The herald and advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1887-1909, March 09, 1894, Image 7

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jmff Market Report. V ;correeti'it weekly by Agnail Sr Farmer.! Newnan, Ga., March 9, 18M. WFloUR—Fancy Patt”. t M 60 Choice Family 3 75 MEAL 65 Wheat Huai. 1 00 Corn—White 05 Mixed — f Grits—Pear' 3R Hay—Western 1 lo * Bacon—C. It. Sides 8 I Smoked Shoulders 10 I Hams—Canvassed H)j 1 Uncanvassed — Tobacco—Common to Medium 25@40 Fancy Chewing 75 Smoking SO Hides—Dry Flint 05 Green 2R Potatoes—Irish, per bush I 50 Sweet, per bush 60 Eggs 121s Butter—Good Country 20 Lard—Tierce 12H Tubs and Kegs 12 Sugar—Granulated 5J, Standard A 5 Extra C 4'j> Sy’RU i*—Georgia 40 New Orleans 25(8:6 Molasses—Black Strap 35 Calico '5@7 t Sheeting 06 \ Shirting 65 ■ Domestics—Checks 06 B Oats—Feed 50 I Seed, rust-pi oof 60 B Beeswax 15 W Cheese 16 ' ^uHHg s Jerald and ^dwrtiaq. NEWMAN, GA., FRIDAY, MAR. 9. HOME AFFAIRS. The Guards’ fair! Poaclitr$cs are in bloom. A full lino of boys’ extra pants at J. R. Herring’s. Don’t forget tlio Guards’ fair, to com mence next Monday. lion, P. II. Whitaker, of Franklin, was in tlio city Tuesday. The display at the Guards’ fair noxt Monday will bo worth seeing. Extra early seed potatoes, for early gardens at Hardaway «fc Hunter’s. Filosello embroidery silk, all colors, now in stock at 1*. F. Cuttino & Co.’s clothing house of J. R. Herring. ONE) ENJOYS Both tlio method and results when i Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant land refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. ' Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it. on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who ishes to try it Do not accept any bstitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAN FHANOI8CO, CAL. louismie. nr. New vonk. n.i. £ Mwi %U’ Wo are still Newnati. I Now lot stylish letter and note paper just received by Avery & Bant A. The Ten Cunt Storo is selling all stand | aid prints at 5c. J. W. Stripling, j Three hundred pounds choice live geese feathers at Ilarduway & Hunter’s. Evitt it Dro.’s fine shoes for ladies, misses and children at Askew and Mar tin's. Olio car load of Spotless, tliu linest pat ent Hour mode, at Hardaway it limi ter’s. The handsomest line of wash dress goods ever seen in Nownan, at Askew it Martin’s. A great variety in tobacco. Try a plug of the “Two Johns” tobacco at Askew it Martin’s. Just received, fresh lot of sea trout and mullet Florida catch at Hardaway it Hunter’s. Mrs. II. S, Smith lias gone to Florida on visit to her son, Mr. Ernest Smith, at Homeland. 1 runted to Rent.—A 4 or 5-room resi dence, conveniently located. Apply to D. N. Baldwin. Something New.—Cash’s embroidered frilling, milled ready for use, at P, F. Cuttino & Co.’s The guano season is drawing to a close, and traffic in this useful hut odoriferous commodity is correspondingly dull. See our hoys’ combination suits. Two pairs pants with each coat. I’rico $5; well worth $0. P. F. Cuttino & Co. We are receiving now spiing clothing daily. Come and give us a look. J. R. Herring. at MEYER’S. Miss Clioves received this week from New York a large and elegant stock of millinery, including all the latest styles in hats, flowers, ribbons, laces and im ported novelties. You will find all kinds of hoes, rakes, forks and shovels for working out ber- muda and nut grass, and tlio host assort ment of fluid and garden seeds, at Pope’s Hardware and Seed Store. Haue You Seen—Our beautiful damask towels, table damask, and doylies ? P. F. Cuttino A Co. FOR COST -TO— CLOSE OUT. 50 lbs. Currants, 5c. per lb. 25 lbs.Seedless Raisins i2^c. per lb. ( 25 lbs. Citron, 174c. per lb. 50 lbs. Best Prunes, I2£c. per lb. 25 lbs Best Figs, 14c. per lb. Outside of this I carry— ^ White Peas, § Navy Beans, " Fresh Cabbage, Fresh Turnips, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Spanish Onions, Cranberries, “Dove” Hams, Dried Beef, Fresh Cheese. Full line of Canned Goods, and Crackers. jUfresh Bread at all times. NEWN 4JST TRUNK FACTORY! I We make Trunks to order, and can afford to sell cheaper an anybody. We are.prac tical Trunk-makers of several ears’ experience, and we uarantee our work to be first- class in all respects. We make r a specialty of repairing old Trunks, and making Trunks to order. Come and see our work fend give us a trial. 1 C. R. WINDHAM, 1 H. L. BEXLEY, Proprietors. I Shops up stairs ia Smith block, next to Jackson’s Pho- 4»graph Gallery.' We have some stationery that is not stylish, hut we don’t ask you to buy that. Avery & Banta. Gen. J. B. Gordon has acceptod an in vitation to deliver Ids' famous lecture, “Last Days of tlio Confederacy,” at La- Grange during the commencement of the Southern Female College. At the last meeting of tlio Ncwuan Guards Capt. J. It. Horriug, Lieut. N. E. Powcl, and Sergeant J. P. Dunbar were appointed as managers of the military fair which opens next Monday. Strageil.—From my farm near Sharps- burg, a large, blue guinea hoar. Any in formation that will aid mo in recovering the hog will ho suitably rewarded. W. B. Orr. Rov. W. M. Walton, Archdeacon of Atlanta, will officiate and preneli at the Episcopal church next Sunday at .1 ::10 u. M. Subject of discourse—"Thb Spot less Kobo.” All cordially invited. Neglige Shirts.—These shirts will he more popular than over this season, and wo can show you the best, and cheapest assort incut, ever brought to Nownan, P. F. Cutting a Co. Filosells.- Wo will receive next week a full assortment of colors of Filosoll embroidery silk. Also, Florence knitting silk on small spools at 15c. each. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Mr. B. M. Hackney reports another tine horse colt by his Wilkes mare, “Min nie Meyers.” ller first colt is just thir teen months old, and measures 14J hands. Both colts were sired by “Ber muda Chief.” Candidates for the Legislature and the various county offices . are somewhat backward this year. During the spring term of court two years ago there were about a dozen aiiiioiiueomeuts for the various offices. The train crows on tlio Carrollton and Griffin division of the Central road stop over now at tlio former place. Ed Long again has a monoply of tlio mail sorvlce, making round trips each day between the points uamud. Baldwin will giv« you the latest stylo in photos, including the Aristo Finish, the Fan, and many other novelties, 25 per cent, clioaper than any photographer in the city. Now styles, tlrst-class work, low prices. Come and ho conviticod. Don't Fail to Head This.—Fifteen hun dred yards of flue swiss embroideries, first cost from 15 to .‘10 cents por yard, will be ottered at 10, 121 end 15 cunts por yard. Don’t fail to boo this bargain. Askew & Martin. Photographs Free!—On Saturday, March 17tli, Prof. Baldwin, (ho artist, will mako a photograph (cabinet size) of oach little girl between 5 and 8 years of age that visits his studio, free, and will fnrnislv as mnny moro as may bo doBirod at 25c oach. “Secure tlio substnneo ore the shadow fados.” Miss Nannio Suo Hill, who has been visiting friends in Albany, Ga., for two wooks past, is rocoiviug marked atten tion from the young pooplo of that city. A11 elegant gorman was givon in her hon or on Friday night last, which is spokon of by tlio local press as ono of the most enjoyable social events of the season. Mr. John O. Davies returned to day from a business trip through Harris, Mnscogoo, Talbot and Taylor counties, and says there is no doubt that Air. At kinson is gaining rapidly in that section. Ho believes that each of the counties named will send Atkinson delegations, notwithstanding tlio extravagant claims of Gen. Evans’ friends. Ask to suo our job lot of embroidery, worth 25o.;—our price 12jc. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Askew A Martin have just received the fanciest and cheapest lot of crock cry over shown in this market. Soo us before you buy. Tlio many friends of Mrs. II. P. Wood- roof will rogrot to learn that she has been seriously ill at her homo near At lanta for two weeks past. If you want Strouso Bros.’ “High-Art” clothing you will have to go to Askew & Martin’s. They keep tlio largest aud most select stock in tlio city. Mrs. Fannie G. Hill, of Atlanta, will bo with Miss Clievos this season, and will he pleased to have her friends and for mer customers call and see lier. “I am against Atkinson,” squeaked a little thin chested Atlanta drummer the other dny, in discussing the gubornnto- rial'raco, “because lie has novor dono nothin’ for Atlnnty.” Of course; why, certainly. This is about tlio strongest argument the ivvorago Atlantiau can make against Mr, Atkinson, and it is helping him ovory day in other portions of the State. Mrs. P. J. Sowell, who has boon con ducting a millinery establishment in Grantvillo for several years past., has de cided to go into tlie business on a more extensive scale, anil is now receiving the largest and handsomest slock of spring millinery that she lias ever carried. She respectfully invites her lady friends to call and examine her stock, next door to Sowell House. The ladies of Nownan are requested to' meet in the Guards’ armory next Mon day morning at 8 o’clock and assist in arranging the decorations for the fair, which opont* on that day. Tlio members of the Guards realize that they can ao eemplish very little without tliu assis tance of tlioir lady friends, and express tlio hope that all who can will lie prompt ly on hand Monday morning. The following business was transacted in tlio Ordinary’s Court last Monday: F. II. Steed, guurd'an of Montui I,. Stood, granted letters of dismission. J. S. Powell granted luttors of admin istration with the will annexed on the estate of John W. Powell, doeoased. Will of Monroo W. Colo admitted to prohato in solemn form. Order granted directing A. S. Jones, administrator of Milos Jones, to mako titlus to land (according to bond for ti tles) to Mrs. F. O. Pitman. Have You Seen tlie Latent?—Our new spring stock of ginghams, Irish lawns, sateens, etc., is now open. You will soon need a spring dress, and now is tlio time to buy, when you can get tlio choi cest selections. P. F. Cuttino A Co. Remember, Prof. Baldwin has como to stay with you, and lias knocked the “hind sights” off high prices in pho tography in tlie city of Newnan. Miss Mary Lou Williams, of Luther ville, who lias been visiting Mrs. M. It, Brown for the past week, returned home yesterday.—Griffin News, Sth hist. Tlio largest and most elegant line of first-class millinery ever seen in Nownan 1 will ho found at Askew & Martin’s dur ing the spring and summer season. Baldwin will save your money and give you first-class photos 25 per cent, less per dozen than any photographer, mat ters not how low the cut in prices be. Congressman Moses was in the city Wednesday, shaking hands with his friends. He has been quite unwell re cently, and came home to recuperate. We sell the celebrated Chattanooga Chilled Two-Horse Plows. Call and see us before buj ing. nAiiDAWAv & Hunter. Tlie Ten Cent Store sells no more goods on credit, makes no more tickets, and keeps no more hooks. J. W. Stripling. To the Ladies.—We are daily receiving new goods, and cordially invite you to come and examine them. P. F. Cuttino A Co. We sell the celebrated Searcy Guano Distributor. Call and buy one. It will pay the cost in one season. Hardaway & Hunter. Mr. H. (I. Jtevill, official stenographer of the Coweta circuit, is on hand with his typewriter and Faber, and will be gin taking evidence to-day in criminal cases. The marvelous success of Hood’s Sar saparilla is based upon the corner-stone j of absolute merit. Take Hood’s through out the spring months. Mr. D. F. Brewster, our city sexton, desires the public to know that ho In fully prepared to do any kind of work that may bo required in tho comotory. He lias employod competent help, and will give prompt attention to all orders. Dr. P. It. Holt, of Decatur, Ga., lias pur chased tlio stock of drugs, fixtures, etc., belonging to Dr. A. J. Lyndon, and took formal possession of tho same yostorday. He is a estimable gentleman, aud will receive a cordial wolcomo from our poo plo. The ladies of tiie Baptist church will tender a reception to Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Hall on Tuesday evening next. Exten sive preparations are being made, and enough is known alroady to warrant tlie prediction that it will ho an elegant and enjoyable affair. Tho members of the Fraternal Mystic Circle are requested to moot at J. S. Powell’s office on Monday night next, at 7 :J0 o’clock. Col. E. F. Blodgett, repre sentative to the Supremo Ruling, de sires to meet all the membors aud cuss the interests of the order. dis- New Silks.—Wo have just opened a lot of new silks for trimming. We have also some beautiful dress silks in black. Black moiro silk will he tho popular trim ming for black dresses, and tips we can give you in good quality at $1.50 per yard. P. F. Cuttino & Co. The school teachers will draw their first quarterly salaries April 1st. Here tofore they have had. to wait twelve months for their pay, hut tho last Legis lature made such changes in the law that payments will be made quarterly hereafter. The first quarter ends March 31. Dr. Jas. Stacy will go to Liberty coun ty next woek for the purpose of attend ing the annual reunion at old Midway church. He has been Selected to deliver the sermon, and will have charge of the exercises, a programme of which will ho found elsewhere in The Herald and Advertiser. A novel damage Buit has just been de cided in Meriwether Superior Court. W. S. Norris and John C. Dodds had a personal difficulty some time ago, in which Dodds struck Norris on the head with an ax. Norris sued Dodds fordam- ages and the jury has given him a ver dict for $500. Don’t take internal remedies for Fe male Diseases. Common sense requires a direct application like “Oran?e Blos som.” Sola by G, R. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ciirutou, of M010- land, are rejoicing over the accession to tlioir homo of a flue hoy baby. This for tunate youngstor can probably boast tlio longest line of living ancestry of any child in the county, having no less than two grandmothers and four great-grandmoth ers. H1h grandmothers aro Mrs. F. 8. Cureton Jand Mrs. II. A. Martin. Ilis great grandmothers are Mosdames Mar tin, Cun)ton, Rollins and Pitts. The following donations to the Guards’ fair have been reported since our last is sue: P. F. Cuttino ife Co.—Box notions. J. II. Wliito, Jr., Now York—Two suits clothing. Fechoimor, Fishiol A G'o., Now York - Chock, $10. * Miller & Brown, Statesville, N. C. (through Askew & Martin.)—One box tobacco. II. O. Wise—Meerschaum pipo, meer schaum cigar-holder, and meerschaum cigarette-holder. .Samples of Edison’s latest, in the way of now-typo incandescent lamps, have been received by tlio Nownan company, aud the experience of tlio managoinont fully sustains tlio claim made for them by tlie manufacturers. For intensity of light and longth of life, tho now lamp has a record which tho old-typo lamp novor approached. Tlio electrical publi cations have nothing hut praise for this latest contribution to tho Incandescent field by Mr. Edison. On Monday noxt Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Duncan will celebrate their golden wed ding, that date being the fiftieth anni versary of their marriage. The event will probably be celebrated by a family reunion, and the many friends of tlie worthy and estimable old couple unite in tho wish that tlie occasion may he a pleasant one. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan were horn and reared in Coweta county, and both have found contentment and hap piness in the fortunate union which be gan half a century ago. Rev. ii. L. Glenn, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, lias bought the Simmons lot, on Duncan street, and in the near future hopes to secure moans with which to erect thereon a neat school building. He lias seventy-five pupils in iiis school now, and says the colored residents in the western portion of the city,aje greatly in need of hotter facilities. Rev. Glenn is an energetic worker, and has dono a great deal to wards building up tlie church and school interests in that part of town. Ed McDonald, who killed John Pat man in this city in 1879 and was sen tenced to a term of ten years in tho peni tentiary, died about two weeks ago in South Georgia. He was assigned to one of the big lumber camps iu the Southern portion of the State, and, after finishing his term, continued to work for the company until he died. Consumption was the disease which finally carried him off. The above facte were gathered by lfr. R. T). Cole, Jr., while on a busi ness trip to South Georgia lent week. Magnetic Nervine quickly' restores lost manhood and youthful vigor. Sold by G. R. Bradley. Tho joint discussion hotwoeu Mr. At- J kinson and Gen. Evans at Griffin on tli® 21st inst. will attract a largo crowd from this*'section. A special low rate has been seoured from Nownan to Grif fin, as well as from intermediate points. Thu faro from Nownan to Grif fin and roturn will be$l; Sbarpsbnrg, 75c; Turin, 70c; Senoia, 5uc; Brooks Sta tion, 40c. Railroad agents at each of tho points named will ho instructed to soil tickets at tho rate quotort above. Nownan nnd vicinity will semi a big dclegaton. The Atlanta Business University is rapidly coming into piominouco ns 0110 of tlie best commercial schools in tho South, nnd has already a large number of pupils in attendance. Tho institution presents tho admirable novelty of com bining seven different schools in ono, anil oach is presided ovor by a competent in structor. Prof. M. J. Walkor, formerly of this city, is vioo-prosidont of tho facul ty, and nu active and successful worker in tho school. Any young man who de signs taking a commercial course should write for a cataloguo. Mr. D. E. Smith, of Haralson, was in tho city Tuesday, and reports a good deal of excitement in his community on account of tliu snmll-pox. Mr. “Monk” Bnugliu is tho only victim thus far, hut the other membors of tho family (sumo three or four in number) have boon con stantly exposed, ami it is not likely that they will escape the contagion, Mr. Wm. Nolan, of Senoia, has boon em ployed as nurse, and Dr. J. P. Taylor is furnishing, medical treatment, Mr. Bnuglin lias passed tho crisis of tho dis ease, and is now reported convalescent. The military fair to he given by tho Newnan Guards will he formally opened on Monday next, March 12, at. their ar mory over Meyer A Bid's, store, on the west side of tho public square. Tho company bus boon generously roinoni- borod by Eastern, Western and Southern firms, and all articles donated will ho displayed on tho company's counters, beginning Monday and lasting until ev erything is sold. Tho armory will ho nicely decorated, showing the gnus and accoutrements of the company, togeth er with tho presents tho whole sur mounted by artistic drapery arranged by tho ladles of Newnan. .The Guards will go in uniform as long ns the fair lasts. Savannah’s Irish societies aro prepar ing for a big celebration of St. Patrick’s day. Tho Ancient Order of Hibernians, which has throe divisions witli a mem bership of about 4(H), will parade in tlie morning and attend a solemn high mass at St. Patrick’s church at 10:110 o’olock. After mass tlio members will have a a banquet at Hibernian hall, at Ab- orcom and Btyau streets. Tho Irish Jasper Greens aud Working- men’s Dcnovolont Society will also have a parade, probably in tho after noon. At night tlio Hibernian Society will celebrate witli its uunual dinner at tiie Guards armory. Hon. W. Y. Atkin son, who is likely to lie Georgia's next Governor,ami other distinguished guests, will respond to toHHts.—Savannah JMs- nntr.h. CASH ! Tho members of Grady Club, No. 1-01. 1.. I.. A., will have a champion do hate to-nlfht at 8 o’clock, at tlio resi dence of M . S, W. Murray, and have In vited quite a number of their friends ti ho prose 11 and witness the polemical display. The question for debate will ho—"Was Napoloan a greater general than Washington?” The members who have been appointed to conduct tlie de bate are as follows: Affirmative—Han- dors Gibson, Lltt Jones, Alvan Freeman, Alton Royoton, Alfred Broom, Pen Brew- stor. Negative—A. G. Murray, Courtland Ilartsfiehl, Alton Arnall, Gaar Pin son, Leu Holmes. The officers of tlio club are as follows: If. C. Arnall, Jr,, president; J. L. Jones, vice-president A. G. Murray, corresponding secretary Alvan Freeman, recording secretary; A. W. Arnall, treasurer. A few days since Mr. K. S. Buchanan was looking through some of his father’s old papers and came across a lot of State bank hills issued before tiie war. A ma jority of tlie hills boro tho imprint of banks that had gone into liquidation forty or fifty years ago, and among tho lot was a fifty-dollar hill issued by the Georgia Railroad Bank of Augusta in 1851 This bank was ono of tlie few that snr vlved the panics of ante-bellum days and is still doing business under tho charter granted half a century ago. Mr Buchanan carried the bill to cashier Murphey, of the First National Bank who, after a brief inspection, pronounced it a good one.' By his advice, Mr. Buoh anan dcpos'ted tlie bill for collection, was promptly forwarded, and in three or four days a check was received for the full amount from tho cashier of tlie Georgia Railroad Bank. Mr. Buchanan is much elated over his lucky find, aud will investigate tho solvency of other bills included in his collection. WILL BUY WATCHES CHEAP! AT- AVERY & BANTA The Newnan Jewelers. Court Notes. Tho regular March term of Coweta Superior Court convened last Monday, with Judge Sam Harris on tho the bunch, Court was called to order about 10 o’clock and organized by oinpnnnuling tho grand and petit juries, as follows: Grand,Inn/. J. B. Wlllcoxon, foro- nn; A. H. Bohannon, J. P. Ilearn, T. 1. Wilson, A. M. Huggins, 0. P. Hod- nott, J. It. Thurmond, T, F. Jones, J. F. Lovojoy, J. It. Cole, P, A. Powers, V. B. Ingram, E. S. Daniel, O. M. Cavemlor, las. Graham, W. S. McDonald, J, C. ’hompson, J. A Parks, J. 1). Cannloal, 1. M. McCrary, It. (’. Sandors, J. D. Allison, T. E. Arnold. Petit- Jury,— W. B. Orr, Jake Petty, S. S. McCollum, W. W. Sasser, J. P. Camp, I. T. Adily, A. P. Bowers, J, II. Russell, I. N. Sowell, C. II. Newton, 15. B. Jack- son, T. M. Sewell, J. II. Wynn, It. J. Ten ant, E. M. Loo, M. G. Kioth, T. M. Los- tor, .L W. England, C. E. Nall, W. G. Camp, H. A. Martin, J. II. Hyde, A. A. Young, J. T, Arnold. Judge Harris’ charge to tliu grand jury was marked by a lucidity of expression and an emphasis of marnior that could not fail to impress those who heard it, and if tho county’s chosen inquisitors did not comprehend the various points of law touuhod upon, it was cortainly not the fault of His Honor. We understand that a majority of the grand jury are opposed to abolishing the new road law, and tho chances are that it will stand for twelve months, at loast. I’lio criminal dockot was taken up this morning. The following visiting mmnhors of the legal fraternity have been in attendance during tho week: F. S. Lpftin, Franklin; T. U. Whitaker, LaGrange; O. L. Reese, Carrollton; W. A. Post, Grantville; J. W. Shell and W. II. Taylor, Senoia. The court bailiffs are T. D. Haynes, 1’. A. Cannicut, J. It. Stovall, W. U. Worth am and J. M. Barnwell. Court will continue noxt week. Mr. Oliver Altman, of Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania cures a pain in the back of ton years standing witli Salvation Oil. lie says “I was troubled with a pain in rny back for ten years, and spent much money to cure myself. At last I was persuaded to use Salvation Oil. a half bottle of which effected a cure.” The Modern Way Commends itself to the woll-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was foi morly dono in the crudest manner and dlsagreouhly as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, lioadoches and fevers without unpleasant after ef fects, use tho delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, For Over Fifty Years Mrs. W i ns low's Hootii 1 no hy it 01* has been ascii for over lifty yeius by millions of moth ers for flintr children while teething, with perfect suceess. 11 sooUios the child, softens Die Klims, allays all pain, cures wind aoUo, nnd Is the Lest remedy for Dlarrlnea. It will relieve Die poor little suderer Immediately, Hold hy IlrilKKlsU III every part of the world, Twenty-live emits a bottle, lie sure aud ask for “Mrs. Winslow's Hoothlnn Hyrup." and -juke no other Kind. Idiot onco meant u child, and was med in an affectionate stylo of address. t V % More people have died from colds than were ever killed in battle, declares an investigator. HMlok’t Cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by us. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by G. It, Bradley.* Australia harbors one specie# of kan garoo no larger than a rat. An operation or injections of carbolic acid are extreme!v dangerous. Try Jap anese Pile Cure. Positively guaranteed tif G. R. Bradley. t ag|§■§ Pimply Girls Pimply Boys And Every Person Afflicted with Torturing Disfiguring Humiliating Humors Find Instant Relief And Speedy Cure By Using Cuticura Remedies Bold throughout tho world. POTTia DlOV A H i> (lUMU.Conr., Boa ton, Bole Prop*. a> a 41 shout tlio Blood, Bkin, Scalp and Hair," free. mr Pltnploa, blockheads, oily akin aba fading hair prevented and cured by Cattcara gw>.