The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 22, 1906, Image 7

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Legal Advertising. VANISHED TREASURES. ORDINARY’S NOTICES. GEORGIA, Coweta County. T. P. Rawls, administrator of Dr. J. D. Brown, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in July next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This June 4th. 1000. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. 1 GEORGIA, Coweta County. G. E. Parks, Guardian of Joseph \V. Parks, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for Letters of Dismission from his snid trust, all per- , ... , . sous concerned are required to show when called on to do plumbing, cause in said Court by the first Monday ill July next, if any they can, why said application should not. be granted. This June 4th, 1006. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. We Don’t Lose Any Time Jf yon discover a leak Prompt Plumbing Action is what you want. Always get us for plumbing if yon want it well done. We don’t charge high and are always ready to come. W. Ij. sexton, The Newnan Plumber. GEORGIA, Coweta County. A. P. Barfield, Executor of Susan 8. Gibson, deceased, having applied to the Court, of Ordinary of said County for Letters of Dismission from his said trust, : all persons concerned are required to show enuse in said Court by the first Monday in July next, if any they can, why said application should not bo granted. This June 4th, 11)06. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Coweta County. ' The estates of Oscar James Sims, Ida IV'\v Annul Building. Phone lull Oretha Minis and Robert Johnson Sims, minors, said county,being unrepresented and not likelv to be represented, all tier. | Sa g SE a5EEEE'B5a!!!e!3iS5BE3E35aSB3a53| M)lm concerned are required to show cause in the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in July, 1006 next, why the guardianship of the property of said minors should not he vested in the County Guardiiui. This June 4th, lfiOO. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. T. M. MARTIN Does kinds ; Tin Work, Roofing fi Plumbing and | Repairing. Expert work and low- prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. fSttvSTKltn RlInrJt/mHj|7utnr,IPm](n n3Unll/inJtmUS]frl(nr3t?i ftHtjplalw R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 6-cent jmcUet is enough for usual occasions Thejfamily bottle <tS0 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. GEORGIA, Coweta County. By virtue of an order from Court of Ordinary will he sold before court house door in the City of Newnan, snid state and county, on t.lio first Tuesday in July, 11106, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, for ensli, or for one-lmlf cash and one hull payable Nov. I, 11)06, at the option of purchaser,with interest at K percent., the following described property, towit: Seven shares of stool, of die Georgia i Railroad and Banking Company ; nine slut res of stock of the Atlanta & West Point Railroad Company; nine Deben ture Bonds of the Atlanta & West Point Railroad (lompuny. Sold as the property of George R. Sims, deceased. This June 6, 11)06. .1. B. Minis, J. It. Sims, | Admrs. Estate of George It. Sims, de- • ceased. Mastcrplerpa of Art That Are I.oat to the AVorhl. The “Venus de Milo," which lias been In the Louvre for many years is, as nil the world knows, an Imperfect piece of sculpture, though it Is the greatest treasure of its kind the world Inis over seen. A great reward would he given the mini who could find the missing parts. About 1878 the most important of them—the right arm—came to light lu London and was proved by experts to l>e genuine. The owner, however, refused to part with It and concealed It for fear It would he stolen. Unfor tunately lie died without revealing its hiding place, so It Is ns much lost ns ever. A bronze drinking cup which was stolen from an Egyptian temple in 17,’tb and brought to Europe lias mirac ulously disappeared. Oil It Is engraved the whole history of the Pharaohs, and It could easily be sold for $100,000. In fact, tbo French government offered a reward of $14,000 for Its discovery, but the famous cup has vanished, probably forever. Another treasure which hits vanished In as strange a way is the Marcella vase of the Dresden collection. This Is the only piece missing from the fa mous Dresden Marcella collection, the value of which Is said to he $75,000. It bears the cross arrows and tin* lion's head. Not long ago the vase was said to he In England, but, lie that ns It limy, the person who rediscovers this treasure may command any price In reason for It. Dow it Is possible that a treasure so large ns a painting could be lost sight of entirely Is not easily explained, but Ibis has often happened. One of Reyn olds' paintings, "Countess of Derby,” which Is considered Ills best portrait, has disappeared. Not long after it was painted It disappeared from the collection of the Earl of Derby and has never been heard of since, though It would bring $150,000 to the finder. There are also two Vandykes and a Rembrandt missing, for which collect ors are willing to pay $1100,000. The | Karl of Crewe would give a large sum for the return of a Cupid which some vandal cut from the portrait of the for mer Countess of Crewe and her sou, who was painted as the sprite. — St. Louts Republic. LIFE ON EASY STREET. Notice of Opening of New Road. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Residence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls, DR. W. A. TURNER, Residence Telephone No. 64. Georgia, Coweta County. The Newnan Cotton mills, C. C. Parrott and others have made ap plication l’or a first class public road, commencing at a point on the lower McIntosh public road near the point of intersection of the lower and upper McIntosh public roads, in the 646th district, G. M., of said county, and run —— j ning thence in a southerly direc- Offioes in Sanatorium Building, corner tion through lands of S, L, J Till Drs. Davis & Turner Physicians and Surgeons Newnan, Georgia. College and Hancock streets, phone No. 5-2 calls. Tele-j and Newnan Cotton Mills; which said road has been marked out by j the commissioners and a report thereof made on oath by them Z. Greene, D. D. 8., AH p® 1 * 0 ™* *r« notifie ? s f a i d 7 I new road will on and alter the Office on Second Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. first Wednesday in July, next, by the Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of said county, be finally granted if no new cause be shown to the contrary. 'I’llis June fith, 1906. By order of the Board. W. L. Stallings, Clerk. THE STAGE KISS. It TchIh tile tieuliiH of (lie Actor nmt tlie Actress. The stage kiss Is important. There Is nothing which so tests (he genius of an actor and an actress as the ability under just such circumstances to pro duct! the Illusion of love. On the stage It Is necessary for them to forget their own personalities, to smother their own feelings, one for the other, and In the place of the warped though genu ine kiss we see at the railroad station and the steamship wharf present to our eyes by the magic of their acting a highly artificial product. And this highly artificial product, be cause It Is art and because It Is pro duced by art. Impresses us as real and genuine where the actually real and genuine would have filled us only with derision and contempt, just as real tears on the stage would fall to move us. Indeed, the best stage kisses, the kisses that are most convincing in the way of realism, are usually given and received by actors and actresses whose feeling for each other In private life Is, I to say the least, Indifferent. Frequent ly, If audiences only knew, they watch lovemaklug on the stage between men and women who are literally ut dag gers’ points with each other. I would not go so fur as to say that such a state of feeling always contrib utes to good stage lovemukiug and to realistic stage kissing, hut 1 do know that It Is an axlomutlc truth, recog nized by theatrical munngers every where, not to enguge pluyfolk lovers to enact slmilur roles 111 a drama if it is at nil possible to get any one else.— Blanche Ring in “The Psychology of the Stage Kiss.” It In na lileul Place and Worth Slrlv- tnu Kar. There are more strong limbed, elear headed, brave hearted people living on Easy street than anywhere else in this broad land, and their prime condition Is the natural consequence of living there, for, although you may not have thought of it, there Is a close relation ship existing between good health and the consciousness of getting on well In life. You can him* this for yourself If you will note how a strong man droops, like a frost nipped (lower, who by some mistake loses Ids position, Ills posses sions or the esteem of his fellows, one or all. Shylock made a hard bargain with a borrower, and In his effort to foreclose the bond lost Ids cash and won the contempt and scorn of all men. Mental disturbance followed, Including physical 111 being, and, staggering away from the judge's bench anil clutching at the air, he erlisl, “1 am not well!” But you need not go hack so far to get nil Illustration. And on the other hand you can see by observing for yourself how the gain, or even the anticipated gain, of a home on Easy striM*t will make a sick man well, quicken dying hopes Into life and change the water of sorrow Into the wine of joy. Recent literature has re minded us how a happy turn In the tide of the affairs of .Install Wedgwood, afterward to become the world's great pioneer pottery artist and Inventor, raised him from an Invalid's couch and started him upon the road to atlluence and distinction among England’s In dustrial princes. Similarly Mary Woll- Htonoerafl, afterward the mother of the poet Shelley's wife, 111 from neglect and discouraged by hardships, was, by Ihe success of her modest ventures in lit erature, heartened to undertake her great life work, which soon yielded her a handsome royally. Read the story of Angelina, who lives on Fast sheet and has no desire to move ami lose her clour headedness and her health. She was engaged to ho married to Allan. He was a clerk receiving $1” per week, and she earned $85 a month leaching school. After a few years Angelina explained her con tinued splnslerlmod by saying (lint she. had given Allan Hum lo develop into a larger money getter, and he had not done It, so sho decided against Ihe ad visability of exchanging an $85 a nioiilh position for a $50 a mouili hus band. II is 11ui11* true Hint when pov erty eoiues In at the door love files out of the window, but II Is not because the Angelinas are without sentiment. II is because love cannot feed on lll- eonipeteiicy anil thrives best mi Easy street. So the Iniporlnnee of everything that will aid any one to get on in the world Is established on a sure I'otiuduHou the testimony of facts. We do not ex alt mere money gelling above those qualities of head and heart which make life worth living, Iml rather em phasize the honorable getting of It as a oonsorver of them. And hence the wisdom of living on Easy street.—Dent For Cent. The Orchid Knnilly. There seems to ho a general miseon- eeptlon as to just what an orchid Is. Many call any plant which grows oil ii tree or has some peculiar feature an orchid. This mistake Is frequently made with (lie pitcher plants and the "tall flowers," The milling In one or gan, called the column, of the stamens and pistils serves to disliugiilHh the orchid family from all related ones. T'lie orchid family 'embraces (>,000 or 7,000 species, of which comparatively few are found In the warm temperate and almost none lu the cold temperate zones. They are mostly distributed In the tropical regions, In hot, humid places. Orchids, however, do not Inva riably prefer humid conditions. Nearly all tropical orchids grow on trees, hut In temperate regions they grow in earth.—Youth’s Companion. LIVE IN COMFORT No matter what your position or income may be. Mow much lighter work seems to tin* man who, throughout the day. has thoughts of a happy and comfortable home to which he may go when his day’s work is done. A neatly furnished home is an inspiration which every man of toil should enjoy. And every man may possess and enjoy artistic and comfortable furnishings, for RFKSK excludes no one. We oiler you the fullest use of our most helpful credit plan. We oiler you all the credit you want- and wo offer you more: We offer—we guarantee—you generous treatment, conscien tious service and the greatest help under an\ and till circumstances. We'll make arrangements that will suit your convenience—not only at the time you make your purchases, but throughout the entire life of the credit account and until Hie last payment is made. It's this generous treatment and this granting of favors that makes Reese’s credit plan most suitable for people in moderate circumstan ces—makes it the ideal credit plan for you. OEPOTJST. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, GA. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in al of marble and granite. kinds GEORGIA MARBLE r A SPECIALTY AH work guaranteed to be first class in every particular. Parties needing anyLl : n , in otir line are n quested to call, examine work and get prices. OFFICE AND'.WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION NEWNAN, GEORGIA MERCK & DENT IMPROVED-HIGH GRADE BUGGIES A Tip Top Job in llu* repairin. and other vehicles is I we attempt or I urn old success in repair your business when thing in our. lint l carriages, wagons * is the only kind lienee our Wo want y ou have any - II satisfy won and you in price as v use only the best thus getting the best results *11 as work. Wo nloi’s and \arnish, bug gy painting. < lot one. MERCK Buggy & DENT Builders. Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Co.’s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Magnetic Hair Tonic The most effective hair restorer on the market. Prevents baldness by imparting vigor to the scalp— cleanses it and eradicates dandruff. Restores life and beauty to the hair. Every bottle guaranteed. Price 50c per bottle, at the J. T, Treats all diseases of domestic animals R e ese Drug Store, Newnan, Ga. Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. Wanted A hustlin s Wf CllllvU repre senta- tive to sell city lots, on the best propsition ever offer ed. Best contract given, and all inquiries cheerfully answered. Southern Real Estate & Loan Co. TIFT0N, GA. Hot Weather Trips via Central of Georgia Railway. Summer excursion tickets to the Seashore,-Mountain and Lake Re sorts in the North, South, East and West, A trip by rail and sail to New York, Boston, Baltimore, Phila delphia and points in the East via Savannah and steamship lines, is to be considered at this season. Tickets are on sale at all coupon ticket offices. For rates, schedules, etc., apply to any Agent or rep resentative of the Central of Geor gia Railroad. IndlKestlon. The following cure for Indigestion is recommended by the eminent Dr. Bond In tli. London Lancet, a medical Jour nal of world wide repute. “The indigestion must be a very hopeless one,” says Dr. Bond, “which will not yield to a diet of a small cup of warm milk to which a teaspoonful of rum has been added, followed by a plain biscuit or two and some very mild cheese, paradoxical as this com bination may seem.” According to Dr. Bond, there is a subtle harmony between these Ingre dients that does the business. Lout Hoy Like Lout Umbrella. The tourist stopped at the little cabin where an old colored mammy was bending over a big tub. "Good morning, mummy," greeted the tourist. “Mawnln’, sub,” responded mammy. “Where’s your son SumV” “Gone, sah; I dunuo wlieb.” "Well, he always was a bad boy, mammy." “’Deed lie was, sah. lie was dess lak (let ole blue emhrelln All Ids’ In de thunderstohm. He was halid to raise, powaliful liabd to raise, an' afteh Ah did raise him he Jes’ Jumped away furn me, an’ Ah ain’t seen him since.” —Chicago News. Bnrthiiaake CJownn, In 1750 there was a great earthquake In England, anil Horace Walpole re cords that “several women have made ‘earthquake gowns’—that Is, warm gowns to sit out of doors all night.” Walpole also tells that "Turner, a great china man at the corner of the ; npxt street had n jar cracked by th* shock. lie originally asked 10 guineas for the Jar. He now asks 20. because it is the only jar In Europe that had been cracked by an earthquake." Arithmetical. "Yes,” sold the old mathematician, with a gleam in his eyes, "I’ve always looked at It that way. Marriage Is ad dition, when the little ones come it's multiplication, when dissension looms up to cloud the horizon of their happi ness it’s division and when the final parting comes it’s subtraction.” “And how about divorce?” asked the listener. “Oh, I guess that would come under the denomination of fractions.”—New York Press. For Picnics. We have everything desirable and de licious for the picnic lunch. No matter what kind of picnic or outing you r are planning, count on us to furnish every thing necessary for a picnic dinner or lunch. We can supply all kinds of CAKES, CRACKERS, OLIVES, PICKLERS, CANNED DELICACIES, Etc. Fresh bread, cakes and pies from our bakery can always be supplied for the picnic lunch basket. Let us have your orders.P “Hurry” orders do not worry us. Prompt service is our strong point. C. P. STEPHENS & CO., Proprietors of the New BaKery. Telephone No. 31. For Treasurer. I am an old ex-Confederate soldier, in JSy ?44h year;am crippled, have lost one eye and ants nearly blind in the other; ain worn odt, ana have an almost help-1 If your stomach troubles you do not less wife, and no children to ask for conclude that there is no care, for a help. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer of great many have been permanently cur- Coweta county as an Independent. Am 1 ed by Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver not able to canvass the county, and de- j Tablets. Try them, they are certain to sire the people to meet me at the court prove beneficial. They ouly cost a quar- house in Newnan the third Saturday in j ter. Sold by Dr. Paul Peniston, New- Angnst, at two o’clock, p. m., so I can nan, Ga. tell them of my needs. J. P. Shaw. | —■ Cotton Mills, Newnan, Ga. Mended It. “I have never given you credit for knowing very much, madam,” said a blunt old bachelor, “but”— “Sir!” she interrupted. “Do you wish to Insult”— “But,” he continued, “I have always admired your grace and beauty.” "I accept your apology,” said the lady. Knew She Wna Pretty. Lillie (to visitor) — Don’t you think that I look Just like my mamma? Mother—Hush, child! Don’t be vain! A Hare Article Indeed. A little girl not long ago displayed a bit of feather—black, as It happened— to a caller at the house. This man looked Impressed and inquired gruvely, “What Is that Nelly, an angel’s wing?” The child slowly shook her head. “Oh, no," she answered at once. “Angels’ firathers ure white, and I think they are very scarce." Alienee. Johnny — What’s silence, Freddy? Freddy—It’s what you don't hear when you listen—Kansas City Independent. How to Break Up a Cold. It may he u surprise to many to learn thut. a severe cold can he completely broken up in one or two day’s time. The first symptoms of a oold are a dry, loud congli, a profuse watery discharge from the nose, and a thin,white coating on the tongue. When Chamberlain's cough remedy is taken every hour on the first appearance of these symptoms, it counteracts ll^e effect of the cold and restores the system to a healty condition within a day or two. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. TheUVery Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. Burroughs, an old uml well- known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: “I regard Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best, remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement, after having used the remedy in my family for several years. I am never without it." This remedy is al most sure to be needed before the sum mer is over. Why not buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency? For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. ■ The only guaranteed kidney remedy B pen J. T. Holmes, Real Estate and Rent- Buy it—try it—it costs yen nothing if j handle, iug Agent. Office over 1st Nat. Bank, it fails. Price 60 cents at Holt & Cates. / 4. little oil rnbbed on the stub end of a pen will prevent Its rusting in the The man who Is trying to keep his head above water realizes that a flout ing debt is a poor life preserver. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure | is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money if uf- ter taking one bottle you ore not satis fied with results. 60 cents at Holt & Cates’. Do You Sufferfrom Kidney Trouble? We gnurancee one bottle of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure to benefit or cure, or yonr druggist will refund your money. Price 50 cents at Holt & Cates’.