The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 13, 1906, Image 6

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Ftmllrift Most InterestInnr < hnplerl bunion ms a class arc credited with having no scruples about opening a book at tin* inlildl)* nr olid or anywhere 1 else tliov may expect to timl the must interesting rlia i A fr "lUenl l'i .n- lnlnu visitor at I, ;■ tries wo - overheard rovonlln:' .a a I'ri ml uf li *r own sox lior SOI' rt Ilf h ,tin.' at otn " til • must t In-11 li 1 _ <*li:i 11' 1 i- iii uni I look, tin mat ter how tmlamiliar 0110 may In- with It. “Volt simply rinse it tight." slid said, “nml glnim* nlmig tlio edge of the loaves. It is seldom. Indeed, that you do lint notlee a distliiet line, or even tmit'e tlintl one, eaused liy a mmilier of edges soiled slightly more tlina those 111n 11 ■ t them. Open the Imok there and you have the West chapter." A librarian explained this by saying that the reading and rereading of the par tlenhirly interesting ehnpters of a book naturally I'Milsi* certain pages and their edges to lie more soiled <»f eoltl'se the longer the hook has heon in elrcttlu- tl<>n the more distinct are the marks. Philadelphia Iteeord A Mil of I'a I r 1 la ml. • 'raising down Milford sound. Now Zealand, when the clouds are clearing after a shower, the mountains are hku fairyland. No longer grim and black and fearful, they a 1 '-* led every whore with the sir null g silver of cloud born cascades (liie day we watched the giddy |nuriie,\ of on these eat nraets. It sprang fr an the very top of the Mon rock a It,1100 foot perpendle- lilnr wall I,one and slender and giln lllg like 1; IS in the tin. il fell Straight down iver 11 hut never reached es. It had dropped, n l.dtld feel, when I' was ent gilt h;, ill" wind, swayed this way and that, and llnally blown clean away, dissolving in 111 I s 1 y rain. We sleamed right under It, or. raiher, un der the place where II ought to have been, and experienced the peculiar sen sation c.r looking straight up at a wa terfall that, as the launch skipper put It. "never fell anywhere." Four Track News. Itntter ns ■■ Fund. Hotter Is a hydro carbon, and all ex cesses of It lire stored up iih fat In the body. It gives energy and power to work to those who eat heartily of It. For any one nlllleted will nsmnptlon butter cookery. If plenty of fat can be digested. Is one of the best ways of curing (lie disease should II be In lls early stages or of keeping II at bay If advanced II Is not economy to spare the htittcr at table even to the healthy people. Hotter Is not a simple fat composed merely of one sort. II is a mixture of no less than seven dllTcrent soils of fats, and no Implex oil can lie taken than Mils For dyspeptic and liverish people good bread and but ter, along with fruit, should Invariably take the place of pie, pastry and bis cuits. Pastry for such people Is only another name for poison, and hlsmilts are as often as not linked with lard. Kll.nlM'lli Cnrler, Itliie.iorklttir. Kll7.iiboth Ciirter (1717 IHOH) was one of tin* original "bine stockings," of whom a biographer says: "A perfect knowledge of French, acquired at 1111 early age from a Huguenot refugee minister at Canterbury, was the foun dation of Elizabeth Carter's education. Her father taught her, together with tier brother, Latin, (Ireek and Hebrew, though the slowness of her apprehen sion tired out Ills patience. Italian, Spanish and tiennau she taught herself without any assistance, and later In life she set herself to learn Portuguese, but for want of books she made no great progress. Lastly she taught her self Arable and made an Arabic die tlonary, containing various meanings of words which elsewhere had been Improperly translated." Tlio teiinoi'liiMlte Iliiroiii'NN llievv. After Pope's death the villa at Twickenham belonged sueeesslvely to Sir William Stanhope, who enlarged II considerably; to Mr. Welboro Hills, aft erward Lord Mciidlp, and lastly to Haroncss llowe This lady was so tmuh annoyed el the number of pil grims who came to see the place that she razed It to the ground, cut down the trees endj'tideavoied to obliterate nil vestiges ot its former distinguished occupant. Loudon Notes and Queries. Xniu«*n nml 1)1 Vor«*«*»». An Australian divorce court Judge thinks that there Is a subtle cornice tIon between high sounding feminine baptismal names and matrimonial un happiness. lie has noticed that the names which generally come under his Judicial cognizance are Gladys, Gwon- dolen, Krmyntrude and the like ami that he seldom or never In Ills ottlcinl capacity hears of a Mary or a Bridget. A Tant* or a Jokr. "Was that a bon slide piece that Ethellnda was playing?" asked Mr. Cutnrox. "Certainly." answered his wife. “That was a selection iroui Wagner." "Well, of course 1 wouldn't express any doubts In company, but half the time 1 oau't tell whether Ethellnda is playing a tune or a practical Joke."— Washington Star. Only Thinks So. "Does that young Featherhead play poker?" asked ltohinson of a mutual acquaintance. "No." was the reply, "but he thinks that he does, and we are careful not to undeceive him." Cincinnati Tribune. \ Itotort (durtrona. Student There must Is* some mis take in my examination marking 1 don't think 1 deserve an absolute zero. Professor Neither do 1. but it Is the lowest mark 1 am allowed to give.— New York Times. Consciousness of error is to a certain extent a consciousness of understand ing. and correction of error Is the plain est proof of energy and mastery. Ucr. A Perfect rtjliiK Machine. Gulls are masters In the air. I hare watched bv the hour birds similar to these following along In Ihe wake of n steamer, but had never before bad stub chances with a camera, often tl; poise, resting apparently motion |os-. O' Mlst t'et"bed wing. It Is ii dill! cult feat. A small bird can't do it A p illow hawk enn only poise by the rapid boating of his wings. The gulls seem to h mg perfectly still, yet then Is n ■' 1 • i* an instant \v1ien the wings and tail ; r not constantly adjusted to meet the different air currents. .lust as in shooting the rapids In a canoe, the paddle must lie adjusted every m uncut to tie ' I the different eddies, currents and Itlrlpools, and II Is never the same in two different Instants A gull by the perfect adjustment of its h i !y. without ii single flap of the win; < mill ' headway straight In the b elli of the wind. I saw one retain a perfect equilibrium In a stiff breeze, and at Ihe ■ une lime reach forward and scrub'll tils ear. American Magazine. Knfilr \\ iimnii'h ( nur*iK< k . One of the llrst explorers of till* In terlor of South Africa was W'llllnm Col ton ttswell, a noted hunter ami a friend of Livingstone, to whom he run tiered important aid. In Ills biography the following story is given from one of Ills African letters; An Incident highly creditable to Kalllr womanhood neeurre I Just as we reached Mahotse rile women, ns Is their custom, were \\ rklng In Ihe Helds, for they hoe and the men sew A young limn, standing by the edge of the hush, was chatting wllh lliem. A lioness sprang on him and was carrying him off. when one of the women ran after her, caught her by the bill and was dragged for some little distance. Hampered by Ihe man in her mouth and Ihe woluan behind her. lie slackened her pace, whereupon her assailant straddled over her back and hit her across the nose and head wllh a heavy short handled hoe until she dropped her prey and slunk to cover. Tin* • iiniliieliir's MUlnko, A conductor on the Si. I.ouls and Suburban railroad laid such a gnml run of business Sunday afternoon Unit lie had (llllleillty In keeping himself slip piled with small change. Many pas sengers who patronized Ills ear handed him dollars and hills of larger dcuonil nations In payment of their fares. The conductor, however, managed to get along fairly well until a woman carry lug a liny infant hoarded Ids ear. When he approached the woman for her fare she handed him a live dollar hill. "Is Unit the smallest you have, mad am?" queried the conductor, fearing nuother stringency In change. Tin* woman looked at the conductor and then at her baby and made this surprising reply. "Yes; 1 have been married only twelve months.” — 8t. Minis Globe Democrat. lli'ii, XV«iiiii'ii nml l-'nct. Tact has always been considered tin* peculiar attribute of woman. "With a woman’s tact," Is one of the stock phrases of the novelist. Hilt a writer In one of the American magazines and Ills view Is upheld by an English I magazine which quotes him upsets this tradition by declarlug Unit men are more often tactful than women. Men. It Is submitted, are swift to know when lo speak and when not to speak when It Is wise to withhold oven a look and that Is why a medi ocre mao will succeed when even a clever woman will fall, why men are greater In diplomacy. In all things that require finesse. Still il Is a question whether men really succeed better in diplomacy. What a I mil t the woman who Is the "power behind the throne?” Ilnw Hit* W jim Kaincil. Of all the (lowers of the Held the daisy Is the most appropriately named. Probably not one i«*rsou in a hundred understands the significance of this little dower. Hundreds and hundreds of years ag > It got Us name, and In all purls of the world the name means the same thing. The mu tire lover who named the daisy hud in Ills study of the wild llower observed that it opened Its eye with the opening of the day and closed 11 with the setting of the sun. So with the simplicity of the true artist he called it the eye of the day, the days- eye or, as we spell it today, the daisy. —New York 1’ivss. Kt'Kular Oafrlrttcft. “This, ladles and gentlemen," said the guide, "Is a real theatrical chop house. You will notice the signs on Hie wall, 'Watch your hat’ and 'Keep no eye on your umbrella."' "Great gooseberries!" exclaimed the old farmer In the party. "I often heard tell that these here actor folks were half starved, but 1 didn’t think they would eat lints nml umbrellas.”—Chi cago News. Costly, but bustling. Johnny What! Only married a year and yet you are so downcast? Wally- All, my dear fellow. 1 never Imagined that a wife would prove such a costly article. Johnny Yes. a wife Is a cost ly article, that's true, hut then you must remember that she lasts a man a precious long time. Pfrfrcl ion. Briggs—You call on the Dimplotons very often. What sort of children have they? Griggs Perfect! Host In the world. Briggs Tell me about them. What are they like? Griggs Oh, I’ve never sivu them.—Brooklyn Life. Good Policy. Teacher Johnny, do you love your enemies? Johnny Yes'm when 1 meet 'em all at once! Detroit News- Tribune. Man Is the only animal that knows nothing, that can learn nothing, with out being taught—Pliny. Mnntnlirn* nnd Mnrrlnse. Montaigne went toward mnrringe with the quality of cheerful alacrity which would have inspired a Journey to the whipping post. “Might I have had my own will," he tells ns, "I would not. have married Wisdom herself, if she would have had me." No quainter piece of polite literature can he found than the letter which our philosopher addressed to his wife ns a kind of nee essur.v compliment on the occasion of the death of an only daughter. And the alacrity with which he relegates to Plutarch the task of consoling her In her ntlllctlon test Hies to the entire con sistency of Ids Imbiliial claim that the dignity of marriage is best subserved when a husband refrains from becom ing too fond of Ills wife. Even 111 view of Ibis considerallon. however, such a brief and refrigerated epistle suggests an amazing degree of reticence In a writer who needs only Ihe turning of a faucet to enable him to pour forth a quenchless stream of Ideas on any and every subject from thumbs to Im mortality. Martha Baker Dunn In At ' lantle. A StrniiKe I'VmmI. A curious feast is observed by tin* Mohammedan Ir.hnI>11anIh of India. In which the origin of the custom known as painting the town red may possibly be traced. II Is called the Hull and consists chlclly in the plentiful sprln kllng upon all and sundry of a certain red preparation culled hull powder. It s I a i i in the wfllle clothes of Ihe natives wllh an ugly, dirty looking red that conjures up before timid eyes dread visions of bloody lights and ghastly mill lutes. I'lii' powder Is made In two shades the one vermilion, the other ro i* red and belli are used impiirtial ly by Ihe observers of the ceremony, who delight In bedaubing their faces with lln* powders until they look like strange and hideous denizens of hades come up. still glowing wllh the tires of thnl region. Among Ihe better classes tills festival Is falling Into dis favor, for II lends to many unpleasant excesses and had Its origin In some de cidedly dissipated scene In ancient heathen history. GI ml n f it hi* ii m n **Sii|i«*." A reference to "The Corsican Broth ers" recalls an amusing Htory of Mr. Gladstone's visit to the Lyceum when Irving was playing In IIiIh drama. Mr. Gladstone at the time was not bur dened by the cares of office, and one evening he dropped lit at the Lyceum, where lie was occasionally accommo dated with a chair at the "wings." On this night, however, when the stnge was set for the opera ball In "The Cor sican Brothers" his curiosity It'd him Into one of the boxes for spectators In the scene. Up went the curtain; Mr. Gladstone was at once descried by the pit and greeted with shouts of Joy which caused him hastily to withdraw. "This," says Mr. Austin, "was IiIh Hrst nnd only appearance in the drama out side of the dear old 'legitimate' at Westminster.” Westminster Gazette. The Wife's Itepronrh, In nit address to a temperance socie ty a lecturer told how drink had oaco caused the downfall of a Itrnve soldier. In the course of the sad story he said; "Sometimes, after a debauch, the man would he repentant, humble. He would promise his wife to do hotter. Hut, alas, the years taught her Ihe bar renness of all such promises. And one I night, when ho was getting to be an old man, a prematurely old man, thin limbed, stoop shouldered, wllh red rimmed eyes, he said to Ills wife sadly: I " ‘Y.ou're a clever woman, Jenny, a courageous, active, good woman. You should have ntartied a better man than 1 mil, dear.’ "She looked at him, nnd, thinking of i what lie had once been, she answered j In a quiet voice: " ‘I did, James.'" A INu'iilInrfly of (hi 1 ( row. Most birds cannot cany anything which their in mtlis are too small to contain. The crow Is an exception at times. In Vermont, near Manchester, five crows were seen to come down Into nil apple orchard. They came dally and after a time the owner discovered that they were taking apples from a tree hearing tin* mellowest fruit. Each crow Jammed Its closed bill Into an apple, raised lbs head and Hew to a tall pine tree, where the fruit was eat en. More remarkable still Is the fact that crows will sometimes carry turkey and lion eggs from a nest In the sumo manner. Proper Kind of Window. Every window lu n house should be ns high ns the ceiling, hut a paneled top that can Ik* opeued hi the summer nnd closed In the winter. If ceilings were only six feet high and every oc cupant of a house stood seventy Inches the accumulation of fetid odors against the celling would soon kill. Wouldn't Re Low, “1 understand that Mrs. Do Style Is a great stickler for having everything of the most exclusive kind.” "Yes: she discharged her doctor be cause he told her that her temperature was too low."—Exchange. Lrarniu jr. Learning hath its Infancy, when It is almost childish: then its youth, when luxurious and Juvenile; then Its strength of years, when solid, and, last ly. its old ago, when dry and exhaust. —Bacon. Made a IIii,1 .loll of |t. Mr. Bacon That Mr Crossley, who called last evening is a self made man. Mrs. Bacon Too bad lie couldn’t have made himself a little more agreeable. Not Xlueh Doin'. Simkins—OJd Skinner is considered pretty well to do, isn't he? Timkins— Yes; also pretty hard to do.—Chicago Mews. pjtf'r * - fc s'* r * / To sweeten, To refresh, To cleanse the system, Effectually and Gently; There is only one Genuine Syrup of Figs; to get its bene ficial effects Dispels colds and headaches when bilious or con stipated; For men, women and children; Acts best* on the kidneys and liver, stomach and bowels; Always buy the genuine — Manufactured by Lhe IF51 Louisville, Ky. Sm\ Francisco* Cal. The genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale by all first-class druggists. The full name of the company—California Fig Syrup Co. — is always printed on the front of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle. flewYork./t.Y. With the Exchanges t' Dr. and Mrs. G A. Nunnally, after spending the week with Mrs. Nunnally s sister on Washington street, returned to'heir home at Newnan today—Sunday Consti tution. There are six banks in Gwinnett county and the cashiers of every one of them are supporting Hon. Hoke Smith tor Governor, Yes, boys, the business men want a good business man for governor.— Gwinnett Journal. Capt. W. W. Draper, of Atlanta, is one of several candh ates for treasurer of Fulton county to suc ceed the late C. M Payne. Capt Draper is well known in Newnan, being the father-in-law of Cashier H. H. North of the First National Hank. All travelers from Heard coun ty lo Newnan are profuse in their praise of the splendid work Cow eta is doing on Newnan and Frank lin road, it is being graded and straightened and the distance i lessened in many places. The work is being done at a cost of many thousands of c ollars. And it is needless to add that what Su perintendent Nash fails to know about road building is not worth knowing.—Franklin News and Banner. »rv> Beginning a Great Work The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure is Smith's Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money if af ter taking one bottle you are uot satis fied with results. 50 cents at Holt & Cates'. j Still Another Plank. We are beginning' the great work of knocking the bottom out of prices during the month of July by naming extremely low prices on a select line of season able i nercl ial i disc. Everything in the store will he priced just as low for the big July sale as it is possible to make them. Come and see the g'oods. The prices will do the rest. At Hazlehurst Judge Russell came forth with another new plank i in his platform—free school books. The Judge’s attitude on the col ored race might now be summar ized as follows: Relieve 90 per cent ot the negroes of Georgia of paying any taxes except poll,,force every colored c 1 iId in the State into school, furnish them with free school books, continue to recognize the negro’s equality at the ballot box—all at the white man’s ex pense.—Gwinnett Journal. NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE Magnetic Hair Tonic Do You Sufferfrom Kidney Trouble? \Ve guarantee one bottle of Smith's Sure Kidney Cure to beuefit or cure, or your druggist will refund your money. 1 Price SO cents at Holt A: Cates'. The most effective hair restorer on the market. Prevents baldness by imparting vigor to the scalp— cleanses it and eradicates dandruff. Restores life and beauty to the hair. Every bottle guaranteed. Price oOc per Kittle, at the J. T. Reese Drug Store, Newnan. Ga. Money to loan on reai estate pt cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Old Chronic Sores. As a dressing for old chronic s there is nothing so good as Cham Iain's Solve. While it is not advis to heal old sores entirely, they shout kept in a good condition for which salve is especially valuable. For sal Dr. Paul Peniston, Newuau, Ga.