Newspaper Page Text
P. F. Cuttino 6 Co.
Ready Made Skirts and Waists.
^ '? are mow showing a complete line u f ready
made skirts in the fashionable colors and ma
terials well made and handsomely designed.
Ready-made silk shirt waists of black and white
dap silk trimmed in lace and embroidery.
Special Sale of Lawn Waists.
N\ e offer a large lot of ready-made lingerie
law n shirt waists at the following special prices:
Plain lawn (untrimmed). . 75c
Embroidered waists. .. $1.00
Mr. ami Mrs. Sanders Gibson
spent Monday in Atlanta.
Miss May Herring is at home
from college for the summer.
Mrs. Mattie Fischer, of Atlanta,
visited relatives in Xewnun this
Miss Grace Hawkins, of Ken
tucky, is the guest of Mrs. R. E.
Miss Pinkie Broom, of College
Park, is on a visit to Mrs. 1>. T.
Mrs. \V. A. Turner and Miss
Rowena Turner spent Monday in
Miss Jennie Hardaway is at
home from Shorter College fora
few days.
Miss Nelie Lou Walton and Miss
Rowena Turner spent last Friday
in Atlanta.
Mrs. Steve Smith is expected
home this week, after a delightful
winter in Florida.
Give us a chance
and we will save
you money.
Newnan Hardware Company
We make it ex
pensive to trade
We sell Southern Queen Ranges, the best
range made for the price. They fasl longer
than other ranges that cost more money, and
the repairs for the forty or fifty ranges now in
Newimn amounts to almost nothing.
We are now selling a first class coal burning
stove. High prices for wood are making llieso
very popular; if you are tired of buying high
priced stove wood let us help you.
blue Flame Odorless and Smokeless Oil
Stoves make summer cooking a pleasure. We
have the Standard Oil Company’s latest im
proved oil stove, in one, two and three burners.
Sliey are greatly improved over the 1005 model.
pleased with your purchase we take them back.
We carry nlll sizes mid styles, including ladies’
embroidery, manicure and left band scissors.
Our Keen Rutter Saws, Hatchets, Drawing
Knives, Planes, Adzes, Sheep Shears, Razors
and meat knives are fully warranted : you
can't buy better tools for any price
We have just received a shipment of house
paint, stains, varnishes and hard oil finish.
Our paint is strictly pure and sold under a
guarantee. We will save you money on paints,
oil, paint, brushes and all painters’ supplies.
i Local News of Newnan
Hr. Anderson, Dentist, Snlbide
Building. tl'
“Eclipse” shirts at P. F. Cut
tino & Co’s.
Mr. H. M. Fisher was in Atlan
ta last Friday,
Round thread laces at 1’. F. Cut
tino & Co’s.
The friends of Rev. V. A. Ham
j "’ill be glad to learn that he is
! convalesing, after a painful illness.
Wanted—Saleslady who has had
I some experience in millinery store.
Apply to New York Bargain Store,
Mrs. George i*. Harrison and lit
tle son, of Opelika, Ala., are the
guests of Dr. G. A. Nunnally and
Ladies, visit Miss Ella Turner’s
millinery store this week and next
i—the corner store in Reese opera
J. T. Kirby, Esq., spent Mon- house building,
day m Atlanta. i M - S8 wmie Mae Hardigree, of
Best China mattings at P. F.
Cuttino & Co’s.
Hugh Hackney, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday at home.
The best values in silks at P. F.
('uttino A: Co’s.
Straw hats for Easter at Barnett,
St. John & Co’s. 1
Linen lawns and sheetings at P.
F. Cuttino & Co’s.
Get your Easter on Hit at Bar
nett, St. John & Co’s. I
Heard county, is visiting Mr. O.
M. Cavemler and family of the 4th
Ladies, visit Miss Ella Turner’s
millinery store this week and next
—the corner store in Reese opera
house building,
Charlie Cole came up from
Montgomery Saturday on a short
Miss LucileThompson will leave
the latter part of next week for a
visit to New Orleans.
Mrs. Will Herring spent Sunday
and Monday with Misses Frances
and May Herring in Rome.
Mrs. Harry Hayward, of Savan
nah, is on a visit to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson.
Miss Eva Wrigley, who was the
popular guest of Mrs. Sam Banks,
returned to Atlanta Saturday.
Miss Estelle Smith, from Ope
lika, came up to attend the funeral
ol her cousin, Miss Jennie Burpee.
Mrs. W. W. Draper, of Atlanta,
arrived Tuesday afternoon on a
visit to her daughter, Mrs. H. H. j
Miss Sadie May Powel is expect
ed home this week, after a visit to
her sister, Miss Edith Powel, at
Perry, Ga.
Mr. J. S. Benton, of Sharpsburg
is in Newnan to receive medical
treatment. He is addicted with
erysipelas and one of liis arms may
| visit to li is grandmother, Mrs. | have to be amputated at the elbow.
Herring. * I Mr. Benton was brought to New-
Ladies, visit Miss Ella Turner’s hist Wednesday by Drs. R. E.
I millinery store this week and next! hosier ol Sharpsburg and E. L.
Our line of garden tools is complete. One The n „ w wooll (1 , liK i, f or Moms, furniture, and
and two pronged garden hoes, lawn rakes, po- „ croon d(J0I . H< Costs but little mid wears like
Into hooks and spading forks. •
A good, heavy garden trowel for 10c.
Peerless Iron Enamel
For grates, hoarlhs, etc. One pint can for 20c,
a brush free with every can.
Our scissors are the best. They are sold nil- In liquid or paste form will make your old
dor an absolute guarantee—if you are not stove just like new.
Newnan Hardware Co.
Special values in white goods at —the corner store in Reese opera! Merrill ol lurin.
P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. j house building. Tax Collector W. 8. Hubbard
For Rent—Several nice cottages.
Apply to L. 15. Mann, City, tf
40-inch white lawns at 10c and
15c yard at P. F. Cuttino <N Co's.
Mr. Stewart (’olespent Saturday
ail'd Sunday in Gainesville, Ga.
boys at P. F. Cuttino <.N Co’s.
New spring line of Monarch
Rev. S. R. C. Adams,of Atlanta, has placed registration books al
left Tuesday afternoon,after a v isit Sargent, Handy, Moreland, Grant-
of several days to friends and rela- ville, Turin, Senoia, Haralson,
lives in Newnan. !Sharpsburg and at Esquire L. A.
. ... .,,, , Houston’s in the Third district.
Ladies, visit Miss Lila lurner’s
. ... , . .'Voters are requested to note the
millinery store this week and next ,
,, ' . ., , places where they may register
—the corner store in Reese opera' 1 ■’ ,
New spring clothing for men and i, oust . buittiimr. |»»d to place their names on the
’ ! lists before April 21st.
There will be services at St.
Paul’s Episcopal Church on Sun- Miss Annie Arnold, daughlci of
Shirts at Barnett, St. John & Co’s. ( j April 8th, at 8:30 p. in., by Mr. A - Arnold of this city,
New line of men’s fancy socks at! the Rev. W. J. Moody. died in Milledgeville last week,
u i- „ v. i ' She had been an inmate of the
I.h. Cuttino A s. ; Ladies, visit Miss Ella Turner’s | gtate SanitarivUn since childhood,
Banister and walkover oxfords millinery store tins week and next for perhapH , r> or 20 years . having
at Barnett, St. John & Co’s. I —the corner store in Reese opera , K . come j„ san(! when about ten
, T . , housebuilding. 1 years of age as the result ofasc-
New lace and tapestry cm tains j vere illness. The remains were
at P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. 1. N. Drewry, ol Gnfhn, sue |)rought to Newnan last Saturday
Born—To Mr. anil Mrs. Eugene I cec,,s n - F - <ioburt “ ck ‘ 1 ,' k 1 and interred last Sunday.
.... , , ,ia„,ri,+„i. Bradley’s drug store, Mr. Gobert
last Sunday, a daughtt •, baving acccpto(l a positioI1 with Members of Phi Gamma Society
Holt and Cates. of Emor y Co] l«K« recently debated
the question, “Resolved, That
On Saturday, April 14th, al __________________________
Mineral Spring,from3 to 5 o’clock,
there will be an Easter egg limit
Clark Howell Instead of Hoke
Smith should be Georgia’s next
Governor.” Decision was render
ed in favor of the allii'iiiative side
in the debate. Among the speak
ers wore Mr. Ilenslee, of Senoia,
of the allii'iiiative, and <'. 11. <Juil-
I inn, of the negative.
Candidates Assessed.
At u meeting of the County Ex
ecutive Committee held Inst Tues
day, this resolution was adopted:
“Resolved, That the white Deni
oeratic voters at the primary elec
Mr. Quillian j tion to be held on April 2Kth, ex
is a son of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. press by ballot their choice lor
Quillian, of Newnan. Congressman for the Fourth Dis-
ln accordance with an act passed ' ^fit. 'Flint said choice he express
at the last session of the General H >'■ accordance with rules and
Assembly, Tax Receiver Summers ! regulations which have been adopt
is required to make a census of ex ‘”1 hn'said primary election ”
Confederate soldiers and their wid-
del'rny primary expenses. Assess
ments must be paid on or before
April llltli, to insure placing of a
candidate’s name on ballots.
Committee decided to open polls
only at, Welcome in Hurricane dis
trict and id Sargent and Roseoo in
Panther < 'reck district.
Negro Discharged in Murder
Clapp and Douglas oxfords at P.
F. Cuttino A Co’s.
Wanted—A gentle buggy horse,
at the New York Bargain Store.
For cheap poultry and hog feed,! for benefit of the Presbyterian
go to W. S. Askew Co. 52 church. Admission, 10 cents.
Ziegler shoes and Oxfords in the! Mesdames W. G. Sadler and
new spring styles, at P. F. Cuttino Glenn Arnold, ol Grantville, were
& Go’s. in Newnan yesterday to attend the
For ' Itent—A good four-room O.m-ral of the little daughter of
house in east Newnan. Apply to 'i'-aiul VIis. tin, . inn ,ji.
A. B. Cates. 1 Tax Receiver E. Gary Summers
Brussels, Kashmir, Ingrain and will open his books at his office in
Axminster art Squares atP. F. the court house today. He will
Cuttino & Co’s. be at Sharpsburg and Turin tomor-
, . .. ... row. See notice of his rounds else-
We can lit you out in hue attire . ... ., ..
j where in this week’s News,
for Easter. Give us a call.
1 Barnett, St. John & Co. A.G. W. Foster, jr., formerly
Lost—A bnnch of keys. Please with the Peniston drugstore has
return to the Southern Express accepted a position with I otts &
„ . , , ■ Parks. R. D. Archer, of Frank-!
Office and get reward. ' ]Ui} has returned to Newnan and
Mercerized gauze lisle hose for resume( ] b j s position at Peniston’s.
women, extra quality 25c a pair,,
at P. F. Cuttino & Co’s. Rev. A. C. Tanner and wife, ol
, . Griffin, are conducting three
J. S. Powel has returned to week , s meetings att be Free Metho-1
Newnan, after a several months ^ Missj()n> npstairs> next doorj
stay at Murfreesboro, lenn. to j -p .Swint’s store. The meet-
Next Sunday at 11 o’clock, a. m. ings began last Saturday night, j
and 7:30, p. m., Rev. C. O’N. Mar- An invitation is extended to every- j
tindale will preach at Turin. j bedy to attend the meetings.
John Logan Johnson, colored,
charged with the murder of An
The sub-committee, composed of drew Jackson, colored, was tried
ows in connection with his duties W. A. Bohannon, W. B. Martin before Justice Bohannon last Mon
in receiving the tax returns. The W. L. Stallings, met on Tues- day. He was discharged in the
census will show names, companies , day and assessed candidates for murder case, but was held for car-
and regiments of surviving soldiers j county offices for the purpose ol rying a concealed weaponjhis bond
and of deceased soldiers whose wid- defraying expenses of the primary, being lixed at $*150.
ows survive, and other facts con- 1 , w f 0 u 0WH; i Attorney W. C. Wright repre*
nccted with the enlistment and dis- Candidates for Congress and sen ted Johnson ami Attorney \Y.
H Representatives, ¥25; Sheriff,* lerk L. Mailings uppeared lor the .State
and Tax Collector, $*15; Tax Re- at the trial,
eeiver, $*10; Coroner, $*2.50; Trcas- ■■■-
urer, $*l 00. i “The Twelve” will lie entertain-
The assessment will raise $*2l(>, ( .,| |,y Mrs. II. If. North this (Fri-
all of which will be necessary to day) afternoon at three o’clock.
In Our Repair
Mr. F. J. Flannery, who haw had
charge of our repair department dur
ing the past ten years, leaves April 1
to establish a business for himself.
He is succeeded by Mr. G. T. Sulli
van, a gentleman who lias had 18
years experience in the jewelry busi
ness in Aniericus, where lie was rail
way watch inspector for the Sea
board Air Line System. Mr. Sulli
van is an expert watchmaker and
repairer, and this store is fortunate
in having him in charge of thp repair
department. His services are a guar
antee of first-class work and prompt
We thank the numerous patrons of
our repair department for past busi
ness and ask their consideration and
patronage in the future.
The Jeweler
Itn OliMcrvniMM* In dourly a Relic of
Old I'uicaii Time*.
The observance of Allhallow eve,
or Halloween, is clearly a relic of pa
gan Ilmen, for there Is nothing In the
church observance of the ensuing day
at All Saints to have originated midi
extraordinary notions as are connected
with this celebrated festlvafor such re
markable practices as those by which
it Is distinguished. The leading Idea
respecting Halloween is that it Is the
time of all others when supernatural
inlluences prevail. It Is the night, set.
apart for the walking abroad of spirits,
both of the visible and Invisible world.
One of the special characteristics at
tributed to ibis mystic evening Is the
faculty conferred on the Immaterial
principle of man to detach Itself from
the body and wander abroad through ;
the realms of space. Divination, or
second sight, is believed then to attain j
its highest power, and the gift asserted j
by Glendower of calling spirits from
"the vasty deep” becomes then at the I
command of all who choose to avail ■
themselves of the privileges of the oc
casion. There Is a .cmarkuble uni
formity In the fireside customs of this
night In al) parts of Great Britain.
Nuts and apples are everywhere In
requisition and are consumed In im
mense quantities. Indeed, the name
Nutcraek night, by which Halloween
Is known In the north of ICngland, Indi
cates the predominance of nuts In the
entertainments of the evening. They
are not only cracked and euten, but ure
made the means of divining and proph
esying In love affuirs. Apples are also
used in many of the evening games for
the same purpose.
Wo arc 1 lirougli with the Opening. While wo
Held a great many lints, we are receiving new ones
by express and we can show you a most complete
line of millinery. We have everything that’s
swell and all the latest styles. Drop in and let’s
tulk over a spring hat. We can pleuse you. W e
carry nothing Gut the lies! a $*5,000 stock to se
lect from.
Mrs. Lela Adams