The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 30, 1906, Image 3

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“WATCH THE WHITE STAR BUGGY’ W MnninVvvXi?"m»S« D i'li ,s ft 1 ','A*Gr»<1e Dufay, is* lirhe-ii ^ ^IIITK *»T vK hi i <’v Lniltd } t*tM. Afr»*r Jun* lit. 190A, we uae in buildlus the In lb. ,Vh imo " ! b,l«*l lit. our..VpT. •nr WHITK STAB WhwlTh.itn, ouf p,?*.-r* v . «•“ ‘ private mark, ie net Ju*t like the fampla shown. LOOK FOR OUR PRIVATE •• A-QRADE” MARK A >r r ^v.. .«*.*** M.-KI r\AU r. MAUN ATLANTA BUGGY COMPANY. - . Atlanta, Georgia received for tariff. The interest on the city’s annual drink bill at four per cent, is nearly equal to the income of all the universities and colleges in the United States. A Portland, Oregon, saloon keeper is quoted as having said: "I tell the saloon keepers we can fix the laws regulating liquor drink ing any way we choose. Hut the people will down the whole busi ness, sooner or later, as sure as the sun rises. They would do it at once, il it were not for the fact that they locked arms with it to get revenue." As lhll Arp used to sav, "Jess so," Twenty men, who had signed a petition in Iowa, marched »•••».».*••••• ECHOES OF THE TIMES J By Porcy Wiggle. “Fred Foarnot” is dead! t olonel Harvey King Shackle- lord. for many years a writer of stories lor hoys and contributor to nearly every publication in Ameri ca which eaters to youth.died Sun day morning at one o'clock at his home in liainbridge, (ia. Death resulted from paralysis, which at tacked him Friday morning. lie is survived by his wife, one son, three daughters, two sisters and one brother. For the past thirty-five years hundreds of thrilling narratives have appeared from his pen under various noni de plumes, writing an average of one complete story of 20,<iok words in a week, and sometimes completing three novel- lettes in seven days. Although horn and reared in Georgia, Colonel Shackleford was best known as a writer in the north and east, where his stories have been read by thousands of boys every week. In writing stories for young peo ple he always sought to point a 'moral; virtue always triumphed: will be christened John l>. Rocke feller III., and will be heir pre sumptive to the millions of the old man, his grandpa. One interest ing feature of the birth of this hoy Startling Honesty. According to a recent story in the New York T'ibune, Tomb stone, Arizona, claims credit for the frankest saloon keeper in the United States. He keeps the Temple liar Sa loon, and advertises his business with most surprising frankness. "Allow me to inform you that you are fools,” he says; yet his place is usually filled. He maintains that he is an honest saloon keeper, and that it will not hurt his business to tell the truth about it. He has had printed ail advertising card which would make ail excellent manuscript for a temperance lec ture. Copies are being circulated saloon through the western states and are in a body into a grocer’s store and Special refused to patronize him any more unless he would sign. 1'hey wete orderly, paid their bits and left; SPECIAL OFFERINGS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY 1 200 yds 3-4 percales and shirt ings, 7 to 8 cent values for only 1 600 yds embroidery, val ues 20c to 30c, for 41c 10c The attracting much attention, card reads as follows; "Friends and neighbors, 1 am Bargains Clothing. in Ladies’ Spring Skirts. grateful for past favots, anti having but the grocer stood firm as (ii is the l'aet that it served to bring supplied my store with a fine line hndter.^ This country has many the Standard Oil magnate out of his place of hiding, so the baby can congratulate himself on having m ke drunkards, paupers and beg- more power than the Supreme Court of the State ol Missouri. The mother of the baby was for merly Miss Alible G. Aldrich, daughter of Senator Aldrich of Rhode Island. The couple have one other child, a little girl, who is three and oiic-hulf years old. —o— A cablegram announcing that a smoking ear for ladies liml been put on one of the trains running of choice liquors, allow me to in successful merchants who openiy form you that 1 shall continue to and actively oppose the saloon. A city missionary addressing the Presbyterian Social Union in Philadelphia on the slums problem in large cities, when asked what connection the sa'oons had with the slums, replied: "Remove the saloons and there will be no (ars for the sober, industrious, re spectable part "f the community to support. My liquors will excite riot, robbery and bloodshed. "They will diminish vour com torts, increase your expense and shorten life. I shall confidently s | linis recommend them as sure to multi ply fatal accidents and incurable diseases, “They will deprive some of life, others of reason, many of charac- We can never get the saloon out of politics as long as we get our politics out <>t the saloon.— Alabama Christian Advocate. out from London to Li\ or pool, was ter, and all of peace. 1 hey will published a few days ago. The make father* officials of the Pennsylvania and ows, children,orphans and all,poor. New York Central railroads in this i will train your sons in infidelity, country say that if the women dissipation, ignorance. lewdness want smoking ears they can have and every other vice. I will cor- them. If this is one of the signs rupt the ministers of religion, ob- of the present day “emancipation” j struct the gospel, defile the church of women, it were better to revert and cause as much temporal and to the barbarism of yesterday. It I eternal death as I can. I will Many a young man might con- friends, wives, wid-j jugate his ruin thus: Distill, drink, drunk, damned, Wine often kindles a fire of which drunkenness is the confla gration. The saloon must go if we are to keep our homes, our liberties, our sons. Fine all wool fnnej eassiineres, dark ground, neat plaid design, coal made in every respect up to-date, well trimmed; other stores get #8 and .*0 for same garment, our price \ 11 wool liinej worsted, dark gra\ ground, neat striped design, well made, round cut sack suit, sold In other stores al *lu, our price 6.98 Great staple, the scarcest tiling in Hie market all wool blue serge, elegantl.N made, round sack coni. I'liis suit can't be duplicated for less fIiiiii xi 1, but we oiler you us long ns they last at 7.90 SPF.t'IAL Kslrii all wool blue serge and worsted in neat and genteel pattern, of high grade workmanship; round cut sack suits, coat lined with Venetian and satin; the real value * 10,00, our price 3.98 Special job skirts, consisting of meltons, serges, etc., in various styles ami colors, all good val ues. regular price #1 .Ml to #1 .75, our price 98c this The best grade of Panama cloth in 4.98 blue, black and gray, circular effect, Imi\ pleated back and front, sold regularly at #5, w-c offer \ou at ....... 2.98 I fit) ladies’ skirts just received, consisting of light weight, all wool mohair, al! colors; also Panamas made in circular effect; values up to $8 and *10, now on sale al 4.98 Ladies’ Shirt Waists. is interesting to note, however, j that if such cars are put on Ainori- |can trains, it will only be on those i "special editions” that carry the the villain got his just deserts, ami j monkov . imitatinK inomb ers of the - verytlnng came out all right tor< ^ set „ Umt dass of , )t . ol)lo the hero and heroine in the end. |l Ic lias ' written in all about 800 ^stories, sixty of which are in the •Fred Fearnot” series,which were among whom it is a pleasure to note that “race suicide” is in the ascendant. Heaven deliver us .[from another generation of them! thus ‘accommodate the public;’ it may be at the loss of my never dy ing soul. Hut I have a family to support—the business pays—and the public encourages it. "I have paid my licence, .Mid the traffic is lawful; and if I don’t sell somebody will. I know the Hible says, ‘Thou shalt not kill,' and ‘no drunkard shall enter the kingdom published with the pseudonym of ^- e lo t j link wonulIl w itli j of heaven,’ and I do not expect Fllal Standisli Colonel Shackleford was born fsixlv live years ago near Griffin, | j lips unsullied by the stain of the cigarette, tongue untainted by the taste of wine and other strong 'and was reared in Greenville, , . , ..... , . ’ drinks; disdaining to be purveyors Meriwether county. H< was student at the < ireenville Academy, among his schoolmates being the Rev. J. II. Hall, organizer and first pastor of the Central baptist •hiirch in this city, and one of the known baptist ministers in *1 he State. As a student and de bater Colonel Shackleford was no ted, and was a splendid natural ! crater, having made political of vulgarity, their minds and hearts as pure as the morning. Yes, we like angels. t AlWays Keeps Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in His House. "We would not be without Clmmbor- Inin’s Cough Remedy. If is kept on hand continually in our home,” says \V. W. Kearney, editor of the Independ ent, Lowry City, Mo. Tlmt is just wind intellectual growth, every family should do. When kept at peeehes in several presidential hand ready for instant use, a cold may refer [ Q the pawn-shop*, the ' tile northeastern i ho checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it lins become the drunkard maker to fare any better; but I want an easy living and I have resolved to gather the wages of iniquity and fatten on the ruin of my species. "I shall, therefore, carry on my business with energy, and do my best to diminish the wealth of the nation and endanger the safety of the State. As my business flour ishes in proportion to your sensi bility and ignorance, I will do my best to prevent moral purity and IN LOVING MEMORY OF HOLMES. LITTLE ALICE ill campaigns lates. During the last nineteen years )f Ins life he was almost entirely ‘Should you doubt my ability, I er you to the pawn-shops, the pporhouse, the police court, the dren, nod will prevent the attack when f |deaf. He had the misfortune to given as soon as the child becomes settled in the system. This remedy is hospital, the penitentiary and the also without a peer tor croup in etiil- gallows, where you will find many eeeive several falls, which result ed in the fracture of both arms and legs, and lie was for years com pelled to use crutches, before he became deaf he was for a time a Baptist preacher, having had charges in Fairburn and Xewnan. (J The estimate of the damage to the fruit crop in the recent freezes has finally been reduced to about twenty-eight per cent. The dam- ■i age was at first placed at from fifty to seventy-five per cent, but usually, like the report of the death of Mark Twain, the killing jf the fruit crop is much exagger- lioarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. Excursion Rates to New Or leans, La., and Return, via Central of Ceorgia Railway. of my best customers have gone. A sight of them will convince you that I do what I say. “Allow me to inform you that you are fools, and that I am an honest saloon keeper.”—Golden Age. On March 4th the Angel of Death entered the home of Mr. 1 and Mrs. VV. H Holmes and bore j the sweet spirit of dear little Alice back to the God who gave it. Would that we could offer some ' comforting word to the heart-bro ken parents, brothers and sisters. Wc can only shed tears of sym pathy and mingle our grief with theirs, for she was our little Alice too. Often have we felt the pang of parting with loved ones, and know full well what an aching void is left, and can only point them to the book of Life, which alone gives comtort in such hours of deep gloom and distress. She was such a lovable, refined, affec tionate little darling; intelligent to a marked degree for one of such tender years. In the home circle were her many lovely traits of character known best, where for ten short years she was the pet and idol ol the entire family. The devotion existing between her and the elder sister was beautiful and seldom witnessed; the grown bro thers, too, never forgot little sis ter, though many times far from home, she was always remembered by some token ol love ’Twas a sweet, yet touching privilege, for the four devoted brothers to bear Men’s Pants. Men's limey union cash mere punts, dark gray ground, well made, neat and genteel pattern, real value £1.75, our price 98c All wool pants, fancy eassimere and worsted, elegantly made and trimmed, worth #8.00, oar price only 1.98 KxLru fine all wool worsted pants in eight different styles. These pants are sold by other stores at #1 and #5, our price The best values offered this season. *20 dozen while lawn shirt waists, nicely trimmed, values up to#I, on sale al 59c I'lxtra quality shirt waist, made of line sheer India linens and French lawns, regular price #1.50 and #J, our price . 1.25 Men’s Negligee Shirts. 50 dozen men’s extra line negligee shirts, values up to #1, we oiler you for . 49c A full line of men’s, la dies’ and children’s 2.98 Oxfcrds. THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE THE BEST INVESTMENT. 0 Grand Chief Stone, of the bro- tbe p rec j 0U8 little form to its last — therhood of Locomotive Engineers, re8 t m{ , place. Account annual reunion of Uni- recently said: "The brotherhood How sadly will they miss her at ted Confederate Veterans, New can do nothing for the engineer home,where she shed a ray of sun shine wherever she went, but Orleans, La., April 2527, 1906, who is discharged because of Central of Georgia Railway will drinking. I would not hire a man God knew she was t0() pure for sell tickets at very low excursion who drinks, either off or on duly, | thjs earth and took her unto Him- if I were in that position. Some men say that it makes no differ- rates. On April 22, 23 and 24, 1906, tickets will be on sale from self, where love supreme abideth; and now she is a bright little angel tlJ . singing everlasting anthems . , nn __ n „ of time8 the f ru it from New Orleans, and on April does when he is off duty, but I tell around the great white throne. Of ha* been killed bevoud hope! 2 3 rd t0 26th ’ inclusive, tickets wdl, y° u that it does. The company ajl the numberless, blood washed ), lido iviuc J I , 11 t r. I.lirkin O m/linc imnU mpn u/hn rr\rrt f* n n /Infu in . , . ...... Harmon Gives O’Neil a Few Pointers on Saving Money. ((’onIIiiund from lied, week.) LNTIIL thought ;i lew moments in sileiice. "by Jove!” lie said, looking up, “I never looked at it in that way before. I have been approached many times by insurance agents, but I always considered the whole business as a graft a moneymaking humbug. I have raked and scraped ever since my marriage, and have nothing to show lor it. I ought to have saved a little as I went along and put it in the bunk, so that my family would have something after I am gone.” “An investment in a life insurance policy will beat the bank all hollow,” said Harmon. “If you bank your savings, say as much as yon would pay in premiums on a life insurance policy for #2,000, at the end of twenty years, with the accumu lated interest, it would not be worth as niiicli to your family in the event of your death as an insurance policy. Then suppose you should die in six mouths, a year, or two years, how far would your savings take your family?” “Hut look how unreliable some of the insurance companies are,” ventured <I’Neil. “No more so than hanks,” replied Hannon. “Suppose you have #2,000 in a hank, and it. fails, where are youf There may i»e some life insurance companies that are unreliable, but I am not in the least afraid of the company whose policy I hold. You can depend on the old /TCIiim every time. Take my advice, old hoy, and take out a policy in the zKtna, and you will find your self becoming as optimistic as I am. It may he a little hard for you at first to meet the premiums, but you will be forming a good habit and making ample provision for your family.” If YOU are interested in saving money, see F. M. Hryant, District Manager zHtna Life Insurance Company. points more th«n 500 miles distant ence to the company what a man Tut somehow ^ be sold from points within a radius I wants men who come on duty in th n0 fairer angel will there S °° railes 0[ New 0rleanS ' ! P“°" <* ever y faculty, and be tha n our Mule Alice, ther the crop those j • Ticke , s will be ij m j te d to leave not affected by drink—taken eith-| Adieu! sweet, loyal little heart, ^ipsome times better an usna . j^ ew Orleans returning not later er while at work or during the adieu! We yield thee with faith 'Every fruit grower knows that no n igo6 except tha t an hours in which engineers are sup- supreme to Him who blessed »i.nn hoar as much truit as ‘ , , ... ^ >, with thv beautiful, nrecious ii tree, can bear as much fruit there are buds on the tree, and frequently a damage as high as seventy-five per cent does not ma terially affect the ultimate crop. Let us be optimistic. —0— John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is now the proud papa of “a fine,healthy, blue-eyed, eleven-pound l*jy, who put, in his appearance last >eek at the home of John D., Jr., extension to May 21, 1906, can be posed to get their rest. Afflicted With Rheumatism. “I waa iinrl am yat afilictert witli rheumatism," nays Mr. J. O. Hayiie, editor of the Herald, Addington, Indian Territory, ‘hut thankB to Cliamerlain’w Pain Balm him able once more to attend with thy beautiful, precious little to busmen* It inthebest of liuimentH.” obtained under customary condi tions. For total rates and full informa In a sermon on "Why the Mass es in New York are Poor,” Rev. Dr Madison C. Peters said: "It is , life. Newnan, Ga. Auntie. Tax Notice. If troubled with rheumatiHin «ive Pain Bairn a trial and you are certain to Ire more thuu gleaned with the prompt re lief which it afTordn. One application relieves the pain. For sale by Dr. Paul Sleeplessness. Disorders of the stomach produce a norvouH condition and often prevent sleep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets stimulate the digestive organs, restore the system to a healthy condition and make sleep possible. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. City tax receiver's books will be p^uton, Newnan, Ga. open at the Council Chamber tion in regard to limits, etc., apply estimated that New York spends ; 10 nearest ticket agent. 1 #1,000,000 a day for liquors—most; ot bad—which amounts to more April 1, 19>6. All owners of real . u ... . . . .. ... Th. Only Guaranteed Ktdne, cure than hai , M much a5 , hc a „ Klljnt „ r , a , pro|)ertv , are expcc ,„, J - J" Smith's Sore Kidney Care. Yea, ire(1 t0 the ^ , heir ' j« *■ »■«*• druggist will refund your money it ut-. ^ _ 1 , _ _ .• 1 , ol iresh meals. tl ter taking one bottle you are not satis- fled with lesults. 50 cents at Holt & in New York City. The new baby Cates’. ment of the United States. The; and to qualify to correctness of annual liquor bills of New York the same. E. D FOUSE, j is more than the entire amount 52 For cheap poultry and hog feed, City Clerk. Igo to W. H. Askew Co. 52 Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers’ Itch. All of these diseases are attended by intense itching, which, is almost in stantly relieved by applying Uhambor- lain's Halve and by its continued use a permanent cure may lie effected. It bus, in fact, cured muny eases that had re sisted all other treatment. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga.