The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, May 25, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 7
If You are Looking for Bargains, Trade with the Merchants who Use “The News.”
$200,000 MILL
,New Cotton Mill Will be
Erected North of New-
nan On A. & W.
P. Railroad.
Board of Visitors of the G.
and I. College.
The #200,000 cotton mill men
tioned in the News two weeks ago,
is a certainty. Nearly all the
money necessary to build it has
been subscribed and a site for the
mill has been selected,
i The site selected for the mill is
1 1-4 miles northeast of Newnan
on the Atlanta & West Point rail
road. The land on which it will
! be erected is known as the Russell
'« place and is owned by T. G. Farm
er. The site was visited yesterday
by a committee representing the
directors of the mill company and
R. E. Lutz, of Atlanta, represent
ing the A. & W. P. Railroad. The
committee representing the mill
( company was composed of R. D.
JyCole, Jr., H. C. Glover, H. C. Ar-
nall, W. A. Steed,H. O. Fisher and
H. A. Hall.
Mr. Lutz and the committee ar
rived at an agreement in reference
to side tracks and other matters of
mutual interest to the railroad and
mill people; and it is understood
that the committee has adjusted
everything in a satisfactory man
ner and that the mill will be erect
ed at that place.
At a meeting of the mill direc-
. tors held in the court house last
Wednesday, it was determined to
jo ahead with the building of the
mill as soon as the site is purchased.
The committe of mill directors
mentioned al>ovo has been invited
to inspect the Boyd-Mangum cot-
t tou mills in Griffin, with a view to
letting some practical pointers on
nill building and equipment. The
iommittee will accept the invite
ion and visit Griffin today.
Mrs, W. Y. Atkinson, President
of the Board of Lady Visitors of
the Georgia Normal and Industrial
College at Milledgeville, has been
notified by Governor Terrell as to
the personnel of the Board for the
present year, and Mi’s. Atkinson
has requested the members of the
Board to meet in Milledgeville on
June Jst for the annual inspection
of the four departments of the
school. The Board will visit the
Collegiate, Normal, Industrial and
Domestic departments of the Col
lege and make a careful examina
tion of conditions and investiga
tion of the work being done in all
The Board of Visitors is com
posed of eleven ladies, represent
ing Georgia’s eleven Congressional
districts; and the members are
ladies known and admired through
out the State because of their tal
ent and intellectual achievements.
Besides the distinguished Presi
dent, who is the representative of
the Fourth District, the following
uamed ladies are members of the
Mrs. R. M. Hitch, of Savannah,
First District; Mrs. John E. Don
aldson, of Bainbridge,.,Second Dis
trict; Mrs. J. E. Hayes, of Monte
zuma, Third District; Miss Anne
Wallace, of Atlanta, Fifth Dis
trict; Mrs. Lloyd Cleveland, of
Griffin, Sixth District; Mrs. B. 8.
Moseley, of Rome, Seventh Dis
trict; Miss Bessie Butler, of Madi
son, Eighth District, Miss Martha
L. Bass, of Clarkesville, Ninth
District; Miss Neppie Hunt, of
Sparta, Tenth District; Mrs. J. N.
Griffin, of Valdosta, Eleventh Dis
bounty Funds Will Remain in
Bridge Party.
Misses Nelle and Emma Potts
entertained Tuesday evening at a
delightful bridge party in honor
of Mrs. Gordon Lee, who is visit
ing Mrs. W. B. Pringle for a few
days. After the game, which was
very interesting, a tempting lunch
eon was served.
The friends invited were thor
oughly congenial and the occasion
was an enjoyable one. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Wright, Mrs. Mamie Johnson,Miss
Annie Powell, Miss Lizzie Arnold;
Messrs. Bob Young and Bob Stan
ford and Col. Pawls.
Negro Killed by Falling from
As my card published last week
^concerning the place of deposit of
;j\ie county funds by me seems not
have been explicit enough, J
re to make my intentions clear
known. Without feelings of
/antagonism to anyone, but looking
I* .solely to what 1 conceive to be the
I fbcst interests of the people general-
ji lly, and in view of the fact that it
"■ has been the custom to make this
y 'deposit at tin* county site,as Treas-
: ty. urer of Coweta county I will de-
■j.1 posit the funds coming into my
hands, in the Coweta National
ill tank of Newnan, it being the bank
used by the present incumbent.
i thank the people of the County
tor nominating me for Treasurer.
Samuel Herring.
Moreland, Ga., May 23, JOOfi.
John Henry Malone, a negro
who lived on Mr. J. I). Ray’s
plantation in the Second District,
was killed last Saturday night by
falling from a negro excursion train
on the Atlanta and West Point
Railway. Malone went up to At
lanta Saturday morning on the ex
cursion train and on the return
trip, Saturday night, at a point
between Newnan ami Madras, he
fell from the train and was killed.
The negro’s body was discovered
Sunday morning by A.G. W. Fos
ter, Jr., of this city, who was walk
ing up the railroad track from this
place to Madras. Coroner Broad
water empanelled a jury and in
vestigated the circumstances of the
negro’s death. Thejury determin
ed that death was caused by fall
ing from the train, but was unable
to determine whether the lull was
accidental or the result of a light
on the train. There was much
disorder among the excursionists.
Several of them were locked up in
Atlanta and others were arrested
upon their return to Newnan.
Mrs. Wade Dent entertained in
formally Friday evening at Bridge.
Mrs. W. B. Pringle, making the
top, received a beautiful Japanese
vase. After the game a delicious
luncheon was served in the dining
room and the affair was one of the
most pleasant small parties of the
week. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Pringle, Mr. and
Mrs. N. E. Powel, Mrs. Mamie
Johnson, Miss Annie Powell and
Miss Lizzie Arnold.
Miss Augusta Mann entertained
most delightfully Friday evening
in honor of her cousins, Misses
Estes and Maude Mann, of Gay,
Ga. The house was tastefully ar
ranged with vases of cut (lowers
and ferns, and the evening was
pleasantly spent by a number of
the younger set. A delicious
course of cream and cake was
A crowd of little girls picnicked
at Pearl Spring Park Friday,
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Stephens. Rowing and fishing
were enjoyed and the day was
very happily spent.
Mrs. George Baltzell and little
son, from Leavenworth, Kansas,
are expected soon on a visit to her
mother, Mrs. W. Y. Atkinson.
Mr. and Mi’s. L F. Murph left
Monday for their home in Marshal-
ville, after a delightful visit to Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Banks.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Sanders Gibson will regret to learn
that Elizabeth, their eldest little
girl, is quite sick.
Mrs. W. B. Pringle will enter
tain a score of friends at cards Fri
day evening, complimentary to
Mrs. Gordon Lee.
Mrs. J. T. Fain and little daugh
ter, Ellen Ramey, leave today for
Miss Henrietta Tanzer left for
her home in St. Louis last Tues
day, after a visit to A. E. Brod
and family .
Mrs. W. Tom Brooks and little
daughter, Mablo, have returned
from a month’s stay in Cedartown.
Miss Berma Daniel, of Atlanta,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W.
B. Hudson.
Miss Frances Herring is expect
ed home in a few days from Shor
ter College. (
Miss Jennie Hardaway will re
turn next week from Shorter Col
lege, Rome.
Miss Mary Parks, from Whites-
burg, was in the city Friday and
Mrs. H. C. Fisher and Mrs. J.
T. Carpenter spent Tuesday in
Mrs. J. 1. Scroggin has been
quite sick for the past week.
Miss Lillie Bradley visited At
lanta last Tuesday.
Mrs. Lela Adams visited Atlan
ta last Tuesday.
School Commissioner Visited
“Milk Maids’ Convention.”
Friday evening at the Auditor
ium, a company composed of
twenty-one ladies and two young
gentlemen ol the city will present
the “Milk Maids’ Convention,”
an amusing play which is expected
to make a great hit with the pub
lic. The play will be given under
the auspices of Newnan Chapter of
Daughters of the Confederacy and
the proceeds will be donated to the
Tickets for the “Convention”
are on sale at Bradley’s drug store.
Prices are only 25 and 35 cents.
State School Commissioner W.
B. Merritt was in Newnan Wed
nesday, enrouto to Whitosburg,
where he delivered the annual
literary address at the commence
ment of Hutcheson College.
Commissioner Merritt was New
nan’,s distinguished guest but a
short time, but during his brief
stay in the city he visited the court
house, met our county officials and
several prominent citizens and
made a visit to the Temple Avenue
school. He was piloted over the
city by County School Commis
sioner V. A. Ham.
Prof. Merritt, who is an ex
teacher and former superintendent
of county and city schools, is
thoroughly familiar with the edu
cational needs and demands of the
State and is one of the most prac
tical and efficient commissioners
Georgia lias ever honored with the
responsibilities of this high office.
His efforts for the development
and improvement of our public
school system have Ihhmi crowned
with deserved success; and, doubt
less, he will be elected to succeed
himself in office by the almost
unanimous vote of Georgia’s citi
Plans for Orphan Home
Abandoned and Mat-
is Deferred Until
Next Year.
Musicale at Turin.
W. C. Snead Injured.
\V. C. Snead, a well known
young man of Newnan who is a
machinist in the employ of the R.
I). Cole Mfg. Co., was painfully
injured yesterday morning while
engaged in his work at the shops.
His left hand was caught in some
machinery and badly crushed.
The first joint of the middle linger
was crushed off and two other
fingers were greatly injured.
Card of Thanks.
To the good people of Newnan
and elsewhere for their many ex
pressions of love and sympathy
for us during this sad
bereavement, we beg
S100 Reward Paid by Govern
or Terrell.
Sheriff J. I.. Brown was in At-
anta this week to collect from the
overnor the reward of #100 offer-
||! for the capture of Will Harper,
L’:'j j£co!ored. Harper was captured in
Mississippi, tried in the Superior
7-Court here and convicted on the
charge of manslaughter. He was
ven five years, and transferred
by the State to the Coweta chain-
gang, where he is now serving his
sentence. Of the #100 reward,
4ijlo went to pay expenses of bring
ing Harper back to Newnan, and
the remaining #00 was paid to
PIdI iceman L. C. Mouett, of Meri
dian. Miss., who arrested Harper.
Shirts and Sox. Large lot
Mjjjitnple shirts and sox for men and
' boys at Potts & Parks’.
To Survivors of Col. Lamar’s
Tne following letter from Texas
to the News is self explanatory,
and may be of interest to some
reader of the paper:
Brownwood, Tegas, May J 7,1000.
Editor News:—I would like very
much to cd ispond with some
member of Cod C. A. L. Lamar’s
hour ol our |
to express
a visit of several weeks to relatives j ou, ‘ heart-ielt gratitude. May i
in Monroe, Ga. God’s richest blessings abide and
| be with you.
The north side young ladies met I Mrs. Ann E. Thomas A Children,
with Mrs. W. B. Pringle Monday j ■
night and enjoyed an interesting j Prof. H. L. Banks Goes to
game of Bridge. I Palmetto.
Mrs. A. C. Caldwell and Mrs. I Prof. II. L. Banks, one of flu
Mike Powell returned Tuesday
The pupils of Mi’s. E. L. Mer
rill’s music class will give un in
teresting recital on the afternoon
of June 1, in Turin, ul the home
of Mrs. Martin. The program is
as follows:
Grand Galop Militaire, op. 213.
Boh m
Misses Stallings and Mary Moses.
Bridal Rose Waddingtou
Bluette Valse, op. 272
. . Duvernoy
Miss Frances Gay.
Lullaby Kate Vannah
Miss Grace Martin.
Reverie Engleinann
Valse No. 2, op. 5f> B. Godard
Miss Mattie Stallings.
Gavotte in B Hat. Handel
Ours, op. 104 H. Cadmus
Miss Love Wood.
Good night Little Girl, Good night
Miss Eva North.
Venetian Boat Hong | , , .
< (insolation j
Miss Emma Shell.
Thoughts of Thee, op. J00
F. Wenzel
Lovely May, op. K7 Lichlicr
Miss Mary Moses
Valse, op. 70 ) . „
\ alse, No. 0 ) '
Miss Grace Martin.
1 Once Had a Sweet Little Doll.
’lie 1 fisconteiitcd Ibiekling
<lay nor
fifth* Boy Blue D’Hardclot
Miss Emma .Shell.
Newnan Lodge, No. 102, of Odd
Follows is making an effort to
bring the pro posed Odd Fellows’
orphan home to this oity. A dele
gation consisting of Hon. I. N. Out
and Messrs. J. T. Williams, (’. A.
Merck and J, C. Leach is in at
tendance at the Grand Lodge in
Augusta, this week, and is pre
senting New nan’s claims as the
liest place for the location of the
The citizens of Newnan want the
home located here and have joined
the local lodge of Odd Fellows in
offering generous inducements to
secure the institution. About
♦10,000 has been pledged by New
nan’s citizens for this purpose and
will be donuted to the home if it is
era ted here.
in speaking of the efforts of Au
gusta, Savannah, Macon ami other
cities of the State to secure this
institution, yesterday’s Auguste
Chronicle said:
“The Grand Lodge of Odd Fel
lows will today decide the question
of tiie locution of the or|ihunugo of
tiie order. One of the contestants
is Newnan, the metropolis of Cow
eta county. A delegation is pres
entto urge the claims of the city
and is pushing their cause vigor
“Newnan offers a house and
lund to the value of ♦10,000. The
offer includes 44 2-7 acres, a new
six-room house, barns, servants’
and other outhouses and all the
advantages of which Newnan
boasts. Newnan is a town of aliouL
4,000 inhabitants, is high and
heulthy and has all the improve
ments of a latter-day municipality.
“lion. I. N. Orr, member of the
Legislature, is pushing the claims
of Newnan and is aided by Messrs.
J. T. Williams, C. A. Merck and
J. C. Leach.”
Orphan Home Abandoned for
Augusta, Ga., May 24, 1000.—
| The question of establishing an
orphans’ home when brought be
fore the Grand Lodge of Georgia
Odd Fellows today, went over for
one year. There were eight cities
contesting for the honor, and
Newnan had a strong delegation
at work. Augusta and Macon
were also competitors of note and
the contest waxed so warm that it
was deemed prudent to abandon it.
Address to Junior Order.
. ..... ... ... ......i.s, one
well known and popular teacher-,
of this county, lias been elected
county, has
principal of the Palmetto school.
He is a graduate of Emory < 'allege
and is well qualified by training
and experience to successfully fill
this position.
from a visit to Mrs. Arnold Broy
les, of Atlanta.
Mrs. J. E. Dent, Jr., has been
quite sick for the past week at the
home of her mother, Mrs. J. F.
Scroggin. The Rev. Chas. R. Nisbet, of
Mrs. E. W. Snead, who is at I the Westminster Presbyterian
Borden-Wheeler Springs, Ala., for! Church of Atlanta, will aid Rev.
the benefit of her health, is im- j C. O’N. Martindale in a series of j earnestly
Last Friday evening, at the reg
ular meeting of the Junior Order
of I'nited American Mechanics,
Mr. F. M. Bryant addressed the
order in the interest of free schools.
His address was received with
hearty approval and generous ap
pluuse, and is being highly com
plimented by his brethren.
The Junior Older, as a body,
advocates the develop
Miss Pauline Harris returned to
Carrollton this week, after a de
regiment (Thirteenth i believe), | lightfuJ visit to Miss Nelie Lou
that served during the early part Walton.
of the war, and was at Brunswick,
Ga. A portion of Lamar’s regi
ment, I think, was raised in Cow
eta county. H. A. Mokhe.
Yes, we manufacture picture
frames and make high grade por
traits in Crayon, Pastel and Sepia.
Newnan Picture Frame Works.
Brewster Bldg. tf
,, r
•-T- -----
Misses Estes and Maude Mann, I
from Gay, Ga., have been visiting ,ian
meetings at the Turin Presbyterian ment of our free school system,
church from Jci.v lixn through and Mr. Bryant is one of the most
the 1 3th. Pfcople in Turin and enthusiastic friends of free schools
surrounding country will please, t.„ |, e found in the Newnan lodge-
take notice. : of this order.
Mein tiers and friends of the New ———————————
Presbyterian Church wil
New Railroad Station.
A station has been established
on the Central Railway at the junc
their cousin, Miss Augusta Mann, j ^ *‘‘ ani Rev. Geo. K.
rr , „ , , Guille of Greene St. Presbyterian
Mrs. Harry Cleveland, from ( . hurcl)| Auguste, has written
Elberton, is on a visit to her par-j R(jV < () » K# Martin(la]e of his 1 lion of the ChattanoogaandGrif-
ents, >r. an< Mrs. J. W. Quillian. j eom j ng to conduct the meetings fin and Newnan and Greeneville
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Sutherland ! announced beginning on Ji;i,v lines. This station is known as
will leave this week for a pleasure' ].6th and extending so long as in- Raymond, and is a Hag station for house on Salbide Avenue, opposite
trip to Seattle, Washington. [terest in same warrants. -all passenger trains on the Central, the residence of J. B. Ramey.
Miss Clcstollc McLeroy, the
pretty and talented elocutionist of
Newnan, was in the city yesterday
on her way to Cullodcn, where she
will spend a couple of days with
friends and recite, at the school
commencement Friday night. Miss
McLeroy has consented to recite
at the G. S. W. Reunion this year,
and our correspondents and friends
may expect a rare treat.—Griffin
News and Sun.
As Treasurer of the local lodge
of the Royal Arcanum, Sheriff J.
L. Brown recently received from
Unit order the sum of #3,000, the
amount of insurance on the life of
the late If. \\ r . Dews, of Atlanta.
Mr. Dews’ membership in the
Royal Arcanum was with the New
nan lodge. The check was turned
over to his widow, Mrs. Lila T.
Dews, by Sheriff Brown.
R. M. Young has purchased
from Mrs. Miliians, of Atlanta, a
.. . .. . ■■■■■,