The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 06, 1906, Image 7
L $49.22 For this beautiful Top Buggy, manu factured by ua here in Atlanta. Georgia. A Southern Buggy for Southern trade, naa a fine Leather Quarter Top, ha* genuine Leather, Spriug Bottom Cuahioti. and Leather Back, ia elegantly painted and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price $(kV0u to $75.00. 90 I*?* thW fine Collar and Hume, • nickel mounted Harness. sold with every GOLDEN HAGLU BUGGY, regular retail price 112.60 to $15.01) Catalog and full description aent on request. (HOLDEN EAGLE Bl'GGT CO. 15&-160 Edge wood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. / KHUMXXEIl FOUNTAIN BRUSH - Th« above illustration, drawn from life, ahowe a Knickerbocker Fountain Bniah In uae. The brush is made of fine velvety Indie Rubber and is so perfectly pliable aa to easily fit every curve of the numan figure. It cun be instantly at tached to any water faucet, and but the turn of e faucet is reeded to regulate the • temperature of the water to please the bather. The water flows out through 595 tiny pliable rubber teeth to the bath- er’a infinite delight and perfect satisfac tion. It ia a happy invention, vastly eupertor to all other bathing devices, and ia endorsed by Physicians, Ministers, Phyatca! Directors, Health and Beauty Specialists, and people In all walks of life.* Every brush Is fully guaranteed. For naUt by W* Ij. sexton. The Newnan Plumber. New Arnnlt building. Phone 15H ANNOUNCEMENTS. KOH TAX HECKIVKK. I hereby nnnonnco myself n candidate for Tax Receiver, subject to the Demo cratic primary. I am in the race to n finish this time, and will appreciate the support of my friends and fellow-citi zens. F. O. Watkins. I am a candidate for Tax Receiver, subject to action of the Democratic pri mary. Am not physically able to per form manual labor but can attend to duties of tbis office and feel that lam qualified to fill it. Will appreciate the i support of all my follow citizens. .T. H. Yot'Nu. I hereby announce myself a candidate , for Tax Receiver, subject to the Demo cratic piimary of Coweta County; and will appreciate the support and influence of my friends and fellow citizens. John Askkw. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary ot Campbell County, Geor gia, granted at the March term, llHHi, there will be sold before the court bouse door of Coweta County, in tho city of Ncwnnn, wit I mi the legal hours ot sale, on tlie first Tuesday in May, i'.IOtl, to the highest bidder, the following property, towit: A certain lot in the city of Newnan, Coweta County, Georgia, beginning at a point on the east side of Perry Street in tlie center of a wall dividing said lot from the lot of J. T. Williams (formerly for county treasurer, subject to notion T. B. Davis) and running north along Musical Instruments the cast side of said Perry Street the distance of fifty-four feet and seven inches, and said lot running book onst of the Democratic primary. To My Friends and Fellow Citizens: I am a candidate for County Treasurer from said street, same width, two bun- —am poor, infirm, and need the office, deed and twelve feet, more or loss, to I submit my candidacy to the people line of property of R. D. ('ole Mfg. Co. subjoot to tlie Democratic primary, and Also, a certain house nod lot in the city shnll appreciate nil the help I can get. of Newnan, Coweta County, Georgia, W. B. W. Dent. the line of said lot beginning at a point on the east side of Perry Street fifty-four I hereby announce my candidacy for j ^ oet Hlld M ’ v "" indies north from the tlie office of County Treasurer, subject ocntcroftlie wall on the north side of to the notion of the Democratic primary. * ot ' 4- Williams (formerly T. 11. Inin an ex-Confedernto soldier, 7d years Davis) and running north along the enst of age; having served fouv yenrs in First side of said Perry Street tlie distance of Georgia cavalry, in which I received fifty-four feet and seveu indies, and said wounds permanently disabling me. I running back east from said Perry will appreciate the support of my Street two hundred and twelve feet, friends. Samuel Hkkkino. ««>« or le *s, t<> hue of property of R. D. Cole Mfg. Co.; but the north line of this lot inclines southward enough so that the east end of the lot will lie only forty- I hereby nunounce myself a candidate nine feet and one inch wide. Also a KOH ri.K.HK. for Clerk of the Superior Court, subject, to tlie action of the Democratic primary; and if elected, promise faithful and ef- house and lot in the city of Newnan, Coweta County, Gcorgin, tlie line of said lot beginning nt tlie corner of Mndi- I take this method of notifying my > of t , )(( friends that I nm a candidate for Tax j Receiver, subject to tlie Democratic pri mary, ami shall be deeply grateful for tlie support and assistance of my friends ami fellow-citizens. T. J. Wilkinson. flrient service in discharging tlie duties ' sou and Jackson streets, oiijtlie enst side Hen it y L. Banks. of said Jnekson street, and running Insurance I am a candidate for the office of Thx Receiver, subject to tlie action of the Democratic primary, and respectfully solicit tlie support of my friends and fellow-citizens. C. H. Newton. Fire, KOH TAX CO 1.1, KOTO It. north along said Jnekson street sixty eight feet and nine inches, and said lot ruuuing Imek east from Huid Jackson street, same width, and along said Madi son street one hundred and three feet, more or less, to line of wiiat is known ns the Palmer place. Also a vacant lot in the city of Newnan, Coweta County, Georgia,the line of said lot beginning oil the enst side of Jackson street at a point sixty-eight feet and nine inches north lama candidate for Representative, from the corner of Madison and Jackson subject to tlie Democratic primary, and streets, nn.l running north along the will appreciate the support of all voters east side of said Jackson street the ilis- I hereby nntiounon my candidacy for re-election to the office of Clerk of tlie Superior Court, subject to tlie notion of tlie Democratic primnry election, and will appreciate tlie hearty support of tlie voters of tlie county. Lynch turneh. KOH It KIMt KB UN TATI V K. Life, Accident, Hurfflnry, Tornado, / ' \: v Policies — MRS. W. Y. ATKINSON & CO. Newnan, Ca. I hereby announce myself n cnndidnti for Tax Collector, subject to tho Demo cratic primnry. If elected, I will dis charge tlie duties of tlie office to tlie j best of my ability. Will employ help, . where help is needed. J. H. Hyde. Mr. J. H. Hyde has suffered for years, and is now suffering from ehrnnic ulcer ! of left leg, which renders him unable to perform mnnunl labor. of tlie county. M. H. Couch. A “talking machine" furnishes lots of nmnseinent and i»l«**u*nrc*. We soil all the best machines. Have in stock Columbia anti Victor graphophones, “Talkophones M and “Zonophones,” ami records lor all of these machines. Visit onr store and we will entertain von with onr “talking machines." and quote onr unusually low ju ices for them. We sell Organs, Pianos anti nil kinds of musical instruments of the best manufacture. For cash purchasers or on (lie installment plan onr prices arc the lowest and onr terms the best. OEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, GA. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY Alljwork guaranteed to be first class in every particular. I’arlies needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD FUNCTION NEWNAN, CEORCIA MERCK & DENT IMPROVED HIGH GRADE BUGGIES tanoe of sixty-eight feutand nine inches, and miid lot- running hack cast, Hama I am a candidate for ra-elactiou to tho width, one hundred and t wo feat, more Lower House of tho Georgia Logistic or less, to line of what is known ns tlie lure, subject to notion of tlie Demoorn- Palmer place Also a vacant lot in tlie tie primary, and solicit, tlie support, and city of Newnan, Coweta County, Geor votes of all citizens of my county. I. N. Oita. . KOJt (OKONKH. A. A. Barge, M.D. 1 am a candidate'for Coroner of Gow- G. W. Paddy, M. D. eta county, subject to action of tho •Tosinh L. Barge, M. D. i Democratic white primary, and will bo ! glad to Imvo nil tho voters consider my To the Democratic Voters of Coweta claims ami give mo their support. County: J. W.Kelley. Hnviug recently been elected to fill, the unexpired term of Rev. FT. R. Da- I hereby announce myself a candidate of what is known as the Palmer plnoe, I vies, late tax collector of Coweta county, j for Coroner, subject to nation of tin? and so that east end of said lot will lie and having less than one venr in which Democratic primary of Coweta county, only sixty-seven feet and nine inches Tho support and votes of all my fellow citizens will be appreciated. C. A. Buukkk. gin, (lie line of said lot beginning oil tl,o east side of .fa oil son street at a point, one hundred and thirty-seven feet and six inches north from the corner of Mad • son and Jackson streets and running north nlnng the east side of said Jnekson street, a distance of sixty-eight feet and nine inches, more or less, to Wesley street and said lot running hack east from said Jackson street and along Wesley street tlie distance of one hun dred and one feet, more or less, to line T. M. MARTIN to fill tlie office and feeling that in jus tice to myself, I should bo given a full term, I hereby respectfully announce my enndidnoy for tax collector for tlie long term, subject to the rules and reg- i illations of the Deuiouniiic Executive - Committee. Thanking my friends for their pnst support, I hope by diligent nt- ! tent ion to tho duties of tlie office to mer- , it t heir continued confidence and esteem. W. S. H CUBA HI). NOTICE. KOH KIIKKIKK. Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. i 15 jfj Expert work and low prices win. Shop op- 41 posite Pinson Hotel. I a point on its line of road in tho p] I nm a candidate for re-election to tlie 41 office of Sheriff’ of Coweta county, sub ject to notion of tin: Democratic white primary. Tlio support and votes of all of Georgia, at or my fellow citizens will be appreciated. Springs thence in wide, more or less. Tlie first two lots above described be ing tlie Hunter property, and liio last throe lots being tho Bradley projs-rty. To lie sold ns tlie property of Mary E. — Sims, deceased, for the purpose of mak- Resolved, By the Hoard of Di-1 >"« distribution amongst, the heirs at rectors of Atlanta, Birmingham »»' v of iluceaaedr The order from j a.i „• -i i tin- court of Ordinary of Campbell Conn- and Atlantic Railroad Company , . , 1 3 ty authorizes the sale to take place ill that this railroad be extended, ora Coweta County, whoro tho property lios, branch road be built, from a point Terms: One-third cash, halanue pay- on its line of road along the fol- able 1st day of November, HKKl, with lowing route, viz: Extending trom 1 h " en ‘ Ht from datc of Haln ,lt HIX l"’ r oent per annum; purchaser to give note and receive bond for title, or all cash if pur- Joseph L. Brown. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Coweta County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I have find experience in the sheriff’s cilice and, if elected, promise to faith fully and impartially discharge the du ties encumbent upan me. J. A. Stephens. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the Democratic primary of Coweta comity; and will ap preciate the support of my friends and fellow citizens. As to my ability to fill tlie office, I respectfully refer to my The- 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasion- i e - 0 r(l as U member of the police force R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind county of Meriwether, in the state chaser prefers. Purchasers of the two near Warm houses nnd lots will not get possession a generally dll Nov. 1st, lliofi, but will receive the northwardly direction through the r, ' nlH thereof in tlie mean time. I Ins , .. . . u * . April fil'd, 11100. W. T. Sims, counties of Meriwether, Coweta, s ^ Payette, Campbell and Pulton to Adnir's. of estate of Mary K Sims, or near the city of Atlanta, in the deceased, county of Fulton, state of Georgia ■— He It Purther Resolved, rhat Excursion Kate* via Central of Georgia Railway the officers of the company be and p> Jacksonville, Florida, Account Southern they are hereby authorized and Wholesale Grocer.’ Asiociaiion April . . , . . . ... , 17-Id, 1906. directed to advertise this resolu tion as provided by law and file a f,ne ^ are P' lls 2 5 cents round certified copy of the same and of tr 'l J > tickets ,n sa| e April 15'h, the advertisement in the office of 1 Gth, and for trains scheduled to the Secretary of State and to take arrive Jacksonville before noon A Tip Top Job in lht> repairing of earringes, wagons anti other vehicles is tin* only kind we attempt or turn out., lienee onr suet-ess in repair work. W e want your business when you have any thing in our line mid we’ll satisfy you in |>rice ns well 11s work. We use only the best, colors anil v arnish, thus gelling Hie la-si results in bug gy painting. < let one. MERCK & DENT Buggy Builders. Legal Blanks A stock of all kinds of Legal Blanks will be found at the NEWS OFFICE. The stock in cludes Notes, Mortgages, Deeds, Bonds and all blanks used by business men, as well as those used only by justices, constables and attorneys. All of these blanks are regular in form, and the paper and printing are exceptionally good. In fact, no blanks printed in the State look better or will give the users better satifaction. Prices are the same as other printers charge for blanks. THE NEWS solicits business in this line; and guarantees that users of these blanks will be entirely pleased with them. Tht<fHinily bottle <00 cents 1 contains 11 supply for n year.All driggiKtH sell them. ” TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO of Newnau during the past ten years. J. D. BREWSTER. KOH TUKASI UKU. all such other acts as are neces sary or proper under the law in order to make the said extension or build the said branch road. ot April 17, 1906. Pinal return limit of tickets, April 25. 1906. P'or further information, apply to nearest ticket agent. I, R. E. Cullinane, Secretary I am a candidate for Treasurer, sub- of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Railroad Company, do P P p pinTCl) P pn '5 jeet to action of tlie primary on April Atlantic 4 j, L. UK ILK U vU.j I 2S, 1906. i have been disabled for eight , , I € OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, ^ r t when you want them | I cleaned, pressed, repaired jg % or dyed in the best manner j| and at the most reasona- i ble prices. Do you want to subscribe for any newspaper or magazine published iu tlie United States? If so, your ^sub scription will be received at die News office. tf Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable A happy home is tin- most valuable possession that is within the reach of mankind, hut you cannot enjoy ils com forts if you are suffering from rheuma tism. You throw aside business cares . .. . hereby certify that the foregoing years and cannot see the people person- ’ 3 fa ft ally, hut will be pleased if the voters a Due and correct copy of reso- will consider my claims and give me Iution adopted at a meeting of the when you enter your home and you can their support. J. S. Stephens. directors of Atlanta, Birmingham be relieved from those rheumatic pains and Atlantic Railroad Company nUo by apI,lyl, *K Chamberlain's Pain lama Candidate for County Treas- hel(1 on M arc h ,9 6. urer of Coweta county, subject to ue- «•/-. , , , . , J J Witness my hand and the seal of said corporation this March 7, 1906. R, E, Cullinane, 52 Secretary. tion of the Democratic primary. Will appreciate the support of every voter of tlie county, and jiromise faithful service to tlie county’s interests, if elected. John N. Neill. Balm. One application will give yon relief and its continued use for a short time will bring about a permanent cure For sale by Dr. Haul Penistoi), Newnan. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure is Smith's Sure Kidney Cure. Your Smith a Sure Kidney Cure. druggist will refund your money if af- The only guaranteed kidney remedy, ter taking one brittle you are not satis- !Ai cents at Holt & V The friends of Mr. T. A. MoCullougli, an old and worthy citizen of Haralson Buy it—try it—it costs yeu nothing if fled with lesults district, announce him as a oandidate it fails. Price 60 cents at Holt & Cutes’. . Cates’ DR. T. B. DAVIS, Ktsidcme Telephone No. ,Y3 Call,. Z. Greeno, 1). D. K, DR. W. A. TURNER, Residence Telephone No. 64. Office on Second Floor of Drs. Davis & Turner If lack Bros. ('o.’s Building I’hysicitins and Surgeons Ij. M Fanner, Newnan, Georgia. LAWYER. Offices in Sanatorium Building, corner Office on Second Floor of tU>- A mail College and Huncook streets. Tele phone No. 6-2calls. Merchandise Co.'s Building Dr. O. A. Smith, Tax Notice. City tax receiver’s hooks will he oj>en ?.t the Council Chamber April 1, 19 6. All owners of real VETERINARIAN, Treats all diseases of domestic animals or personal pro|K*rty, are expected to make their schedules in person and to qualify to correctness of the same. E. D FOUSE, Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s Livery .Stable. For anything in music or tuusi- 52 City Clerk. cal instruments telephone No. lfffi.