The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 16, 1906, Image 2

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- . ^ * A POTTS AND PARKS WOOLEN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. You can find the correct styles here in both medium and fine materials. We have just opened our spring line of both black and colored dress goods and invite you to call and inspect them. BLACK GOODS There is no better HLAt'K than “Gold Medal” and we early a complete line in fan cy and plain "eaves enibrae iiiH Mohairs, Imperial Series, I’aradines and Nielli ans, priced, per yard 50c to SI.SO COLORED MOHAIRS Many eombinalimiH in fancy, neat figures, .‘III inelies wide, per yard 50c I’luin Mohairs, 50 inches 50< GRAYS THE FAD <'hcstei field Suitings in new shades of nray and] gun metal, 18 inches $1.25 CREAM GOODS Most every lovei of style will want a white or •ream suit or shirt this spring We show a line range of weaves, per yard, from 25c t< > S1.00 SILKS All that is stylish is found here in Silks, in black, white or colors. Chiffon TaflelUi in black or white, .'Id inches wide, per yard SI.00 lllack or white llalmti, .‘III inches wide, per yard, 50c to * 75c .lap Silks, in all shades, 27 indies, per yard 50c j POTTS 6 PARKS T + • Phone 109 Bay Street Newnan, Ga. ua. • Canned Goods Season • • This is the season when housewiveH resort to < 'aimed tlooils in order to gupply their tables with edibles and culinary delicacies. We do not hesitate to assert, that this store but the most varied assortment of fresh, reli able ('aimed tioods in the city. Housekeepers are cor dially invited to visit the store and see the stock for t liemselves ; or an order via t lie telephone will he prompt ly honored. A small part of our canned goods stock is mont ioned below: Three-|)ouinl cans Simp Mentis, English mid French Mens, Pork mid Menus, I'oiieentruled Vegetable Soup, lleiu/. Tomato Soup, Moot Turtle Soup, Chicken Soup, Cream of Celery Soup, (‘aimed Asparagus. White Cherries, Pie Cherries, California benches, Apricots, Plums, Gooseberries. We have mi elegant stook of Olives, Pickles and Cantaloupes. C. P. STEPHENS S CO. The Prompt Service Grocers. Telephone No. 31. To Publishers and Printers. The Newnan Mpyr Telegraph is a bolter, its opinions of party loyalty and primary rules Issuod Every Friday. should lie swallowed with a sack of salt. WE STILL CLAIM J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE. $1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY ’Phone No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLO G Look out for tin* man who is wearing “thesmile that wont come off” and is provided with a com pound perpetual-motion h a n d- ' shake, lie is a candidate. Ex Congressman John \V. Mad dox, whose seal in Congress is now filled by lion. Gordon Lee, is a can didate for Mayor of Rome, lie is : opposed by John M. Graham; and | the usual Romanesque political contest is in progress. The Panama canal is destined to be the monumental “steal” of the century. Sixty or seventy mil lions of dollars have already been expended on this project and the government lias absolutely noth ing to show tor the expenditure except a horde of officials and em ployes who are drawing salaries in Panama much larger than they co uld have ever earned at home. The South wants the canal com pleted, but not at the expense of maintaining a gigantic graft for fifteen or twenty years. At the present ratio of expenditures and progress the canal project will bankrupt the government. That you ought to buy furniture and house furnishings at this store; because the stock is the largest, and the prices the most reasonable in the city, if quality is considered. Our claim will be verified if you will give us the opportunity to show the stock and name prices. Various and sundry persons and | t hings get mixed in the whirl of politics. Perhaps some of them I may Im* faithfully described as “Hoke Smith touters;” while otb- | ers would be equally as well tie- j scribed as very small Clark Howell tin horns tooted by the men higher i "!»• NEWNAN CAN BET CITY DELIVERY. MAIL I The Albany Herald advises John Temple Graves to cut loose from the Atlanta News and start |another paper. If Graves does j that, the gentlemen who control The News will awake some line ! morning with a choice assortment | of knowledge they seem to lack at present. lion. E. T. Steed has announced his candidacy for the oHleeof State Senator in the .‘{7th District, com posed of the counties of Carroll, Heard and Troup. He is a mem ber of the House of Representa tives, having represented Carroll in the Legislature during the past four years. There are .'17 counties in Georgia jin which more negroes than white 1 men have paid poll tax. The I News fails to see how the poll tax requirement or the white primary can maintain white supremacy in j these .'{7 counties. Probably some of the opponents of disfranchise* j meat can inform us how it is to be done. The public lias been aware for several months that the dear Herald and Advertiser was losing sleep,appetite and llesh on account of Coweta county’s evident de termination to vote for Hoke Smith for governor; and it is obvious that the 11. and A. is still atllicted with a pain caused by this county’s at titude in the gubernatorial race. Congressman DcArmond of Missouri believes that either Wil liam J. Kryan or Governor Folk w ill lie the next Democratic nomi nee for President. The rank and tile of the party will 1h> satisfied with any real Democrat who is big enough to be President. What we desire to escape is another calamity of the proportions of Wall Street’s dummy, Alton B. Parker. Griffin is to have city delivery of mail, beginning May 1st. The receipts of the Griffin postoffiee for the last fiscal year amounted to only .*17 more than the receipts of the Newnan postoffiee. This shows conclusively that Newnan lias excellent claims on which to base a request for city delivery of mail. Furthermore, the receipts of the Newnan postoffiee for the present fiscal year will amount to 91 2,000 or more; an increase of at least 92,000 over the receipts of last year. The receipts for the month of January, 1900, amounted to 91,200. 'The basis of the city delivery system is annual receipts amount ing to 910,000. No office showing smaller receipts than this amount w ill be given city delivery; but any office making this showing has a claim upon the postoffiee depart ment for city delivery. Newnan can secure city delivery of mail. There is no uncertainty about this fact. The only thing necessary to be done is to press Newnun’s claim in the postoffiee department. Mrs. Atkinson, in her official capacity, lias already placed the facts in reference to Newnun’s need of and claims for city delivery before the proper of ficials. If the people of the city co-operate with her this matter eau be brought to successful issue at an early date. As to the liest means of accomplishing the de sired result, let all interested citi zens consult Mrs. Atkinson and act in concert. Newnun’s need of city delivery is obvious. The business of our postoffiee is already overcrowding tlu* postoffiee building; and it is in creasing so rapidly that immediate steps must U* taken to relieve the situation. This can be accom plished in a large measure by city delivery. Newnun’s claims to this recognition by the postoffiee de partment are unassailable. The only thing necessary is to press these claims upon the department. DEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, GA. Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. -Manufacturer and Dealer in- All Kinds Marble and Granite Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N. NEWNAN, GA. Careful Inspection.... of the work we do—no matter how small the job—has a great deal to do with our success [in repairing vehicles. We are not content un til we feel sure you will be con tented. Ho if you have met with a break-down or a shake-down come to us. What we can’t do in carriage or wagon repairing can’t be done anywhere by anybody. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. Legal Blanks We have an entirely new process, on which patents are pend ing, whereby we can reface obi Brass Column and Head Rules, -4 pt and thicker and make them fully as good as new and without any unsightly knobs or feet on the bottom. PRICES. With its usual remarkable dex terity in making startling discov eries in politics, the esteemed Her ald and Advertiser lias found that Hoke Smith would not have car ried Coweta County if Dr. Nuuual- ly had not entered the race for governor. Will the esteemed Her- i aid and Advertiser now inform the: public if this statement is equival ent to saying that it would have carried the county for Howell, but now proposes to carry it for Dr. NunnallvT A Habit to be Encouraged. The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, eolds and oroup, to which children are susceptible are quick ly cured by its use. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneu monia, and if given as soon as the first symptoms ofjeroup appear, it will pre vent the attack. This remedy contains nothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones with a feeling of perfect se curity. Sold by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. A stock of all kinds of Legal Blanks will be found at the NEWS OFFICE. The stock in- cludes^Notes, Mortgages, Deeds, Bonds and all blanks used by business men, as well as those used only by justices, constables and attorneys. All of these blanks are regular in form, and the paper and printing are exceptionally good. InOfact, no blanks printed in the State look better or will give the users better satifaction. Prices are the same as other printers charge for blanks. THE NEWS solicits business in this line; and guarantees that users of these blanks will be entirely pleased with them. DR. T. B. DAVIS. Residence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls. DR. W. A. TURNER, Residence Telephone No. 64, Z. Greene, D. D. S., Services at Lovejoy Memor ial Church. Refaeing Column and Head Rules, regular lengths, 20cts each. “ L. H. “ and “ Rules, lengths 2in. and over 40cts. per lb. A sample of refaced Rule, with full particulars, will be cheer fully sent on application. Philadelphia Printers’ Supply Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Type and High Grade Printing Material,; PHILADELPHIA, PA. 39 N. NINTH 8T The Macon Telegraph is saying much these days about who shall be allowed to vote in the State j Democratic primary, about men who left the party, have or have i not returned to tlu* party, etc.,etc*, j Didn’t the Telegraph licit the Democratic party back in the days , of the lit*** silver ami gold standard scrap! Didn’t The Telegraph give hearty support to Palmer and Buckner! The News asks these questions for information. If the Rev. W. S. Gaines will preach at Lovejoy Memorial church next Sunday morning and night. His subject in the morning will be “Essential Elements of a Glorious Church;” at night his subject will l>e “The Character of Baalim.” Everybody cordially invited to at tend both services. A protracted meeting will begin at this church on Sunday, March 18th. Rev. Nath Thompson, of Stone Mountain, will assist the pastor in this meeting; and it is expected to be one of unusual power and interest. Drs. Davis & Turner Physicians and Surgeons Newnan, Georgia. Office on Second Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. Offices in Sanatorium Building, corner 1 College and Hancock streets. Tele'- offlce on Second Floor of the Arnal phone No. 5-2calls. Merchandise Co.’s Building Cas in the Stomach. Belching and that sense of fullness so often experienced after eating is caused by the formation of gas. The stomach fails to perform its functions and the food ferments. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct the dis order. They aid digestion and strength en and invigorate the stomach and bowels. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Treats all diseases of domestic animals Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. l‘or anything in music or n ,cal instruments telephone No.