The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 06, 1906, Image 8

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Grantville. Kmnm Kulln '/♦•lliirn 1**11 Tn«»Hiiy tor Denver, Colnm-to, nnrt other jut ts k t. She will be iilwiit M-Vfi;t 1 w. Mrs. W. (I. r nnd Lnwiidi- Sn-I ler are e;xmjcIItij; Hip week in N xxnnii. nr the home of (5nl. U () June*. Mink Bfitlm ('lower, who hurl hei , n the RuoKt of her immdmolher, Mr« Henry A. ('nm|i, returned home to At lnntn n few (lavs nun. noeotnpnmeil hr MissArlinn Rrvnitt Href m .rt, of Mouutville, is the truest r.f Rev \ H. S. Bung. mi aini Mrs. Jiiu Stevens, of Carroll- ton, nre at the home of Joe Stevens John Bryant, ot Newnan, *pent Sim- rlir with L. 1* Bryant. Mr. ii.-'l Mrs. Ahbv Lyle, of Brook- xxi I nr visiting Mrs Mol lie Lyle. lin e- S| nrllin. of Moreland, was in (irnntvllle Sunday. Tlie mmriage of Mias Willie Gill and mi Walter Barnes, of Grantville, took pirn .it Lone Dak Hiimlay afternoon, K 1. Sewell is home from a visit to thn eeremony being performed l.y Judge his daughter, Mrs Boss Barton, ot \|n. * Miss Lueile Bayne, of Ilogansville, and Miss Newell, of Milletlgeville, wen- in (irnntvllle I in-sdny. Mrs. W A Post spent Inst week with her still, Col. W. G Post, of Newnan. Ih r little grantlsiai. Glenn l*osf, return • I home M it h her Moiitlnx. \|iss Bessie llumplirtes is visiting Misses Ter km and Kiuniu Murphy at Moreland, i Miss Dersa Knlmnks. ot Atlanta, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. T. M /el lurs. Mrs. L. W. Bohannon left Tuesday for a visit to Mrs II r Fanington of Texas She was iierompnnied hy Mrs. Anna Bnhaiiiiou, ol Newnan Mrs. .1. I) Mnrelnud is visiting rela tives in Atlanta Mrs Mnrv Gwneshv. I apt. T K /e l litis, Edwin Batiks and E. B. Cotton at tended the dedloalinu s^h-vines of the new Mt thodlst ellnroll at Coiililli Sun day. Miss Male-l Sewell is in Atlanta Miss .IiiIiii Sewell, of Alexander City rtekot Mis»es Mary Livy Bnrks Nidie Shad- dix, Kosa Doll Sliaddix, Baby Null, Mi ~-r- Frank Turnlpseed Nathan amt Unwind Nall and Ed Coueh went to Pearl Spring Bark yesterday T A. Andrews and A. .1. I’nks made a business trip to Midway this week. The handsome Cadillac automobile, which was mentioned in last week's News a- In-tug a gift from Mrs. S. K Leigh to her eldest son, tIhatlie Stewart Cotlev, was almost destroyed by tin* last Thursday afternoon. The machine con tinue I at the time, Mrs S. K. Is-igh and children. Misses Ktntnn Bella and Estelle /ellais It is believed that some defect in the mechanism caused tie- gasoline to Ignite, as Charlie Stewart, who acted as chauffeur, was very careful and had never driven his auto at a high rate ■ f s in 'I As soon as the aocidmit, which in piirred in the suhurhs of the town he- came known,many friends of Mrs. Leigh and the Miss s /ellais hurried to the spot, and were over Joyed to find them safe ini'l hut little hurt. Thev had a Ala., was the guest Saturday and Sun- ,mrr,,w lts ,h " »»«o»iine was a day of Mrs It 1 Sewell. Mrs. Jonas Fuller n! Moreland, spent li few days tills week with Mis. T. M Zellars. Philip Grr, of Newnan, was in Grant- villa Sunday. Miss Alva G'ilrlen spent Tuesday in Hognusvllle. Misses Annie Lon Parks and Li/./.le Lie Hhnddix nre visiting friends in Motehind. mass of tlaines ulniosl as soon as ignited. Rock Spring. It A. J Smith anil wife were the guest- of J. C. Lewis' family last Sun day F M Parrott and wife visited rela tives at Moreland last Saturday nnd Sunday, Bud Leigh and sou, of Goodes, visited Miss Uliu B Moore nnd Pnsehnl r „, llflv „ H Saturday and Sunday Moore, of Lone Oak, were guests Sun (lay of Miss Myitis O’Neal. Mr. hiiiI Mrs. George Anderson, of Newnan, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. .luilsnn Smith. Mrs Shiite Sewell is at Wrightsville Bench. Miss Lueile Bar mil, of Lime tick, was the guest Saturday id Miss Willie May Lambert. Mr. and Mrs Clins. Doan, of Atlanta, are at the home of ,1. It t 'ntton Payee visited Ins parents in I logansville Sunday T. M. /ellais and VV. A. Bohannon were in Atlanta Tuesday Mrs. Arthur McCoy, of Welcome, and Mr. and min. Ira I sister, of Slmrpsbui'g, were at the bedside of their sisters, An ■lie nnd Tnmmic Lou Lester, who lire still (|utfe sick w nli fever, Mr. and mih. J. G Burdette, Miss Jennie Lou Nall nnd Kmmtt Nall, ol Lone Oak, and Homy Keith, of More- laml, spent Sunday at tin- home of mis Aiiuii Jeter. Sunday, Mrs. Will Braswell and elnl dren and I-rmk Martin, of Texas; Mi ami mi* Olm*. Martin, Mr and Mrs. Al bert Martin,(mik. Hattie Harris and chit then, of Atlanta, were entertained In- Mrs. Kuimitt Snwell at the Null Ihmsc MissBitth CoiihIiin, ot Lutherville, is visiting her gland-mother, Mis W J. Fuller. Mrs Gray, oil )al I ns, Texas is visiting Misses Felicia and Minnie Stallings F. T. Meaelmtn is in \tlaiila Index Miss Nellie Ponder, id Lone ()al> v isit ed miss Curdle Hopson Iasi Sumlin Mrs. Ida llrnketiold. ol Scuniii, visited mis. James Gilbert a lew davs ago Carl Sewell and Will Post w. re hi I.lllherville Sundin I’n-ss lOntrekln ami wife, of Palmetto, Visited here Slllldliy. S A. Brown and wife and sen. Virgil, attended services at the Book in Fayette county last, Saturday and Sunday. S, () Houston and soil. Jim, visited relatives at Palmetto Similar. Cseur Uatuel and wife, of Grantville, were the guests of <\ C. Giimel's family several days last week. Mr. Bunks and wife, of Moreland, and Willie Hembree nnd wife, of McCollum, wnrsliip|Hxd here last Sunday. Rev. C. J. Short tilled his regular ap pointment ut Book Spring Inst Saturday and Sunday and also Saturday night. • in Saturday the church met lit oonl'er- onoe anil accepted the deed from Mrs. m. .1, Lewis for a spot of laud fora burying ground; and also elected dele gates to the Geiiernl meeting ns follows: S S Cochran, d. 0. Giunel, M. I). Thur mond mill I'. II Harper. Bev, Henry Phillips, of Hunt Point, lilh-I the pulpit at Book Spring lust Sun day night P C. Smith and son, Harry, were the uruests of m. I). Thurmond's family last Su idiiv Airs. Osoar Harper and Mrs Frmioes Dormiii have been unite sick the past week. John Wingo and wife and children visited relatives at Springdale lust Sun day. W M Jackson mid wife and m l>. Thiirmoml attended the lili nt July Imr- lu-eue near Leigh* (’Impel last Wednes day . Millard Meeks mid wife, of Newnan. are visiting the home folks tins week. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. j GEORGIA, Coweta County. After four weeks' notice, pursuant to Section fi-Hfl of the Civil Code, a peti tion, of which a true and correct copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon B. W. Freeman, Judge ot the Su perior 1 'ourt of said county, at the court house in said county, on the 1st day of August, lUOd. This June 3Sth, IWOd. T. F. RAWLS, Guardian of J. F. Shell. GEORGIA, Coweta County. To tin- Hon. B W Freeman, Judg- of the Superior < 'nurt of -aid County : T he petition of T. F. Rawls shows: I That he i- the guardian of Joseph F Shell, duly iippointe l as such guard ian in said enmity J. That he desires to sell for rein vestment at private -ale the following projierty, the same being a part of the estate of his said ward, towit: A cer tain lot with itnproveim nts thereon, in the town of Seuoia, said State and coun ty, said lot being known in the plat of said town as lot No. 4, in Section 7, and bounded on the north by Mary L. Stew art, east by Edwards & Travis, south by Seavy street, and wi st by S. C. Travis. It. Petititloner purehased said prop erty for Ins said ward in 11)08 that said ward might have a home of his own wherein to reside, hut said ward for divers reasons never nneupied same, and circumstances linve come about that the property can not be used for the pur pose it whs originally intended. The property has been occupied at intervals by tenants, they paying the sum of $*> ,'it), 4U 00 iieil ♦7..">o, respectively, each month us each occupied. The expense of keeping up the property is slight, ex tending to repairs on the house only. Petitioner makes this application for the reason that Ins ward will not occupy the residence, nnd he desires that tie- money involved in this property lie oth erwise invested. I Petitioner desire* to hives' the proceeds of such sale hi a one fourth interest in the merchandise busi ness of J. II. Li|>sconil>& Son. at Whites | burg, Georgia; and if said projierty do nut bring a sufficient sum to pim-lmse tin-said intercKt in snid business, peti tioner nsks leave to add other funds be- longing to Ins ward’s estate not now in vested in anything to meet the dettclen- ! oy- !>. Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application has bi-on published once a week for four weeks, us required hy law. T. F. Rawls. Sworn to mid subscribed betore me, j this June 28, 11)0*1. W. G. Post, Notary Pulilio, Coweta County, Ga. ORDINARY'S NOTICES. July Sweeping Sale at A. E. BROD'S CUT PRICE STORE Our July Sweeping Sale begins Friday and will last all the month. All records will be broken in choice clothing, shoes, slippers, skirts, hats, dry goods, etc. The whole stock is one blaze of maj estic bargains. By all means attend this mighty sale; it means a saving of 33 1-3 to 50 per cent, on all summer goods. Enamel ware worth oOe to 75c, including rins ing puns, preserving kettles, saucepans, tea and coffee pots, Monday sale price 25c Any man’s and young man’s straw hat in the house worth 1.00 to 2 00, will go in the July Sweeping Sale .at. 25c Enamel ware worth 115c to 50c, including milk pans, boiling kettles, covered buckets, etc., Monday sale price 19c All white linen canvas oxfords during this sale will be sold at less than cost. A rare lace curtain burgs in—all our 2.00, 2.50 and 00 curtains will be sold in 'this July Sweeping sale at per pair 98c Enamel ware, odds and ends, worth up to 50c, “f 15c Ladies’ oxfords, worth nothing less than 2 ,C0, July Sweeping Sale price 9flc Ladies’ tine trimmed hats, worth 2.60 to fi.OO, July Sweeping Sale price 98c Extra Special for Monday. We will place on sale an entire manufacturer’s sample line of their best enamel ware. Every piece is perfect in every respect. It’s a rare bargain for housekeepers, so come early Monday morning. GEORGIA. Coweta County. 1 W. B. Git, adminisiiator nf estate of A. W Hill, nsed, having applied to < the Court of Ordinary of said County | for leave to sidl twenty ('.’<)) -Iiart-s of the capital stock of Palmetto Cotton Mills, nil persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Mnndnv in August next, if any they can, why said application should not he 1 granted. This July 3d, lilOtl. L. A PKIIDI K, ( hdiimrv. A. E. BROD CREENVILLE STREET NEWNAN, CA. Palmetto. For anything in music or musi cal instruments telephone No. I'.hi. GEORGIA Coweta County. J. II Dennis, having Applied to the (Joint of Ordinary of said County for letters of administration on estate of Cornelia A. Dennis, deceased, all per- 1 sons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Mondiy in August next, if any they can, why -aid application should not h ■ granted. This Jul.v 3d, IIKKI, L. A PERDUE, Ordinary. Moreland. I Common grades of harness are sold by all dealers the year round, but FINE HARNESS IS NOT COMMON Among our stock can be found— Fine Single Runabout Harness Fine Light Road Harness (Both Single and Double' Fine Surrey Harness (Both Single and Double' Fine Carriage Harness (Both Single and Doublet When in doubt, buy of 1 ORR & POWELL Miss Willcno Broom, who Ims been tiie admired guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cureton, Sr., returned to College Park Tu-'sday. Miss Onie Brannon came homo from Atlanta Tuesday to spend the summer. Miss Ethel Beane, who is a recent ad dition to Moreland society, is making a brief visit to friends in Atlanta. Mrs. W. L. Robinson and Mrs. Wev- iimn Oaiup, ot Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. E. N. Campanil family. Miss Parkn- Camp came home Satur day for her vocation. Judge H W. Camp is sojourning at Litliia Springs. On Tuesday afternoon from - r i to (1:80 Mrs. Frank (^uiUian entertained most delightfully in honor of her guest, Miss Simmons, of Rome Vines were fes tooned here and there, converting the veranda into a bower of loveliness. The grace and charm of the hostess was so imparted to every detail of this affair, that even each wave of palm and fern betokened cordiality. In one cozy nook little Misses Lueile Floyd and Lois Young served puuoli. The most unique feature of the occasion was the contest on “The Human Body." Mrs. J \V. Cole answering the greatest number of questions, received the prize, a beauti ful fan. winch wa- presented to Simmons. Miss Mat Couch carr.ed off the booby. Delicious refreshments were served; the color scheme, gold and green, being beautifully carried our. Those present were Mrs. Warner Camp, Mrs. John Camp, Mrs J \V. Cole, Mrs. J. O. Albright, Misses Bertie Simmons. Mattie Camp and Mat Couch. Rev Mr. Pierce, pastor of the Edge- wood church Atlanta, who is assisting Rev. Mr. Barrett in a meeting at the M. E. church, is a preacher of marked ability. His sermon last Sundny on ■‘Personal Inttneuoe," was exceedingly logical and full of soh-iiin warning to ungodly parentage. whom lie said was a crime against childhood. The meeting is still hi progress. Mrs. Tom Arnold end children visited the faillilv of Mr. J. L. Askew in West Point Inst week. Mr. and Mrs Guard Bullard, Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonn left last Wednesday for a week’s stay at the Isle of Balms. I)r. and Mrs. Linn Smith and Mrs. Henry Smith of Atlanta, are the guests of Mrs. Casper Smith. Mrs M A Wiley left last Sunday for llogausville, owing to the serious illness of Mr. John Covin's mother. Mrs, t'ovui is in extreme old age. and her de-itli is momentarily expected Mis .1, T Beckman, who has been so long indisposed, is out again, greatly to the delight of her many friends. Mr. Horace Zellars nnd Mr Henry Beckman are away, guests nt Trent- hum Springs Mr. Claud Culbrenth, who is in Ox ford for the, summer school, has hoen elected captain of the Oxford baseball team. Miss Annie Gene Culbreath is receiv ing charming attention ns the guest of Miss White in Auburn, Ala Miss Kathanue Reid is visiting friends in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Murphey, of Newnan, were the guests last week of Miss Sophy Latimer. Mrs. India Culbertson and her mother, Mrs. Johnston, of Atlanta, are at the St. Elmo Hotel. Judge William Floyd and his wife, of Fairburn, were in town last week. Miss Alberta Brittain gave an al fresco party Inst week, complimentary to Miss Mav Thornton, of Atlanta, and Miss Essie Roberts, of Fairburn. The Misses McCall, of Moultrie, are visiting Mrs. Camp on “The Hill." Mr. Leroy Harris has purchased the Mixon property, and will probably re model the dwelling for a permanent home. Judge Harry Reid, of Atlanta, was in town List week. Mrs Lee Word, of Gaiuesville, is the guest of Mrs Albert Brittain on River Drive. Master Tom Dnniel has secured the place of page at the State Capitol Mr. Guy Smith is with Ins aunt, Mrs. Harry Hiil. Mrs. Maud Bullard Hudson is with her father, Cnpt. Levi Buliard. MIDSUMMER MILLINERY. Midsummer time is near, but there is no unus- uul decrease in the volume of our trade. We are still selling millinery goods and pleasing all pur chasers with the extent and quality of the stock. Seasonable bats and millinery accessories are here in abundance and only await the inspection ami orders of discriminating shoppers. Our goods are the newest and loveliest creations ot ex perts in the manufacture of fine millinery. We buy from the largest and most reliable houses of the country, and always know the quality and wjrtli ot the goods offered our customers. You cannot make a mistake by placing your millinery order here. Remember this fact. /i Mrs. Lela Adams ®j Sold by All Grocers For Hot Tea ASK FOR OOLONG For Iced Tea BUY INDIA AND CEYLON For General Use BUY THE MIXED Nothing is more refreshing than a cup of iced tea; nothing more beneficial when tired than a cup of hot tea. Always the Same