The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, May 18, 1906, Image 6

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7 Are You Thinking Of taking out insur ance on your life? If you are, I can write you one of the most attractive plans and put you in one of the best companies in America. F. M. BRYANT, [li\lricl Mdnadrr tor ielna lifr Insuranre fompanv. ♦> THE COTTON JOURNAL! IIAR.VIE JORDAN, Editoi-in.CKtnf VV V- s X. J * i t FIRST ISSUE WILL APPEAR MAY 17th, 1906 J ALUE present rri>|> Cotton, rnw, $050,000,00(1. Value present crop # of Cotton manuf riiircH, :5'<J,000,<X)n,Oi)0. •' ‘'mated number of 9 actual producers, l,6uo,u)u. Estimated number uciuul consumers, d &»»,<X»i,(KK). Cotton is the greatest vegetable product of tho world. All d others can be substituted, Cotton cunnot. Su< h a tremendous factor 4 In (A# world’s comfort and our prosperity demands a groat J Representative Newspaper £ The Cotton Journal will meet that demand # Rroad enough in scope to interest every person in the Cotton belt, while £ it will stnnd distinctively as a representative of the Cotton growing inter- i est, it will cover the whole field so thoroughly that it will be a necessity to J every Cotton merchant anil manufacturer the world over. The statistical t department will he in charge of eminent statisticians, and no expense will be spnred to make this department the most perfect in the world. llarvie Jordan, Kditor-in-Chief, and Kichnrii Cheatham, Business Mgr., have in their work as (’resident and Secretary, respectively of the Southern Cotton Association, won victories in tho interest of Cotton producers of moro value to the country than nny great victories over won by aconquer- ing nrmy on the battlefield, and their work has added untold wealth to the Cotton States, The Cotton Journal will continue the battle for Southern supremacy and fair piny. The public tins for many years heard practi cally only one side of the Cotton story It will he the mission of The Cotton Journal to tell the other side. We desire several correspondents in every heat, district or township of the Cotton belt, and in addition toour present list, every subscriber whose subscription reaches us prior to May 17th, will be placed upon our list of regular correspondents tor information con cerning condition of crops. Issurd weekly. Commence your subscription with first issue. SUHSC.RIPTIOM PRICE, $l.on PER YEAR. Address THE COTTON JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY Atlanta. Georgia HHimnt 1 HKWIMM M turner 2 1*4-3 I (I People, rNlil INII I RKNII'f N r OIAS 1 Hi AN, c ASMI’H T 1‘KKKINSON. ASH T I'AHIIIKR THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK Atlanta, Ga., April 6th, IDOii. This is to certit)j that The Cotton Journal Publishinq Co. bane this date deposited with The Fourth Sotionol Hank of Atlanta to the credit nfthrmseloes, the sum aj Ten Thousand Dollars, the same beinq subject to their check. (Signed) CHAS. I. RYAN, Cashier -WATCH THE WHITE STAR BUGGY” th, u*e in Imi 1 itjt;ig Hie Jttit Mao our •« tila PV' t-' ‘f ID CM 3 It tnv»lt abovn ATLANTA BUGGY COMPANY. . . Atlanta, Georgia W ITKM t..„ . II,,,,,. ,rr . Whit, Star A-Gl ai'Vi '■ Vi VI il'i*.v n “V J""' ut. Wi.ill. III non* bill the Rural •• A (Hi APK " *“ 1 ' " t‘u *%■> t' ti "i l«r mi rr «>n» »'# our fK-.lara ' •njr WHITE b I AR having o ir print* mark, | ( not Just III IO..IC ton OIK riUVATX •• A-OKAOC Magnetic Hair Tonic The most ettW'tiyo hair restorer on the market, Prevents baldness by imparting vigor to the sculp— cleanses it ami eradicates dandrutY. Hestores life and beauty to the hair. Every bottle guaranteed. Price 50c per bottle, at the ,1. T. .Reese Drugstore, Newnan, Gu. Stomach Troubles. Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly respeoted resident of Faisouia. Miss , was sick with stomach trouble for more tlmii six mouths Chamberlain's Stout adt and Liver Tablets cured her. Sbe says: ••lean uow eat anything l want mid am the proudest woman in the world to timl suoh a good medicine ’’ For sale by Dr. Paul Pemston, Newiiau, Ga. Legal Advertising, SHERIFF S SALE. GK( >H< >1A—Ooweta County. Will be sold liefore the court bouse door m the City of Newnan, snifl State mid county, on the first Tuesday in June, IttOtt, between the legal bouisof sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, towit: One bouse, and lot consisting of one 1 aero, morn m less, located in tho iitli District of said county and State, bound 1 ed on the east by lands ot S. L Hill and Hardaway and Hunter; south alld West by lands of Hardaway and Hunter. Levied on as the property of Louaimu McCoy, tiv virtue of a II fa issued from '< ’owet i Superior Court ill favor of W. (J Arnold and against said defendant, for the use of l J H. Murpliev,transferee. Tenant in possession notified in terms of j the law. J Ids May 10, Miotl. J. L BROWN, Sheriff. ORDINARY’S NOTICES. (1 E< tltfi IA -l 'owein (faunt.y. To the heirs at law ot Mrs Mary A. !•'. Ballard, deceased, residing out of the State oflieorgin: Take notice, that T. J. Wilson, of saiil ciouuly , lias applied, as executor, tor probate, in solemn form.ot the last will and testnniont of said Mary A. F. Bid- ; lard, deceased You, as heirs at law of said dcomised, are hereby rctpiircd to be and aupear at the June Term, I'.IOtl, of the court ot Ordinary of said county, to lie boldeii on tlie first Monday in June 1 aforesaid, when suid application for pro bate will he heard, This May 7th, I1M)(I L. A PERDUE, • ii-dinary. (»El >K< • IA — Coweta < facility. Mis. A ti. brown, Guardian of John nie Jean Askew, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said Comity for I. tiers ot Dismission from her said trust, nil persons concerned are tvi|uircd to show euuse in said Court by the llrst Monday in June next, if any they can, why said applieatioti should not be granted. This May Ttli, l'.ilitl. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. UKo'ttHA—Coweta County. The return of tile appraisers setting apart twelve months support to the fam ily of B M. Luudie, deceased, having been Hied in my ofHoo, all iiersous con cerned are cited 'o show cause by the first Monday of Juno, 10011, why said ap plication for twelve months support should not lie granted. This May ?tli. I nod L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. 11IF.t >lt(»I \ —(fawetn County, The return i f the appraisers setting apart twelve months support to the family of Tims. D. Haines, deceased, having been tiled in my office, all per sons concerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday of June, 1000, why said application for twelve months sup port should not he granted. This May 7, 1U0«. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta Comity. The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve mouths support to the fntu- ily of J. B. Newton, deceased, having lieen tiled in my office, all persons con cerned are cited tn show cause by the first Monday of June, 1000, why said np- . plication for twelve months support should not he granted. This May 7th, 1000, L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Four Valuable Lots lor Sale. These lots fronton Temple Ave nue, in the City of 'Newimn, anti are part of the property where the undersigned resides. They are level, beautiful residence lots, situ ated in a pleasant and desirable section of Newnan. Two lots are til \ loti feet in si/.c; two are libxlGO feet in si/e. Unless sold at private sale be fore that date, these lots will lie sold at public sale on the First Tuesday in June, 1900, to the highest bidder, for cash or on terms to be agreed upon 1>\ pur- ; chaser and the undersigned. For further information apply to A. (J. HENDRICK, Newnan. (fa. NOTICE. The city tax books will close, agreeable with the City Code, June 1, 19(10; and if you get on the de- Warning. All persons are hereby warned not to hire Will Reese, colored,and his wife, Georgia Reese, as they are under contract to work for me until August 1st, 1 DOG. J. E. Pinson. From Last Week’s Franklin News and Banner. Mr. J. VV. Powers, of Newnan, was slinking hands with his Frank lin friends Wednesday and Thurs day. Smiling Millie Hubbard, a for mer Franklin attorney, his many friends will no doubt be glad to learn has been nominated lor tax collector of Coweta county. He will succeed himself, as he is now filling an unexpited term ot ofhee. I). F. Edwards and Looney Mooly left .Monday tor Newnan, where they have posnions with the R. L). Cole .Mfg. Co. I Jr. B. F. Hodnvtt, of Senoia, arrived in the city last week to spend some time as the guest ot his son, Rev R F. Hodnett. I )r. HodiiCtt is an aged Confederate veteran,who still wears the stripes of wounds received at Gettysburg, where he was manned for life. M J Stephens went to Newnan Monday and appeared before the city council in behalf of The Franklin Telephone Co. Ho sue ceeded in obtaining franchise to enter the corporate limits ot New , nan with the telephone line, there by perfecting arrangements to connect Franklin and Newnan and the outside world by telephone. EASILY SCARED. An Advetilnre Wltti -i llliln«'.-crri- In Kn»l Africa, Of a curious encounter with n rhl | noccros nn African traveler writes ,n \ the Globe Trotter, published In Nal ■ >’ i, | British East Africa: "lie was peace fully gray,lug on a choice patch of green stuff and apparently meant to do the well hreil tiling anil allow us to pa ;s by; so, with my heart In my month, nothing in my pockets and an oeei'y magazine rlile In my hand, 1 attemp’ed a slide for a more secure position lint 1 was Immediately lolled of this oh- JiH*t by a suspicious movement on the part of the enemy. A swish of the tall, a suggestive uplifting of the snout and ; a snltT of the atmosphere, anil the deli cate and fnlryllke creature bore down ponderously upon my two native hear- ! era and myself. “My knees promptly refused to work. I could not move n muscle, and so with all tho British pluck and courage of ! which we have read so much I calmly resigned myself. By tills time the hide ous beauty had advanced to within ton yards of Its prey, when, to my surprise, the two boys accompanying me hastily dismantled themselves of all baggage, and, with all muscles stretched, ready for a sprint, they stood their ground and. without moving an Inch, began to whistle for all they were worth. “Quickly noting tho satisfactory re sult of the maneuver, 1 blew my whistle .hastily and with good will. The shrill notes struck strangely on tho untutored ear of the rhino, for he promptly turned tail and tied.” A Short Cat. “There goes a man,” observed n steamship agent as he directed atten tion to a surly looking Individual who had Just engaged passage for Europe, “whoso efforts are devoted to con structing short cuts In business meth ods and in eliminating all time con suming men and their propositions from his busy existence. He Is a man of very few words. Some years ago this gentleman crossed the ocean nnd had a very unpleasant trip. One morn ing a sympathetic passenger offered him a lemon, expressing a sincere wish that It would give relief. The pale traveler seized the lemon, hurled It viciously Into the ocean and growled: “ ’This Is n quicker way than the other.’ New York Times. Ail Od«l .Moorish Custom. As n people the Moors are already well inclined to anything that gilds life. A correspondent says: “Nothing delights them more ns n means of agreeably spending an hour or two than squatting on their heels tn the streets or on some door stoop, gazing at the passershy, exchanging compli ments with their acquaintances. Na tive ‘swells’ consequently promenade with a piece of felt under their arms, on which to sit when they wish." Coweta County’s Sentiments. That plutocrat committee, Called, falsely, Democrat, Have tried to gull the people; Insultingly, at Hint. They tried to pass a gag law To keep our ballots out, Supposing we’ll be fools enough To stay at home and jionf. That, little fizzling air guu They planted out to benr Upon the people s candidate Will never touch o Imir. Their trick was mean and dirty; Democracy, when right, Ne’er hud to stoop so lowly To help it in a gilt. That ballot hatched in caucus The ring’s lust dying stroke, Was so undemocratic ’Twill multiply our vote. We pay some of the taxes And will do some voting too; No lax without the ballot Is old us it is true. We live for law and order; If lighting must he done Let’s do it by the bnllot, Not sulk, and give them fun. Division’s what thoy’re after. Draw right wing, left wing out, Then charge us in the center And bring about a rout. Dick Russell’s in the center, Jim Smith is on the right, Estill holds tho left wing, And Clark, lie leads the light. 1 In in ] > runs the commissary, Little Alliert pays the fare, The Doctor hauls the water, And briugetli up the rear. The whites must rule this country; As sufl’t-nges now stand We all must puli together Or destruction sweeps the land. We southern folks divided ’Bout eighteeii-sixfy-one, And then wo all united At tho battle of Bull Run. When Jesus found the temple Polluted by bad men He diil not build another, But swept that temple olnati. The temple wo deem snered By many n dear-bought tie Contains some who disgraoe it; Let’s whip them out or die. Let’s march with calm devotion, From uinusion nnd front hut, Well armed with legal ballots, And drive the rascals out. A. 8. Jones. Turin, Ga. Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Sidneys and Blood. Lemons are largely used by The Mozley Lemon Elixir Company, in comixmiiding their Lemon Elixir, a pleasant Lemon Laxative and Tonic—a substitute for all Cathartic nnd Liver Pills. Lemon Elixir posi tively cures all Biliousness, Consti pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Eevers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, all Impurities of the Blood, Pain in the Chest or Back, and all other dis eases caused by a disordered liver i nnd kidneys, the first Great Cause of all Fatal Diseases. WOMEN, for all Female Irreg ularities, will find Lemon Elixir n pleasant and thoroughly reliable remedy, without the least danger of possible barm to them in any condi tion peculiar to themselves. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at ALL DRUG STOKES “One Dose Convinces.” Dr. Wadsworth Exonerated by General C .nference. Birmingham, Aia , M ty it.— Dr. VV. W. Waduvorth, of the North Georgia Conference, who was suspended at the sessions of that body held at Newnan last year, has won his appeal before the General Conference. Today the committee on appeals reported that it had reversed the decision ot the North Georgia Conference suspending Rev. Dr. W.W. Wads worth on the charge of immorality, the specific charge being “kissing a woman.” Dr. Wadsworth was pastor of the Hartwell church and was suspended for a year. Hides Wanted—Will pay best price for green hides for next few weeks. G. O. Carmichael, Newnan, Ga. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co. The Western Railway of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, F2ast. South and Southwest. U. S.’Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. RKAD DOWN 8CHEDULE IN EFFECT APR. 23, 1905. RKAI) UP No -tn No )I4 No mt'No 08 Leave Arrive No 85 H 18p No 87 No 97 No 83 H lftp 12 :n»»i H -jam S 16p 1 A")p 1C Ilia Lv New Orleans Ar Lv Mobile Ar 7 lf.u 11 15a * 11 uftp r> 00n 12 lfiplll (I6)i Lv Pensacola Ar 4 OOp 5 00a -1 0l),i 5 00a Lv ... ...Selma... Ar 11 80p|l() 36a a (fin la 06m 111 HUM I 80p - '-’7l> II 81|i AUOpj «55»i 7 14 p ~ S2p 7 58u 8 12 pi B 25p 12 H5p Lv... Montgomery ...Ar Ar Mils tend \r Ar Ohchaw Ar 10 55n 10 05a «• 44a 0 10a 1. 85p (l 20pj 8 17a 8 2o"u 7 -tfifl A 20 p 5 28 p 5 01 p 4 27 p ltf8&p Ar - Columbus.... Ar (1 25 p 11 '.’fin HUUp :t 45p 1 imp 8 25p 8 87it u 02p 012a Ar Opelika \rj’8 117a Ar ...West Point Ar, 7 .Vm 7 lUpi 1 45p 658p 1 H)u 4 lap 8 80p | j j 12 67p 2 ixlp 2 42p H0M|’ H 20 p I 57 j) II All- il:tS|. 7 fA|> 7“"' w :U)p| U87n JO 27p 10 85a i i 85p irioil Ar La Grange arj 7 80n Ar Fairborn Ar OiUa Ar.. Hast Point An Ar Atlanta Lv 5 Una 0 2Hp 5 20 p 4 20)"> 12 61a 12 11a ii’i’fp 8 Ofip 2 08 p 1 28)1 1 05)1 12 45n » 45a K) 52a 12 541.1 0 Bp j 11 11 I2h 11 17p 7 52n 2 :16)i 10 1 In 5 tan 1 nop Ar Washington Lv Ar Baltimore... Lv Ar Philadelphia Lv Ar New York Lv 11 16a ft 12a 8 85a 12 10a KMSpI »15p 8 50p 1 25p] 1 lOp 2 nip ‘Meals Above truins daily. Connection! nt New Orleans for Texas, Mexico. California. At Chehaw for Tnskegee. Mllstead for Tallahassee. l.aliraime accommodation leaves Atlanta dnlly, except Sunday nt 5:110 p. m. Returning leaves I.allrnugc at -■*:B0 a. nt. arrives Atlanta W:15 a. in. Trains .15 ami .111 Pullman sleepers New York and New Orleans. Through coaches Washing on ami New Orleans. Trains 87 audits Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers, compartment ears, observation and dining cars. Complete service New York and New Orleans. Train U7 United States fast mail. Through day coaches Atlanta and New Orleans. Write for mans, schedules ami information. F. M. THOMPSON, J. P. BILLUPS, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. G. P. A., Atlanta Ga. CHAS. A. WICKERSHAM, Pres, and Gen. Mgr., Atlanta, Ga To Publishers and Printers. We have an entirely new process, on which patents are pend ing, whereby we can reface old Brass Column and Head Rules, 4 pt. and thicker and make them fully as good as new and without any unsightly knobs or feet on the bottom. faulting list don’t charge it up to : forgetfulness, as that account is now full. 7 E. I). FOUSE. Clerk. Notice to Teachers. The State examination for teach ers will be held in Newnan, June 129th and JOth. Examination of : white teachers will occur at the ! white public school building; and ■ that for colored teachers at the I colored public school building, j t> V. A. Ham, C. S. C. HU Statement. Dr. Price-Price (diplomatically) — t don’t know whether l sent you a state ment of what—er—you owe me. Mr. Knok—Neither do I. Dr. Price-Price-- Ob, you didn’t get It then? I suppose I didn’t scud you a statement. Mr. Knok—Yes; you did. But It looked more like a statement of what you think I possess. PRICES. Knrtv Her Wiyi. Mr. Gnyboy—What did my wife say when you told her I wouldn’t be able to come borne tonight until a late hour? Messenger—She didn’t say anything. Mr. Gayboy—Then you must have gone to the wrong house!—Chicago Tribune. Refacing Column and Head Rules, regular lengths, 20ct9 each “ L. S. “ and “ Rules, lengths 2in, and over 40cts. per lh A sample of refaced Rule with full particulars, will be cheei fully sent on application. Philadelphia Printers’ Supply Co. manufacturers of Type and High Grade Printing Material, 39 N. NINTH 8T. PHILADELPHIA, PA.