The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 08, 1906, Image 5

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J. T. HOLLEMAN, PRESIDENT. W. L. KEMP, VICE l'RES. AND TRKAS. J. \V. ANDREW’S, SECRETARY. LOANS OF $1,000 TO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. ,ij 8 Atlanta, Georgia. Attorney Wanted to Act as Local Correspondent “WATCH THE WHITE STAR BUGGY” W JIEN .nn bu, . Uu|Ev. irr t Whit* Star A-Grad* Dufif, ih. WIIItF- BTiRBll'nnr” After Jim. l.L 1WM, w. u.f” bulldlnf th. In'.i nol ' c b ’" ,b ' «■>••!" A-ORADK n Wh«li, |u.t Ilk. our l.'u'lt OUT Jnm S5 t ** 1 h, t l,, ? n bT «»* »l« r n..l.ri, W. vlll p.y tiioo t> lUk 1, any WHITE STAR Wheel, bavinf our private mark. Is not just like the sample shown. I.OOK FOR OUR PRIVATE “ A-GRADE ” MARK ATLANTA BUGGY COMPANY, - - Atlanta, Georgia i,. A. Alsabrook visited relatives ■ | || e |i • j in Atlanta last Sunday. Local News of Newnan ♦ Huy your sidewalk tile from the Newnan Tile Works. tf AIiss I’earl Unglue is visiting in Atlanta. Frank Holmes spent last Thurs day night in I.aGrange. Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad ministered; Sal hide Bldg. tf Dr. J. A. Carlton was down from' Palmetto last Tuesday. Scroggin’s is tin* plane to have your pictures framed, cheap. 12 Mr. ,1. T. Kirby returned Mon day from Philadelphia and New York. Mr. and Mrs. (i. 'I'. Stocks were in Barnesville last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. W. A. Parks,from Whites- burg, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. Major ('. M. Speer, of Carroll ton, was in Newnan the latter part of last week. Mr. T. M. Treadaway, of Cave Spring, is visiting his mother, Mrs. \V. C. Treadaway. A very important meeting Knights of Pythias Monday night, June 11th. Come! Mr. Robert Mattox, of West Toccoi, Fla., was in the city sev eral days last week. Master Russell Briggs, of At lanta, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Fouse. Rev. V. E. Manget, of Marietta, is on a visit to his sons, Messrs. I). T. and V. E. Manget, Jr. Mrs. Raymond J. Lee, of At lanta, is the guest of her parents, (’apt. and Mrs. J. H. Russell. Mrs. W. Y. Atkinson, Mrs. George H. Balt/ell and child and Miss Georgia Atkinson have re turned from a week’s visit to Mil- ledgeville. A. W. Stubbs visited relatives in Fairburu last Sunday. Miss Ruth Whatley has return ed home from a visit to Carrollton. Hugh Hackney, of Atlanta, is spending a two weeks vacation in Newnan. Mrs. A. W. Stubbs is visiting Judge and Mrs. L. S. Roan at Fairburu. Miss Myrtie Stephens, of Whitesburg, is the guest of rela tives in Newnan. c. B. Quillian, of Emory Col lege, visited Dr. J. W. Quillian and family this week. Mrs. W. ti. Post and children ] are making a two weeks visit to relatives at Woodbury. Own an Automobile Have you ever considered the question of purchasing an automobile? Without in vestigation. you have proba bly decided that an automo bile is an expensive luxury you cannot afford. Such is not the case. Automobiles can be purchased at figures so low that the prices are a revelation to the average man who is able to own one of these machines. If inter ested in the automobile ques tion, consult Flannery. He represents in Newnan lead ing manufacturers of auto mobiles, and will he pleased to discuss the matter with interested persons and pros pective buyers .of first-class machines. Frank J. Flannery Watchmaker and Jeweler. Mrs. L. X. Coney, alter a stay of some length in Newnan, left last Monday for Untie,dgc, Ga. A few hundred 1(1x20 frames to go at 75c, while they last. 12 Seroggin Furniture Co. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Bradshaw and children leave this week for a visit to relatives in Franklin, Ky. Mrs. E. H. Odum and children, of Griffin, were the guests of rela tives iu Newnan several days this week. Mesdames Minerva Robbins and Emma Allen, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mr. J. T. Nolan and family. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. R. Hamrick, of Cordele, are visiting Mrs. Sallie Hornsby and other relatives in Newnan. Miss May Wood, of La Fayette, Ala., was the attractive guest of Misses Frances and May Herring last week. Mr. W. B. Pringle has returned from Charleston, S. C. His moth er, who was dangerously ill, is improving. Miss Effie Hornsby, who spent several months with relatives in Cordele, has returned to her home in Newnan. Mrs. Tf. C. Fisher and Miss Dorothy Burpee leave next week for a stay of some length at Bor den-Wheeler Springs. Miss Cora Stephens leaves Sat urday for Oxford, where she will visit relatives and attend Emory College commencement. Miss Clara Brown, agent for the Central of Georgia Railway, at Sargent, spent yesterday in Grif fin.—Griffin News and Sun. Miss Virginia Bailey left Friday morning for her home in Newnan. She is one of the popular teachers in the Public Schools.—LaGrange Graphic. Mrs. H. H. Hopple and little son, of Atlanta, have joined Mr. Hopple and will spend the sum mer in Newnan. They are at the Virginia House. Mrs. F. M. Bryant entertained delightfully at a spend-tbe-day party Thursday, complimentary to Mrs. Taliaferro, of Gadsden, and Miss Wagnon, of Opelika. Philip Orr, who returned home from Mercer University last week, has been ill with malarial fever since his arrival. His friends are 1 sorry to hear of his illness and | hope he will »soon recover. Judge Stephen Powell arrived from the Philippines this week and is receiving a hearty welcome from scores of friends. He will spend the summer in Newnan. Books circulated by Carnegie Library during the month of May: Fiction, 790; (Massed Literature, ' N4; total, 874. Mrs. D. B. Wood roof, Libr’n. Miss Vera Lassiter, of Luthers- ville, was the guest of Mrs. F. M. Bryant this week. She was en- route to her home from the G. N. and I. College in Millcdgcvillc. A service will he conducted at the Episcopal church next Sunday afternoon at four o’clock by Rev. W. E. Vann. The public cordial ly invited to attend the service. Lost—In Newnan, May doth, brown poeketbook containing gold ' bracelet, pair of gloves and some |silver money. Kinder will please return to New York Bargain Store. For Sale—ThreeSO-saw Winship gins; also complete Manger system. Will sell all or part; cheap, for cash or on time. B. 11. Dial, Newnan, Ga., R. F. D. No. I. Yes, we manufacture picture frames and make high grade por traits in Crayon, Pastel and Sepia. Newnan Picture Frame Works. Brewster Bldg. tf Judge A. I*. Freeman was in Macon this week to attend com mencement at Mercer University. Judge Freeman is one of the hon ored Trustees of that great institu tion. Hr. and Mrs.J. A. Sasser and little son, .1. A., Jr., recently of Senoiti, were in the city yesterday on their way to Atlanta, where they will make their residence.— , Griffin News and Son. Mrs. R. R. Price, of Palatka, Fla., Mrs. A. V. Lipscomb and daughter, Hiss Eleanor, of Jasper, Ala., and Miss Lucile Hargrove, of Birmingham, are the guests of Mrs. E. ,1. Orr and family. Found—At Bolton’s Crossing, Thursday morning of last week, poeketbook containing money. Owner can gel same by calling at tin 1 News office, identifying pock- el book and paying for Ibis notice. At regular monthly meeting of County ('ommissioners, held Wed nesday, nothing except routine business was transacted. Rewards for escaped convicts were increased from #50 to #100, the first named iignres representing size of rewards that have heretofore been offered. Baseball Goods A Sample Line of Reach’s Goods. HO in. ad justable window screens 45c Sid in. adjustable window screens 60c 2 II x d-10 screen doors SI.00 Si x 7 screen doors 1.10 and 1.25 Si \ 7 fancy front doors 1.75 Screen door hinges 15c. 25c and 40c Screen door stops, to keep your doors from slamming 10c Rubber Hose. A new shipment of LEADER rubber hose ; 5-ply, in 25 and 50 foot lengths, evnrv piece guaranteed, per foot 8c Woven hose with heavy rubber linings. 1 and Si-1 sizes, iu 25 and 5(1 foot lengths 9 and 10c Solid stream brass nozzles 25c Spray nozzles 35c Hose reels, made of split hickory and mounted on wheels, to close out SI.00 Our New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stove is Giving Satisfaction. 1 burner 2 burner 5! burner (I.i'gs ?>0c ext rn.) Single ovens, round Single ovens, square Double ovens, sqii'il'e No. Si, 2 and I oil -i,,\o lamps, j for heating water and doim SI.25 2.110 2.50 si tin- light Fruit Jars Mason’s 1-qt. I mil jars, per doz Mason’s 2-qi. fruit jars, per d< .. Mason’s porcelain lined jar cap rubbers, per do/.. , ., IlllO dozen jar rnbi t-, per d< z Newnan Hardware Company Have your mules ami horses in sured in the Mutual Life Stock In surance Company of Georgia. Full face value of all policies will be paid. For information and terms, call on or write to J. W. WiJI- coxon, agent for Coweta and Meri wether counties, Newnan, Ga. tf Hon. H. ('. Arnall, of Newnan, lias been appointed a member of the board of trustees of the Geor gia School for the Deaf at Cave Springs, to succeed B. M. Davis, of Macon, deceased. The appoint ment was made by Governor Ter rell Monday morning.—Atlantal Journal. Newnan is glad to welcome home the talented young artist, Miss Frances Herring, whose work in the art department at Shorter College received first honor at the closing exercises of that famous in stitution. Miss Herring’s first art | work was executed under Mrs. Jos. T. Kirby, of this city. Tom Powell, son of Judge and Alls. J. S. Powell, of Newnan, was | a member of the graduating class j of M>0<» at Donald Fraser School at Decatur. He made an excellent j record as a student and his speech, delivered during commencement last week, was received with great enthusiasm by his auditors. The subject of his declamation was “Robert E. Lee.” Attorney W. M. Glass left New nan a few days ago for Oklahoma, where he expects to settle down and practice law. He will look over the country some before de ciding upon a place in which to locate. Mr. Glass’ friends in New nan and Coweta county regret his departure to the West,but all wish him the greatest possible success in his new field of effort. Mr. P. T. McCutchen leaves to- ! day to attend the National Edi torial Association, which meets in Indianapolis, Ind., Tuesday next. After a session of three days the association will make a tour of I Indiana as well as the great lakes, j visiting Montreal, Ottawa and | Toronto, in Canada, and Niagara Falls, Mr. McCutchen is the Executive Committeeman of the association for Georgia, and ex pects several of the Georgia editors I to take the delightful outing. The friends of Col. George L. Peavy will be pleased to learn that he has almost recovered from the effects of a malignant cancer on his face. The cancer appears to have yielded to treatment and has al most entirely disappeared. Col. Peavy is an old and well known citizen of Newnan, and his friends here and elsewhere will be glad to hear of his good fortune. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. GEORGIA, Oowetu County. By virtue of uu order from Court of Ordinary will lie Hold before court Iiouho door in the City of Newnan, Hiiid state and county, on the brut Tuesday in .Inly, mod, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, or for one-half cash and one half payable Nov. I, 1000, with interest at s per cent., the following described prop erty, towit: Seven shares of stock of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company ; nine slid res of stock of the Atlanta & Wist Point Railroad Company; nine Deben ture Bonds of the Atlanta & West Point Railroad Company. Sold as the property of George R. Sims, deceased. This June 0, 1000. J. B. Hi ms, J. R. Sims, Admrs. Estate of George It. Sims, de ceased. cr SPECIAL SHIPMENTS l) OF MILLINERY Spooial shipments of the newest, and most I ash- ionnble huts and millinery goods are received so often ut this store Hint the stock is always fresh and attractive. The Indies of Newnan and Cow eta County cannot fail to find here jusl what is desired in lovely Intis, (lowers, ribbons, etc. The prices named on everything are as reasonable us t he quality of t he goods will warrant . The ladies are invited and urged to visit us and examine our stock. dn % Mrs. Lela Adams The Bride Will Rejoice At the presents slu; receives, no matter wlmt they may he, or where they came from. Bnt if you wisli to be sure that your offering will receive the admiring attention of everybody, gut it at this store. Then you are BURE to be right. You CAN’T go wrong by giving cat glass and silverware. And you CAN’T go wrong if you get it here. Everything we show you wonld do credit to your judg ment and good taste. We can interest you at a small price or as high as you care to go in figures. Always trust us to have the right goods. H. S. BANT A Sold by All Grocers For Hot Tea ASIC FOR OOEONO For Iced Tea BUY INDIA AND (JKYLON For General Use BUY TIIE MIXED Nothing is more refreshing than a cup of iced tea; nothing more beneficial when tired than a cup of hot tea. Always the Same