The herald and advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1887-1909, September 25, 1908, Image 1

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rdinary'e Office HE HERALD AND ADVERTISER VOL. XLIII. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1908. NO. 52. BOONE BUSY STORES *J*4*^4* •E'E* •EWW ,, EW4 ,, E , E , E , EWW^^4"EWW4 , 'E , I , 4”EW ,, JH"W •M < *M , *I"I* ,, M**I**!**I < *I**b*F*l«I**F*|* With a stock of $45,000.00 worth of clean, seasonable merchandise are now ready for fall trade with one of the grandest collections of Fall and Winter goods that has ever been shown in this section of Georgia. We hare spared no efforts to make this Fall’s trade surpass any past season. A look over our goods and prices will convince you that if quantity, quality, styles and prices count for anything that we will succeed in this undertaking. This store is where advertised promises are always found true. Great care has been used to have our goods selected right, to have them bought right and to have a variety to please one and all, and to have prices not equalled by many stores in this section. To accomplish this end our buyer spent a couple of weeks in the best markets of the country in buying our Fall lines. In asking you for your trade the coming season we have merchandise value, style, quality and price inducement, and a reputation for honest dealing for eleven years which authorizes us to do so. £ £ Clothing This department of our business is one of the strongest in it. We have a collection of clothing this season that should enable us to sell every customer that comes to our stores. We have a variety that no store in this section will show you. In this great selection you will find all the different weaves, the different makeups, and all prices in men’s Suits from $7.50 to $35.00. At whatever price you buy we guarantee our values to be the equal of any in the city. Our different lines are Hart, ■Schaffner & Marx $17.50 to 35.00; Perfection Clothes for young men $10.00 to $16.50; son nebor n e s clothes for men, the best popular price line on the market, from $7.50 to $16.50. You will be sur prised at the suits we offer at $7.50, j 10.00, 12.00 and 15.00. Our lines in boys’ suits, in sizes four to eight and eight to seven teen, are especially strong this , season and comprise all the styles ( and cloths. Prices are $1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, ■5.00 and 6.00. us to offer many hats, 3.00 value, at SI.38 Furs The past season’s success with furs prompted us to make a still better effort this time. The val ues count for a great deal this fall. Short black furs. 75c to S2-00 Long black, brown and Coney furs ‘ SI -50 to S3-SB Long furs, imitation fox S4-00 to S7-50 Genuine fox furs SB-50 to S20-80 A good fur adds much to your comfort and appearance. Wool Dress Goods. This line consists of a choice se lection of Broad cloths, Panamas, Mohair. Serge and Fancies. Our Broad cloths at SI yard are excel lent values. Special values are 50c. 54c and 75c yard, in pana mas and serges. Shoes Overcoats The Hart, Schaffner & Marx kind and other good lines all are good values. Beaver Coats, black, blue and brown, S4-00 to S10-00 Fancy Raincoats S8-50 to S20-Q0 iBlaek Raincoats S10-00 to S20 00 Heavy Ulster Coats, large col lar’s S5-00 to S10-00 Boys’ Overcoats. S3-00 to $7-50 Hosiery. Men’s Hats. This store never does things lralf way. When you see the variety' of hats we have you will be glad you came here. All prices; all are good value. SI.50 to S4.00- Our lines at $2. $2.50 and $3 are specially attractive. Ask to see the line at SI.98 A special purchase here enables Good hosiery should make an important department in any store. We have made special effort to please all the trade this season. The following will give you a small idea of what we have: Black Cat Hose for girls and boys 12 1-2c. 15c and 19c Topsy hosiery for all, per pair 10c to 50c White leather hose for all, per pair 10c Men’s guaranteed sox, 3 pairs 50c Hale proof hosiery, every pair insured; six pair guaranteed six months $2.00 Good shoes are a specialty with this store and have been for many past seasons. Thousands of peo ple testify to the comforts and wearing qualities of Boone’s shoes. Each season's experience helps us to do better for our trade. We of fer for the coming season a collec tion of good shoes to lit any foot and any wear from Held to parlor, j any taste and any purse, for solid! leather shoes. We sell, recom mend and guarantee the following lines of shoes to give satisfaction: Star brand shoes for all the fam ily. Florsheim and the celebrated Regal shoes for men. Dorthy Dodd and the American Beauty j shoes for ladies. Godman’s shoes for women and children, and Al- ; leu’s line shoes for children. Star brand shoes for men for heavy wear SI-75 to S3-00 Stronger than the Law, the best wearing heavy shoe made for men, S3 -00 Star brand high cut shoes for men S3-00 to S6-50 Godman’s shoes for ladies SI-50 Godman’s shoes for children, according to size 60c to SI.50 Graduate and American Beauty fine shoes for ladles, $2 00 to $2-50 Dorthy Dodd shoes for ladies from S3-00 to $4-00 The celebrated Regal shoes for men $350 and $400 Florsheim shoes for men, $500 Ask to see our lines of work shoes for women at $125 and $1.50 For men at $1-50, $1.75 and $2 We want to sell you your bill of shoes for this winter, if it is one pair or a dozen. Special attention has been given our line of school shoes and boys’ shoes. Odd Pants. Cloaks and Tailor Suits Heavy eassimere pants, wear guaranteed, well made, buttons well put on, $1.50. $2. $2.50 and S3. Fine dress pants, snappy styles, S3.50- $4. $5- $6 and S6.50 We sell a quantity of boys’ pants. Our values make it possible, 50c, 75c and SI pair. In telling you that we are the best prepared ever to take care of your wants in this line means a great deal, as we have been head quarters for cloaks, etc., for several seasons. We have now a variety of new styles at prices never shown in Newnan, even by this stole. The latest style cloaks are the half fitting back. Many, of them are elaborately trimmed, while there will still be worn some full, loose fitting cloaks. Complete line misses’ and chil dren's coats at ST-25 to S7-50 Bear Skin coats SI-98 to S5-U0 Infants’ long cloaks. SI to S4 Ladies’ long cloaks, black, tan and castor. $5.00, 6.00, 7.50, 8.00, 8.50 10.00, 12.00. 15.00 and 20.00 It will pay you to look this line over lie fore making up your mind as to what you will buy in a wrap. We have put in a complete line of ladies’ Coat Suits. The styles are very attractive. The coats are load, either trimmed with braid or buttons. Prices are S12.50 to S25 Underwear. Our stock of the above consists of everything popular in under wear for ladies and men and chil dren, from 25 cents per garment up to $2 per garment. We have a line of the celebrated Mentor udderwear for ladies and children, 50 cents to $2 per garment. Curtains and Rugs. Special purchases of the above lines unables us to offer you val ues seldom seen. Good rugs, $1.25 value, 98c; $1.50 rugs, $1.25; $2 rugs, $1.50; $2.50 rugs, $1.08; $3 i rugs, $2.50 and $4 rugs, $3.50- You will have to see them to ap- ! predate their value. Lace curtains, good size, hand- : some paterns, both white and j ecru, 75c to $5 per pair. Brass curtain rods, 10 and 15 cents each. Millinery. The success of this department the past season has prompted us to put forth the greatest effort we have ever made in this line. We have greatly improved and en larged our millinery room and have one of the most attractive places in the city. Our styles are strictly first class, being the same as are now sold and worn in New York and Atlanta. We have pro vided for the wants of all in hats. Our prices range from SI.50 to j S25.Q0. Especial attention has been given tlie lines to retail at $2.50. S3. S3.50- S4, $5. SG.50. $7.50. S8.50 and $10- A look at our lines will convince yon that we can save you money on your fall and winter hats. Bargains in Piece Goods, Dress Goods, etc. Everything in the way of cotton goods is much cheaper than one year ago. In fact the goods for this fall are priced on a basis of eight cent cotton, so you may im agine what that means in the way of saving on your fall purchases. Look over this paper and make out a long want list. Money can be saved by coming to this store to spend it. 6000 yards of Simpsons and American prints, dark and light colors, per yard 5c 4000 yards pretty outings, all colors, per yard 5c 5000 fards extra heavy outings, 10c values, our price, per yard, 8c Teasel down outings, dark and light colors, per yard 10c Good cotton checks, dress and apron styles, per yard 5c Riverside cotton checks, dress and apron styles, per yard 6c Nice fianneletts worth much more, per yard 7 1 -2c Best fianneletts, stripes, figures and borders, per yard 10c Complete line of nice percales, per yard 10c Yard wide pereales, all new fall styles, per yard 10c and 12 1 2c One lot of dark fall ginghams, good styles, per yard . . 10c Yard wide >Sea Island sheeting, per yard . 5c Best AAA standard sheeting, by bolt, per yard 6 1 -2c Good apron Ginghams, regular value 7c, special, per yard 5c Best hickory shirting made, at per yard 10c Good bleached domestic, yard wide, per yard 8c One lot mercerised fancy wait ings, value 25c, per yard 19c Complete line French, Bates and Red Seal ginghams, dark fall styles, fast colors, per yard, 12 1 2c One lot of line suitings, just the thing for coat suits, an excellent imitation of wool goods, last fall price 20 and 25 cents per yard, now ]2 1 2c and 15c Anything wanted in piece goods not included in above will be found here. The price you. will find right of course. Our lines of wool dress goods, broad cloths, etc., are especially attractive. Remnants We have an attractive remnant counter on which you will find all piece goods thereon 20 to 25 per cent, cheaper than regular goods. They range in lengths from one to twenty yards each. We cut any piece over ten yards in length, and many pieces that are smaller. To give you an idea what we have, we quote the following: Best gingham, Bates and lied Seal, yard 10c All 10c fancy'and solid ducks, yard 8c All 12*4c percales, yard 10c All 10c percales, yard . 8 1 -2c Most any other kind of goods wanted at same discount in prices. Special Bargains All Through the Stores Heavy, large bed spreads, value $1.25; at, each . $1.00 Heavy large bed spreads, value $1.75, at . $1.50 Matting remnants to close out at wholesale prices. Six-foot linen window shades, i each 25c | Metal covered trunks, about fifteen in the lot, to close out at SI.50 to 82 50 Best fancy table oil cloth, at, per yard 15c Good pearl buttons, value 5 cents per dozen, at 2 dozen for 5c $300.00 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY! For particulars, inquire at store or see circulars now being distributed. In offering the above, in addition to our already low prices and big stocks with a guarantee of satisfaction or your money back on any purchase not satisfac tory, it means thatwe offer you trading inducements not equalled by any concern in this section of Georgia. Come early. We have plenty of goods for all, and plenty of help to wait on all. OUR HELP: D. W. Boone, O. F. Allen, J. A. Robertson, J. N. Kersey, F. W. Stripling, O. E. Hardcgree, M. (J. Robison; T. b. Camp, Mrs W . C. Tread away. George Morris, Miss Ethel Taylor, Mrs. J. P. Pittman, Miss Beta Leigh, Miss Lillie Ragland, J. P. Pittman FREE STALLS—We have just completed stalls at the rear of our stores to take care of over thirty head of stock. Their u-a- is free to one and all. Boone’s, - Newnan, Ga.