The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 09, 1906, Image 4

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W. II. Hyde ami wifi: visited rvlnti\i:B
iionr Happy Valh-v Sunday.
Miss Dicin Durden, of J>utliorvillo, is
iqx'iiiiiiig a few days with Mrs. Dr. Tan-
Mr. and Mrs Hu ll Moore visited at
Mrs. I. (’ It 1 ill's last Suiuliiy.
Mr. mid Mrs. ()™ Reeves, of (
Im II noiinty. Iiuve issued invitntioiiH to
tlm nniirlns" of their daughter, Miss
Tommie, lo Mr. Freeman Sewell, of ilos
place. tie 1 wooding to oecur the first
pro*., ni It o'eloeW |> in.
Mi. and Mrs. .lor Miool .from below
Newimu, spent l ist Saturday night with
relatives near llnppy Valley.
All funnels In this seel ion are urged
lo attend the tanners meeting which is
10 be held ni Macedonia Academy next
Sat in day n11< i noon nt Z: hi) o'clock
Miss lintler, ol Kockmurt, is visiting
In r sister, Mrs I'lerre Sowell.
The is union which was jjiini at Mrs
Marthalynn Hyde's the first day of this
month, wns very much enjoyed by thorn
present. Dinner was set veil from a
long table in the yard. Mrs Hyde gave
each of her children anil giaiidchlldren
livo dollars and in each great grand
child she gatc one dollar She has if 1
grand children ami .7 greal-grand chil
Mr. T It Sanders wn- on the slclt list
11 few days last We. It.
We ale glad lo re] sir I I lull III lie Di/./.n
May Sewell, diiughloi of Mr. and Mrs.
<T. Sewell, who Inis lieell 111 With
piimiinoiiia is improving
Mrs. Harrison .loins, of lliiinpton,
spent om night In i week with Mis. I
I Jones.
Her ninny friends will regret to know
that Miss Snllie Turnipseed is still very
Dr. J. T Edwards made n short visit
to South (icnrgin Iasi week and comes
hack home thoroughly' satisfied that Se
llout stands right, in the center of the
garden spot of the earth.
One of the convict cars wns complete
ly destroyed liy fire Tuesday morning.
It wn- alter it hud been placed upon a
freight car for removal to Newntm (lint
the lire was lirsl discovered.
It is reported hern that Mr. Henry
Hanks experts to enter the race for clerk
of tin- Superior t Jourt.
Miss Dolly Bob Hardy was with
Brooks friends Tuesday of last week, at
tending an old time candy pulling.
\*u regret to loose aseili/.ens Mr mid
Mrs. D. 10. Amall They have recently
removed to Malone,
Miss Allie Atkinson lias been spend
ing several days at Hhnrpsburg, the
guest, of her cousin, Mis- Verna Bridges.
Mrs. Dec Hand and Mrs. Vindex Hand
spent one day last week with friends in
the country.
So no iu.
The lirsl (Quarterly ( onlcrciicc for
lilts cir.-lill Was held at the Methodist
church in Hciiniit Iasi Friday.
Mrs. Uruct Howe expects to leave m
the early spi mg for an extended sojourn
ill Michigan, where she goes to visit
Mi-s (lassie Strickland, the uccnm-
pllshed (laughter el Mr. and Mrs Dee
Strickland, ol I'annel, has returned lo
tlm Southern Female ('ollego wit It Miss
(tpul Mi Knight.
Mrs. Henry Hrudcnhurg, of Haralson,
h|m-ii i Hal unlay m (It illln, at the hedsiile
of her father, Hey. W. I*. Hemphill,
who hue been (|»lte sick I'orsevernl days.
Miss Dl//.le Boyd, of Wayoross, was
Ilia guest of the Mts-"s 11 unison last
Mr. D M. Fiinihro, of Huston, spent
last week with Honniu friends
llev. J. W. Austin, of Ovitlo, Flu.,
writes very eneouraginglv of his new
Work. We lire alwavsghal to hear good
news from our old <'oweta hnvs
“(imndmotlier" (liles, who hns been
in feeble health for so long and confined
to her lied the past three or four weeks,
Is able to sit up.
Walter Hendrix, from Grantville,
spent Iasi Sunday night w ith his sister,
\l rs Homer Allen.
Mrs W. II. Dewherry, who was so
very ill at our last writing, is still con
fined to her lied.
Miss Lain Hryant came in from the
country lu-d Sunday afternoon to spend
the week with her hrotlicr Oscar's fam
Mr. and Mrs T. M. Ayers have a lit
tle girl III their house.
Mrs. Hophronia Ayers has boon (juitc
ill for several days.
Hobart Glenn is the name of the young
gentleman who look up hlsahode at the
liomeol' Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mohley one
night last week.
We have not learned the name of the
young ladv w ho mmc into Mr. and Mrs.
I). M Wood's possession not long since.
Mrs It. F. MoGeliee left one day last
week for (Ihtplcy to visil an only sister,
who is very sick.
Joe (loins, who has been employed in
New nun eolton mills, left for (Iritlln
last Weilnesday, wl ere he will reside.
Mrs. John Farmer, who has been all
invalid for a number of years, was able
to attend the First Haptlst church last
Sunday morning
M is. Mollio Brown and Miss Ada
Dustier, from <hit-roll, visited the family
of .fell' Dustier last week.
Mrs. Holier! Hiclne has been on the
sick lisl for several ilnvs.
W. H. Akers, from Bremen, spent a
few days wj.lh Ins brother, Sam, the
past week.
Mrs W. K. Butt, from Sharpsluirg.
was here last Sunday. Sle- is thinking
of moving to Newimu.
George Argro moved with his family
to DaGfaage lust Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bryant spent last
Sunday with the former’s parents in the
The infant girl of Mrs. Annie Me-
(iehee has been sick for several days.
Mr. nml Mrs. Drue (Joins moved to
Qruutvilic last week.
Tillman Dewberry returned Saturday
from a two weeks visit to relatives in
Oiirroll and Douglas comities.
Miss Myrt ice Echols, from Hanning,
is visiting the family of Will Hurks.
Little May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Brown, hns hi en sick for several
i days.
Mrs. T. M. Samples, from Banning,
speltt last Saturday night and Sunday
with her daughter. Mrs. Pet Smith.
Kpliruim West, w ho has been confined
to his bed for so long, is thought to be
some better.
Mr. William Gush and Miss Ophelia
Dili- were unit'd in marriage last Sub-
butli morning. Hev. J. K. D. Taylor
officiated. The young couple have our
best w ishes, iilotig w 1111 a host of others,
for a long and ttseftil life.
In-peaking tnJ.H. Strickland (who
has not been in our community u great
while) about our Ncwiian .News, mid
w-liat an interesting paper it is, he said
lie would subscribe for it, three months
and see how he likes it. That, of course,
means la 'll beet me a regular subscriber.
He only needs to lead it once to fall in
love with it.
Next Sunday is Bro. Layton's regular
appointment at tho chapel Hope ho
will have a good congregation. Bro.
l/iytnit is very much interested in the
building up of the cause of his Muster
in our community.
Your humble scribe would like to ex
press appreciation for the heutlliful gold
watch received from our kind editor, as
a reward lor having done the best work
lor los estimable paper during the past
year, but. words cannot express it. That
wo appreciate it, goes w ithout saying.
Would like to say wo don’t fed worthy
of (lie honor bestowed on us, for ac
cording to our judgment, there were
others who did better work than your
humble servant.. This act, with u great
many others, shows that our editor is a
man of his word. Wo can't Hpcuk in too
high terms of him, because lie is always
ready lo do the right thing, in the right
way and lit the right time. So will say
to you, kind editor, we thunk you very
much for the nice present; ami lo the
gentlemen who were appointed judges
of the contest, we l'eel very glatefnl.
Look over the list of goods named below. We buy
them in large quantities, and can do you good.
do select, mules and horses.
Mitehel Wagons (solid car load).
Tennessee Wagons (solid car load).
75 New Buggies—Bartlesville, Tyson & Jones, and McFarlin.
Chattanooga (/hilled Plows.
Oliver Chilled Plows and the celebrated Mallory Plows.
We have a full line of all plow goods needed on farms.
1600 gallons Syrup at from 10 to 00 cents.
Genuine Cuban Molasses from the Island.
M000 lbs. of Select Tobaccos from 26c to $1.50 per pound.
Granulated Sugar in barrels and hags.
Gold Coin Flour (this is the one the people brag on so).
Reception Flour, for cakes and fine cooking.
Double Fine Salt in car loads.
No. 1 Timothy Hay (throe cars).
Wc especially call attention to the old Seed Tick Cof
fee, and our Scliotten’s Jute Bair Roasted Coffee.
P. •—We want to sell just 1500 tons of Armour’s
Fertilizers, We know this goods will bring you fine
Wo sell nliuoHt everything noedod in tho fnrmor’s homo nml
on Ihh farm. Our big .slock of gonoral morchtindiso was
carefully Nolocted in (ho mnrknts, and every article is priced
right—for cash nr on timo. Whatever the farmer's needs
may he, wo aro prepared lo supply thorn. Some of the
tilings needed on the farm at this time of the year aro nans
ed below. It will he to the ndvnntnge of any farmer to buy
these things in our store.
Wo handle tho celebrated products of the Coweta Fertilizer
Company, and the famous “Ox Brand Guanos.’’ Farmers
know the worth of those goods. We sell them right.
Misses Martha and Mary 'Andrews are
in Newimu for a few ilnvs.
Mr. J. \V. Beavers is happy over tho
arrival of a lino boy at his home.
Mrs. Armstrong, of Hogansvillo, was
Interesting services were held nt the
| M. E. Chinch Sunday, coinluotnd by
Hev. A. 11. S. Hogg. Al ter a sotinou oil
<l>o subject, “All Seeing Kyo of God,” j t)l0 Rae8 t Wednesday of Mrs. Orr.
'lie Lord’s Supper was administered. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Colo spent Sunday
1 Twelve members joined by certificate* ! in Moreland.
The Grautville High School, in charge j Mr. and Mrs. Luther Chaffin were iu
of Misses Ethel and Edna White, is in Moreland a few days ago.
tine condition. Ninety-seven pupils are | Last Sunday Miss Mattie Motes, of
A Sale of
Fine Clothing
Wo buy No. 1 timothy hay in car-load lots; sell it in im
mense quantities, and always at low figures.
Ltd us furnish you home grown and 'Texas rust proof seed
- vVJT.Sk Wc have both kinds, and they arc the best, quality of
seed oats.
We have a big lot of eastern gK-" 11 Irish potatoes for plant
ing. Triumph, Early Hose, Goodrich and Peerless are the
varieties we sell. All farmers want to Gant some of these.
on rolls.
Mrs. J. D. Moreland has a large class
in music.
The Ladies' Parsonage Society was
beautifully entertained by Mrs. H. I.
Sowell on Wednesday ufternoou. After
business was transacted a salad course
was served. The out of towu guests
present were Mrs. White, of Atlanta.
Mrs. George Culpepper, Mrs. Minnie
Sewell, Miss Annie Sewell, of Lone Oak.
Hon. nud Mrs. S. E. Leigh spent jiart
of the present week in Atlanta.
Miss Teokie Murphy of Moreland,
was tho guest Tuesday of Miss Nnaaie
Belle Humphries.
Mr. and Mrs. Y. C. Foster and Hugh
Mathews, of Newuau, spout Sunday at
the home of Mr. Willis Mathews.
Rev. W. K. Lambert and Mr. Einuiett
Parks were in Grautville Saturday.
Mrs. L. P. Bryant was in Newnan,
Mrs. M. G. Hodges, of llogansvillc,
wus the guest of Mrs. John T. Whiten
; few days this week.
Mrs. Anna Jeter and Miss Willie Jeter
j have returned from a visit to relatives
near Forest.
1 Miss Haruian, of Lutherville, spent
Sunday with Mrs. A. H. S. Bugg.
Hogansvillo, was tho guest of Miss Em
mie Leo Hosser.
Miss Lillie May and Chnrlie Duncan,
of Newiiun, are guests of Corinue and
Guy Holloway.
Messrs. Martin Lambert and J. W.
Beavers made a business trip to More
land this week.
Miss Ethel Bean, of Lutherville, who
has beeu visiting Miss Pauline Stevens
has returned home.
Miss Pearl Newman and Dent New
man were visitors at the home of Miss
Suuie Maud Hopson, Sunday.
Wo have just received a new shipment of fine New Orleans
Syrups, in barrels and half barrels. Price rang! from 20c to
40o per gallon in barrel or half barrel quantities.
Eph Newman and sister, Miss Viola,
attended a wedding at Luthersviiie,
Miss Effle Landrum from Slmrpsburg,
vtsited Miss Fannie McKoy, Sunday.
Mrs. S. R. Crain is on the siok list.
Tom MeKoy visited in Newnan Sun
Rev. F. J. Amis filled his regular ap
pointment at Elim Saturday and Sun-
! day.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mc-
Koy lias been brighteued by the appear-
, Mr. iuid Mrs. F. T. Meacham visited mice of u baby hoy
Mr. Menolmm’s parents, Mr. nud Mrs. J. j Mrs. L. McKoy is visiting in iurin.
; H. Meacham, ut St. Marks, Sunday. 1 After a visit to friends at Bremen,
I Miss Sal lie Lassiter, of Lutherville, j Miss Pearl Newman has returned home,
spent a few days recently with Misses' Misses Janie Amis and Ruth McKoy
Sallie Hopson and Pauline Stevens. visited Miss Bessie Grain Sunday.
| Miss Lilia Leigh, of Newnan, was the T. A. Hutchens has built a residence
. guest Sunday of Hon. and Mrs. S. Leigh. alu * uow hving on the 1 rankliu road.
I Mesduuios Scott Hendon and Tommie ^ r8 - Witcher and Miss Ximena
j Payne, of Hogansvillo, were in Grant- Strong visited at J. C. McKoy s Luob-
| ville Thursday evening, guests of Mrs. day.
Boozer Puvno Ed and Albert Boone visited at Mr.
i m ’ a . . T , . and Mrs. I. T. Mattox’s Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jenkins were in ... T r> o- , , ,
„ .. a , . Mr. aud Mrs. J. B. Stroug and daugh-
I Newuau Saturday. ter, Miss Ximena, visited the family of
| Miss Arliua Bryaut is home from a p. J. Amis Sunday.
' visit to Atlanta and Newuau. _ mmm _________
! Misses Annie May Tricket, of Lone Lame Back.
Oak,and Irene Bradberry.of St. Charles,
are attending the Grautville High
! School
Barnett, St. John & Co., leading clothiers and furnishers,
will during this month put on sa'e all winter goods at a
great sacrifice. The goods we offer you are high grade
clothing and furnishing
This ailmeut is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles and may be
After a ten days’ visit to her daugh- cnred by a P p | yiug cbamb *" rlaiu s Pa | u
ter, Mrs. Will Kelly, of Canton, Mrs. Balm two or three times a day and rub-
Wm. O'Brien has returned home. biug tbe *? rt * T ‘f oro ^J 3K'
W. A. Bohannon made a visit to New- cat ' ou ' 1 118 Af s U °. .. . . ,
nan Sunday. bind ou a piece of flannel slightly damp-
Misa Felicia Stallings is at home from ' eue f wlth PfUU ^m’x^For^ealebv
an extended visit to relatives iu Atlanta Mmost sure to follow. For sale by
and other places. Dr. Paul Peaiston, Newnan, Go.
WM •» TM< ama m)
Michael*, Stern * CoJ
\Rochester, n. v. '
goods, to be sold regard
less of their real value.
We have too many winter
goods on hand, and we in
tend to sell them, as we
need the room for our
spring stock. We chal
lenge competition on the
prices we offer you. This
is no time to hesitate, but
act at once and call to see
what bargains we have in
store for you. Remember
we are offering you high
class goods at cut prices.
No “odds and ends”, no
“shoddy” goods, but good,
substantial goods. All
our winter goods
marked down to
throughout our store.
You are cordially invited
to call and see the great
bargains we are offering
Barnett, St. John 6
V ...cssa