The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 13, 1906, Image 4

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p, m I Whiteshurg. It wns a great day in Wlilie-Jinur on Die fourtli of July. The patriotism. noni- bim-d with the sooiul spirit of the dny. added to by the sporting fraternity, nmde the occasion u nietnonihle one in niRny resjH'fite. The crowd wio- huge, coming m from all sections adjacent P- WhitCRbnrg and from ninny distant points. Half a dozen enmities were rep reseated and three of these had Invite del cgations her<—Carroll. Coweta and Don (tips enmities. At the noon hour the crowd was estimated at h(H) and many others came to town in the afternoon. The exercises of the dny consisted of speaking, singing, social meetings of friends and two games of baseball. The speaking nnd singing was had in the college hall and the other exercises were held on the college campus. Everybody seemed to have a real good time mi’l the large crowd was very orderly and well- behaved. Two interesting games of baseball were played here on the fourth of July. The first game was played in the morn ing between Whitesbnrg and Mt. /ion. and resulted in a score of n to 5 in favor of the home teuni; the second game in the afternoon was with Madras and it was a beautiful, fast game, which re sulted in a score of It to H in favor ol Whiteshurg. The second nine from Whiteshurg, on the same day, went up to Hanning and defeated the Hanning team by a pretty score of I to I C T. Hailey and wife, of Ncwimn, vis ited the former's parents in the city last week. James Carmichael and Hugh Hen drix, of Newnan, were visitors at Whitesbnrg on the “Glorious Fourth." A large crowd from Hargeant and Madias spent the day in Whilesburg on July Ith D.P.Boatwright and wife, of Brum nil, visited relativesln the city last week. ,1. F Gilbert and wife of Pratt City, Ala , spent a day or two witli relatives here last week. Lovlek Hooks, wlio is now at work in Newnan with W. H. Askew »V Oo.,s|ient (lie fourth ol July al Ids home here. I). It. Henderson, of Hnnhiun, Tex., arrived in the city last Thursday and will upend several weeks with Ills par ents near the city. Win. Hilbert nnd wife of Now Or leans, visited relatives hern last week. Dr. (I. W. .Strickland, of Carrollton, passed through Whitesbnrg last week on a visii In friends near town. A It. Moore and family returned home Monday, after spending several days Very pleasantly with his parents near town. Frank .Smith, of Thomnsville, (in., K]Hoit a short while in the city last Sat urday. Wm. Herring, of Home, was in Whiteshurg on business last Saturday, W. F. Edgeworth carried his little daughter, Nnnoy, to Atlanta Saturday, to he treated hy Dr. Calhoun, the eye specialist. Owen Goodman, of this plaoo, is now running on the Central road as news botch. J. H. Alnminl begun his school at Kotherwood last Monday, witli a good attendance Miss Hizziu Watkins visited bar broth er ut County Line I lie past week. Copeland Askew, of Atlanta, is in the city, on a visit to his sisters, Mrs. W H. Parks and Mrs. W. H. Kelley. One of tile most surprising and ro mantic marriages ol the season was that of Miss Myrtle Stevens, of this place, to Bonj. New, of Carrollton, which oc curred last Sunday in Carrollton. Miss Myrtle was in Carrollton on a visit and while there she and Mr. New decided to get married without consulting or in viting any of their relatives or fro nds. Mrs. New is one of our bright and at tract ive young ladies, and lias many friends in Whilesburg, who, though very greatly surprised at her hasty mar riage, can but Join in wishing for her and hei husband the besl of success and happiness, and a long, useful life. They will live in Carrollton. Mrs. Nannie Oweus returned from Griffin Inst Sunday. Sanford Pitt, from Corsieatm, Texas, visited his brother,Naaman, of our com munity laRt week. They had not met before in 25 years. Misses Relle nnd Ella Goins, from Griffin, entile up on the Ith nnd spent a few days with their sister, Mrs. Hugh Parker. Mrs. Joe Prince is on the sink list. Little Susie Frizell, of Grantville, spent last week with her nunt, Mrs. (ieo. Anderson. Tillman Dewberry returned home Inst Friday, nftor visiting Columbus, Mont gomery nnd several other places. Mrs. Henry Whatley lias been sick the past week witli mnlnrin! fever. Homer Allen and wife spent the Ith of July in Carrollton. After being away from home several weeks, W. W. Whatley returned Fri day. Mrs. E. J. Stevens has been quite sick for several days. Miss Bertha MeOchec lias been sick tho past week. Hiram Mobley visited in Corinth last Saturday. Mrs. Nannie liass. from Hanning, vis ited in our community last Saturday and Sunday. James Pledger moved with Ills family to East Point last Tuesday. Will ('ohh and wife are on the sick list. Luther Key, from Carroll, visited Ids cousin, Mrs. J E. Farmer, last Monday. Miss Vassie Nix, from Hanning, visit- e l h r undo, John Davis, last Saturday and Sunday. Mack Brook and wife have moved on Clark street, into the rooms recently va cated hy Willie Neely. Mrs. George Argro, of LnGritnge, daughter of Mrs Joseph Smith,(lied Inst Thursday morning and was brought to Newnan and buried on Friday. She left an infant four months old. Brother Layton li 11<-<I Ins regular ap. poiiitment at tin. Chapel last Sunday, lie baptized Mrs. Norris and Miss Susie Farmer Sunday afternoon. Hrother Gaines preached at the Me morial Sunday night to un uttetdivecon- gregal ion. The Sunday schools seem to l.e hold- lug up well. A. & W. P. Improvements. The Atlanta & West Point Pail- road is making extensive improve ments at the Newnan depot and in the yards here. The depot has been given a new dress of paint throughout, and other minor im provements are noticeable. How ever, the largest job the A. N: W. P. has on hands in Newnan now is the building of several additional tracks in the yards. These tracks will be put down between the de pot and the old baseball grounds and on the western side of the main track. A large amount of grading is necessary la*fore the 1 tracks can be placed and a till of considerable size is necessary at the upper end of the tracks, op posite the ball ground, (trading has been in progress for a couple of weeks, a 70-ton steam shovel having been busily engaged on the job during most of that time. The new tracks will be between the main line and the new cotton warehouse, which will lie built on the railroad and on the lot in tin* rear of Hr. .lamesStaey's residence lot. Work of grading the ware house site is also in progress. A large amount of dirt is being re moved from this lot and the city has si-cured some of it for the pur pose of making a till on Jefferson Street til the foot of the hill lead ing up to the cemetery. This is a much needed and desirable im provement on one of the city's main streets. [Mitchell Wagons i r (Tennessee Wagons -*l I I M 1 11 Until August 1st we are making* a Special Summer price that Avill pay you to buy wagons now; notwith standing the fact that wagons are from five to ten percent, higher than last year. We do this to make room for our fall shipments. Rock Spring. Willin McGoe unit wife and Misses Lizzie and Anna Parrott upon I Wednes day Iasi in Newnan Homer Hammett, wile and sister,Miss Sal.ra Hammett, of Springdale, visited relatives I.ere last Saturday and Sun- i day. Dr. Ed Overby, of East Point, accom panied hy his hrot her, M. 11. Overby, of Palmetto, passed through here last Fri day, on route to Cokes Chapel. S. N. Houston made u business trip to tin- Gate City the lirsl of the week. M. D. Thurmond and daughters visit ed friends at Kedi'OU last Monday. W. M. Jackson, Wilbur Houston and A. F. Parrott spent Saturday last in Palmetto. Hock Spring is anticipating a line singing school in tlie near future, taught | by Prof. Will Askew, of <>uk Gvove. The time hasn’t been fully decided upon, hut will probably begin the suo- i ond Week in August. | Owing to so many big rains recently, the farmers nit- very much delayed with their work in this section. Miss Nellie Kate '■bnitli, of Palmetto, j opened her school bore last Monday, with very good ill tendance. James Knowles, of Fayetteville, visit ed his sister here this week, Mrs. A. F. Parrott. Albert Hams made a business trip to Sluirpsburg last Monday. Sheriff Brown Ivenl to Atlanta this week ami brought back a couple of negro criminals who were wanted here. One of them was Put <'onnally, the Fulton county convict who i-si'upeil from the Cow eta i-haiiigang several weeks ago. The other was Henry (>rr, a negro wanted for assault with intent to murder and for carrying a pistol concealed. Oil- had been awa\ from Ibis county for two years. Both negroes were arrested by At lanta ollii-ers. Mrs. Roy Askew left this week for a several days stay in Atlanta. Mrs. Sanders Hibson and chil dren spent Monday ill Atlanta. m~n Slur Key.. Wlint onuses the rays or pencils of light (lull seem lo In- tin-own out l>y every star when seen l.y the naked eye? A Cii-rman sclentIrt lua.s (hut all stars show precisely the siune ray-., but tlint In tile case of tIk- brighter stars the rays are plainer and some what longer. It is further remarked that the rays seen hy the left and right eyes differ, and that If tlie head he ttimed tlu- rays are rotat. .1 in a corre spending manner. It is tints conc lude.! that tlu* source of the rays Is not In the slurs, lull in the eye Itself, Hie middle of the retina being not perfectly homo geneous In Its sensitiveness. Milltown. Miss Lucy Mel’hi tv is thought to he a little better. Charlie, little soil of John Newsome nnd wife, is spending a week with his sister, Mrs. Osborn Atu-rsoii, at East Point. J W Kelley is able to l.e out again. After s|n-udmg n tew dnvs with her mother, Mrs. Julia L\v, Mrs. Ford He.-so Inis returned home. lmn, little daughter of Alonzo Whit tle and wife, bus been unwell. Anna and Jesse Canon, who went to Gaiuesville with their father, John Can on, returned to Newnan last Saturday. Charlie Welborn, from Hopewell, Ga., is stopping with his aunt, Mrs. Taylor Pye, and has employment in the mills. Horace Thomas, who used to be a res ident of Newnan, married Miss Minnie Bowie, of Sargennt, last Sunday and they will make 1-uGmnge their liotm . Miss Maud Mobley has been su-k a few days. Mrs. Nancy Weir will move with her family to Hogansville next week. Arthur Hein rick and Mins Maude Mob ley and Haisten West and Miss Beulah liellnutt went to Banning July 4th. Charlie Attaway came down from -irgent last Monday aud speut the day with his sister, Mrs. Hiram Mobley. Sargent. Miss Maud Warren visited Miss Em mie Witcher lust Saturday night and Sunday. The nmn.v friends of Mr. ,1. M. Boone, who Ims been very ill for the past week, are glad to learn that lie is greatly un proved and hone he will soon bo conva lescent. Kogular services will he held lit New Lebanon Saturday and Sunday hy the pastor, Kev. J. B. S. Davis. Farmer's high school is progressing rapidly, both in interest and numbers, under the able management of Prof. 11. L. Banks and Mrs. T. B. Newton. Eighty pupils have been enrolled. L. B. Guriev and 0.11. Newton are at tending the S-tercd Harp singing at Standing Hock. Paul Warren and Leonard Newton made n flvmg trip to Welcome last Sun day. Mesdames L. B. Gurley and G. A. Brown visited the former’s parents, W. W. Carmichael and wife, at Hoseoe, bust Tuesday. Jack Bridges visited friends in Wel come las: Sunday. Ilo.v a Horse Meeps. Ilors.-s always poll.I one ear forward wlien they sleep. Exactly why it Is done m. human being can tell, hut the prohuhllity Is tlml %'ie practice is a relic of the time when th y were wild and obliged to l.e on their guard evc.i when asleep. Cattle, mi tlu* other hand, are apparently indifferent as tn the position of their ears while sleep ing, lhit no odds wlint position they are in Doth are always pointed alike. Ask some observing horseman If it is not u fuel that a horse always throws one ear forward when l.e sleeps. Dodson. Rpv. F. ,T. Amis preached at, Macedo nia last Saturday anil Sunday. Prof C. R. Sewell took up his school at Happy Valley Monday, T. F. Shnokleford and wife of Now I nan, visited the hitter’s parents Sunday ■ Miss Maud Warren, of near Sar- geant, visited Miss Emmie Witcher last, Saturday and Sunday. J. W. Boone and wife of Atlanta, i have been visiting the former’s father, who lias been ill the pnst few days. Mr. Boone is much better. Miss Lillian Leigh, of Newnan, is spending a few days with Mrs. T. B. Sunders. Miss Dean Sanders is visiting rela tives in Oedartown. J. N. Kersey, of Newnan, visited his mother last Sunday, who is very sick t the home of her sister in Hoseoe. S G. Dukes nnd wife visited Mrs. Mary Ann Newton Sunday. It rained on the just and unjust of this community Sunday afternoon. Kev. E. T. Carter prenohed in Pike county lust Sunday. Mrs. Oliver Potts, of near Roscoe.who Ims been very sick the past few days, is improving. f Night School, Working hoy. it is tor you. Voting man if your educational ad vantages have been limited, come. Additional instruction will in- eroast- your prolits, usefulness and happiness. At my residence. lhtniel Walker. Dr. Anderson, Dentist; gas ad- | ministered; Salbide Bldg, tf ( (Humorce it ml Literature. "Do you think tliut a eumnierclnl ca reer is to bo compared to a literary career?" asked the high browed and uu-hiuehoiy youth. "My hoy," said Mr. Cumrox. "in business you can write your name on a piece of paper no bigger than a postal card and make it worth thou sands of dollars, la literature you can write up reams of paper without mak ing it worth 50 coins."—Washington Star. A Mnn of AfTuirs. Collector (.angrily. 'Your master seems never to be ut home. Faithful Retainer- lie’s a busy mau, sor. lie’s that busy Ol’ui flunkin' lie'll find it liarrd to sphere tolmo to uttlnd his owu funeral, sor—unliss, to l.e sure, they putt it off till he wor dead, sor.—Brook lyn Life. tl>rd« Koi Word.. Freil- So you are really going to mar ry that young widow, eh? Joe—Yes. Fred She tells me you have promised to give up smoking Joe—Yes, sort of mutual sacrlliee, as it were. She agreed to give up her weeds If 1 would give up mine. Atllt-ulan utul tturl.urlan. A westerner ouce wrote a letter to the late Mayor l'ritieo staling that he was about to visit Boston and asking the mayor to tell him a good place to stop at The mayor replied, “Just be fore tile ’at.' ’’ Boston lleruld. Haralson. M.J. Stewart, son and daughter are seriously ill with typhoid fever and an other son Imsn broken arm. Leon Rawls is seriously ill with ty phoid fever at his father's home. Miss Myrt, daughter of A. J. Rawls, who ims been at Brenau College at Gainesville, taking an extra course in music, entne home last Sunday quite ill with fever. Miss Bull, a charming young lady from Florida, is spending some time ns the guest of Misses Anna and Mamie Foster. Johnnie Thompson and wife have the sympathy of nil in the dentil of their babe. Interment, after tiie funeral by Pastor W. A. Davis, nt the Baptist cemetery, July 1st. The annual meeting at the Bnptist olmrch will begin Saturday before the 4th Sunday ill July. On Thursday be fore, everybody interested in the Bap tist cemetery requested to meet and -clean off weeds and rubbish. What is the matter with the cotton? is a general complaint. Weed small nnd leaves blnck and rusty looking nnd shedding under leaves. Is it "Old Mo ther Shipton’s prophecy” coming true, made 'way back yonder, perhaps one - Imudred years ago. Many acres now with prospects of only one bale to 40 ! acres. A Harvest of Bargains In men’s nnd young men’s summer suits. Our Summer Clearance Sale, which begins SATURDAY, JULY 14th, offers you splendid opportunities for Buying goods at mon ey-saving prices. Latest styles, host qualities. Most desir able goods at greatly reduced prices, l itis is an opportun ity too good to miss—a chance to buy the lat est styled summer cloth ing and furnishings at cut prices. The season is simple—it’s midsea- sot. and time for us to clear up the broken iois. It pays us better 1" clean up our stock in this way than to car ry goods over. Bear in mind that we sell only high class goods, the product of Hamburger Bros. & Co. and other “quality makers,” and that nothing is reserved in this sale. While some lots are broken in sizes, we have your size in many attractive models and styles. In our stock of men’s suits we have al the choicest and swefiest things of the season. Two and three piece suits, single and double breasted in blue serge, worsteds both plain and fancy, gray serge, Hapnel and thin tropical fabrics. Many of these suits are made up with practically no lining, espec ially designed for hot weather. The styles are correct, the quality superior and the fit we guarantee. Call and look at them, and come early. . BARNETT, ST. JOHN & GO. Greenville Street.