Newspaper Page Text
jj|u JB PT2\d /ttid *&*e neteanw—sn ttlbe <*tn2aitftik»B off one J<Am W- Park, off Graeanraie, *afl Maw
^ >■ ^Billion* j*iff -fjur JUMuag nmst, art ieamt-
Fritiar- Ogl 2t I3?7
home: affairs,
^VVVVVVVVVV - /^y/wy^yyy/vv'/x .y^yv
r«L XXIIL .Vo, L
Mr. W ssa. Lucy aeirih r«- *c«ne
iswMsas off Ssmfcwas^oiia?
aipjitef tv teuijrt tihe *w85terial apjietite.
MLattae w«»? «EaSt*d aa msr- BysaiaaKussr a® t&e Post Offe* at K*ew-
rbige- The 't«rtaaci!Dy m* perf-vcraed suso. Gat. <Ac3_ ITtit 1*^7. If »»t taufl-
by Kyr. Stejffa*® Oeineste as tlfae pr-es- tor wis&SE fu®r ■»>*-£> wifl i« «em
eauue off awa .off tihe LtmiTy aad a
few ikrrried rum+. The growm » £
i he? acre in a rooLuarkai. .7 art aiiowc him! snutsaaff®! w»; piaster
irtate off inaSaaritj, like «*.*«& «ttt*ua«r- .<£ G*»ea<r5ffle, whfieitfce bride yaw off
ed, *ud iuaj lisake appie*- y#t-
Griff-tv© it wovtii
Mr. L. ‘A’, teihii,
tVWfci tMt r i^rk.
Wh«a yo. seed ooviot
e-t#.., go to *. h. Wji«*t r e.
Dr. Pea#* took In 'be £btp«feio*i
of j^a-uva, -» ito T uee-ia y aac W^idjaeaday. t^iesctisi? ooe
ihgixl anray frvua ler-te- for tbe Srrt
tbfie ia sine yeacfc. He wy atia-eart
tioirty-wiz hour* mad bad o-.y **'0 rvi-sad*
Irani the tana* be left nm-F hi* return.,
the savst efcaracn® mad Mgbiy aeevta-
pbebed TOTm ladies off While tsalpskor
•Sjctuigt wbo it we53 iam asd greatly
admired is Cviaisbfittu—Cohan's#* E*-
yaxrer-fi^nt, 19tk m$L
Gv tv K, <v V at-d Vine
'ff Givwr l*e «' «t yie *ff jJJ iatt*.
W'uJsd- Swu#.*d4ttiu>d h:*.**
niifi ff'/gt A}/j>Sy a< tbb oftoe.
/V /v/fe—witch '//»■, vi'.j,
yow.og obeajy. H. M. Ahkouj.
V.'b«a you eome f> buy po» ier, ksot,
'^p-o, brat* a-Jid puper tbelle, gus-wade,
Jeu'ter fiwe nu&ort,'.ket kuh et. bo*i«t*a>, e;>-
ver-j>latted «tee! kah'e* awe fori.». aa»d
ivreer.'b-lomdbjg «i»rugtme, eab at tbe
Vevr Haroirwe mud Seec fwrt.
Mit# KaV; Ijtjverty, of C-arroUtf/a, it
M/fet iyy.g tlbt week.
If you wmbX a good ankle of Plug
a*k you: d.<-*Ier for iisy.
Jnemf JiaddtLr, of Esot Grorre. past
ed tbroogb tenra yesterday <&. bit re
turn from tbe Expaati/KL Afte-r a
careful estimate, luade tuader raadoos
ciSfsshkrK he grree it ae Lit taniaafted
ojyjfflion tbact do lets tks a mbboo peo
ple were stock m tbe mud on Tuesday
mad Wednesday, .and all meramblbagfor
a first giuupbe at tbe President. He-
to tbe I>ead Letter Of&oe.
Ei'-bard Sras.
M r .s*et Gbaptuau,
Y. i. GbappeJb
WiH Goxey,
W. E. I>yrritr.m.
Mist Fatty Ls-wie.
Mist Carrie L. Lwreless,
Mr*. 4. C. Maslin.
A 1*. MoCor.
W. A. Eeess.
Mist A Ik Silas
Miss Estelle Vauoe.
Emma Wy®®,
Walter B. VVul'.-ott
-J. li. MiColwjl P. M.
Just received, direct from the mills—aM —
thk rear’s crop. V»e hare all tbe different gTades. - -|il
us and save whoksaie grocers* profit- ^ e g 6111 a * 1 € , “
and upon precisely the same terms that the Atlanta mere ao
do. Get our prices and then Try a sample o! our Flour,
of tbe pudding is chewing tbe bag.
Vow it tb«r Time to Le v*- you." bouvr
waJbpapere>{b Go to &. b. Wiisuu't for
'f lak rfavaoxtaii, (jrr.tiiu and Vorth
/v hxi/Muz f/ay-traixj v>at Lere '<V< r dDev
Mr. Hubert OmmMjlaai aud
daughter, of New Grleaut, Mrs. Beall
of West point, Mist., ar d Mrs. Faun-
bam, of Evergreen, Ala., bare been
visjtiog in Vearaan tbit week -be
guest* of tbeir relattfvet, M„st Vaucey
awd Jbr. fi*res*T.
Datzs—Amanda C- Darks vy bora
ic tbe year l*Su The name by viasds
the was more familiarly fcnomj wrat
Vinaa. ebe wr*.* tbe j.«et of tbe family:
lorinw and obedient to ber parent* and
mg aSxrat «x nsefaes beb^’medium a«ecTK«rute to ber i*rotbert.and sisters.
** brie possessed a *“*rearnest of <3333
It is the best Shoe you can get, and does the service of a
iive-dollar article. Manufacturers guarantee with every pair
stature, and occupying a position m tbe
rear phalanx, be did not see tbe Press-
deni until tbe x*rocewwn bad T-*.s*-‘rU.
He reoogma»d tbe diaingtibbed gentle
man, Lowewer, by the back of bis ixeck,
and is now read' to die.
% e f*a/) a
from fidiwr
Hr Mi.
pjeaaaut yest>er‘iay
Fitts, of tbe Carrollton
Married, <m tbe 3 vth 3.1st., at the resi-
den/eof Mr. 4. B. Jir*xadwater, in this
county, Kev.*T. J. OjX officiating. Mr.
Ik B. lawtkrt, of Meriwether county,
to Miss Fannie If. Slaughter, of Doug-
lasviHe. May many blessings crown
their //jarrie*! life.
Married, at the houae of tbe bride’s
aunt in Atlanta on WTuesday last,
Her. W. A Parks ofieiating, Dr. J
county, Ga. Ur. Harris was former! t a
that made ber tbe obyr-d of much es-
tee^n and aSect>jn to all ber acquain
tances. During tbe rear i*T>, under
tbe preaching of Dr. Homaly. M.—
Visna was brought under wiroetion ftr
’ an, and duri'xg tbe first year of the
writer's pastorate here sloe w-a^ hope
fully converted to Christ. Alt bough
she vrs.; zst to ber ton version,
yet she felt a gyesl e-r*e? of ’.•rworthi-
ness; and being approached Ijt ber pas
tor on tbe same evening that rise
sron of faith in His name to-dav v ’ Me
professor in tbe Eclectic Medical Col- repiied: “fJh, Mr. Barrett, J do not feel
... ... ■ t/, Hr. Vfl T^TI* tlm < ■ 7 - i *wr,r. Wo3oTi.f'
/>r. f /. 4<ttihwm will attend the
Mawsotib: Grand Dodge i?j Ma/.on hert
Mrs. /.. E. Floyd, of SenoLa, has been
on a visit to reiat/ ves here for several
days jya^jt. '
M rs. Fates, of Kansas City, Mo., is
visiting in Vewnan, tbe guest of Mrs.
A. D. Freen/an,
Deputy Collector J>. 'f. Mosers has
D^rn circulating
friends this w*r<:k.
among bis Vevmau
Tim rain was xather diJabxry in get
ting be/e, but it looked for a while as if
it ba*J come Py stay.
V'e who have rheumatism, go to K. H.
Bu/:banan's and get a pair of those 1
fnedieated flannel shirts,
A new line of dress goods and trim
mings, consisting of grey arid brown
tricots, etc., at F. K. Buchanan's.
Ilev. J. M. Hairston, v/lif> moved Uj
Tuxas last winter, sends word that he
The Atlanta atid ’.Vest Point road
lias er*:'.'ted a neat passenger shed at
the intersection of its line with the
.Savannah, Griffin and Vorth Alabama
road. It is a cosy stopping-place, and
a convenience to the traveling public
that has long 5e-eu needed at that ;shnt.
The following notice was ported on
the office d*yir of one of our sprightliest
young J*rgai firms last Tuesday: “f/one
to Atlanta to attend a private confer
ence with Grover Cleveland. Will re
turn October 2bth, at which time we
hojie P> .see those owing us, but not
those whom we owe.”
lege of Atlanta, which position he re
signed a few months ago to engage In
the active practice. The bride is a
fit to do so.” But she did. She relate*]
to us what th* Lord bad do«e for ber
soul, and «e bad tbe pleasant satisfac
tion of baptizing her. whh others, in
Worth of MENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING just received
for the Fal- aud Winter trade, comprising the largest and most
carefuliv selected stock of Ready-Made Clothing in this mar
ket, which vre propose to sell at prices that cannot be duplica
ted this side of Atlanta. We’ve 2Tot ’em—all sizes, qualities,
and steles—and they must be sold.
niece of Mr. II. IL Park*, of this coon- the name of her Marter.
ty, whoso family »hc vMi«d a short
while prior to her marriage. After
visiting among relatives a few days the trusting
happy couple will leave for their home
There was no remarkable incident in
ber religious fif*-. only she manifested
constantly to ali flie meek, gentle and
spirit’ which she pos*es.*ed.
She was away from home a coaffdm-
. .. . _/ - . -.i ble portion of the time, but during ber
in Southwest Georgia, whither the best ^ at hoiil< , sb ^ ^.j-t to make «
■wishes of a host of friends will accom
pany them.
pleasant for her widowed mother and
brother and sister* as she jy.v-ibly
could. In Jan nan' <rf the present veaY
Summers, of tbe Hum- eDt ^ - the at Fairb'arn.
, ^ One month afterwards she came home
During ber stay at home
Mrs. J. H
cane district, whose protracted illness kri’a visit,
has been mentioned in these columns
from time to time, grew suddenly worse
she visited the grave of her father, at ^ bought b} US JUrst
iiev. J. If. Hall received the sail
intelligence yesterday of the death
of his sister, Airs. Dr. Frank Hall,
the old family hurying-groend. Her
sister accompanied her to the sacred but
- - . , , , »interesting spot; bat instead of being
until yesterday morning, when deatn ; Vii \ an ^ low-spirited, as was her db.
a few days ago and continued to sink -
was a
her of her sufferings,
most estimable lady
31 in hex
which occurred at. her home in Green- greatly beloved
ville yesterday morning, iiev. Mr. where she lived,
in the community
and her
Hall and wife leave this morning to at- produced a feeling of profound sorrow,
tend the funeral, which will take place
this afternoon in Greenville.
will back in Georgia with his family be- 1 negated five hundred and sixty-seven
fore Christinas. He is coming to stay, bales, being the heaviest known for any
.. , — single day since the war. Some of the
Mr. Jos. B. Cole, of Griffin, moved his i cotton ca
•She leaves a huslrand, four children,
and numerous other mourning
tores, who have the symgiathies of the
Our cotton receipts last Saturday ag- f , nt j re community in their affliction.
The funeral will occur this afternoon
at Providence church.
family up last week, and will resi dr
permanently in Hampton. Henry
County Weekly.
One hundred and fifty bushels home-
raised, purple-straw seed wheat for
sale at Oir, Kirby A Co.’s.
J. VV. Bowkus.
Dr. T. J. Jones has moved to the
Mrs. “Pet” Arnold place, on College!
:arne from the interior of Camp
bell, Fayette and Meriwether, and
some from near the Alabama line. All
except fifty-two bales was received by
At .1 o’clock this morning Mr. J. H.
Simms, of the Fourth district, had the
misfortune to lose his barn by fire, to
gether with its entire contents, in
cluding corn, fodder, etc., and four
street, where all night calls should Ir* c °tt°n. The loss amounts to j from South Carolina was run over by
...... upon which there was I the cars and killed. Mra Clevelandaud
The origin of the fire is j the President smiled orrrne yesterday.
; There are all sizes, ages,.sexes and con-
made in future.
Quick-shot Powder (the best of all)! unknown
and Winchester bi-shot Jtifles at the
New Hardware and Meed Store.
A. Poi'K
$1,000 or $1,200, upon which then
no insurance
She ! sition at times, she was cheerful in cer
and i manner, and said: “It Is wrong to
: weep over souls in heaven.” She laid
! down at full length at the foot of her ■
death has father’s grave and asked the question.
' Is there enough room for me here, as .
this is my place to be laid?” She was ,
at that time in perfect health. Sli** j
reia- rfr t arm . r } to Fairbum and entered:
school again. She was taken ill on the ■
2Wth of May and her condition liecame !
suck : as to re^-juire her removal- to her j
hor*e. ^ Her sister went 139 for her 1
and with considerable difficalty suc
ceeded in ]^rs»ging her home.
Herfirst words to her mother as she
was carried in at the door, were:
“Mother, I- have come home So die.”
rat . _
she grew worse. Although sire had
it looks t be liesrimedical attention, she quickly
sank intvythe’grsre. When asked how
well wit&)my'sosI r and God has prom- i
ised nevei- to lesrre nor forsake me.” I
She quoted the expression in the- 23d |
Psalm: “Though I- walk through* the j
valley,” etc:- '1 he day before she died :
she prayed very earnestly for her
brothers tod sisters. “Xev'er befi'n?,”
said her soter,. “have I beard such- an
earnest, ferwent prayer to Almighty
God.” She seemed much interested in
a short while before the recent ad
vance, by which we can save to our customers from 15 to 30
per cent., on this lot alone. It is a prime lot of Tobacco, and
would be a bargain even at the prices that now rule.
A postal dispatch from “Ripples,”
who is iu Atlanta this week, contains
\ the following startling summary of Ex- Xf<- r dr«ease made rapid progress and j
position incidents arid casualties
“Atlanta., Oct. 19.—lam here.
like the world had come to an end and j partly replied
everybody was here to hear his d>*orn. ” * •-
Three children were crushed to dsatli
yesterday by the crowds, (or, rather,
that is the report.) A young faun
Received this week, and more on the road. Best grades^
both constantlv in stock during the season.
- o
JWr, Harry it. Sargent, who went to
. Yi’XJts four or five years ago, returned
home this week. He is in excellent
health and looks as if frontier life
agreed with him.
U is estimated that from five to six
thousand people attended the Pied
mont Exposition from Coweta county,
whose expenses from first to last ag
gregated not less than $15,000.
Everything In dry goods, notions,
boots, shoes, hats, caps, trunks and va
lises marked down to cost, for cash,
from this date, to make room for the
inerease of hardware stock. A. Pons.
Mr. G. It. Black wont to-Summerville,
Ga., last Monday to be present at the
marriage of his sister, Miss Emma, who
on that day espoused Mr. if. P. Lump
kin, a prominent citizen of LaPayette,
A lot of first-class stoves, stove-pans,
atone hollow-ware, wash pots, ovens,
spiders, fry pans, and a new stock of
Granite Iron-ware just received at the
Mew Hardware and Seed -Store.
_ A. Poric.
The Piedmont Exposition has been
visited by immense crowds from New-
nan and vicinity tlita week. Dating
from Monday, 10th inst., about two
thouaaud tickets have been sold at this
point alone.
The school at Klim Academy will
commence the first Monday in Novem-
l>er, under the tutorship of Prof. J. H.
Hull, of this city, who was selected for
the position of principal at a late meet
ing of Ihe trustees.
Judge S. T. Logan, of Knoxville,
Tenu., has boon on a vinit to his broth-
er-in-luw, Capt, T. W. Powel, this
week. IT© is Judge of the Circuit Court
fh his section, and one of the foremost
lawyers iu that State.
Mr. It. E. -Simril has boon at the
Exposition this week exhibiting the
Simril Guano Distributor. It attracted
considerable attention on the grounds,
where it was viewed by thousands <n
admiring agriculturists.
Miss .llnunio Harris, of Turin, left
Tuesday for a three-months’ visit to
Monterey, Miss. There will be a very
large vacancy In that community until
. . . . ditions of people here. It is raining in* the welfare* of her brothers and --Lst frx.
^r^ 1 .! dav and ladies are having a hard time Bfer prayer extended to all her old it-
I am tired of
()ur readers will
and pained to learn of the death of, ^ ^ ,
Miss Fannie Gibbs, which occurred at ! lr D n *> °JZ e a >ou j •
her home in Monroe, Ga., a
ago, after a short illness. She
niece of Mr. J. A. Kinnard, and will be
remembered as one of our most pojiu-
lar visit</r» during the late college com
few davs ! an d rush and sigh for the quie- She realized ivivi*©? thiit a large mmj-:
.. ' y ■ tude of my rural retreat- Everybody; her of dear friends had preceded her
u os .I jjt,. tiir- world was on fire ri fr hff' ^ the bttter'world^uea were waiting j
nd will be h°f» I,kc U,L ™ ® [ " i for her on riie other shore. Late in
schtfeimates and
She realized :vividLG that a lare
. , . ,, , . - mu for her on riie othsr shore, ui;
behind em. Will be at some Thun— the afterrux/mof the day of her death,.
day if I can get on the cars-;:' | she request-td; her sister May to ap-
i.proach her bedside- Then she spoke
I from her dying: Kps- the following
| Vestenlay morning at JgRo’-clock, at j {>eaut j ful
The annual rmieting of the stock-j the pleasimt country home of thej
holders of the Savannah, Griffin and > bride's parents six miles nostii of town,:
North Alabama Kailn>ud will be held I Mri. J. R. -Sewell, of that city, was :
in Griffin on tire Zd of November, ^united in marriage to Miss Maud Her-i
Stockholders and their families will be ring-.. IJr. Hall performed! the cere-.
passed free of charge uj>on preserita-
f ion of their stock certificates to the
station agent nearest their place of res
idence. See notice.
Mr. P. W. Arnold offers for sale
three thousand acres of rateable farm
ing and timbered lands. Hying on the
line of the Atlanta and West Point
Kailroad and about five miles southwest
of Palmetto, being the plantation
whereon Mr. Arnold now resides. Will
be sold at public outcry in JCewuan 0:1
the first Tuesday in December, if not
previously disposed of at jwivate sale.
See advertisement. _
“Sister, the hour drawth nigb.
The hour we-have waited so long,
For the ar<gels4o open- a .door in the sky.
That rny spirit may &reak from its porta>-
and tty
The voice of “an inflnit-s*song.
“Jnst now as tiie si umbers of night
Came o’er ate, iitpejwe-given rest,
A-curtain, half open, revealed to my sight
The waters that cover the river of life,
And that shadow the piker of death.”
Mr. Howard M. Smith left Wednes
day for Macon, whither he goes to-as
sume a position in the Merchants’ Na
tional Bank of that city, recently ten
dered him. Mr. Smith is owe of our
most popular and estimable young
men, whoso loss to the community is
but poorly compensated by the gratifi
cation which his business promotion
affords, and we trust he may eventually
find it to his interest to return; aiui lo
cate with us permanently.
The following comprehensive sched
ule is published for the information of
those who contemplate attending the-
State Fair in Macon next week and the
week following : Leave Newnau via
Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama
Jtailroad at 7:20 a. m. and arrive at Ma
con 12:25 r. m. Leave Newnan at 2:28
p. M. and arrive at Macon 10:.V) i\ m.
Leave Macon 5:00 A. m. and arrive at
Newnan 9:45 A. M. Leave Macon 9:tO
a. >1. and arrive at Newnan 2:lft e. m.
Fare for the round trip, from Newnan
to Macon and return, (including ticket
of admission to the Fair Grounds,)
At the resilience of the bride’s
mother at White Sulphur Springs,
Monday evening at 8:30 o'clock, Mr.
mony,, which was witnessed' only by \
the relatives- and a few chosen > friends-*
o€ the high contracting parties. The •
groom-, is one of Newnan’s best known-1 Her moth-ip.- asked, her if she knew!
ami most popular young gentlemen,'she was dying. She-replied that she;
w'Eulirtlie bride is equally admired for certainly didl. “Oh, mamma ! I though* |
heir- numerous charms of jerson and^J
maimer, and we most cordially unite ; jpur to open the doojrfor noe.”
wiilhifclieir friends in wishing;, for them.:: She looked.out up«n. the moon as it
all the prosperity and liappiness at-J-- 1 ^ a ?* s hinin^ tine window, and ex-
- - - - - --- — - - ; claimed, ?he-beaur.ful moon will give
ime light to- heaven.^
tanaalffe in this life. The bridal fiarty
leave on the early train this morning;!,
for At Lank*, where they will
She thanked the attending physician
witnese-Ffor his kirdhess,.toei a drink of water,
the ('.losing; attractions at Che ExposA- exclaiming: ‘LwilL thirst no more
and in five minutes; her angelic spirit |
passed, vrithout a struggle, into the!SCREWS,
great unknown.
tionv after which they wfJl; return Vo.
Newnan and settle down, to house*-
The -numerous and exasjparating difA-
cuStias-that visitors to the- Expositim
have experienced in trying* to get away
from* Atlanta since Tuesday, and W-id-
neada-y.hns amused a feeSug of inaSjg-
nabion; agamst the railmvdkthat is raid
ing expression in malediction* loud and
deep, from thousands of weary, footsore
and' hungry sojourners- who were de
tained there against their will. The
faduare or refusal of tive-r&ilroad author
ities- to furnish equaiaccommodations
to-departing visitors as were provided
on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
to carry the crowds into Atlanta, can
not lie too severely condemned. The
amount of suffering endured bv the
waiting throngs that congregated about j
the principal depot on Wednesday and.
Thursday was jutiable in the extreme.
Women and children wen* tbe chief
sufferers, many of whom were utterly
prostrated by fatigue and loss of s5eep.
We do not pretend to say that rh« rail
roads could have immediately accom
modated all who desired to leave the
city: hut their failure to provide equal, ,
... 1 % . . This powder never vanes. A marvel «>i pur-
Jlc 'omiaodat ions to rcfcuruiug Visitors i ity, strength, and whoiesoineness. Moreeoo-j
as wore furnished early in the week to
tiiose going, cannot !>e justified upon
any ground. | ^
(in frocks,> $1800 to $25 00. SAME GOODS, (in sacks,) $15 to $20.
A SPLENDID LINE OF OVERCOATS, (Light-Weight and Heavy,)
Absolutely Pure.
noraical ihan tho* ordinary kinds, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude ol
low test, short weight, alum or phosphate
wders. Sold oylr i n cans. Rot ax- Baxixc
owdik Co.. Iflt waU<sk. N. I,