
tunate as to have h s dwelling burned
last Saturday morning. He lost 125
busheL of o its that were stored In the
Little Jolla Askew.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John As
kew was saddened by the removal of one
. of its brightest jewei* on Tuesday, the
show the character of the entertainment, ; 14th inst., when th® Angel of Death came
and carries its own assnranee of the en- « took from their loving embrace the tty,
; beautiful firm of their little daughter, ; VV agOnS.
| Manufacture all kinds of
^: Carriages, Buggies, Carts and
Repairing neatly
tend. Tie price of ail mission is low and , Hmvonr henrtVdid lext in svnipithy ; and promptly done at rcaSOD-
we hope every one who c*n will go. for ihos*- food pa out- as -e nx ihem • * * }
- bending ..ver the little snT.-rer. o a»x-i nrirpe Wo coll tke
Patriarch af the Faculty. R>u« to h“ld her Iiaek, i. it bo God’s j * Dlt P nCeS - >V e Sell the feCT-
* trill. TPf so roaitpnod skraiil J !» ! . ——
joyment in store for those who may at-
Srnuey bat succeeded in as vug moot «f | Tb* recoct cemmurmpoBt exreeires.
gUUyet*,resigned MH.dscreo« , ]ess Engine ^ . Ma$?hinery .
SET TO $300.
The only complete assortment of Upholstery Goods in Atlanta.
Prices that cannot be beat.
Call or write.
42 and 44 Peachtree Street.