The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 27, 1906, Image 5
J. T. HOLLKMAN', rnKSIDKNT. W. I.. KEMP, VICE ANI) TRFAS. .1. \V. ANOK1AVS, SKCRETAKT. LOANS OF $1,000 TO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. Atlanta, Georgia. Attorney Wanted to Act as Local Correspondent OLD TIME LEGAL METHODS. WHITE GOODS Varied Assortment Extraordinary Values The advent of warm wenthpr will create an un precedented demand for white washable fuhrica. The proper styles of goods are very scarce, and had we not placed our orders early we would have been unab'e to secure many choice lines, which we now have in abundance. We also bought these goods at a great saving in price from present quotations. We direct especial at tent ion to our lines of Lingerie Lawns Wash Chiltons Dotted Swisses Persian Lawns Batiste Mulls Embroidered Swisses il When the Evidence of (.boats Sufficed to Hnnit Men. The testimony of n ghost would not now count for much In n court of law, but the day lias been when It 1ms sufficed to lump a man. There was a ghostly accuser In n ease with which the readers of Scott arc familiar. Soon after the "45” an English soldier wan dering near Brnemar met a violent death. Years passed and then came a story of a communication from another world. A farm servant declared that In the night a spirit had appeared to him de claring Itself to he the ghost of the soldier, whose hones, It Is said, lay still unhurled. The highlander must see to their decent Interment and have the murderers, two men named, brought to justice. The highlander promised, hut did not keep Ills word, and a second anil third time the spirit appeared and upbraided him for his breach of faith. Alarmed at last and no longer daring to delay, the man called a companion and went to the spot which the spirit had Indicated and there found the hones of the mur dered warrior concealed In n moorland trnot called the hill of Christie. The story of the highlander came to the ears of an nntl-.Tacobltc. who caus ed the matter to lie brought to trial before the court of Judiciary, Edin burgh. There the tale was corroborat ed by a woman who had seen n naked figure enter the place on the night I spoken of by the man. It was an age of superstition In a district more than I commonly given to superstition, and 1 the Jury seemed disposed to find the I two men charged guilty of the murder, j but It happened flint the principal wit- I ness spoke only Quelle. “Now.” said the counsel for the defense, "in what j language did the ghost speak?” "In as good Quelle as 1 ever heard In Loch- aber." was the reply. "Pretty good for ; the ghost of an English soldier,” said counsel, and that question and com- i ment saved the necks of the inen at the bnr. The Jury could believe In n ghost, i but not In an English ghost speaking Qaello.—London Standard. Crepe and tissue paper, all col- | local Ins il tan IfT'SCCL. was in town Monday and Tuesday ■ mingling with the boys and “talk- Dr. Anderson, Dentist, Salbide j Big politics. ’ Building. ti | Fresh lino of Powell’s line can- Mr. \V. S. Dent left Tuesday for ,lk ‘ s > “t Boose’s Drug Store. New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Folger re- Stioky fly paper at Beese’s Drug turned to Atlanta last Monday, af- g^ ore> ! ter visiting Mr. W. H. Holmes and family for several days. New lot Talcum powders, all kinds, at Beese’s Drug Store. The Newnun Market iS; lee Co. is serving native heel to its patrons. NAMING A TOWN. W. T. Arnall, Esq..was up from Henoia last Wednesday. Lace curtains, portierre curtains at P. E. < 'uttino & ('o.’s. How Abilene ( nine to lie Selected by Mra. Heraer. Abilene wan named by the wife of the founder of the town, T. F. Hersey, With her husbnnd she had come to central Kansas In the spring of 1857. They lived In a log house on the west side of Mud creek and were the first settlers on the town site, although no town then existed nor was there one nutII 18(10. Then C. II. Thompson, who had moved to the county from I.cuven- worth. bought from the Kansas I’a- elllc Hallway company a tract east of Horsey's and laid out a town. When It came to tho naming of the future city Mr. Thompson went to Hersey and asked him to suggest a name. “No,” was tho reply, “let my wife do It. She is a great reader.” Mrs. Horsey was a graduate of a Col. Frank H. Loftin, of Frank lin, is in Newnan this week. ! Capt. J. A. Hunter and family and |?* h ? fl “ eenth , of V.',® 1 .... ' Tiberius Caesar, I’onllus I’llate being Mrs. B. II. Hardaway and lamily. governor of Judaea * * * and Lysanlus ,, . ,,, . ... , tho totrurcb of Abilene." Best China mattings and other j „ 0nll (hfi town . Abllene .- - Ba ld she. Iloor coverings at P. I 1 ’. < 'uttino «X: "it means ‘City of the Plains,’ and that (Jo.’s. | exactly describes the location." So Abilene it was, and In tho fight We have plenty of beef from for the county seat, wherein it contest- those line, Coweta-raised, Hereford f wl,h Ne "'l>°rt. Smoky Hill and Uu- , | ion City, all long since pnssed away, good fortune atteuded It, and the new town became the county capital for tho .‘578 dwellers then In county.—Kansas City Star. Mi. Ed Dominick was up 1,0111 1 [t ,lelijvhtH every housekeeper and K, ' ml,mi '.v hi the east, and her little Turin last Wednesday. i , library, which she carried with her In , , ,, 000k - All orders lilletl promptly, j j lop wandering*, was one of the ties Bowmans Bed Bug poison, At Riaek grate enamel for polishing that bound her to the girlhood life. She neese’s Drugstore. ■ . , ,, , ... was a devout Methodist and knew her 1 ,r, ' ate b at Beese’s I H ug Store. n„ )lo fron , .. C0V er to cover.” When Mr. J. S. Simonton, a leading ? ho noodle name the town she 7 # turned to tue New Testament for buk* Citizen ol ( arrollton, was in tile gestlon. There, In the third chapter of New patterns in line laces just j city tile first of this week, visiting Luke, first verse, she found this: "Now opened at P. F. (’uttino & (’o.’s. Presiding Elder B. P. Allen of the LaGrange District, was in the! city yesterday. Fine perfumes and toilet waters,; at Iteese’tj Drug Store. Park Newton, from Jackson, (ieorgia, was the guest of friends in the city last Sunday. Big line toilet soaps at all prices, at Beese’s Drug Store. Messrs. If. H. North and N. E. l’owel spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. Will Harris at Farnidale. Big line of shoe polish,all kinds, .at Reese’s I)rug Store. For Sale—100 bushels Speckled and Unknown Peas and 100 bush els cane seed. Orr & Powell. A full line of men’s two-piece suits at P. F. ('uttino & Co.’s. Hon. J. B. Ware,of Heard coun ty, was shaking hands with friends in Newnan last Saturday. Domestic Ammonia for cleaning purposes, at Beese’s Drug Store. Judge B. F. Brown, one of Car rollton’s worthy citizens, was a visitor to Newnan last Saturday. cattle. Give us your orders lot any kind of cut desired. Newnan Market & Ice Co. Fly poison paper. It kills Hies and insects. At Beese’s Drug Store. The West never furnished cattle finer than our native Coweta coun ty Herefords. All kinds of cuts from these Herefords are being served by Newnan Market & fee Co. Electric straw hat cleaner makes old hats look new; at Beese’s Drug Store. FleMliinnLliiic Food. Cream gruel, according to an emi nent English authority, is the Ideal nourishment for thin folk. A teacupful taken ut night Immediately before re tiring is said to give marvelous results. To ho at its best It must he perfectly made, then thinned with sweet cream. Taken in that condition and warm, It Is agreeable as well as fattening and produces Just that sense of satisfied hunger essential to Ideal rest. It Is claimed that perseverance In Ihe treat ment yields such apparent results that the cheeks can be seen to expand from day to day. C. B. Grimes has been commis sioned Notary Public and Ex. Off. Justice of the Peace in the <>47th District, G. M., of this county. He was sworn in last Wednesday by Ordinary L. A. Perdue. New lot of insect Powders at at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. climb the tree, tentiou. Reese’s Drug Store. W. C. Wright, Esq.,of Newnan, Give us a chance and we will save you money. Newnan Hardware Company We make it ex pensive to trade elsewhere. Tlu> “Wonder” freezers combine the good points of all the best makes of cream freezers. A hinged top allows Ihe can to be removed <>r its contents to be examined without removing the top. Tho narrow space between bucket and can makes it possible to freeze cream with very little ice. A specially mnde gear revolves the can after the scraper has been removed. A “Wonder” will freeze four quarts in live minutes. Don't buy an old-style, out-of-date freezer, and take four times as long—get a “Wonder.” 2-quart size #1.110 H-quart. size . 2.25 4-quart size 2.75 (l-quart size 11.50 Refrigerators. Our “Baldwin” dry air refrigerators are made of bard wood and nicely polished. Heavy zinc ice chamber and removable sides make cleaning easy. "Baldwins’' are air tight, and give the best results in preservative qualities and in econ omy of ice. Prices are— 115 llis. ice capacity . . . # 0.50 50 llis. ice capacity 10.50 00 lbs. ice capacity 12.50 SO lbs. ice capacity . 15.50 Ice Chests. Solid oak. odorless ice chests, cheap, durable and economical. Prices, #5 to *15. Hose Reels Moulded on wheels, made of seasoned hickory. Price, *1.25. Rubber Hose LEADER one-lmlf inch 5-ply rubber hose in 50-foot lengths (no charge for couplings) per foot, iS I-2c. RELIANCE one-half inch 5-ply rubber Imsc in 25 or 50 foot lengths (no charge for coup lings ), per foot, tie. RELIANCE thrco-quurtci'H inch, 5-ply rub ber hose, 25- or 50-foot lengths (no eluirgc lor couplings), per foot, 10c. CARBON one-hull'inch hose, per loot, 11«•. CARBON H I inch hose, per foot, 12 1 -2c*. Spray Nozzles, U5e. Tin and Galvanized sprinklers and watering pots from 25c to 75c. Newnan Hardware Co. The \(‘iv Ak<- of t'lolln-N. It Is apparent to every e.v« that tbi ts thi! new age nl' clothes. Dress mis always been a passion with some; now it is a cult. Women go down on their knees before II; men how to it! It Is what “makes the world go round." Love as a motive power takes olT Ids hat to Ihe plumage of superior woman, Including Inferior man's. At least It looks (Ills way to the vivlseetlonlut of modern society. The value of clothes, supremely art fill and enticing clothes, Is understood by tho theall'ical profes sion. Human nature has It on the brain—this belief In the sovereign pow er of tho “exquisite dresser”—and It becomes doubly Interesting for those who hitherto lm<eii't known a frill from a tuck to study out the effect It has even on the most Important events of the hour.—Boston Herald. “ Easy Bright” deans and pol ishes Hilvcr, brass and all kinds of metal, at Reese’s Drug Hlore. Ask to see “our special” all linen yard wide cambric, price 50c a yard. I*. F. ('uttino A Go. Easy Method Furniture I’olish for cleaning and polishing’ furni ture, at Reese’s Drugstore. (S <r MILLINERY I lie Opening. While we sold n groat many Imts, wo are receiving now nuns by express and wo cun show you a iiiuhI complete lino of millinery. We Imvo everything that’s swell and all the latest styles. Drop in and let’s talk over a spring hut. Wo can please you. Wo curry nothing bill the best—a #5,00(1 slock to so led, from. The Pepper Vine. The pepper vine grows best In a wooded valley where there Is plenty of moisture and abundant foliage to pro tect It from the heat of the sun. It Is given a rude sort of cultivation. The growers plant It. keeping the grass from Its roots, and when the tree near which It Is planted has no lower Tho lmst values in hosiery in all branches strings or poles are placed In the desirable weights and qualities proper position to enable the vine to It needs no further ut- Mr. E. A. Heard,the well known s»rc*«tio. wholesale merchant of Borne, who ‘‘Yes. my dear; I believe in transml- was Memorial Day orator at Fay-1 is 0 ne of northwest Georgia’s load- nation of souls. I may be a brute in . . my next life.” iug business men, was in Newnan “Wouldn’t that he discouraging—or last Sunday, tho guest of Capt. J. don't you care for a change?”—IIous- B. Goodwyn and family. ton I>0Bt ' . etteville on last Thursday, April 2(ith. Flower, field and garden seed, at lteese’s Drug Store. Ziegler’s shoes and oxfords “as In Plain Words. "What,” asked the Judge, "wag the Misses Jennie Banks Arnold and good as currency.” Now spring cause of the altercation?” Lucile Banks, of Grantville, were j.styles on sale by P. F. Cuttino & “I didn’t see auny, yer honor, but it the guests of Mrs. Sam Banks last j ('o. Monday. Linen lawns, linen cambrics, was him callin' me a liar that shturted the fight”—Chicago Record-Herald. sale ell’s Twenty-five Berkshire pigs for j linen sheetings—the right styles Tj* e Bengal canal, 000 miles In length, twenty u.c -» te. ' !• the longest artificial water course In le. Leave orders at Orr & Pow- at the lowest prices, at P. r . Cut- the worl d. 4 i tino & Co.’s. Bicyles for Boys and Girls Our Crescent and Yale bicy cles for boys and girls are the wheels for young people. They are standard wheels, made of first-class material in the most substantial manner. They are light, easy running and grace- mi. In fact, they are beauties, and the possession of either a Yale or Crescent will make any boy or girl happy. Cycling is a most healthful form of exercise for boys and girls, as well as the means of furnishing them lots of pleas ure. Parents, give the boys and girls a chance to enjoy the delights of cycling. Crescents and Yale* for boys and girls priced at #1(5 to #25. H. S. BANTA (U, % Mrs. Lela Adams rb Standing Rock. The following program has been ar- I ranged by a committee for tho Holiday ! School rally which is to take place hero j the fifth Sunday: Exercises begin at »:80 a. m. with 1 prayer by Hev. E. A. Ware. Hong service. B0 minutes. 10:00—Address by J. C. Elmore, of Carmel. 10:80—Address by Kov. K. A. Ware, i Intermission, 10 minutes. 11:00—Preaching by Kov. George W. Barrett, of Palmetto. Intermission, one hour. 1:00— Hong service, 20 minutes 1:20—Address by Mr. U. M. North, of Henoia. 2:00—Sunday School lesson. Intermission, 10 minutes. 2:40—Hong service, ‘^0 minutes, L. G. Morgan, of Newnan, sisint Sun day at the hedside of his mother, Mrs. H. A. Entrekin, who is very siok. Mrs. Pearl Henley, of South Georgia, is spending a few days with relatives here. Wither Coueli and John Drake spent Sunday at County Line. “Uncle Thomas” McCullough, who lives near Haralson, spent Saturday night with J. T. Addy and family. J. F. Wilson and family end Miss Howlotte Knott spent Saturday night, and Sunday with relatives near Oak Grove. ! At the Presbyterian Church next B;ibbath Bov. ('. O’N.Mar- , lindale will preach at 11 a. in. on “The Heavenly Vision,” and at 7:.‘K) p. in. on “Nearness to God.” I 8:00—Address by Kev. Geo. W. Bar- rpj 1( , offering will be to r<! ^' . meet a specially urgent need of the Music for the day will be conducted I reasuiy ol the Presbytery at this by Prof. Lipscomb, of Whitesburg, and time. Prayer meeting on Tliurs- Prof. Askew, of Fayette county. Kv- day night following. Everybody cry body come and bring well-filled invited to these services, especi- diuuer baskets. ally students and strangers. .1. B. Henslee, S. E. Buchanan and | — Alvin Hyde attended the all-day singing | j T- Holmes, Heal Estate and Bent- at Macedonia Sunday. 1 ing Ageut. Office over 1st Nat. Bunk.