The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 08, 1906, Image 8

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— There is only One Genuine-Syrup of FigS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. TH* full nnm® of the compnny, California Rig Syrup Co M fa printed on the front of every paukage of the genuine. The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, In Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE Louisville, Kjc bco,CaJ. nua nrtr cents rat norm Next Sunday at 11 o’clock a. m. and 8 o’clock p. m. Rev. 0. O'N. i Martindnlo will preach at Turin. Everybody invited to the service-. The friends of Mrs. \V. .T. Dris- kill will regret to learn that she continues critically ill at her home on Washington Street. Spring n< j xt Saturday, lias been postponed, and announcement <>f date of its occurrence will lie made later. Mr. G.JI Harr and son, Woody, are in North Carolina this week, visiting High Point and other towns. Mrs. Charles Tidwell,of Atlanta, left Monday, af er a delightful visit to Mrs. T. S. Parrott. Misses Doris and Henoia Moody, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mrs. C. ]{. Ileidenberg. Mrs. W. («. Sadler, of ♦ • runt- ville, is the guest of Col. and Mrs. R. < >. Jones. Mrs. Parks, of Chattanooga, is the charming guest of Mrs. Weisner. Miss Nelie Hon Walton will leave in a lew days for Borden Springs, Ala. AewYork. Grnntville. Tlir firnt Jim;- wedding hi Orniitvlllu look plnuc Ttii-oil'n hii«,ineoa hi tin horn" of Mr nial Mr* W M WIill", when lheir iluughtir, Ethel Dean, wiu* united III iimmagc to Mr AlbmMiK Walton Smith, ni Appling, (In The pfBtt.v home Wn- i iloh ot with the Ire- gmnee of magnolia hlnxMoniH. whtoli, witli I'eviiM, wet *■ esed for deeomfloiiH; tile coloi' Hcln-nti' c t'o'igl out huiag green Mill White. 1*1011 , .v lit loui o'ylouli, to the MtrniiiH ot tie* wedding march. Hindered h> Mr« llteim \rni-ld, the hrlde eii11 n I with Iie groom. She was love I \ in a liiiinUome imveliiig nuit of slieplierd pinirl. The eeieniony wi»h per formed hv llev. A ii Bilgi!, and wen lollowed hv mi inloi'iiinI reeepli a, 'lin ing which green and white orenm, with i nkit, win* Nervi d : after which Mr. and Mrs. Hmitil, iiii.i 1 ■ i p rfei't I ow i of rice and good w-s - leii mi tie- i ".o I rain lor i heir I a in Applmir One vaar ago Miss M'lnie gt'iiduaied at lie Stale Normal School lit \ I liens Slliee ihat time sle-I is ii I prmolpal > t t ho (i rant villa Use Sc'mol sic was the recipient ot many valuable and liandnoini' proM iite Tho oat of town gnosis Were Misses liver and Smith, of Oovnigton, Mrs Thomas .Inues, of llo- grtiisville. Earl Smith, of AthoUH, and PrOf. .1. N an Hodges, ot McHae. An enjovahle soeial event of the past work was Hie handkorohief shower ‘given h\ Miss Knimn Belle /e llars and Mrs 1'. M '/dines at the home of the latter last Thursday afternoon, in honor of Miss ISthel White l ie parlor, re ception hull net lining loom wire thrown into one ler the ocoas on. and wore decorated with ferns and palms, while on thewa Is w e festnoned gar lands of bamboo and odi.-r graceful vines. Heai't-shai). ,i >, ore cauls we;e used on which uich gio st was required to write an original least to the liriilu- eleel, which wer- -ad by Miss /adlarc, causing much blocks ol iced cm, in tin- typical -good luck to the lirido" shoe shape was set ved, while in the din ing room was a liandsnmo cut glass punch howl lilleii with refreshing lem onade The hostess. Mrs, T M Zi-llnrs, won-a handsome gown of white silk; Miss Zdors was lovelv as osnal in a lace triminad white mud, while lin guist ot honor find het sister, EJuu White, wore a t moon div-ses of white lilii ii with Baby Irish lace trimming. Grantvillu Ims had a fair represeuti. turn at the dilTerent oolleges, and soon the town # will he enlivened hy their presence. On Thursihii evening our oulv girl graduate of tins season. Miss Tommie C. White, arrived home from Wesleyan college, where she took the A B. degree. Besides being of lugti ■ lass standing she lias the distinction of Wing tin* youngest member ot the class of 'Oil. Miss Mary Prances Banks, a talented musician of Wcsleviin, also ar rived Thursday. Miss Bucilt- Arnold is home from Agnes Scott Miss Kstelle Zellars is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Will Ward of Atlanta her return from Agues Scott Lewis Dean spent a few days last week in i 'oluinhlis Robert nud Paul Bugg are expeeted home loumrrow from Emory (College. (in their arrival a recaption will lie giv en tlinin hy the Ladies' Parsonage Soot- ety. Mr. T m. Zellars has u-turned from a trip to Philadelphia. Misses Annie Belle O’Brien and Neolin Klmddix aie visiting relatives at Moreland. Huudny, Mr, and Mrs ,1.0 Burdette, Jennie Lou and Kimm-tt Nall, <4 Lone (tall M|ss Kiln and Homer Robertson, nl Moiennui, Wem guests of Miss Willie and Mrs Anna .letter, Mrs. Andrew (amp of Moreland, spent Monday night with Miss Love Stevens. Mrs A' Vilen Holman and Miss V S. 1 h-lman ->1 Ozark, Ala ini- \ isiting llie '.nines nl Messrs. Blakely ami Marlin La in hen Hugh I .■-I- Bexley and Murv Sims me spi-ib'ing 'In- weak with their gland- inolher. Mrs Soogm at St. dairies, C. 11. I lotion and Will Cotton were in Morelitnd Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. AV P .Im-kuoii and Mr and Mrs. Clifford Dial.e were m More land t ills week. Rev .1. W. Lee, ot Vtlanla, spent I'Mi- duy niglii with Hon. W A. Post Sirs. T. M. Zellars spent a day or two in Atlanta this week. Prof Mott, of Mountville, wns flu- gue t Sunday of Rev. A. H. S. Bugg. Hi Young .I Alton was in (iruntvillu a shovl mm* Saturday. lie will make us a longi'i visit lieloii- returning toOhiuti. N. O. Banks and.l. K. Dean were in Atlanta, Monday mis Thomas Jones nud miss Minnie Wilkinson were the guests of Mrs. T. M. Zellars last Thursday. Credit is due Mrs. Moreland and Mrs Arnold for tho appropriate • \ t-'s-s and merriment. Square tin- thorough manner in which th e with cream frozen were carrion out by tin- ohihln-ii at ti e m. 1C. Church lust Sunday evening The children ail did well in tlu-ii n-iutations r 111 and songs and the service was much on joyed by tile nudicuoe Turin. Palmetto. The unveiling exorcises of the Conft-il- . "1'iite luouiimeiit was held Friday, .limo 1st, with appropriate ooretnotiies. A , Hue program was given and a number of i distinguished guests were present. (Ion. i Leans delivered the first memorial iicl- i dress ever delivered in the liistoi-.v of the | town. Col. OIiiih. liotd, Suite Senator, w as nn-ster of ceremonies. Col. Reid ill introducing (Jen. Evans, pai l a most bountiful tribute to the distinguished spi alter, hotli as a citizen mid a soldier ()tlior speeches hy Copt .1 A, Kioli- arilsou. Prof George Loom-valid Mr. Rolierl (I'Dutmelly, all added to the pleasure mid the interest of the occa sion The lion Mayor, Mr. Dilat'd Bullard, made a most pleasing address in accepting the monument for the town, mid extended a most cordial wel come to all the visitors Mrs M. A Wiley. President of the Palmetto Womans Club, under whose auspices the monument was presented, read a most beautiful original poem. Mrs S M. Dean was presented with a beautiful badge by the veterans, for her unfailing efforts in scouting funds for the compi -tiim of tin- .shutt Especially Hoc music hy Mrs. Duot'd Bullmd. Miss Ethel lieid mid Miss Conyers of Newnail, was prepared for the iH-.ctis'.ou. I Benediction hy Rev. James Stacy, of | Newnnu Among the out-of-town guests were the following: Mrs Irby, President of Womans Club at Kingston ; l ion. Claude Smith, newly elected representative of county; Miss Nell i)' Donnelly, of Atlanta; Mrs Tom Zellu s, of Graut- villo; Mis, McG.iughey, of Atlanta; Miss Edmondson, of Atlanta; Mrs. Howard Wooding, of Hognnsvtlle: Mrs. W. R. Roberts, of Atlanta Mrs. S. M. Detvn entertained at luneh- G. l'\ Hunnicutt, editor of the South-j eon complimentary to Gen. Evans. 'ii (InlMv'iiliAr W in Turin livbir t TlwWii inv'ift'ii tn Mini Sarah Bohannon and Small Pari Glower have returned from UiGnmge Female College -Miss Beitha Nall is expected home III a few duvs from the Norma! and Industrial School at Mill- cdgoville Worley V Nall i- ex)H-eted home tomorrow from Mercer, he 1ms just taken tlieB S degn is a close student ami maintained a good class stntioiug during l.:s three years ai college He will enter (lie journalistic Held, having accepted a position with the Savannah News. Erwin Baxter, of New Ym . is a guest at the home of Glen Arnold Hawkins Hooker spent Sunday in l.a- Gnuige with Charlie Bell Kichelberger. N. O. Banks, president of tlie hosiery and yarn mill, is attending the Cotton ern Cultivator, is in Turin today Miss Naucy Lee Shell, who attended e'uiitiienoenient at LaGrange Female College, has returned. She was aecom- pauied hy her sister. Miss Tallulah, who bad been taking ii course in music Misses Pauline and Gertrude Bowden have returned from several mouths stay at Bremuu College -the former a teach er, the latter n pupil. Hon. O. I*. Moses has closed his en gagement at ANTlIueooeiieo and is now m home. We are glud to have him hack, ns lie always gives us something edifying when in his presence Prof. C. N. Martin has closed his school in South Georgia and is now | Misses spending his vacation ln-ie tending school at now tit home Messrs F. O. AA’atkms, Z Christo pher, L. T. Moses, K. Dominick, George, , . . . Shell, C. L. Moses, E. D Johnson.Hugh day mght tile meet lag will be Col) ‘ I l-1 ducted at the residence ■ .1. Ransom, on \11 Presbyterians are urged to at tend those meetings, and others will ho welcomed Lynch, J. B AYalker, Richard and Al where ^i,‘r Shell. E. AY. and W. A Huimo, Mrs W "<* Judge Thurmond, Dr J. C. Stovall and : \i„ i* n V i i- .t... mairv others from Turin attended the I V R< U • Mel nnaughy. speaking bv Hoke Smith at Senoia last Saturday. A\’o think lie has the negro subject down right, and we voice Ids si-r.timenr with reterenoe to Booker AA ashmgtoii AA'e have always thought tiial Boouer's sole aim is social and political equality. Miss Rosa Lee Lester is visiting in Turin. Mrs. Lee Hand and Mrs. J. T. Aruall i Hot Weather Trips via Central of Georgia Railway. Summer excursion tickets to the Seashore, Mountain and Lake Re sorts in the North, South, East and West. A trip by rail and sail to New York, Boston, Baltimore, Phila- delphia and points in the East via Savannah and steamship lines, is to be considered at this season. Tickets are on sale at all coupon ticket offices. For rates, schedules, etc., apply to any Agent or rep resentative of the" Central of Geor gia Railroad Mm. Jane North, of Sltfirpshurg, visit ed here Sunday. Miss Nannie Davies will leave for. Now York noxt week on a months vaca tion trip. Mrs M Gay lots added a great dual to the postofllee hy putting in lock boxes. Miss Searoy Aruall visit' d Senoia Sun day and Monday and attended the re vivid conducted hy Rev. Stanton. If yon knew the value of Clmtnher- lain's Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the dis eases for which it is especially valuable: sore nipples, chapped hands,hums, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, Roll ing piles, totter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. PaulPollistou, Newimn, Ga. For anything in music or musi cal insLi iimcnt-s telephone No. Dili. I Extraordinary Cut Price Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 9 and tlie following six days we are going to reduce our stock at prices that will certainly bring a crowd. It Avill pay you to read every item in these columns. More real values are condensed into this space than you will find in many full page adver tisements. Remnant lot of mohair skirts marked down be- Ioav cost. Only a few of them left. Splendid val ues in remnant lot of lawns, nainsooks, ginghams, percales, and wash skirtings. Odd lot low shoes, all sizes, misses’, children's and lad ies’, at half price. Men’s underwear, all colors, regular price 85c, our special sale price Iflc Yard wide Lonsdale bleach ing, regular 12Ac value at 7Jc. Only 10 yards to one customer. Men’s negligee shirts, fancy and solid colors, special sale 1 lot men’s odd pants, val ues up to 1.50, for . 89c 1000 yards of fancy muslin Men’s pants, regular price 4.00 and 5.00, for this spec ial out price sale S2.98 Fancy novelties for waists and suits at less than cost. We have the finest line of millinery for the price in the city. All we ask is for you to see it—the prices will do the rest. Ladies' vests reduced in this sale to 4c Men’s lace lisle hose, 25c and 85c values for 19c The more you buy the more you will save. Don’t forget the time and the place. NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE Those* invited to meet the distinguished guest wen* Col. Olms. lieid, Capt. ond Mrs. A. Richardson, Mrs. Unhurl 0'Doiiiielly and Miss O’Donnelly, ot At lanta; Mrs. Howard Wooding, of Ho gnnsvillo, and Mrs. AV. R. Roberts, of Atlanta. Under tho direction of their pas tor, the Presbyterians of the city have inaugurated a series of cot tage prayer meetings, to he con tinued until the protracted meet ing which will begin at the Pres byterian church on July loth. The first meeting was lie Id last Margaret Gay, who Ims tvH»n at-1 Tuesday night at tin* home of Mr and Mrs. hi. B. Barr, and was con ducted bv J. T. Fain. Next Tues- if Mr. and X i m mans ft Man’s Door.” IT IS KNOCKING AT YOURS. W e are making many changes in our stock, and new goods are re ceived every day. We offer the highest quality in all kinds of Fancy and Family Groceries. Best Quality is what people want in everything edible—especially when they can get it at no greater cost than inferior goods are sold by many dealers. You can alwavs find “Best. Quality” here, ail'd get prompt service and courteous treatment besides. If you are not now a customer, try us with an order and see how you like our manner of dealing. Mill Aesociatiou at Warm Springs this visited Mrs. L. T. Moses lost Thursday, week. i Mrs. J. E. Carmical, who had been Mary Thomas, of Lone Oak, is the visiting relatives iti Turin, returned to guest of Atlma Bryant. her home at Oordele Tuesday. I W. M. Thomas was called to ! Tallapoosa yesterday by the sick ness of his brother. Col. Lloyd | Thomas, who litis been ill several weeks and whose condition is critical. The Presbyterian Sunday school | picnic, dated to occur at Mineral i NVNNALLY * BARRETT, The Bay Street Grocers Telephone 55