The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 15, 1906, Image 4

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Review of Closing Exercises lion, and, in no speech of the even- of Public Schools. 1 it>g was there evidence of more ' profound thought and deeper re- Never before were the closing searc h. Then I>avis portrayed in exercises of the Public Schools a masterly style the revered old more profoundly gratifying and Democrat, Thomas Jefferson. complimentary to both instructors and pupils. Supt. lb I'\ Pickett, who lias eondueted the school with marked ability for si\ years, and disable faculty are to be congratulated on the solid worth of their year’s la bor—its strong bearing on the education and the character-build ing of their students. The oral and elocutionary exer cises on Monday and Tuesday morning drew all parents and friends, and the tots and others more advanced pleased and Mur- prised the audiences with their progress in their studies and their promise in elocution. The Stephen's Society, at the Auditorium June 6, convinced us that the days of oratory have been revived, and that Newnan stands A No. I in the future contests for these coveted laurels. The prep aration by each youth was thor ough,and the research evinced and the oratory were highly cotupli mental y . Kawson Stewart made us proud that he was the earnest exponent of the prowess of the \ nglo Saxon The committee called upon to decide as to who had won the medal, never had a more difficult task before them. After tine con sideration ami a short scholarly address by Col. ,1. Littleton Jones, the medal was awarded to Stanford Arnold, who received it amidst the congratulations of his generous hearted contestants. The music was a distinct, laurel for Mrs. Peavy, whose energy and ability give to her deserved rank as an instructor in music. Thursday evening was devoted to the annual concert, and well did the pupils sustain tlie enviable reputation of Mrs. Peavy. beginners, to whom the door of melody was but .just ajar, were in spired by 1 .he occasion to do them selves great credit. The vocalists, .Miss Wright, Miss Widener, Mrs. (■rente and Mr. Robert Lovejoy, contributed a lull ipiota to the en joyment of the large audience. Mrs. Peavy may well class the con cert as one of her best, and appre ciative friends hope it will treble her number of pupils in the fall, (tu Friday evening, at the An race. We fell anew, with Richard j diUirium, the curtain rose on a Haulaway , that our defeat in the handsome army of Seniors eleven civil war was the rugged ladder by 1 in number. After a soulful invo- whieli we climbed to strength of cation by Rev. ,1. S. Hardaway, a character ns u section. I (rad ley brilliant instrumental ipiartett Davis, w ilh impassioned oratory, opened the exercises, convinced us of the great crime of Miss Mildreii Lee Powel, lion the Ithli century ; and we rejoiced with Hill Joe Niinnally in the glory of a reunited country. Stan lord Arnold presented the military ornlile Mention), opened ufresh the beauties of Chaucer, “well ot Knglish iindeliled.” bradley Davis, (Second Honor), argued prowess and personal magnetism cimvineingly of the advantages of of Napoleon as but few of his n college education. Miss Mary years could do. Stacy Capers re vlved with his youthful zeal, our ii c \ e r sleeping Revolutionary blood, as lie v iv idly rehearsed tlie deathless words and deeds of Pat rick Henry. Raymond Crime pur trayed well the evils of immigru S. Milner, (Second Honor), arous ed fresh enthusiasm for the cliival- rie Knights of the Middle Ages, and Miss Cary P. Treadavvay, (First Honor), proved to us that Knighthood still pulsed in all hniionihlc hearts of todav. Miss Annie Li/./.ic Widener and Mrs. Dr. Greene were loudly ap plauded in their vocal solos, and each responded with a catchy en core. The instrumental solos.Cavaleria Bastion na and The Palms, were skilfully executed by the fair pianists, Miss Jewel Favor and Miss Corrie Wadsworth. Tiie address of Mr. W. D. I'p- shaw was a rare treat, such as he alone gives the public—a tender, loving talk, combined with timely humor and frequent bursts of burning eloquence. Earnest soli citude for the education of the young bears upon his noble young heart like a cherished burden with whieli lie would not part, lie voiced public sentiment when ap preciating the labors of Prof., b. F. Pickett, and ii is plea fora warm welcome to his successor, Prof. Caines, was timely indeed. Owing to the length of the ex ercises. Mr. T. E. Mkinson, Pres, of board of F.ducalion, made Imt a few remarks before presenting the diplomas, which were tastily or- i namented with the class colors,old gold and olive green; these colors were conspicuously reproduced in the class pins, also. Each dainty , white robed maiden was showered with rare llowers, in baskets and bouquets;altogether, the stage was a long-to-lie-remembered scene to the beauty-loving eye. Hueocss to the happy hearted youths and maidens, whose eager hands are .just opening life's magnetic gate way. I lie benediction of Dr. James Stacy was a lilting close to a com mencement as well-attended, as orderly and as distinctly a red let ter day in the calender of literary exhibitions as lias ever graced our privileged city. Mis. I). It. Woodrool'. Newnan, <ia. •••• • --I'- - r r ^ .... ^ , Extraordinary CutPriceSale SATURDAY, JUNE 16 and the following; six days we are going to reduce our stock at prices that will certainly bring it crowd. It will pay you to read every item in these columns. More real values are condensed into this space than you will lind in many full page adver tisements. Remnant lot of mohair skirts marked down be low cost. Only a few of them left. Splendid val ues in remnant lot of lawns, nainsooks, ginghams, percales, and wash skirtings. Oild lot low shoes, all sizes, misses’, children’s anti lad ies’, at half pi ice. Men’s underwear, all colors, regular price fine, our special sale price 19c Yard wide Lonsdale bleach ing, regular I2.jc value at 7jc- Only 10 yards to one customer. Men’s negligee shirts, fancy and solid colors, special sale price 19c 1 lot men’s odd pants, val ues up to 1.50, for 89c 1000 yards of fancy muslin at, per yard 3'.c Men’s pants, regular price ■1.00 and 5.00, for this spec ial cut price sale . $2.98 Fancy novelties for waists ami suits at less than cost. We have the finest line of millinery for the price in the city. All we ask is for you to see it—the prices will do the rest . Ludies’ vests reduced in this sale to 4c Men’s lace lisle hose, 25c and fine values for 19c The more you buy the more you will save. Don't forget the time and the place. NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE YOUTHFUL WARRIORS. I'I/.iiito completed the conquest of Peru lit thlrty-ttvo and died at forty. Cortez, effected the conquest of Me.x Ico and completed Ids military career iKlforo tlie age of thtrty-slx. The great Conde defeated the Span iards at Itocrol at twenty-two and won all tils military fame Imfore (lie age of twenty-live. l’etor the Great of Russia was pro claimed at ten years of age, or ganized a large army at twenty, won the victory at Kmhaeh at thirty, found ed St. Petersburg at thirty-one middled lit the age of llfty-tlve. Napoleon was a major at twenty- four, general of brigade at twenty-live and commander In chief of the army of Italy at twenty-six. lie achieved all his victories and was tlnnlly over thrown before the ago of forty-one. Frederick the Great ascended the throne at twenty-eight, terminated the llrst Silesian war at thirty and the sec ond at thirty-three. Ten years later, with a population of hut 5,0<K>.000, lie triumphed over a league of more than 100,000,000 people. Have You Seen Our NEW VEHICLES? We are receiving* every few days the very latest and best Surreys, Top Buggies and Runabouts. We are pleased to show you. Our terms are Cash or Credit. BRADLEY & BANKS llrltl.ii Arm> licit Tnpo. A letter of Instruction said to have been sent to a Hrltlsh army officer, who reported that Private blank had lost his greatcoat, runs as follows: “The calculation of the value of a lost great coat should be made by deducting the value when worn out from the value when new, as given In article 75. 1S85, clothing warrant, dividing the re mainder by the number of months the garment should wear, multiplying the quoltunt by the number of months the garment has actuallj boon worn and subtracting the sum thus obtained from the total value of the now great coat. The balance is the amount that should be charged.” A Sort of Xo Mhiil.nml. Australia's least known and least de veloped section is the northern terri tory. It Is a sort of no man’s land. Its capital, Palmerston, contains more t-hl- tiese than Caucasians and Is the only place la greater Britain where the Mongolian Is the master and the white man the servant. The climate Is very trying to whites, and the aboriginal blacks are of a fierce and sanguinary disposition. Vast herds of buffalo, the descendants of a few experimentally liberated a century ago. roam over the plains, nnd the place will some day. It Is believed, lie a sportsman's paradise. ••Will Kltrly.” Mr. Bounder (tenderly)—Do you re member, dear, during our courting days how I used to tell you the "old. old story?” Mrs. Bounder—Yes, and you still tell me the old. old story. Mr. Bounder (In surprise) — When, dear? Mrs. Rounder—When you start for the club.—Chicago News. Senoia. Mrs. F. L. Watts left Monday for i Griflin, where she will spend the sum mer. Walter ('nnniclinid has returned home from Emory College. Miss Inez Anderson, of Brooks Sta tion, is the guest of Miss Bessie Cnrmi- olmel. Henry Freeman, of Richland, spent several days recently the guest of his mother. Miss Stella Nolan hns returned to Iter home at Nolan, Uu. Messrs. J. A. McKnight.Vindex Hand, Elbert Lindsey, nnd Dr. O. F. Hoduett attended the Smitli-Howell debate in Atlanta. Mrs. Sterling .I. Elder nnd children, of College Park, are spending the week with Mrs. M. H. Conch. MissJDora Powers is visiting Oiikluud this wnek. Miss Stella Dix, of LnGrnuge, is the guest of Mrs. W. S. Travis. Mrs. J. A. Norris, who had been the guest of Mrs. C. Greene for several weeks, 1ms returned to her home at Montezuma. Some very interesting meetings are being held at the Methodist Church. The pastor is nssisted by Rev. Mr. Stan ton. The music is conducted by Mr. Milam. J. P. Green, of Waynesboro, is the guest of Dr. J. W. Hogg. Miss Rebecca Freeman 1ms been quite sick. We are glad to note that site is much better. Prof. G. E. Nolan, of Marietta, spent the day recently with relatives in Se- uoia. A large number of people from the surrounding country were in town Tuesday to hear R. B. Russell speak. It was planned to have an open air speech but on account of rain, it was held in the Telegraph Hall. Mr. Russell has some very staunch supporters here. Mrs. J. W. Hogg and children are visiting in Carmel this week. Mr. G. C. Butler, of Atlanta, is visit ing in Senoia this week. (MnaianT i.o. ■> thi aaaniM *rt michaels-stern/ FINE CLOTHING/ The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure {is Smith’6 Sure Kidney Cure. Your | druggist will refund your money if af ter taking one bottle you are not satis fied with tesults. 50 cents at Holt & i Cates’. Night School. Working boy, it is for you. Young man if your educational ad vantages have been limited, come. Additional instruction will in crease your profits, usefulness and happiness. At my residence. Daniel Walker. A few hundred 16x20 frames to go at 75e. while they last. 12 Scroggin Furniture Co. 1 THE QUESTION OF THE HOUR— 1 How to dress well at small expense, is the question, and a hard one. Let us solve the problem for you. We carry in 8took fine hand-made garments made by celebrated whole sale tailors like Hamburger Bros. & Co. and others. They equal the finest custom work in every particular of finish, style and fit. They are tailored far better and the price is reasonable. There is no question as to the quality of these garments; they are the product of the highest class tailor ing institutions. Character, style and expert workmanship are refiected in every detail of their construction. Come and see the new spring and summer styles. We can show you excellent suits from *10.00 to *20.00. BARNETT, ST. JOHN & CO. I Greenville Street. A