The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 09, 1906, Image 1

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t •' r J TW VOL. VI. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1906. NO. 44 Trade With the Hustling Merchants Who Advertise in the Newnan News, SOCIETY HAPPENINGS - "The Twelve” Entertained. Notable among society events of last week was tin* beautiful enter tainment ol‘ ‘‘The Twelve” given in honor of Mrs. Mike Powell Sat- nrtlay afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jos. 'I'. Kirby. Ferns ami pot plants were placed throughout the lovely rooms of the spacious home, and permeating all was the delicate fragrance of nar cissus. In the dining room, where punch was served, red bells and red hearts were used in profusion. The members ol the club received their guests with delightful cordi ality. . Mrs. Kirby’s delicate beauty was brought out by a lovely gown of Alice blue silk, elaborately trimmed with lace and a touch of gold. Mrs. Mike Powell was very becomingly gowned in a lovely suit of gray silk. Mrs. P. It. Murphy was unusually pretty in a gown of lavender silk, elaborately trimmed with lace and handwork. Mrs. Frank Cole wore a handsome black skirt, with a stylish taffeta waist. Mrs. Ernest Powel’s be coming toilet was a gray crepe-de chine, with a touch of turquois vel vet. Mrs. Otis Jones wore a styl ish suit of blue cloth, with a dain ty lingerie waist. Mrs. Harvey North was handsome in a black lace skirt and a white inorny waist. Mrs. Louis Hill wore a green silk suit, the short coat opening over a a dainty blouse of lace. Mrs. Wade Dent was lovely in a net waist over green silk, and green skirt to match. Mrs. Edgar Croft Wore a dark skirt and chiffon waist with lace trimmings. Miss Maie Campbell's gown was of pale blue goods, trimmed with Valen ciennes lace, quite becoming to her blond type of beauty. Valentines were passed for tally cards, and after a few games of domino whist, verses by each pres ent, composed to the guest of hon or, were read aloud. Some were very amusing. One of the verses was as follows: Here’s to the brightest one, Here's to the wittiest one, Here’s to the truest of ull that ate true! Here’s to Mrs. Belasoo, For she’s the real tobasco! Heres to all in one— Hero’s to you. Mrs. Powell was given a pair of silk hose as a souvenir of the occa sion, and Mrs. A. M. Norris drew the consolation souvenir of the af ternoon, a dainty water-color. A delightful salad course was served. Those present were: Mesdames R. O. Jones, Sam Hill, Guy Cole, Frank Cole, Ma mie Johnson, Duke Cole, Harvey North, Sam Banks, N. B. Hudson, H. A. Hall, R. W. Freeman, Tom Parrott, Edgar Croft, S. O. Smith, Irwin Walker, Ben Kirby, Will Arnold, Clark, P. B. Murphy, Pringle, Frank Murph, George Coats, Mike Powell, Caldwell, Will Turner, Leverett, A. M. Nor ris, Ernest Powel, H. C. Fisher, Hollis Fisher, Louis Hill, Ellison Richards, D. T. Manget; Misses Lizzie Arnold, Sarah Buchannon, Mary Goodrum, Katherine Powel, Eleanor Earnest, Nelie Lou Wal ton, Iua Kirby, Maie Campbell, Mary Parrott and Julia Mae Hack ney. ^ l ‘r.V tew mistakes were made as to (1 o’clock for Gainesville, where the toilets worn that afternoon. they will make their future home. Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Leverett! Mrs. Palmour is verv attractive were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Mike Powell and Mrs. Frank Murph. Mrs. Banks looked love ly in a becoming gown of brown silk. The short skirt was made with polonaise, tight fitting basque (lainesvilh and sleeves, and v est of cream lace. Mrs. Leverett wore a corn-colored satin made princess, with train and bertha of lace. Mrs. Powell was handsome in a muslin basque and blue satin skirt. W ith this she wore a toque with streamers. Mrs. Murph's gown for the occasion was of white cheese cloth trimmed in cream lace and bows of ribbon. personally, and has a number of warm friends here, who will be in terested in her happiness. Mr. Palmonr is a successful business man, and at present a merchant of A delightful entertainment was long the party given Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvy North, in honor of Miss Eleanor Earnest. After a short game of dominoes the guest enjoyed an appetizing bullet luncheon. The table looked lovely with its appointments of red. Mrs. North received her ! guests in a shirt of black silk net Each guest was presented with | over tafleta and a lingerie waist of i picture hat as a souvenir and softest silk. Miss Earnest’s bo- then formed a grand march and cake-walk. Mrs. Ernest Powel and Miss Annie Powell were awarded the prize, a large ginger cake, for giv ing the cake-walk most gracefully. Mesdames Will Arnold, Bob Free man and Edgar < Toft drew for the prize awarded to the handsomest dressed. Mrs. Croft, being the winner, drew u large stick of can dy. After some very sweet solos by Mrs. /. Green, the supper bell rang and the guests were ushered back where a table spread with a red cloth was bountifully loaded with apples, bananas, ginger cakes, peanuts and red lemonade. After] this, tooth brushes were passed. A few more rounds-of fun and they were invited into the dining room, where cream and cake were served. The dining table was lovely with its decorations in white and green, having a mass of Roman hyacinths for a centerpiece, around which tall silver candlesticks held green tapers. The bon bons were in white and green, and lrnwls of hy acinths were used in profusion on the mantels and cabinets. The whole occasion was a thoroughly enjoyable one. coming toilet was a net waist with gold spangles and a green velvet skirt. Those enjoying the lovely hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Powell, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. T. Kir by, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Powel, Mrs. Wade Dent, Miss Katherine Powel, Mr. ,1. P. Bradley, Miss Maie Campbell, Mr. Bob .Stanford, Miss Eleanor Earnest and Mr. Franc Cam obeli. The Euchre Club hud a very in teresting meeting with Misses Katherine and Sadie May Powel, Tuesday afternoon, given in honor of Miss Earnest. There were live tables of six-hand euchre, and the tally cards were artistic hand- painted autumn leaves. After the game, a delightful salad course was served. The first prize was cut for, Miss Bessie Powell being the lucky winner, was presented with a dainty pair of silver scissors. Mrs. Will Wright won the second prize, a set of silver nut crackers. The consolation was drawn by Mrs. Irwin Walker, a box of dainty cushions. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Handers Gibson, Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock. Salmagundi- One of the lovliest Club meeting of the season was Thursday after noon, with Mrs. N. B. Hudson. The house was tastefully deco rated with bowls of red and white carnations and everything seemed to harmonize with spring. Mrs. Hudson received her guests with graceful hospitality, wearing a green silk skirt and the daintiest i of lingerie waists. Red and white | were the color scheme, and it was beautifully carried out in every de- I tail. During the game of dominoes, those progressing from table to ta ble were given a carnation as a The north-side married set was entertained most delightfully last Thursday night by Mr. and Mrs. Hertel. The handsome home pre sented quite an attractive appear ance, the lower floor being thrown together. Euchre was enjoyed un til a late hour, after which a de licious hot luncheon was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Richards, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Arnall, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Arnall, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Powel, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Tur ner, Mr. and Mrs. Handers Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Walker and Mr. and Mrs. George Wynn. Miss Eleanor Earnest, of Ten nessee, the popular guest of Miss tally. There were no prizes given, i , ... . ,, , . .. 1 b , i Katherine Powel, will leave Hat- i Alter the game there was a de-1 , „ . , ..... , ... . ... . urday for her home. Miss Earnest i lightlul course ol cake and cream, 1 , ... , , . _ .. .has made many friends while in served with strawberries. Quite a;,. .. ,, , , . the city and had a number of din- number outside of regular mem bers were present. Huen-Palmour. A marriage of great interest in ners given in her honor. Hhe is an accomplished musician, having spent the last five winters study ing in Boston. Hhe will sail the latter part of April for an extend ed trip abroad. Mr. Hugh Hackney was at home Newnan, as well as other cities in Georgia, was that of Miss Blanche Huen and Mr. James E. Palmour, of Gainesville, which took place ; <rom Atlanta Sunday and enter- Monday afternoon, Feb. 5th, at! ^ined informally at a dinner par- the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. 1 Tacky Party. Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Leverett entertained eighty of their friends at a tacky party last Friday after noon. It was the joiliest affair that has been given in Newnan in some time. Every one joined \ heartily in the spirit of the occa- T. B. Davis. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. 8. Davis, in the presence of near relatives of the bride. The parlor was decorated in ex quisite taste with ferns and palms, making a pretty background for ty. Covers were laid for eightand a menu of several courses was car ried out. Hugh has many friends here, who are always glad to wel come him home. Messrs. Joe Wall, Jim Ethridge, Park Newton and Miss Mary New ton, of Jackson, Ga., were guests the bridal party. The bride came of friends in the city from Batur in with Mr. Palmour, preceded by .day until Monday. Miss Bessie Powell and Mr. Jack ] Powell. She made a beautiful! Mrs. P. B. Murphey will enter- bride, in a stylish suit of gray i *f in the ^ magundi t next cloth and hat to match, the short Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. *sion, and it was hard to distinguish as to the ones deserving prizes. coat opening over the daintiest of lingerie waists. Mrs. Jack Powell will entertain informally Friday night in honor Mr. and Mrs. Palmour left at; of Miss Eleanor Earnest: County Commissioners. County ('ommissionci'H wore in regular session Wednesday and at tended to usual amount of routine business. Bead Supervisors were appointed to lill vacancies in three districts, as follows: First, W. A. Hears; Haralson. W. O. Herndon; Turin, \Y. Ragsdale. Alonzo Richardson, expert accountant of Atlanta, made report of examine tion ol offices and books of county officials, llis report will be passed up to next grand jury and publish ed at. t imt t line. A road machine contest, in which manufacturers of three dif lereiit machines will exhibit their appliances, will occur here on Feb. I.Mli. Commissioners from adjoining counties are expected to witness t he contest. The chaingang is now camped on Newnan and Franklin road in Hurricane district. The gang and equipment was transported from Benoia lust Monday on the Central Railway. While loading at that place a stove was overturned in one of the convict ears, t he car was 11 red and destroyed. The ear cost #000; and, with exception of the trucks, is a complete wreck. The railroad will doubtless reimburse the county lor the loss, as the ear was in the road’s possession when destroyed. Payment City License. All persons engaged in business in Newnan and subject to license tax arc notified that they must se cure such license to do business and pay the tax before Feb. 1.5, 1 DOG. This is in accordance with ordinance adopted by council. A copy of license and tax ordinances for the current year may be ob tained from the Clerk. This names all lines of business taxed and the sum each is required to pay. E. 1). Founts, It City Clerk. Ordinary’s Court. Following is a summary of bus iness transacted at the regular term of Ordinary’s court this week: T. F. Rawls, County Adminis trator, was appointed administra tor de bonis non of C. B. Newman, deceased. 'J'. F. Rawls was appointed ad ministrator estate of Mary Howell, deceased. W. H. Barfield, administrator estate of Mrs. E. I). Vines, de ceased, was granted letters of dis mission. Alexander H. Robertson quali fied as natural guardian of vVilliam Cecil Robertson, minor. Norton Moses qualified as natu ral guardian of Norton, Mary Les lie and Eugene Moses, minors. \V. F. Land qualified as natural guardian of Robert T. and Lizzie M. Land, minors. Mrs. Ida J. Milner qualified as natural guardian of Fulton, Mary and Carolyn Milner, minors. R. L. Dukes was commissioned constable of the 992ml District, G. M. of Coweta county. W. M. Phillips was commis sioned constable of the 745th Dis trict, G. M., this county. Proceedings of Council. The Water ami Light Commis sion reported several changes in rules governing that department, at last meeting of Council, held Monday night. These changes are embodied in an article printed else where in this paper. Council ad opted report of the Commission. At this session of Council C. P. Stephens & Co. Tfere granted per mission to erect in rear of their store building a small brick build ing. with iron roof, for a Imkcry. Bonds of city officials were ap proved, ns follows: Clerk Fousc, #0,0(10; Chief Brewster, #1,000; Policemen Hhneklcford and Fin- cannon and Fireman Beavers, *500 each. Cole Mfg. Co. was granted per mission to erect 50,000 gallon vva ter tank on city's property at cast end of Perry Street, on the lot parallel with Pinson Hotel lot. The Cole Co. agrees to furnish city water incase of necessity arising from lire. Alderman Swint's motion (hat Alderman Goodrum lie authorized to select and purchase needed equipment for lire department, was adopted. Alderman Colo’s motion to allow M. G. and J. J. Keith to build stock pen in rear of their stable was carried. The City Attorney was author ized to revise and amend the City Code, at a cost not to exceed #200. Alderman Spence's motion to re quire payment of #1 per head on all stock cmpoiimtcd, before re leasing same to owners, was adop ted. Corporation Taxes. The corporations of this county named below are subject to the special State lax, levied under uu act of the Legislat ure passed at the last session. This act provides that corporations having a capital stock of #25,000 or less shall pay annual tax of #5; capital stock not exceeding #100,000 tax of #10; not exceeding #300,000 tax of #25. Local corporations and taxes they pay are listed below. W. H. Askew Co, #5 Arnall Gin Co, 5 II C Arnall Merchandise Co, 5 W A Brannon Co, 10 Jllack Bros Co, 5 RD Cole Mfg Co, 10 II W Camp Co, JO Coweta Fertilizer Co, 5 Coweta Cotton Oil Co, 5 Grantville Hosiery Mills, 25 Johnson Hardware Co, 5 Madras Gin Co, B Newnan Cotton Mills 25 Newnan Market & Ice Co 5 Newnan Auditorium Co, 5 Newnan Hardware Co, 5 News Printing Co, 5 Henoia Cotton Oil Co, 5 Bhai'psburg Gin Co, r> Turin Warehouse Co, 5 Moreland Mfg Co, 5 Mount <lalvary Benevolent Hociety, col, 5 Ga Telegraph <A Bus. School, 5 Newnan Driving Association, 5 Wahoo Mfg Co 5 Bank of Turin, 5 Bank of Moreland, 5 Bank of Grantville, 5 Newnan Publishing Co, 5 Newnan Banking Co, 10 At Episcopal Church. Bishop C. K. Nelson has made arrangements to supply a minister for the Episcopal church in this city on the 2nd ami 4th Sundays in each month ami on each 5th Sunday. Services this month will lie conducted by Rev. Mr. Perry of the Church of Incarnation in Atlanta, and the first service will occur next Sunday. The future of the Episcopal church here appears to I*e promis ing. Much interest has been aroused among the members and others persons, chiefly through the efforts of Mrs. C. R. Heidenberg and other ladies of the church. It seems probable that the work will lie so much enlarged at an early date as to justify the employment of the services of a regular pastor for each Sunday in every month. For Sale—An Underwood type writer in splendid condition.. 2t J. L. Patterson, City. The Library. The following books were eala- logued Feb. 5: at, the ('arncg ie Library I’llltl roll s Lives of Illustrious Men vo s. The Opt m Door Blanche W. 1 Iowan 1. The Cnv e in the Mountains, Tli mug h i \pnolio Lam , Through .1 tingle md Wilderness Lieut. It. II. Jay lie. The Red Plume— klward S. Ellis. The Tr •asiiro of S mill Lake Farm R. W. Foster. The Hill Water Rov ■is—Victor St. Clai r. The ( 'ask ol of 1 >iamot ds -(Hiver Optic. Paul the Peddler, The Western Boy, P til the Fiddlei Slow and Sure, \ 1 oiling Htom •, A Royal Sinuggl or, A Yankee Crusoe, A. Young Nu\ nl Captain, The River of Darkness, The Young Flagman — Horatio Alger. Mim. |). It. Wnonuoojf, Librarian. Sonoia’s Chanco to Got a Railroad. The Atlanta, Birmingham «A At lantic Railway is surveying a route for a proposed extension of UmL line from Warm Springs to Atlan ta. It. is well known that tile A., B. iA A. proposes to build to At lanta from some point on its main line, and this branch w ill probably be constructed from Warm Springs. In building direct from Warm Springs to Atlanta the A., B. .A A. will run through the southeas tern portion of Coweta county. Henoia is on this route and the road, if built, should go through thut place. This seems to be He- noia’s opportunity to get another railroad. Probably, after passing Henoia, the A., II. & A. would want to pass through Newnan. If so, it will be welcomed up this way. New Water and Light Rates. Beginning March 1st, 1.906, the following rates on lights ami water will go into effect: Lights: No current furnished except through a meter. For I and 2 lights a minimum charge of 50 cents per month will be made, with an allowance of 4,000 watt hours; for 3 lights and over, a minimum charge of #1 will be made with an allowance of 8,000 watt horn's. Excess charged for at rate of 12 cents per 1,000 watt hours. Electric meters will lie sold for #12, payable at rate of #1 per month; or rented for 15 cents per month. Water: A minimum charge per month, irrespective of the number of openings, of 85 cents will be made when connected to the sewer lines, ami of 60 cents when not connected, with an allowance of 3,000 gallons. Excesses charged for at rate of 20 cents per 1,000 gallons. These are net rates to be paid by 10th of the month. Price on electric meter appllies to a 5 ampere meter,the usual size. The large ones will be proportion ately higher. This is a reduction of 25 per cent, on electric lights. Take Notice. All persons are warned against hunting on any of my lands in Coweta county. Any person found hunting on any of these lands will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. W. A. Turner, Sr. Newnan, Ga. 2t The Southern Furniture Co. in the Reese opera house bnilding sells all kinds of first class Furni ture. Prices the lowest; terms the most reasonable. tf