The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 02, 1906, Image 7

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For this beautiful Top Buggy. manu factured by us lute in Atlanta'Georgia. A Southern Buggy for Southern trade, has a fine Leather Quarter Top, has genuine Leather, Spring Bottom Cushion, and Leather Back, is elegantly painted and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price J'kVOO to $7">.00. 9Q ^. or tW* fine Collar and Hame, sjP nick« 1 mounted Harness, sold with every GOLT’KN K AG 1,1C BUGGY, regular retail price $12.50 to $15 (X) Catalog and full description sent on request. (iOLI)EN FABLE B100Y CO. IBS-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Nunnally’s Platform. Tho platform on which l)r. <i. A. Nummlly stnmls in his <*am- pnign lor governor is outlined by him ns follows: t'UKAM HI.K. “Il shall he a campaign— “1. For tho education of tho people, and not for the vitupera tion of candidates. Con. Leo and tho Applo Tree3. At tho celebration of General Lee’s birthday, in Newnan last week, Mr. John Goodwin, an old soldier, who presided over the meeting, related a beautiful inci- 101 dent in the life of the great com mander. While the battle of Fredericks- I Therefore, Ik* It Resolved, that we urge upon Senators and Con gressmen the importance of the enactment of laws to restrict im migration by an increase of the head tax*, tho educational test, a thorough physical examination and a more rigid inspection at the j port of disembarkation, and lie it further Resolved, that we I urge upon Senators and Congress men the importance of u revision of our system of naturalization b\ [ the enactment of such laws as will I require uniformity of naturaliza tion eerlilieates, coniine the juris diction of naturalizing aliens (o l : nited States courts, and permit no alien to he naturalized or en titled to tin* privileges of an elec- he shall have resided within the Foiled States ten yea in at least, and is able to read intel ligent!} and w rite. Announcement KNICKERBOCKER FOUNTAIN BRUSH The above Illustration, drawn from life, shows a Knickerbocker Fountain Brush in use. The brush Is made of fine velvety India Rubber and Is so perfectly pliable as to easily fit every curve of the human figure. It can be instantly at tached to any water faucet, and but the turn of a faucet is needed to regulate the temperature of the water to please the bather. The water flows out through 595 tiny pliable rubber teeth to the bath er's infinite delight and perfect satisfac tion. It is a happy invention, vastly superior to all other bathing devices, and is endorsed by Physicians, Ministers, Physical Directors, Health and Beauty Specialists, and people In all walks of life. Every brush Is fully guaranteed. . For snli- l>v W. \j. SKXTON, The Newnan I’lumbor. New A rim 11 Building. Phone I'-' , I but j For the elevation of lho| ou, K was at ,ts he, S ht * General commonwealth, and not for the Lee wa8 8een t0 look through his promotion of the offloe-seekor. fiel(1 S lasa< ‘ s awa V pff acro8S the For the election of clean valley. On every side of h.m cannons Were booming, muskets •;l. and consistent men to olliee, and enthronement of the a n d t It e political \ iiv j A A ccidont, 1 Surfflnry, Tornado, Policies poppii g, and men shouting as they contended in a struggle of life and death, and the air was heavy with the sulphurous fumes of smoke. Hut looking out and above them all, G tietal Lee’s eye rested upon an apple tree growing on Stafford Heights Under its sheltering branches, fragrant with blossoms of the spring time, in the years of the long ago, he had wood and won his wife. This incident but emphasizes the fact that there is much of tenderness and a touch ot the romantic in the heart ot every great man. Aitho igli death was moving in phalanx across the plain, love, stronger than tear, mas tered the thoughts ot th‘: great man, and ovei-leaping time and the bloodv battle fluid to nestle be- “5. That all special favors by neath ' the shelUrmg roo£ whore corporations to State ollieials and ; dvvdt Ws ] ovc _ he light and the to individuals should be abolished, thereby removing one fruitful source of suspicion and corruption times when he said) .. Luve j s and a means of oppression. strong a8 death.” Indeed, he “(i. That we should have bet-1 might we „ have sai( |, ..Love is stronger than death.” nut for the demagogue schemer. DKCI.Aim’ION OP t’UIXCII’I.IX. “1. Since the people pay the expenses they are entitled ton just and economical administration ot’ the allairs of government. “2. That ollicial patronage i i should be determined and dis t ibuled for tin public good, and I not for the profit of the appoint ing official. That since the corporation is n creature of the State, it should] he controlled by the State, and not the State by the corporation. “I. That a‘square dual' should be had between the Slate and the corporation and the people, where ,hy the interests of all will be | distance, hastened away from I sen ed, inspiration of his li! Truly dill the wise man in olden ter marriage and divorce laws, whereby the family, which is the unit of the nation and the hope of civilization, shall be preserved. “7. That we should have bet ter Sunday laws, whereby the day I of rest may be guaranteed to all men, with an opportunity for ! physical, social, mental and moral _ } improvement. “8. That we should have bet- MRS. W. Y. ATKINSON & CO. ter prohibition laws, by which the individual and community and Newnan, Ca. I T. M. MARTIN 1 Does nil kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work mid low prices win. Shop op posite Piusou Hotel. State shall be protected from the evils incident to the liquor trallic. “H. That child labor should be abolished and better school facili ties lie provided for all children, whereby an intelligent citizenship I may be assured to the common- ji] wealth. | “10. That our Confederate vet- erans and their widows should be If) eared for, with a liberal provision | for the support of the body, and a s monument to the soldiers and the | women of the Confederacy, d' “We ask the support of all [sj white male citizens, without re- I gat'd to past party affiliations, who gj are entitled under the law to vote | in the primary, with the single limitation that they abide the re ts suit of the primary in the election which follows, and support the candidate therein named.” R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions The|family bottle (BO cents) contains a supply for a year.All druggists sell them. | TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO f IS. C. CARTER t CO., J I OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, j§v when you want them ]] | cleaned, pressed, repaired w [| or dyed in the best manner | | and at the most reasona ble prices. Gas in the Stomach. Belching and that sense of fullness so often experienced after eating is caused by the formation of gas. The stomach fails to perform its functions and the food ferments. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct the dis order. en and invigorate the stomach and bowels. For sale by Dr. Paul Penistou, Newnan, Ga. There is an element of pathos in this incident when we remem ber that, not long after litis, Gen Lee was to be the actor in the saddest drama that has ever been enacted upon the soil of the South, standing upon the stage at Ap pomattox, under the historic apple tree. Love, Hope, Heroism, Courage, Fortitude, Tragedy and Patriotism such as the world has seldom seen! Hut thank God— "Over all a Father watohes— Beams n Father’s smile above; Like a white-winged angel tiovers Over all a Father’s lovol” —Religious Forum. Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Physioiaus who have gained n nation al reputation as analysts of tho cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could Ijo avoided, a long list of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. Every one knows that pneu monia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, land prosperity of the church. A Habit to l)o Encourngoct. The mother who Ims acquired tho Itahit ('I lamping on hand a bottle of Oliaililierlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and inixieiv Goughs, colds and croup, to which oliililreii areNUKoeptth.e are quick ly cured by iis use. Ji counteracts any tendency of a cold to le.-iilt in piieu iiiouia, ami it given as soon as tin* llrst symptoms of croup app ar, il will pro vein lln- aitaek. This remedy contains nothing injai nuts and molheis give it to little ones with a feeling of perfect m)- curity. Sold by Dr. Paul Pniiiston, .\ewa in. ( hi. Andrew Caldwell Russell. The subject ol this notice was j horn in Newlvny district, S. C,| m 1825, ami died at his home in j Turin, Ga„ Dec 28, 1 j5, having just entered bis <Slst v ear. lie was the son of Robert and Mary Brown Rtisseb, both of Scotch descent. When but a youth Ins parents removed from South Carolina and settled in tie White t) d< neighborhood,. (Jowe'a ] county, where lie was real e-.l and spent the wlio.c ol his III •. It i, seldom that we me -t with a i characiet more uniform and con sistent, or a life more pure and un blemished. lie was a man ol un questioned integrity and honesty, always on ttie side of righteous ness and truth, and so uniform in his adherence to these noble traits as to command the confidence and esteem of all who knew him Quiet and unobtrusive in Ins de meanor, yet firm and decided in his convictions,generous in nature, kind in feeling, respectful and just in his dealings, tender and loving in his family, and keenly alive to all the claims of duty and obliga tion—he could easily be pointed out as one of our best citizens. Hut, above all, he was the true Christian, having consecrated him self in early life to the Master, with an after consistency and devo tion which attested the genuine ness of his profession. He was made a ruling elder in the White Oak church soon after his connec tion with it, which office he honor ably and acceptably filled till the time of his decease, being always in his place and alive to every thing that concerned the welfare in We beg to announce (o our customers and friends that we tiro now in our commodious new store, with a full stock ol'Gcncrul Merchandise, and have recently added to this a complete line of furniture, burial eases, etc. Also wagons, buggies and har ness. mules and horses; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or on time. W c also carry 11 complete line of Fertilizers, w hich we mix to suit any and all of our customers. We also pay the highest prices for cotton and cotton seed, and give the lowest rates on storage and in surance, and make liberal advances on all cotton stored vvitli us. Thanking you fur your patronage in the past, we respectfully solicit a continuance of l he same. | H. W. CAMP CO. SS B v’.'BWSfOTSWftMEXStfr * r ' ,f, '7:TSiW #• Athi-ntsi & \V<\sl Point Kailmnd To. Tho Wosioni R.Tilwsiy of A hih;iinn. l)ir ut Unos Hclwccii North, Ivust, Smith and Southwest. U. S. I'.ist Mail Route. rimiugli Palace Sice pi ng- l ,is. J)imn.; Cars. 1 nunst Sleepers to California. IIL.NI) |M»\\ N No 10 No HI No H No I • o\ ' h I *,, . ...j U •-* ..» s I*,11 ja ... I • 1 1 : nut l.v II •»j», 1lap 11 o:»|» l.v .'»(Mm 1 oo|, :, (Ni<i l.v l» !.U» I HO|ti (l Hl)|.i tl .Vm l.v • 1<» <»r. 1 “ ”7|> 7 1 Ip \r Ki:tihi *'Tj|, ; .din \i ilMt|>| M Hp| |Al*— 1* 5 M'!• SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APR. 28, 1005. la.A I* IT A'TlvclMo ;ir,|So m; 1* *j ip l ’ i» Ar il 5;t j'H trip s T.J. m H7a Ar. i . aoji t imp u i* iv * \r I’.: - .V11 i >/p '• Hop; *.» . 7u At ! 'dpi d .11 lu P pi ;t A r. Up dasp ... Ar. HOdp' 7 hj|i \r. :;uop| 7 imp h Hop n inn \i o i m '• mp o i \i l» fil'd! .. II I7p 7 VJii Ar. Ili Id • U»j»j Id lln \r 0 Hp! • IHal I ddp \ i . New < a lums - I‘‘IIMI<'"1,I . . solidti Monti • ini v Miniuta ' . ( Id idiw . .. \ ('< .In minis . n .. 111;,i .NVr.o I njni l' lilt lot i ll Kits! I '< >1 lit - At In lit ic.p! 7 If.i A •. id I i oyop ■ ■'r , |d(V„.| | 5 211 p r» dip At; (t idnl .1 | ofj, NVtisliliijifnu .. Miilllniorr .... I*liiIn. 1«*||.h|n . >1 m, Mexico, California. Al (Ttcloiw ♦MuiiIm A hove trains <hilly OnimeelIoiih hi New Oi-Iuiiih for I t fo| T dsLe^et . Mllsfuol for' Tlillilli'lHsei*. I.aGrunmi iiu oninioflfttloii |e»ivcm Atluntii 'Ittllv, exeepl Sumlay nl r»:no p. in. Ii«»furnluir leaven l.lKlnidue nt /.:5d h in iirrlveh Atlimln s l.‘» n. in. Traiiis 1)5 iiidI hc, imiUmihii Nleepers New S'm k nml New Orleans. Tlimii^li eoaelien Wiislilne* on and New Orleans. TraiiiN 117 Mini HM WaHlilnifton and Southwe‘tern Limited. I'ullniaii tdeepern. eonipurtmei t curn. obHervntInn and dlnhiK ear . (Jomplete . rvlei New York and N'. w Orleans Traill U7 United HtMten fant mail. 'I'lirmi^li day cmichcH Atlanta add New OrleaiiN. » NVrif<‘ for m uh, seliedtileH and I ll formal ion . K. M. THOMPSON, J. HI I.I.UI'H, T. I». A., Atlanta, <iu. u. I\ A., Allanta Ga. Gif AH. A. WIG K 1C It S11A M, Pres, and Mur., Atlanta, Gn BURPEE’S SEEDS GROW! ,,youwan “ he Best Beads Unit can lx: Krown, you hlmulil rcatl The Thirtieth Annlverory Itdltion ot- — BURPEE’S FARM ANNUAL FOR 1906, »o well known as the " Leading American Seed Catalogue." It In malted FREE to all. Better write TO- DAY. W. ATLEE BURPEE ffl CO.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Tomporance Lectures. mid all throat and lung trouble are fig graveled and rendered more fioriouH by each fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take olmnoes when you have a cold. Chamberlain's Couttli Remedy will cure it before these diseases develop. This remedy contains no opium, morphine or other harmful drug and lias thirty years of reputation back of it, gained by its oures under every condition. For sale by Dr. Paul Penistou, Newnan, Ga. Resolutions. Health Board Organized. the exercise of a broad and unsel fish liberality he likewise felt an interest in the success of the other denominations. When such an one is removed a vacancy is made and felt, as is seen in the forest when the giant oak is felled by the storm or the woodman’s axe. I’he rent-val of such a character but takes from the moral and spiritual strength of any community, and leaves the world that much poorer. Mr. Russell was married to Mi s Rebecca Park, of Meriwether county, a most worthy lady, who preceded him nearly fifteen years Mrs. Gallic H, Howe, of St. Joseph, Mo., a national organizer of the W. 0. T. U., will speak at the First Methodist church on Feb. 6lh and 7th at 7 o’clock, p. in. Mrs. Howe is one of the strongest female temperance workers and speakers in this coun try. Her lectures will be worthy ot careful hearing by the people of Newnan. Z. Greene, I). D. S., O/Tice on Second Floor of Black Bros. Oo.’s Building \j. M, Farmer, LAWYER. GfTieo Oil Second Floor of the A limit MorolmndiHc ('o.’h Building At a recent meeting of Newnan Found], Junior Order United American Mechanics, the resolu- They_aid digestion and strength-1 tions prillte(1 below WHre a(lopteU . invicroratf* the stomach and . . Whereas, we recognize the land- ■ ago to the ‘‘better land, Jle leaves ing upon our shores of the ignor- a son and two daughters and a ant, the vicious, the lawless, the j number of grandchildren to mourn aged, the imbecile, the weak-rnind- his loss. We mingle our tears of ed and of poor physique, and the sorrow and grief with theirs. The members of Newnan’s Board paupers of the old world as a eon- “Mark he perfect man, and be- Lamc Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of tho muscles and may bo cured bv applying Ulmmberlnin’s Pain Halm two or three times a day, and rut - lung tlie parts vigorously at. each appli cation. If this does not afford relief, bind on 11 piece of flannel slightly damp ened with Pain Balm, and quick relief is almost sure to follow. For sale by lJr. Paul Penistou, Newnan, Ga. Smith-Futrell. of Health were inducted into office stant menace to our institutions, ho 'd the upright, for the end of last Tuesday. The Board is com- and believe that it should be view- that man is P eace ” posed of Messrs. Sam Banks and led with alarm by all loyal and Newnan, Ga. ‘ 1ACS ’ D. T. Mangel and Dr. T.S. Bailey, patriotic citizens of the entire ’ /jo these gentlemen Mayor Burdett country, and, Do you want to subscribe for any administered the oath of office,and I Whereas, notorious abuses have H [fjageJB SJactsfl newspaper or magazine published tn tbe j^rd proceeded to organize resulted from careless and unlaw- rVew; i by electing Dr. Bailey chairman j fid granting of citizenship to office tf 1 and Mr. Banks secretary. 1 aliens; The fun about building castles in Spain is that you can change the architectural plans any time you so desire without adding a peuny to the cost. Mr. .Jesse Futrell, of Heard county, and Mrs. Mary Smith,who resides near Newnan, were mar ried last Sunday by Kcv. J. S. Hardaway. The bride was a widow, the groom a widower; both being well past the meridian of life. They are worthy people, and their friends wish them well as they (X)mplete the journey of life together. Shor’ff’s Sato. (! Ft )K( 11A -llowctu (tounty. Will be sold before tho court house door in tho city of Newnan, Haiti State and county, on the flratTuesday in Feb ruary, BIOS, between the legal hours of sale, to the biglicHi bidder, for cash, the following described property: A tract or parcel of land situated and being in tho First District of Coweta county, Georgia, and known and dis- tinguished uh the west half of lot of land No. containing 101 1-4 acres, more or Iohh; and lit acres, more or less, of the Jiortheust corner of lot of land No. 246, in said district; hounded as fol lows: On north by J. B. Dolk and W. R. McCrary, on east by M. H. Couch and W. C. Elmore, on south by Nixon Instate, on west by B. F. Cock. Levied | 011 oh the property of W. M. Glass, and I in bis possession, to satisfy u tl. fa. is- I sued from tho Glty Court of Newnan., Oct. term, 1905, in favor of J. 11. Bliul- kny and against said W, M. Glass. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law. This Jan. 10, 1900. J. L. BROWN, Sheriff. Money to loon on real estate pt 7 per oent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Every time a hoy has to wait while his elders dine he declares j that when he is a man he will have a table big enough for all.