The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, May 11, 1906, Image 5

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J. T. HOLLEMAN, PRESIDENT. W. L. KEMP, TTOR'PRBS. AND TREA8. ,T. W. ANDREWS, SECRETARY. LOANS OF $1,000 TO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. i^s'lToc'al ^Correspondent Atlanta, Georgia. — • ] p. F. ClJlTINO & COMPANY READY-MADE WAISTS. Excellent Styles. Attractively Priced. We offer three styles in ready-made Lingerie Waists at 75c, SI.00. SI.50 each, which are considerably under value. An express shipment of white linen Tailored Shirts for women has .just reached us. These waists are the latest thing out in the Shirt Waist line, and every woman will want one. Pa ice, S3.00. Silk Waists for women, in black and white Jap. Silk; handsome styles, very low prices. County Medical Society. The Coweta County Medical So ciety held an interesting meeting last Monday in the court house. Papers were read by Drs. T. B. Davis and (1. E. Weems. The as sociation adopted the following resolution: “Resolved, By the Coweta Conn- : ty Medical Society, That on ac count of the prevalence of menin gitis in Atlanta, we warn the pim ple of this city and county against excursions, and against carrying their children to Atlanta during the prevalence of the epidemic. “T. J. Jonkh, Pres. “T. S. Baii.ey, Sec.” ! 1 1 11 P. F. CUITINO & COMPANY t Local News of Newnan ♦ Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Salbiile Bldg. tf Crepe and tissue paper, all col ors, at Reese’s Drug Store. J. R. Holt, Esq., was in Chat- j tanooga several days recently. Sticky lly paper at Reese’s Drug Store. W. S.Dent arrived Sunday from New Orleans. Bowman’s Bed Bug poison, at jvqgse’s Drug Store. J. J. Goodrum, of Atlanta,spent Sunday in Newnan. Fine perfumes and toilet waters, at Reese’s Drug Store. Perfect fitting shirts, fast colors, 50c and $1. Boone’s. W. S. Dent spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Big line toilet soaps at all prices, at Reese’s Drug Store. Born—On May 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Brooks,[a son. Big line of shoe polish,all kinds, at Reese’s Drug Store. New line of men’s ucckwcar just received at F. F. Cuttino A (Jo’s. Domestic Ammonia for cleaning purposes, at Reese’s Drug Store. Several nice cottages for rent. L. B. Mann, City. tl' Wanted—Wet nurse for posi tion in Senoia. Apply to Mrs. Sam Bradshaw, Newnan, Ga. Major Joseph S. Raine, of At lanta, was among the visitors in Newnan last Wednesday. “Easy Bright” cleans and pol ishes silver, brass and all kinds oi metal, at Reese’s Drug Store. R. P. Tapley, a clever citizen from near Moreland, was in town last Saturday. Easy Method Furniture Polish for cleaning and polishing furni ture, at Reese’s Drug Store. Freeman Herring, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with his parents here. Special values in summer dress White parasols, white fans, white shoes and white wash belts, etc. Boone’s. Don’t forget the Methodist Sun day school picnic and excursion on Friday, May LSth. The busy store stays busy. You will find what you want there. Boone’s. J. II. Russell, Jr., is attending I a business college in Montgomery, 1 Ala. Electric straw hat cleaner makes old hats look new; at Reese’s Drug Store. Dodson. Baseball Goods A Sample Line of Breach’s Goods. CUTLERY CARVERS-TAbLU^M} SCISSORS Samples! Samples! We have just receiAed 460 sample pocket knives that will lie sold at wholesale cost. The line includes Rodgers, Wnstenlmlm, lin ker and other well known makes. Come early before the choice ones are gone. Sample Razors. Fifty razors to sell from H8o to $2.60; some of them retail up to $4 from stock. Now is your chance to get a good razor cheap. Rubber Hose. W. S. Hughs, of Chattanooga, Tenn., visited relatives in Newnan the first of this week. Prof. F. P. Johnston, who has been dangerously sick for some time, is improving slowly, lie is not yet able to leave his room. After cleaning your home you could do nothing better than have it fumigated. We will do it for you. Thompson A Scroggin. 7 Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Sanford and son, Eugene, of Haralson county, visited relatives in Newnan from Saturday until Monday. White batistes, chiffons, etc., for graduation dresses; with laces for trimming them, underpriced at P. F. Cuttino A Co’s. Mrs. Spence Darden and chil dren, of the 3rd District, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jsuac Stephens this week. T. W. Powel, Jr., who was in Alexander City, Ala., during the cotton season, is at home for the summer months. Canna bulbs, Tuberose bulbs, and Calladiuin bulbs at Holt A Cates. New lot Talcum powders, all kinds, at Reese’s Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cox, of Marietta, formerly of this city, were among the visitors in Newnan yesterday. Black grate enamel for polishing grates, at Reese’s Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wood roof and daughter, Miss Emily, of Savannah, are the guests of rela tives in Newnan. The McCall magazine for June is The Happy Yidley Sunday nud liter ary soliools pioinofld at Sewell's Mill last Saturday. The "slight of hand'' show, whioh was given at Mr. T. B. Sander’s on Tuesday night of last week was enjoyed by all present. Mr. W. H. Summerlin visited in Cnr- rollton last Sunday. Rev. E. T. Carter filled his appoint ment at. Liberty last Saturday and Sun day. We understand that citizens of Roseoe and vicinity will hold a meeting at that place one day this week to discuss the feasibility of building a telephone line from Hutchinson's Ferry to Newnan. The Gospel Leirner’sand Doer's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Mutt Hyde next Saturday night. J. A. Hyde, of Turin, visited his mo ther the latter part of last week. Miss Clyde Copeland, of Weloome, visited relatives and friends near Dod son last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Tim Holeumn visited the latter's parents Sunday. Miss Jessie Witte Palmer visited near Happy Valley last week. Mrs. W. W. Carinical, who has been on the sick list the pnst. few days, is do ing fairly well. There will bo nnothor farmers’ moot ing at tbo Macedonia school house next Saturday afternoon. Dr. Hopgood, of Fayette county .spent the latter part of last, week with his sis ter, Mrs. T. M. Sewell. Mrs. Euea King, who spent several days with her parents at. Roseoe, has re turned to her home at Columbus. Miss Grace Foster, who has been teaching music near Happy Valley, has closed Imr class and returned to New- uan. Mrs. Clem Kersey, of Newnan, is visiting relatives near Rosooe. Mrs. Pearl Sewell, of Alabama, is visiting tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dukes. • The many friends of Mrs. M. A. S. Bullard will regret to learn of her death whioh ocourred at her home near Happy Valley last Sunday a week ago. The 11 * lonl Atlanta uesday to at- interment took place in the family tend the fish try and barbecue at burying ground. Wynn’s pond, Wednesday. RELIANCE 1-2 in. 6 ply hose, ‘26 or 60 foot lengths (no charge for couplings'), per foot, flc. RELIANCE 3-1 in. 6 ply hose, 26 or 60 foot lengths (no charge for couplings), per foot, 10c. Spray nozzles, each, 36o. Sprinklers. 4 <|t. tin sprinkler fiqt. tin sprinkler 4 qt. galvanized sprinkler. <i i|t. galvanized sprinkler 5 (|l. galvanized sprinkler 26c 36e 40c 60c (10c 1 <h' y Adjustable window screens, hardwood framos 30 in. high, upon to 27 in 46o 30 in. high, open to 43 in OOo Screen doors, 1.00 to 1.76. Screen door hinges, 16c to 60c. Newnan Hardware Company We have yet to find the equal of the “Bex” syringe at its price —#1 for two quart. Fresh new goods at Holt & (’ates. Messrs. (1. W. Barney, Melson and II. W. L. J. Dent came Standing Rock. ,1. A. Hyde ami sou, Arohie, visited relatives near Dodson Sunday. J. A. Addy, onu of Newnan’s promis ing young men, worshipped hero Sun day. W. G. Neill and sister. Miss Mary, visited relatives near Gonoord Sunday. Jim Knott, of Griffin, visited J. F. Wilson nnd family Sunday. Mrs. Griff Crook, whose sickness we have mentioned before, diod Friday morning. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. A. Ware Saturday morning. Tho remains were buried at the Elmore cemetery. Tho deceased The Newnan Market A Ice Co. is serving native heel to its patrons. It delights every housekeeper and cook. All orders filled promptly. New lot of Insect Powders at Beese’s Drug Store. Beginning May 15th and con tinuing until September 1st, wc will close our store at (1:30 every evening, except Saturday. I). W. Boone. The West never furnished cattle finer than our native Coweta coun ty Herefords. All kinds of cuts from these Herefords are being 9 leaveB a husband und one child. Mesdames Annie and Georgia Entve- ! M < J,, ved by Newnan Maikct A <c kin, of Atlanta, attended the funeral of * their sister, Mrs. Griff Crook, Saturday. Oscar Gray, who lives near Haralson, worshipped here Sunday. Little Kuthie Kate, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Addy, is on the siok list. J. F. Rickies and family of Digby, at tended the funeral of Mrs. Griff Crook, Saturday. Mrs. S. A. Entrekin is still in feeble health. goods, muslin underwear and mil- now ready for distribution. Mc- linery. Boone’s. I Call patterns are the best and most Mrs. Harry Heyward, of Savan- j reliable made, nah, is visiting relatives in New- j F - Cuttino A Co. nan. ! Special paints in small cans for Mrs B. S. Drake has returned ! every household purpose; for fur- from Newnan and has as her guests I niture and floors, for bath tubs, . . _ , . Mrs L L Brown Mrs. J. L. | screen doors, porch and lawn fur- | those fine, Coweta-iaised, Hereford Brown and Miss Pearl Brown, of piture, etc. We advise you just cattle. Give us your orders for Fort Valley.—Atlanta Coustitu- the paint needed and the quantity t^ on for any sort of job. Holt & Cates. Dr. J. M. Stallings, of Grant- ville, accompanied by his brother, Col. J. E. Stallings, of Texas, was in Newnan yesterday. Buy your sidewalk tile from the Newnan Tile Works. tf After June 1st our store will be closed at six o’clock every after noon, except Saturday, until fur ther notice. P. F. Cuttino & (Jo. Pierce’s Prescription for dysen tery, made after the original for mula, by Holt A Cates. Flower, field and garden seed, at Reese’s Drug Store. We have plenty of beef from any kind of cut desired. Newnan Market & Ice Co. Bicyles for Boys and Girls SPECIAL SHIPMENTS OF MILLINERY Special shipments of tho newest and most lasli- ionuhlo hals and millinery goods are received so often at this store that the slock is always fresh and attractive. The ladies of Newnan and Cow eta County cannot fail to find here just what iH desired in lovely lulls, (lowers, ribbons, etc. Tho prices named on everything are as reasonable as the quality of the goods will warrant. Tho ladies are invited and urged to visit us and examine our stock. % <L> % Mrs. Lela Adams Our Crescent and Yale bicy cles for boys and girls are the wheels for young people. They are standard wheels, made of first-class material in the most substantial manner. They are light, easy running und grace ful. In fact, they are beaulies, and the possession of either a Yale or Crescent will make any bov or girl happy. Cycling is a most, healthful form of exercise for hoys and girls, as well as the means of furnishing them lots of pleas ure. Parents, give the boys and girls a chance to en joy the delights of cycling. Crescents and Yales for boys and girls priced at $1(5 to $20. H. S. BANTA m Yes, we manufacture picture frames and make high grade por traits in ('rayon, Pastel and Sepia. Newnan Picture Frame Works. Brewster Bldg. tf Use the telephone to order drugs in a hurry from Holt A Cates. Special bicycle delivery at your service. You will find it con venient. Insect powder, powder guns, Paris green, London purple, moth balls and lied bug poison at Holt A Catos. You can fumigate your own home without much trouble or ex pense. Ask Thompson A Scrog gin about it—then strike a match. It’s done. 7 Have your mules and horses in sured in the Mutual Life Stock In-j 1 surance < Jornpany of Georgia. For information and terms, call on or write to J. for Coweta and Meriwether coun ties, Newnan, Ga. tf | For Kent—Several nice cottages Apply to L. B. Mann, City, tf We use Dr. Lcininger Chemical (Jo’s. 100 percent solidified for maldehyde. No solution. Noth ing better is known to science for killing germs, etc. 7 Thompson A Scroggin. Let us figure with you on the paint for your house. No one can offer a better paint than we sell, and we will give you the best juice possible on high grade material. Holt A Cates. Spring has come and with it conies fever and flies, measles and mosquitos, rheumatism and roach es, backache and bed-bugs. We can fumigate your home and kill all germs and everything that has life. Thompson A Scroggin. 7 Your doctor will endorse our statement when we say that the utmost care is invariably observed W. Willcoxon, agent I in our P««oriptioii department, that the best of ingredients are used and that the finished medi cine will Ire promptly delivered. Let us fill your important pre scriptions. Holt A Cates.