The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 30, 1906, Image 8

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n nils liov to ll iMirl the nil A I Urn tllllj ti'li i .1 i • ilnt t-lp i'lit-i )>rl! rll v AI Hi<li Hi.' In I nlili nni l roll*. Iir\i in I' n Mint fi'in for inir iiinl li Is tlir (mil turn tin tin' V nr M|H'I I lull ill'll 1 I'll I'lllr lln to. t In b,v l poll Win i Tl mil' mm ■itiir Inin ini't | toll! irt'in Will tlllhl gllll “K|H Ini') Ini v till It rliri pm bun <>iinI Vor til jiprl fl'W pntii ilny imii Hill V Ml IV till* WIT I'lril nun I'm li I'llig \\ IT Htnl) mi w fnsU »»r \ Jowt ti tl|l> WHS rrt't jiloo trim rli'i'l Will! min' WHS |lll)ll proa It h In l DIM ’111 who ri'KU tdon rt'iis a hi Hlru mi w tlirr. Th bo o our i Is th this eat i out i Ob dorr prop Volt sulil driiv thro. Un keep fir ( but; ONE PRICE Store nm -rrzrrrr.rz'v.xtMK-m * iwiuhjjm Everyone that enters our store for the next ten days can get a set of our 75c imported dinner plates for only 50c a set. This is best English ware. We s. cl'il liiliL'. < MU' is I Ills e.i li I i ve \ tni 1 id 11 r gtiii' is Mini I {mini - i f we nicer 1 it< for less money, we can’t afford to ask for vonr | ;ti r .nu. We mean this —we are selling lenals on a smaller mar gin this year than evi-r before, as v r e have only one price to everybody; 1 liei'efore \\■* have cut our prices down. This litlh' talk may not mean much to yon, hill it \ou will call on ns we can convince you. Our prices range from .'! 98 in 12.50 lor wool suits negligee shirts has just come in, and we are selling Tim *1 line fur 95c The 75c line for ...68c The 50c line for 48c Kveryhodv gets the same treatment at our store—one price and that a low price. Kg. < )ur spring line of nu n’- (>ur lilaek < 'at 2oe line of ladies’ hos iery we sell at l9e a pair, and our l()c line at 9c a pair. The same line in men's and boys’ at the same cut price. These goods are all fresh dyes and last hlaek. l)on’t forget we sell towels— Our 1 1x20 in. crash, p> r pair . . 9c (>tir 18x02 in. crash, per pair 13c Ou.i 20x8(5 in. honey comb towel, worth 25c a pair, at 19c White or bordered ; also an all linen plaid worth 10c a yard that we are sell ing at only 0|e. This goods is for hoys’ waists and doilies, and is washable. Remember, with every $ 1 purchase you can get a coupon for the $ 1 0 in gold which will be given away May i st. Get some tickets, draw the $10, and have a May-day picnic. IAS. B. HUTCHENS West Side Square Newnan, Georgia Sonoin. MImnhk I,uis 11milv itn<I Dorn I’owitm i-jviif Sunday in Turin, tin. gui'Nia of M inn Milrgari-i i in\. Mm. it M. Long, of Uiiwhoii, Iiiin been Hieiiding tlif week with 1'i'ii'iitln in S' noiii. Till’ iiiipri'NHion mmli lit th liulnml I). liniiil in Ins h'('full' Sutmdiiy eviiii- lng will li. 1 li lt Ini vents in cihiii. hy I ilOKlI W III) llllll till' JllcilKUl I. (it Ill'll llll,' Iiiiii. Mr mill Mrs. .1. K Siinsit nn> imw ihiliiii'ihil III tin'll' pii'liy lli'W lidllir "ll l hi* \\fst siih* id tow ii Miss Until..'lli', I loin miir So. i ii mi, eiissiil through Minir ilnys 11140111 rouli> lo 1 'lowinmI. wlii'm she will spi'iiil M 1 vcriiI wei'lis willi lor sister, Mis. .llllUl'H M . 1 ’l'OW e. Wilbur Y Hloolis, w ho II few weel.s ago purolmseil the lluiiler mid Elder htnhle below the rmlroml, in making some i 111 prove moil Is wit h n view of open • IIIU Up It 11V1 • I V stuhle. Mr. V F, Knloe bus accepted 11 posi- lion 111 Urillln We regret very inuoli lo Iono Mr. I'hlloe, ns ho wild one of our best mid inosi substantial ell i/eiis. Min. lien 1111111I spent one dnv hist Week with her mother in I urin. About I'orl v Imli'N of fill toil mnl 11 box deni roved by lire lit Sharps. Week , I lie tire having been lie- by the sparks from n freight cur w ere burn lust CHHiolll'd engine. ShenlV.f, Ii. Brown, of Newimn, was in in several days ago Mr Brown's reeoi'd shows llml he is mi eftloient of liner nod lie has many Iriends who will give Inin their hearty support. On Iasi Sunday Rev. .1. It .lenkins de livered the third of a series of sermons on "Miiii'h Relation to Hod.” These sermons are intensely interesting and have been so from the beginning. Col. mid Mrs Henry O Furr, of Mil ner, visited the former's parents Imre n 1 lew days ago. The Cieorgui Telegraph mid Railroad Husiness College is now under the man- agement of .) O, Burnett mid T. .1. Holder. The telephone company will soon ex tend their lines to Haralson and to Kert- ron, having secured enough signatures 1 to 1 (intraets to authorize the building of t In se lines. Col. »A. II. Freeman, of Nowiinn, wns’ in onr town Tuesday. At a mass meeting of the citizens of j Seiioia held Monday night, 11 committee of seven was appointed to secure the [ tight of way for the A. it B. railroad through the town and county, The, Committee will report nr another meet ing id the citizens to be held Weilnei- dtiy evening, the 28th. The meeting Monday evening was an enthusiastic ; one, and it is believed that the comtuit- 1 tee will have no difficulty in securing the right of way. Go Get Busy. “SUPERB” Tell me not in accents gloomy ”1 don’t get mi holiest chancel" That’s not so. the world is roomy, lio get busy—you'll advance. Life ts real, and work in earnest Never yet went underpaid; Chances come when fate looks sternest, Go get busy at your trade! Let the others grow l and grumble, Keep a-griimiug it you can, Pick yourself up, if you tumble— Go get busy—that’s the plan! Here's a good tip: go pursue it; Wkli. iikks.skt> mks srcoKss will kind. Clothing marked "SUPERB" will do it— Go get busy—buy that kind. Perfect style mid patterns pleasing, Workmanship the very best; Here’s a chance that's worth the seizing: Say ' SUPERB"—we’ll do the rest ! Tiu.* line of “Sl’PKRH" clothing for the coming sea son will I mill surprise and please you, for it is lietter Hiui prettier than ever. Visit its ami we will take pleasure in showing you our line. .•. .•. .•. 0RR AND POWELL Tax Receiver’s Notice. I-'IKST KOL'St). Newnan, Friday, April tl. Sharpsburg, Saturday. April 7, a. m. Turin. Saturday, April 7. p. in. ! Moreland, Monday, April 0, p. m. St. Charles, Tuesday, April 10, 8 to I 10 a. m. I Grantville Tuesday, April 10, p. m. j Kirby's Store, Wednesday, April 11, 8 | to 10 a m. Handy, Wednesday. April 11, p. m. Sargent, Thursday, April 13, 8 to 11 a. 111. Roseoo, Thursday, April 13, p. m. Cedar Greek, Friday, April 13, 8 to 10 a m. Coweta, Friday, April 1:1, p. ni. Palmetto, Satorday, April 14, until 2:80 p. m. Haralson, Monday, April 16, p. m. Setioia, Tuesday, April 17. For purpose of receiving State and County tax rcturus year 1906. The date from which returns of property are reckoned is Marcli 81. E. Gary Summers, R T. R. A FEW MORE COLD-BAND Cups, Saucers, Plates THEY MUST GO NOW 40c A fi'W more ({-inch White Plates, old price 50c A few more 7-inch White Plates, old Cfln price (50c tJUu A few more Jardiniors cheap as dirt. We have just one more 100-piece Dinner Set. A bargain for somebody, and see it. Come A few more Toilets Sets, to go cheap. We carry the high grade Hours, Postel’s Ele gant, Diamond, K. K. K., etc. With every -50 cent Pur chase of Crockery and Tin ware we will sell a 48-lb sack of Patent Flour for $1.25, 24 lb. sack for 55c. This is an unheard of price. You should avail yourself of both crock ery and tinware offers. We guarantee everything we sell. Next Sunday at Jones' Chapel, near Madras, Rev. W. S. Gaines will conduct a missionary rally and children's service. There will be morning and afternoon services, two sermons, and a program In the children. Visitors will receive ■a heartv welcome. .T T. Holmes, Real Estate aud Rent ing Agent. Office over 1st Nat. Bank. We carry a complete line of Groceries, Fruits and Con fectioneries—everything and anything that you want. Call to see us. We will supply your needs at the very best price that can be made. Give Us & Trial. 75c 15c A few more Cups and Saucers, old price #1, now A few more Butter Dishes, old price 25c, now A few odds and ends of Tinware and Enam el Ware that we must get rid of, and you need them. First come first served. A few more Mixing Bowls, cheaper than you ever heard of. We are agents for Chase & Sanborn’s Fam ous Coffee and Teas. Special—Force, per package ]Q C WANTED—lOOO lbs. good butter, 1 OOO dozen eggs and 1 OOO Chickens. NUNNALLY & BARRETT, The Bay Street Grocers Telephone 55