The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 02, 1906, Image 6

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W* will ront* -• you ft it. you ORn "lnc , n*l«" > • »>!«■ .j• . a« nrwl you won’t h ivo to k» oj» it a **v- <i t, either. I'* 'I v *iHt Messrs* Wherry A flon, of the Miurnolla Fruit i nrm, Imran!, Mls«.. wrlto: ''From t V I r Vr* i.f fttr.ivrSi iiigl, on M l.tRN) pounds of Virginia-Carolina I ertillzer* per nrro worn tint'd, wo rlrnred fl pi »flt " r V*j itl por n r * morn tlmn th«Mit*n r II'% Anrosof «• fi rvDcrrlr* who h had only r»*»0 po ind ' this f• r f.lI it.” Tin." ilfiiilik 11 *, tify of theso f< rtill/< • non ere n* ro at utiyrrup, ntnl pd n thm cl utily '‘in rofiao i our yh id* nor n« r'\” Mo •turn you nor only VlrKinlu ( nro- lina rortlllrni r. Vlrf lnl«-C«rnllns Chrmlral Co. Ml. hmond, Vn. Atl/ititn. fio. Norfolk, Vn Havnnnnh Os. Ilurham. N f Montgomery. Ala, riiHrlonfoii. O. Memphis, Tenn# lluifitnoro, Md. h’limvoport, 1,h. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I (Ilf l \\ HI < I:I\ l If. I ii m it <* i in 11< In > • I'i Tax Receivin', Kllbjcol III iirtlon ■ I III I icmiicr it le pri ll III Am in i phx mcmII.v nlili' In per I • II III lull (Hill llltl'llll III <lllf il'h nl till-, llltlrr mill I'll llllll 1 It III ' I mi 11 fill I iii llllii Will ii|i|iri'(Hntr lln> mippi>11 nl nil ini I llnxv iMll/.i iiH. .1. II Yot s. I 111. II ‘ 11 \ IIIIIII III 111'l- IIIVM'II II 1*111IIIIIIII11 ■ fur I'll \ Ificnii, -object to I In* ll.'iiin i-r.ilir |ii imnrv i.I I'iivm Iii I ’mini v ; mid Mill II ppl'i III I • III' Hll p| IOI I llllii illlllll'IIOI' <il inv li nmlh nii'l Ii Hum (lilizciiK .Inns Ahkkw. I lulu’ tills nu lIkiiI ill notifying iiiv I i'Ii'IiiIh I lull I iiiii n i-u I id idn I ■■ fur Tiix Ifll'i'IM I. MUlljl‘1'1 III till' IJl'IIIIHMIltlC pII nun v. niul -IiiiII In' deeply grateful lui tin. nii|i)nmi mnl u-hihIiiiii'c nl my friniitln niul fcllnxv cili'/.i'iiH T. .1. Wll.KINHON. I mu n i*nti.Inin11- lui tlir nlili'. nl Tiix Receiver, subject In tlu< m l lull nl I In* I >.■ 1111u'intii* |irtiimry. mill n>ti|ii'i‘t fully solicit Hu' su|i|iurl ul mv Iiii'IiiIh niul IT tin xx oil l/.eim. (' Ii, Nkxxtos. I hi; i \ \ nil.i i ;i "ii i if. i luTuliy miiioiliii'i' iii vhi'I 1 n i-u i n I ii In I c for Tiix < 'ullcciui. subject to ilii* lit inn «*intii* priumiy If I'lccli'il, I will din charge llin iliilii'N of Iln> office tu tliu I»>hI nf iiiv nlillii v Will employ lielp, xx-lii'i'i' help is iiot'di'il .1.11. Ilvnr. Mr .1. II. Ilvile has suffered tor years, mnl ih noxv sitIVc1111k from olirnnic ulcer ul lilt I e^, Mini'll rellllel- linn II Mill ill' to perfiii iii miinunl liilior. A. A Burge, M. IV U. W Foilily, M U .loHlllli I. Bulge, M . I). To Hie I •eniocnille Yolers of Coxvetu (’onlily: Having recently been elected to llll flu* nnexpireil torni of Rev II.If.Davies, lule tax collector of Cnxvetu counly, mill having Ichk tlimi one veur in xx*litoll to till Hie utlice mnl feeling Hint in just lee In niVHelf, 1 nIi«mId be given n full term, 1 hereby respectfully mmomieo my I'litliliilncr for tux colli'etor for Hie lull); term, subject lo the lilies mid ii'^uIn• tiniih of llie IVniOurmie Executive Onm nilllee Thanking lux trieuds lui till'll' pil-l support, I liupe by diligent n 11 ell tion to the duties oi the office lo tin ril I licit'oolit inued contideiice mid esteem. \V. S Hi imxiio. I nit s| | Kit 11 | , 1 hereby miimunce myself n cmulidiile for Sheriff of Ooxveiu County, subject to the action ot the Democratic priniarx l have Imd cx|>crielU'e in Hie -lierilf's office mid, if eleefod, promise to faith- fully mid ttniHUDaily discharge the du ties encumbent upon me. .1, Sri I'lii s- 1 hereby announce my self a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the Dcmoeratio primary ot Coxveta county ; and will ap preciate the supimrl ot mv friends and fclloxx citizens \- to my ability to till the oftloe. 1 respectfully refer lo my I'ojord as a member of the police loice ol Nevxnan during the pa-t ten years .1 D BREWSTER. I'ulf thraschkh. lama Camtidalii for County Tnas urer ol Ooxvela county. subject to ac tion of the Democratic pnmurv Will appreciate tin* sup|>oi( of every voter of the county, and pronose faithful sen ice to the county's mteie.-ts. it elected. .Ions N. N KIM The friends ol Mr T *A McCullough, mi old and worthy citizen of Haralson district, announce him ns a candidate for countv treasurer, subject to action of the Democratic primary. To M v Friends mid Fellow Citizens: I ii in a candidate for County Treasurer - iiiii pom infirm, nud need tin* office. I submit my candidacy to the people subject in Hie Democratic primary, mid shall appreciate all the help I can (;et W. K. W. Dievi I hereby announce my candidacy for Hie office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I am all ox-Confederate soldier, 7fl years of ii(|e: linvinir served four years in First ib-orttia cavalry, in which I received xvouiids pelinnneiitly disabliiiK me. 1 Will appiI-elate (lie support of nix friends. Kamiiki, HkihUnu l-'OH n.l-.ltlx. I hereby niitintiticc myself a emidulate lor Clerk of the Sn|ierior Court, subject lo i lie act uni of Hie Ifenioeriil ie primm v ; and if I'leeled, promise failbfill and ef- lieient service iii diselial'ttillH the duties ol the oltlec. IIiakv 1,. Banks. I le reby miiiouiice mv eamlidaey for re eleelioii to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to Micaatiou of ti,, Di'inneinlic piimmy election, mid xx dl appreciate the hearty support of the voters ol I lie county. LYNOII Tl'IINKIt. I UK KKI’HKSKVI' VI I V K. I iiiii n candidate for Heprcsentiitiyc, siibjci't lolbe DeinocriiHc primary, and xx i I appreciate the sup|sirl of all voters ot I be eollllty. M . Ill,'(M i'll I mil a *u lid trill 11* for re-election to Hie l.oxver House of I lie (.eoritm Dej;islti Him . subject lo nctloli of lb,' Demoorii I ie pi imnrv and solicit Hie support mid xdies ol all citizens of my county. I N. < hill. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS. M N Colicv vs KHzn .1, Barnett, Ella Brown,.! I’ Barnett. If .1 Barnett. W (i Bmmtt. Kale Camp. Nona Ha l. Emma Barnett, Mrs .liinmie Barnetl. If ,nt Birnett, Anvil Barnett and Caro- belb* Harnett Coweta Huperior Court, March term. I llllii K'piitnble Belli ion to Foreclose Mori);iii;o on Beallv. Oeoriftn. Cmvetn County To W <1 Barnett, H2N Indian R(., Co- ltimhin. st;.: lo xlrs Nona Hall, Opelika, Ala.: You, and end i of you, are hereby re- (juired iii peisou or by attorney to lie and appear at tint next term of the Hu pei lor Court, to be liebl iii mid for said Comity, on flu-first Monday in March. IlHMi, then mid llicro to ntiswer the plaintiff in an action of Foreclosure ot MortimKc on Ifealtyias in default there of, said Court xx ili proceed thereon as to justice may appertain Witness the Honorable If W. Freeman, .Indue of said Court, ibis the 2nd day of l‘TI>- rnury, ISMHI. H. TUKNIOH, f Jlerk S. C. C. C. i TRADE MARK REGISTERED In Momoryof unoof the Old- Timo Negroes, who Wont Through tho Confed erate War. Sheriff’s Sale. I i I'd lift HA . (’iixveta I 'olllll V. Will be sold oil Hie Ill's! Tuesday in Mmeli, I IH Mi, before the court house in said county, within Ibeli'Kal hours nl sale, Mi Hie hiuhi ni bidder lor cash, the following property, to-xxdt: A cei'lnin tract or pared nl land lyinu mi llie xx'esI side ol Hav Avenue, in the city ul Nuxviimi, in said Hlatemidcouii- ' x, bounded mi the north by Fair SI reel, >u-l by Kay Avenue, South by ri^ht of wax of Hie Central ol (fonrt;ui Hallway <'o. ami on (lie xxesl by lands Imioxxii as Hie old fair grounds, excepting llie lots beieloloi'e sold oil to Camilla ll'dliii);- xvortli, Cbmlolle llliiiti r, Maude and Uoxic Corb y and Jane Moss, ooiitainniK i in111 acres, more or less Said land In, led on as llie property of I.. H. Hav, lo satisfy mi execution Issued from tile Clt.v Court ol' Atlanta, in favornf D M Fillllkfill Mu Use nl .lames I,. Ilundcscl al against said I, It Kay, principal, and Mis, S. A. McIhoii mid John I). Kay, securities, mid unxx owned and control! ed by said Mrs. S. A. Molson, as Irmis- feroo. This l'ohrunry iltli, UlOil. ,1. I,. BROWN, SbcrilV. Ordinary’s itlooces. I i E()Kl 11A l 'oxx ela ('oiint x . The oHtatc of Charles Smith, late of said County, deceased, beuin unrepre sented and not likely lo be represented, all persons concerned art* required to show cause in llie Court of Ordinary of said County, on llie lirst Monday in Match, l IDUfl) next,'why Midi minimis tration should not be vested in the County Administrator. This Feb. Till, 11HMI. I,. A. HERD!'E, Ordinary. ti EOKtilA—Coweta Comity. The cslatc ol Judsoii T. Nixon, of said County, hi * i 11 k unrcprcsciitcd and not likely to be represented, nil persons con cerned are required to slioxv cause in (lie Com i of Ordinary of said County, on tlm llrsi Monday in March, (liiiHD next, why such administration should not be vested in llie County Administrator. Tills Feb. Tib, 1110(1. 1.. A FERDUK, Ordinary. UEORf ilA—Coxveta County. T. F Raw's, Admr of the estate of Ediln Smith, deceased, liavitiK applied to the Court ol' Ordinary of said County lor 1.ellers of Dismission from bis said trust, nil persons concerned are required to show cause in stud Court hx the lirst Monday in Mnrclt next, if any I hoy can, xvhy said application should not lie granted. This Feb. 5th, 1SHK1. 1.. A. BEK DC E. Ordinary. GEORGIA—l’-oweta County. The return ot the appraisers setting apart txvelve months' sujqsirt to the family of Robt. F. Milner, decensed, having been tiled in my oftloe, all iht- sons concerned arc cited to slioxv cause by tho 1st Monday of March, HXIfi, why Mini application for twelve mouths' sup- IK-.rt should not be granted. This Fob. 5th, lUOrt. L A. FERDUK, Ordinary. Notice. I hereby notify nil persons in debted to J. F. Reynolds, bank rupt, of Nexvnan, C5a„ to call at mv office over Nexvnan Hanking Co and settle at once. It is necessary that the business of said .1. F. Reynolds be closed up at once. J. Littleton Jones, tt Attorney tor Trustee. I>ick Thompson died upon t lit* “old plantation” Wednesday, Fob. 7, I HIM!, in the 7 I ill year of his age. lie xx as Imrn in that part ■ I tlie Cherokee nation now included in Floyd county, in the year ls:i2. Ilis mother xxas a negress, his Iii I her xx as a Cherokee Indian, mini ed Arch rot 1 . Mother anti son be fame the property of George M. I,axeinler, who had moved there from Fast Tennessee, holding llie position ol Indian agent of llie United Stales government, and having a store al what is now known as Lavender, Floyd county. After thedfulh of George l.axen der, in IS.'tll, Dick became the property of his sister, .Mrs. .loliu Huy, of Nexvnan, and was assigned a home upon the White Oak plan tation now owned by ( apt. .lulln l>. Hay and Mr. Warren McIhoii. In IHft'J Dick married Henrietta, the daughter of the “black mam my” of (lie plantation. No hand upon llie farm xxas more reliable than Dick, lie xxas active, strong and fearless; there xxas no young mule so wild that lie would not undertake to rid and ploxv. Ilis good ehuractor caused him to lie promoted in I Sait from farm hand lo carriage driver for his mistress. This place lie held unlit July, ISltl, when his uumg master, Lavender Ray. went lo the war. Dick gladly accompanied him as his servant and cook. They joined I he Nexvnan I i minis, First Regiment of Georgia Volun teer Infantry at Monterey, Ya. Dick at once became the cook for mess niimlHM' six. This mess was coin posed of Lieut. Andrexx Brown, Joe Nat Beadles, Nick Orr, John Favor, Bill Whatley, Billie Bead les, Jcpthu Davis, Minor Davis, John Goodwin, Alvin Freeman and Lavender Ray—all young men xvlio prided themselves upon the soldierly qualities of the mess. The lirst live were killed in battle. From that time until the regiment was mustered out of service in ISil'J, no matter how long the march, or cold the weather, Dick never failed to have the meals ready upon time, lie was at the attack upon Cheat Mountain, the battle of Greenbrier River, and on the long march from Greonbriar River to Winchester, Va„ in 18111. Dirk was with Stonewall Jack- son in his attack upon Bath, Yu., and Hancock. Md. This campaign is remembered by the terrible spell of cold w eather which then prevailed, and the great sulliering of the soldiers. The test of en durance after leaving Hancock was xvlio could, in spite of the expos ure. go further on to Romney. Dick was one of the fexx who stuck to his post. At Romney live negro servants of the regiment deserted and went to the enemy and free dom. Dick remained true to his master and his company. In May. 18(13. Dick went with his young master, Lavender Hay, into the First Regiment of Georgia Cavalry, lie was at the light at Rowell's River, Hast Tennessee, in June. lHti'j; xxith Forrest when lit* captured Murfreeslioro in July, 1SU2, and at the second battle of Murfreesboro. Stone River, from 1 Dec. 30, 1802, to Jan. 1st, 1803. "Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery” The unprecedented popularity of Royster's FARMERS' BONE fertilizer has induced some of our competitors to advertise Fish Guano, claiming theirs to be “just as good.'' FARMERS' BONE is the original Fish Guano, and, to prevent being imposed upon, buyers should be sure that our trade-mark is on every bag. This is the only guarantee that you are getting the genuine Farmers’ Bone Made with Fish —■a,. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Macon. Ca. * Columbia, 8. C. From July, 1833, to July. 1834, Dick spent in Atlanta. Ii is master liaxing been assigned to duty in llie foil federate Arsenal at Unit place. In August, 1834, Dick crossed the Chattahoochee River with the army of General Hood, going as far as North Alabama. His mas- ter being there assigned to duty as Ordinuiieo < Mlicer of Iverson's Di- \ isioii of Cavalry then stationed at Jonesboro, Ga., they returned to Unit place. Nearly every day the cavalry had skirmishes xxith the enemy to keep his foraging parties from the counties of Campbell, Coweta, Fayette and Clayton. From Jonesboro, in November, 1834, Dick saw the tires which consumed Atlanta. The next day, he was present when the right wing of Sherman’s army made an attack upon Iverson’s cavalry. At this time < icucral Wheeler came up havingjusl returned from Tennes see with reinforcements and by continued skirmishing and light ing. kept the enemy from destroy ing the Central Railroad. He was in Macon when a part of Sher man's army attacked W heeler’s cavalry at that place. Dick then, with the cavalry, crossed the track of Sherman’s army, and was with that force in protecting Augusta, from tin* enemy. Dick then crossed into South Carolina, following Sherman in liis devastating march through that State, entering Columbia directly after it hud been burned by ttie enemy. Dick was with li is mas ter at ttie headquarters of Gen. 1’. M. B. Young, then commanding Iverson’s Division, at Statesboro, X. C., in April. 1835. when Gen. Johnson surrendered. I faring the war Dick made two trips from Tennessee to Georgia and back atone; he was entirely reliable and trustworthy. Though brave, lie was never known to have a fight. He. made friends with all. By reason of what he had learned as a cook during the war. Dick became proficient jn the art of barbecuing meats, and at every barbecue in , and around Newnan he was called upon to preside over the pit. Nearly every year since emanci pation Dick hits lived with some memlier of the familv of his old II W. CAMP, Pkksioknt II. ABNER CAMP. Casuikk MORELAND BANKING CO MORELAND, (LX. Capital - - $25,000.00 We solicit you*' patronage and promise you service possible. the best f With the Exchanges t .Miss Mary Jones, of Turin, was xvitti friends here for a short while yesterday.—Griffin News and Sun. Miss Nannie Davies, the Central Railway Agent at Turin, was in this city yesterday.—Griffin News and Sun. Mrs. J. Y. Blalock spent Sunday with her daughter, at Newnan, i Mrs. Doss Summers. She was ac companied by little Marion and Katherine Blalock.—Carrollton Times. Miss Katherine Reese will en tertain a number of friends in her usual charming way, Friday even ing complimentary to Miss Neila Lou Walton, of Newnan.’—Car rollton Times. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ringworm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. Lemons as Medicine All of these diseases are attended by intense itching, which is almost in-' 5 stantly relieved by applying Chamber- j | Iain’s Salve and by its continued use a * permanent cure may be effected. It Ims, ! in fact, cured many cases that Imd re sisted all other treatment. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr Paul Peniston, Nexvnan, Ga. Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Sidneys and Blood. Demons are largely used by The Mo/.ley Lemon Elixir Company, in compounding their Lemon tlixlr, a pleasant Lemon Laxative and Tonic—a substitute for all Cathartic and Liver Pills. Lemon Elixir ]*>si- tivcly cures all Biliousness, Consti pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of "Appeli c, Levers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, all Impurities of the Blood, Pain i:I the Chest or Back, and allctherdit,- eascs caused by a disordered liver aid kidneys," the first Great Can ye of all Fatal Diseases. LVOMF.N, for all Female Irreg ularities, xxili find Lemon Elixir a pleasant and thoroughly reliable remedy, without the least danger cf possible harm lo them in any condi tion peculiar to theniselvc" -,oc and $x.oo per boitle at — ALL DRUG STORES ‘One Dose Convinces.’ For Sale to Merchants Only. Pianos and Organs. I am agent for the Cable Piano master. He died upon the farm _ , „ ... ... ... ,. . Out of toxvn merchants xvd find ot Mr. W arren Molson. tin* grand- * t very conVement to call on us for son ot John Ray. He leaves a kerosene oii. We take your bar r . ,, . wife and children surviving him. rels in exchange. Car load ot oii ^ om P an Y an(t sel1 the “Chicago | and many friends among the white just received. I Cottage, Mason & Hamlin and j people of the county who remem- ^Unget & Co., ber him xx ith kindness. Lavender R. Hay Atlanta. Ga. Cottage,” Mason & Hamlin other organs of standard makes. Nexvnan, Ga, These instruments are warranted —————— to give satisfaction in quality and \ on 11 be pleased with the prices. price. Don t buv an instrument and terms of the Southern Furni- without consulting me. Money to loan on real estate pt cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. pgj. tore Go. Store in Reese opera i house building, Nexvnan, Ga. tf | W. H. Reynolds, Newnan, Ga.