The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 16, 1906, Image 5

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t A BETTER WAT TO BUT SEEB We 1 Hive a seed proposition of such unusual merit and so different from what other dealers offer that it it were possible to bring it to the thoughtful attention of every man in the county and to make them fully understand its advan tages and convince them of the truth of our claims, we would have more seed business than we could possibly handle with our present equip ment. Yet our plan is exceedingly simple and every claim made concerning it is the plain, un varnished truth. What we claim to do, that we do : and we ask that you accept our statements as truth, for such they are. Fresh Seed All our seeds are absolutely fresh, now crop seed and have never been offered for sale before. Every package is plainly stamped with the year put up. Wo never sell left over seed for fresh, or mix such seed with the new. We prefer the loss of a little seed to the injury of a good reputation. More Seed All of our 5-cent papers contain more seed than is usually sold for this price. We have examined and compared several others with ours, and the re sult shows our papers to contain from a third more to double the quantity. This is made possible by buying in bulk and doing the work of packaging in our own store. Best Seed The seeds we sell are the choicest strains of the best varieties. Most of them have been repeatedly tried in this county and found good. We guaran tee all seeds true to name and to be fresh. We want you to test the truth of these state ments in your garden this year, and promise that vou will have no cause for regret if you do so. Let us have your order; in person, by mail, or by telephone. HOLT & CATES, Newnan, Georgia. | Local News of Newnan j Dr. Anderson, Building. Dentist, Sal bide tf Miss Ina Kirby visited Atlanta Tuesday. Hon. J. T. Kirby returned from New York Tuesday. Millard Newsome spent Sunday in the city. Local money on easy terms to loan. W.G. Post. 2t Bowman’s Tastless Castor Oil at Reese’s Drug Store. Order fresh meats from ,1. E. Smith, telephone No. 65. tf Fresh Garden, Field and Flower Seed, at Reese’s Drug Store. For best quality fresh meats telephone ,T. E. Smith, No. lift, tf A lot of hand bags at reduced prices at Reese’s Drug Store. ('all No. 05 by telephone when the best fresh meats are wanted, tf Mat Couch, of Senoia, was here yesterday.—Griffin News & Sun. Miss Nettie Orr has returned from a visit to relatives in Florida. Furnished Rooms for rent to men only. Apply to Box 49, City. 4t Bowman’s Headache and Neu ralgia Tablets at Reese's Drug Store. Miss Loula Barr is spending some time in New Orleans with relatives. J. E. Smith, telephone No. 65, supplies best quality of all kinds of fresh meats. tf “Syrup White Pine with Tar” will cure that cough. At Reese’s Drug Store. Mr. John Sims, of Palmetto, was among the visitors in Newnan last Sunday. Your money will command dou ble value in clothing at Barnett, St John & Co , s. All young men’s and boy's suits at badly broken prices. Barnett, St. John & Co. Frank B. Wells, of Senoia,spent yesterday in Atlanta.—Griflin News and Sun. It’s like doubling your money to buy a suit from us now. Barnett, St. John & Co. Katherine, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. (’. Arnall, has lieen quite sick. Take your choice of any *12, *15 or *10.50 suit at *9.50. Barnett, St. John & Co. Mrs. Steve Smith left last week for a protracted visit to her grand children in Florida. Mrs. Sieb arrived in the city Monday (light, on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Herring. Miss Ethel Smith, of Palmetto, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Peniston last Sunday. Miss Ruth Whatley came up from Turin and spent Saturday and Sunday with the home folks. Miss Nelie Lou Walton is the guest of Mrs. C. R. Turner and Miss Pauline Harris in Carrollton. Jack frost has not gone, neither hasGoodwyn’s coal pile. 4t Miss Oneta Smith, of Fairburn, is visiting relatives in Newnan. County School Commissioner V. i A. Ham is visiting the country ! schools this week. Sure as the wind brings you cold Goodwyn’s wagons will bring you | j coal to keep you warm. See him! j 4t A freight wreck near Palmetto Wednesday at noon caused consul- j erable delay to the southliouiid passenger, due here at 2:00. You’ll be pleased with the prices and terms of the Southern Furni-! jture Co. Store in Reese opera house building, Newnan, Ga. tf Miss Lida Brown is the guest of Miss Lillie Rivers in Griffin. Miss | Rivers entertained delightfully last Tuesday in Miss Brown’s honor. When a man dodges the sherilf between charitable donations we have a right to suspect that the money he gives is earned by crook ed schemes. An absolutely new stock of j Furniture to select from at our store, under the Telegraph School in the. Reese opera house building. Southern Furniture Co. tf Chief J. I). Brewster was called to Sumiysidc last Wednesday by the death of his step-mother, Mrs. B. D. Brewster, an esteemed lady of that community. The friends of Miss Carrie Ball will regret to learn that she suffer ed a stroke of paralysis last week. At present she is better. She is at the home of Mrs. Lillie Bailey Hunter. Ollie Smith, a white boy, was I arrested here last week and taken : to Cedartown whore he was tried! on the charge of stealing. He was cleared of the charge and returned to this place. At an early date the Favor! Monument Association will erect a handsome monument over the last resting place of lion. S. L. Favor. The monument will lie purchased with the next few days. On yesterday Walter Dal I is sold his tinning and plumbing business to L. M. SimriI, who will conduct l the business in the future. All wish Mr. Simril much success with his business.— LaGrange Graphic. Hugh Buchanan McKoy, the 14 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. ,1. ('. McKoy, of Welcome, died Wed nesday night. He was afflicted with rheumatic fever. Mr. Mc Koy and family have the sympa thy of many friends in their be-! reavement. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT Was Alarmingly Afflicted With La Grippe. Cured by Pe-ru-na. The Grip is Properly Termed Epidemic Catarrh. As Pe-ru-na Cures Every Form of Catarrh, It Has Relieved More Cases of Grip Than All Other Remedies Combined. The Fear of Grip Hakes People Nervous. There Ih no remedy in Die world that meets (lie condition!* produced by the (trip better Until Porunn. Peruna strengthens ns It renovates, soothes while It stimulates, heals as it expurgates. Pcruna Is not a purgative, or cathartic or sedative, or stimulant, nor a vege table or mineral poison. It reaches the source of all diseases of tlio mucous membranes by Its action on the vase-motor system of nerves. After-Effects of the Grip. Kvcry person who has hud la grippe during the last year should take a course of Peruna. No one need expect perfect recovery unless they do so, Thu grip has produced catarrhal In flammation of tho whole mucous mem brane, and good health Is Impossible until these are restored to a normal con dition. This Peruna will do, A great many remedies havo been suggested for tliiscondltion from time to time, but Peruna Is tho only remedy thill lias any substantia! value ill these cases. It has never failed to give satisfaction W. If. Parsons is Kx-Stuto Senator and Kx-Mpeolal .Indue of tho Supreme Court of Texas, and was also brigadier-) icucrul In Confederate Army. In a recent letter from li'Je II street, N. W., Washington, D. G., tilts prominent gentleman says: ‘Upon the recommendation of personal frl-nds and many strong testi monials as to the efficacy of Peruna In the treatment of the numerous symptoms of the grippe with which I have been afflicted for four months past, I have been Induced to undergo a treatment with this Justly cele brated formula. I feel a decided change fur the better after using It only one week. •It Is especially good In toning up the stomach and has had a decided effect upon my appetite. I therefore feel much encouraged that I am on the road to complete restoration. "My numerous friends In Texas, where I have had the honor to command a brigade of her Veteran Cavalry In a four years’war, may accept bits vol untary testimonial to tho merits of Peruna as a sense of obligation ou my part for its wonderful efficacy.”—W. H. Parsons. during forty years’ experience and still occupies the unl(|iio position of being the leading (If not the only) specific remedy for the after-effects of la grippe. No Time Like the Present. If you are suffering from the after effects of la grippe—If you have be come discouraged in your utlnmpts to euro yourself with oilier treatments, take a bottle of Peruna now. A hot lie of Peruna taken during the beginning of the disease Is worth more than a dor.eii hollies after the trouble lias become deep-seated. Miss Eugenio biifortuno of 110 bcrrlu street, Montreal, Can., writes: "Peruna cured me of a sevoro ease of la grippe when nothing else bad any effect on me, PI vo bottles did the work and they were worth hundreds of dol lars for llieeoiuforl uud health restored lo me, I therefore fool that the least I can do is to gratefully acknowledge Its merits.”—Kugonle I,u for tune. Miss Pearl Hughie has returned from a visit of several months du ration in Atlanta and East Point. Mr. G. R. Bradley and daugh ter, Miss Lillie, were the guests of relatives in Carrollton last Sun day. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Turner visited Carrollton Sunday and A reward of $10,000 lias been deposited in the Market Exchange Hank, Colum bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the above testimonial is genuine; that we hold in our possession authentic letters certifying to the same. Every one ot our tes timonials are genuine and in the words of the one whose name is appended. If your druggist does not keep Poriinu in stock, send remittance to cover price of one bollle, *| ,<io, or six bottles, *5.00 to The Peruna Drug Ml'g. <'o., <'oltimbus, Ohio, and the medicine will be forwarded to you by express "prepaid. We are going to make competi tors in the furniture business tired. Our prices and terms will do the work. An absolutely new stock i to select from. Gome to our store, next door to the white barber Hliop I in the Reese opera house building.; Southern Furniture Go. tf Mrs. Erie Adams has returned from Gordele,where she was called by the illness of Mr. Adams. Mr. Adams, who is a well known and popular commercial traveler, was ill in Gordele for acoupleof weeks, but is able to go “on the road” again and will return to Newnan this week. J. L. Archer, of Franklin, was in Newnan Wednesday. Miss Gertie I’ost, of Gruntvillc, is the guest of Mrs. W. G. Arnold. See the great Reno and Alvord Go. at the Auditorium next Tues day night, Fell. 20th. Mr. John Hill Cook and Miss Agnes Sewell, both of Roseoe, will Ih: married on Sunday, March till. Watch for the baud with the friends of these little ones are cor dially invited and expected to lie present. Meeting will be held in tlie Sunday school room, next door to Methodist church. Rock Spring. Auditorium One Night Only TUESDAY, Feb. 20 Mr and Mrs. (Incur Harper and little hoii vlHitcil the latter's parents, Mr, and Mm. Hud Leigh, at Gooden hint .Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrn. O. O. Gnincl were the Reno and Alvord Company, which 1 suentH of Mr. uud Mm. M. D. Thurmond comes to the A uditorium next I luHt Kuu,lfty " Mr. and Mm. Willie Posey and little daughter, of Moreland, vinitod tho lat- The Euchre Club meets next! tor's parents, Mr. and Mm. F. M. Par- Wednesday afternoon (instead of rott, lant Saturday uud Sunday. Tuesday afternoon J at three o’clock I Mewnm. Cole and Ingram, of Blmrpa- Tuesday night, Feb. 20th. Luke Dickson, a I'nited Stabs sjldier belonging to Go. G, 17th Infantry, stationed at Fort Mc Pherson, deserted last Monday. He was captured here Tuesday by Policeman Shackleford and turned over to the authorities at Fort Mc Pherson. Mr. Shackleford re ceived a reward of *50 for his “catch.” Dickson, whose home ,, . , „lwas in Cumberland, Md., enlisted Monday, the guests ot Mrs. G. R. .. , . •" " two months ago and had been at urner ‘ McPherson but 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mills, of Barnesville, were the guests last ° ,,r nel 8 hbor » the Frank,in Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. * NfcWS and Banner ’ is " ow ,Hi Wadsworth. printed from a cylinder press. Mr. P. T. McCutehen, the owner of the Mr. J. ( • Benton, of Gadsden, paper, this week moved his press Ala., was in the city several days i,y wagons to Franklin, and as recently, the guest ol Mr. and soon ^ same t . a „ | K . j,y the Mrs. R. S. Paris. in charge, will begin Miss Carrie Anderson, who has anew service in the city by the been visiting her sister, Mrs. r * ver 38 ^ did for several years in Eugene Askew, left Thursday Lhe News office, 1 icing last year for her home in Gordele. i displaced by a larger one. at the home of .Miss Ina Kirby. The Reno and Alvord Surprise Go. gives one of the greatest vaude ville performances of the season at the Auditorium next Tuesday night, Feb. 20th. Mrs. MamieThompson will enter tain the Salmagundi Club Thurs day, the 22nd, atOo’clock. Those who cannot Ih* present are request ed to notify the hostess Indore tin- day for meeting. Col. and Mrs. T. E. Patterson and George T. Brown, of this ! place, went up to Newnan yester day to attend the Orr-Patterson burg, were in thin community on buai- iickh hint Friday. A. F. Parrott and hoii, Hoy, visited relatives at Flat Creek lnat Sunday. J. W. Harriaon viaited relatives at Wcat Point and in Alabama aevcral daya tliia week. F. M. hikI A. F. Parrott and M. D. Tbarinnnd spent Saturday in Palmetto. Miaa Mary Hello Hrown returned borne Sunday, after a two week’a visit lo her aiater, Mra. Charlie Bealio, ut Stop, Ga. J. W. and G. T. Huinea made a buai- neaa trip to Sbaruaburg laat Friday. Miaaea Minnie Lee and Luoyle Thur mond apent iaat Snturduy night moat pleasantly with Miaaea Rosa Lee and Clara May Hammock, of McCollum,and attended service* at Kbenezer Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Hogh Howen and little Special Engagement RENA & ALVORDS SURPRISE CO. Every act a feature. A dollar attraction ut popular prices, A hot foot Inn factory working over time. A show you will bilk about for weeks after it lias left tin* city. Seats on sale at Bradley’s Drug Store. Prices, 25c, 05c, 50c. marriage.—Griffin News and Sun. ' daughter were the gueata of Mr. and Mra. T. H. Harper, Sunday. Miss Glestelle McLeroy will give a costume recital at the Auditori um on Friday evening, March 2d. An entirely new program will in* given. Miss McLeroy has just re- The family of G. T. Honiea are all on the aick list tliia week. Guy Royeton and Lilia Moore, of Springdale, attended Sunday achool at Rock Spring Sunday. J. W. and G. T. Hainea made a huai- turned from New York City, ; ness trip to Sharpaburg last Friday, where she devoted several months I Luther Todd, of McCollum, xvaa look- to the study of elocution and ; h>g after hi* farming interests here Mon- physical culture, under the direc-j^ „ Jaok80Dl 0 f Flat Creek, visited tion of distinguished instructors. relatives here last Monday and Tuesday. . ... , rn . ,„ni Albert Hainea iiaa been quite sick for The children ol the L. I. L. will several days. celebrate the birthday ol I-ranees a, fj. Houston ajamt several days last j E. Willard Friday, Feb. 10, at 0 w ,. k with his brother, Newtou Houa- o’clock. There will be recitations, ton, at Decatur, Ga. songs and sketches of her life by I F - »• Parrott ftud 90 "’ Fmnk ' H ^ llt The parents, and Wednesday laat in Newnan. Sewing Machine Needles and Oil Hy purchasing in much larger quantities than heretofore, we tire now enabled to sell nil kinds of hew ing machine needles ut the price of 4 for 10c, instead of :i for 10c, the price we have always found neoeaaary to charge heretofore. These needles are the surne grade tliia store lias always aold, which means simply that they are the beat. * Our sewing machine oil is ns good aa the heat mude anywhere in the world. Every user acknowledges this fact to be true. Needles and oil are small items in our stock, hut our reputation is founded on the care with which we handle every detail of our business; and the small needs of patrons re ceive our best atteutinn—which is nil our largHgt orders get. Remember these facta in dealing with ua. H. S. BANTA The Jeweler 1 ^sju****.-* * - vw- *w• • j■ xjnyv****^• •.*