The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 22, 1906, Image 4

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Electric Fans The Latest Improvement Wc lllive just coil! | llflt C(1 tilH instnllnti<iti of ••Icimric ’itrhting machinery in our nton* by nii‘iui« of which wo produce tl’c first day current generated in Newnan stores. r Pliim equip ment enables us to operate a miinhcr of faun day and night, making our atom by far t ho coolant and moat comfortable a j lot in town, and the only at ore in Ncwnan thus equipped". Tltemi fans add wonderfully lo the place, and in connection with our complete soda foun tain enable us to give tile peo ple a quality of mala service which has hitherto been impos sible. Come in and investigate for yourself the advantages we olier, test the numerous de lightful concoctions in drinks and creams which make t he hot season more bearahle. Ilring your friends here, your visitors and your family. This new improvement is in line with our constant effort to ward improvement in store equipment, stock and service, yet all such improvements add nothing to the cost of the goods we sell; they are miuie neces sary and tile expense incident to them is met bv a growing trude. We hope to merit more and more the patronage of our friends which makes this growl h possible. let us have the opportunitv to supply your needs in the drug line. Xu mat ter what is a anted you will find it here in reliable quality and at t lie low est price at which good goods can lie sold. Holt «S Cates He says further that he was not seeking to dictate to his constitu ents the course they shall pursue in nominating a candidate for gov ernor and was not seeking to itt- tl lienee their actions in State politics. The editor of the News lias read Congressman Adamson’s letter to Itis constituents, and had read his Warm Springs speech I adore the paragraph printed in last week's News was written. We were not misled by the Constitution’H head lines, but based our conclusions on the speech and on actual conditions in the Fourth District when the following paragraph was written: In Itis speech of acceptance, de livered to the convention, Con gressman Adamson aligned him self squarely with tin* Howell ele ment tit Stab- politics. His speech has raised a storm of protest throughout the district, and Mr. Adamson is being severely criti cised by thousands of his constit uents because of Itis unnecessary and unwise utterances. The statement that Congressman Adamson aligned himself squarely with the Howell element in State polities was not based on the Con stitution's headlines, but on the fact that In 1 occupied the stum* al titude oectt pied by Mr. Howell and his supporters at every point where his speech touched the is sues that art* being contested in the present State campaign. As il was not necessary that Congress man Adamson should discuss these questions in his speech of ac ceptance, the conclusion wits nat ural thill lie elected te discuss thc'n for tin* express purpose of aligning himself with llinl (•lenient in State politics. ferns anrl ent flowers. Pink and white were the prevailing colors Delightful ices were served. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of ttie lovely young bos less were Misses Lillie Fall, Charlie Maud Hamilton, Allie Atkinson, ICssie Cline, Jessie nml Faye Hodnett, Kate nnd Rntli Cocke; Messrs. Retd, Bran denhnrg. I.Inch. Hodnett, Atkinson, Brakefleld, Haggarly, Kedwine, Gre*-n, Harold and Paul McKnight. " Grantville. At the M. E. Church Sunday morning a line sermon was delivered by Presid ing Elder B. P. Allen, from the text, "Straight is the gate and narrow do wny which leadeth unto life, and few i there be that find it.” The text was closely followed throughout and the congregation departed feeling that it was indeed n hard matter to enter the kingdom of heaven; but at the evening service comforting words were delivered by the pastor, Rev. A. H. S. Bugg, from the text—"Fear not little (look ; for it is i your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.’’ (i run tv 11 li! will soon have a handsome new school building. On the return of T. M. Zellers from Cumberland, the j Trustees, l)r. G. W. Glower, N. O. Bunks and T. M. Zellers, will proceed to levy a tux on property in school district, lifter which bids will be received for building same, us Judge Hurt. Attorney General. Inis informed the Trustees that the railroad tight does not effect the taxing of property in School Di-tnet, except that owned by railroad. Prof. Marvin Banks, of Philadelphia, siM-nt several days last week with h.s luother, N. <). Banks. Miss Emma Belle Zell-iis accompanied her little niece, Ella Zellers Ward,home to Atlanta, where she will be the gin-st of her sister, Mrs. Will Ward. Mis Glenn Arnold and Mrs. W G. Sadler were in Ncwnan Friday. Misses Janie Null and Gladys White Edwin Banks and Tom Fuller attended a party given by Miss Janclle Payne, in Hogansville, Friday night. Miss Bessie Arnold, of Bninhndgc The number of vehicles we have sent out already this season does not diminish our stock. We supply the vacancies with newer and up-to-date Surries and Buggies as we send them out. We are always glad to show to you the best and largest line of vehicles in Newnan. We extend you a cordial invitation to come to see us. 1 1 Tilt* slutcmciit til til (Itis speech wastlm guest Saturday and Sunday of raist-il a storm of protest anil criti '* ,SR buoilc Banks cism among Congressman Adam son's constituents is true Mrs. Hugh Brooks and Mrs. It,ilia Hodges, of Hogansville, visited the fnin- ,lml ilies of W. M. and J. T. White la-1 BRADLEY & BANKS 1 while but little lias appeared in week. the newspapers to indicate the Roy Holmnnon, of Newnan, was tin magnitude of this w idespread sen guest Sunday ot W timeiit, it exists throughout Hit Fourth Distriet among; the major y,,,n„ ls it,V ul voters, Miss Ellli- Hill and E. C Haynes, of Further than this (lit- News Morulnntl, visited Miss Willie Jeter Kun- flutrat-teri/ed (’on gross man Ail Misses Ella A. Bohannon Miss Mary Beth Word, of Hogans, villi*, spent Monday with Miss Estelle NEWNAN, GEORGIA The Newnan News Issued Evory Friday. J. T. FAIN, Editor end Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE. $1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. ’Phone No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLDG unison's utteranees as unnecessary and unw ise. The News was ex pressing: its honest views, and tlit* honest views, we believe, til a ma jority of the voters of tin* Fourth Distriet. < 'ongressman Adamson doubtless believes that his utter- anees wen* not unwise and that tht> occasion demanded that he out Mary Hopkins have returned from n visit to their sinter,Mrs. R. F. Yeager, at Bethlehem. Mrs. J. 1). Moreland. Mrs. W. G. Sadler anil Lowdnes Sadler spent Thurs day in Atlanta. Mrs. S. E. Leigh went to LuGrnnge Tuesday. William Banks and Will Piwt spent Sunday in Newnan. W. A. Nall left Friday for Savannah 1 l I THE NEWS. niont Continental Chapter, D. A. K.. at tended the meeting of the Chapter, June 1 Ath. The Chapter will not hold anoth er meeting until Sept. 15th. Mr. Leroy Harris will soon begin to erect a handsome brick residence on one of the principal streets. Architects were here recently to sub mit plans tor a handsoni.i home soon to be built for Mr. Thomas Daniel. Mr. T. E. Oulbreath has purchased the livery business of Mr. Joseph Givms. Mrs. Etta Irwin, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs. Ballard Irwin last week. Mr. Irwin Culbrenth, n popular young should voice his opinions in a pub- assume his position as reporter for lie manner. At most, these mat- ^'“"tah News . Miss Estelle Zt-llnrs is spending a few liemsclxes into (liller- days in Newnan, the guest of Miss Be - j ences of opinion between Congress- netta Orr. fnm j - D rcc man iniuvAM sain man Adamson and the News; and Mr. and Mrs. J. R Cotton visited CONGRESSMAN ADAMSON AND , hia r ,. mlllv is, . , , ,. Mrs. Hattie Harris and children, of stdesman foi Kelly Bios, of Atlanta, tin gentlemans personal ettor Atlnntft Rre guests of Mrs. Emmett i his parents last week, and public letter as a candid pre- anwo |j sentation of his honest views and Lindsey Whitehead and Paul Bugg real position in State polities, we , spent last week with friends at Mount- see no reason advanced which Miss Minnie White, of Lone Oak, is , , , the guest of Miss Willie May Lambert, that the stutmonts made last week The News is in receipt of a letter from Congressman Adamson,dated in Washington City, June Hi.lilOti, in which oar congressman slates wo ,nd lead The New’s'Vt.' eon’eliiile ! that this paper presented an er roneous view, last week, of his NlRHH-h of acceptance at the Warm Springs convention. Since the re ceipt of this letter by the News, there lots appeared in Georgia daily papers aeopy of a letter writ ten b\ Congressman Adamson to citizens of Lu<irange who publicly criticised bis Warm Springs speech and joined issue with him inn Boozer Payne went to Atlanta Tues- were not justifiable and perfectly day. natural conclusions, coupled with plain statments of facts in refer ence to the etfeet of Congressman Adamson's speech upon the atti tude of It is constituents. Mrs. Mollie Lyle and Ada Robertson visited Mrs. Eddie Hayes Saturday. Miss Alice Robertson returned Sun day lrotn a visit to Lutherville. Misses Callie Abrams and Lutie Golightly have returned from a visit to Mrs. Joe Jones, at Riverdale. Mr. Edwin Banks, of Grantville, was a visitor in town last week. Mrs. Mary Steed and Miss Marion , Steed are visiting relatives in Clarkston aiul Gainesville. Carlton Reid, son of Judge Reid, of i Atlanta, is the guest of relatives nere. j Mrs. Dunrd Bullard entertained in- ’ formally, for the young society set. one | Miss Love Stevens and W. H. Wnlker j evening last week, in compliment to her spent Sunday with friends at White n *eoe, ^ 1K - S bucile Smith, who hits re- Oak. Senoia. Mrs. J. E. Lyons, of Hampton, is the W. A. Bohannon Monday. was in Newnan ociitlv returned from Wesleyan College. Mr. Claud Oulbreath left Monday to attend the session of the summer school gard to Itis position in reference to "« rtl 'w* •'»« *»«•»«• .... li. b. Arimll, ot Sov ulo, h pent ouo dnv certain matters ol public interest mu ,, ltly lu>n , that are being discussed in the present gulicrnntoriul campaign. Mrs W. G. a few days at Oxford, preparatory for regular class this week with her little grandson, enrollment in September. Mr. John Varner is occupying the Zellars, on Thomas The length of this letter makes it impossible tor the News to furnish its readers with a copy of it in Philip Jones, of Newnan. Miss Marie Sewell, after a fuw days home of Dr. I. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Brooks are visit- visit to Miss Gladys White, has returned - iug the latter’s parents in Jonesboro. to her home at Lone Oak. The lirst Methodist church will soon Mrs. M. E. Green and grand daughter, Mrs. Ira Seroggin and daughter, Mrs. bo supplied with a new organ. Eunice Alexander, are visiting relatives Dent, of Newnan, are at the home of ! i he Palmetto Woman s Club was de in Carrollton. Judge T. M. Lester. lightfulty entertained by Mrs. Duard Dr. W. 11. McCrary attended the I E. B Cotton is iu Newnan. Bullard on the afternoon of the 15th, these columns, but many of them Walker-MoOmry wedding in Monroe. Rev. W. R. Lambert and wife, of N,n > M. A. Wiley, the President, in the j " ill l ead it iu tin* daily papers. Mr. S. O. Smith left Saturday for i Hogansville, were guests Friday of Mr. °hair. Several very interesting histori- I n his personal letter to the edi- New York City, where he will spend the , and Mrs James Gilbert. cal papers were given and a delightful, tor of (he News ('oiurressimm V.l summer. 1 Tom Latimer, of Hogansville, was in musical program given by Miss Ethel j i . . • Miss buoy Fllis, of Oakland, is the Grantville Sunday. Re,d aud Miss bucile Smith, after »msou say s lie thinks this paper Rnegt . of Miss Dora Powers . Mr. and Mrs j. G. Burdette, Dr. J. which delicious refreshments were serv- has done him an injustice; and, as Miss Margaret McKnight is visiting T. Latimer, Tom Turner and Lovick ed by the hostess. that kind ol treatment is not know- relatives in Alnany. Ponder attended quarterly meeting here The guns recently given the Daugh- ingly accorded to any man by this M 'ss bizzic Hill, of Inman, is the Saturday. ters of the Confederacy by Senator Clay,, paiicr the News takes nloasnre in « ue8t of ,u ' r 8lsU ’ r ’ Mr8 ' ° A - Ni l’Per. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Anderson, of New- have arnved aud wil1 soou counted j V Mrs. Celia Boswell and daughter. May mui, spent Sunday with Mrs. Emmett ftud P laca d at the base of the Coufecler- making an open reply to our Con- j ean , an , vUltlllK Mr *. c . c . MoKuighr. I Sewell. * ■»« monument, gi essman s letter. Mrs. W. J. Cooke entertained very de-. T. L. Lambert brought to town on ————— In his letter Congressman Ad- i lightfully at tea Tuesday evening. June 10th a ootton bloom of the Hoke unison says that the Atlanta ('on- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Arimll, of Monti- Smith variety, ahead ot all others, stitution placed “misleading head- 06,l °’ ftr * * fnesU of the termer s li„^" i,;„ ..... , .. . ! parents. Several of the vonng people attended oxer his spew hot accept-1 Mr. G. D Pollook aud Mr. 8. J. El- Palmetto. I the all-day singing at Line Creefc Sun- ani*e; that it wits a "Democratic der spent Sunday here. ——— <i ay sjH*«oh. sulxstantially such as i Miss Annie liigraham, of Atlanta, is Dr. James Stacy, of Newnan,preached Earnest McCullough aud daughter, of j Newnan, spent Sunday with Mr. aud j i HTVmTmm* BV TnT NTaTllM A ••y MICHAELS* STERN ^ 'FINE CLOTHING #»OMA(LS, BTC PIN '4 Cfej HAVE YOU SEEN OUR SMART OUTING SUITS? Standing Rock. If not, do so at-once. They just "fill the bill” for hot weather wear, as they are exceptionally smart-looking, cool, easy-feeling, such as you will want to wear most of the time trom now until the lirst of October. In outing suits at $10, $12.50, $15 and upwards we offer values that can’t be matched. The tahrics are thin flannels, worsteds and blue .serges of tested quality and hand tailored throughout. But come and see for yourself the tine workmanship and the ex cellent materials in these suits. Do you need an extra pair of trousers to go with that suit you bought eurlo in the spring? Our line is the best we have ever had. We carry all colors and prices. have made many times in the, v * s ' t ' n g Mrs. M. H. Couch. two fine sermons at the Presbyterian Fourth Distriet. making no refer-' Miss Stella Hogg entertained last Fn-1 olmroh on Sunday, June 17th. Dr. Hiiiwt n . n vn.n,i;,l.b> nr ^ day evening in honor of Mr. J.P. Green, Stacy is a much beloved pastor, and nrt to aii> candidate or even men- j of Wayue8boro . The beautiful tecep-1 popular with all denominations. turning the rat* lor governor.” |tion ball and parlor ware decorated inj Mrs. 8. M. Dean, Regent of the Pied- Mrs. J R. Waller. W. E. Henslee aud Leonard Neill,who graduated at Emory College, are at Regent of the Pied- home. ; BARNETT, ST. JOHN & CO. Greenville Street.