The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 27, 1906, Image 5

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J. T. Hdl.l.KM AN, PR 1>1 DKNT. W. L % KKMP, vn K. PRES. AND TRE\S. \V\ ANDKKWS, SECRETARY. LOANS OF $1,000 TO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COUNTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. .us Atlanta, Georgia. Attorney Wanted to Act as Local Correspondent Miss Ethel Smith, of Palmetto, i> 0 ’i n t. J Local News of Newnan 1 Penist Miss Florine 'Walker entertained ten little girls delightfully Wed nesday afternoon at a straw ride. Mrs. Wood and little daughter. 1 of Cedartovvn.are on a visit to Mrs. Walker Arnall and Mrs. Bowman. Misses Minnie Orr and Mary Hoddson, of Heard county, visited their annt, Mrs. E. O. Reese, this week. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown have returned from a visit to their sis- Uer. Mrs. Hugh Hill, of West “Quick Meal” I. C. McCrory spent Sunday in Newnan. •T. T. Kirby spent Tuesday in Atlanta. J. C. Albright, of Atlanta, spent Saturday in Newnan. WANTED—Board and room. “W. (i..“ News office. Dr. .bdm (i. Earnest,of Atlanta, was in the city Saturday. Miss Ruth Hill is visiting her grandmather at < 'orinth. I>r. Anderson, Dentist: gas ad ministered; Salbide Bldg. tf *1.50 to #2 straw hats, at SlSe. 17 Barnett, St. John <N <’o. Mrs. (leorge T. Slocke returned W ednesday from Bartlesville. SI Walkover Oxfords Pat. at Si.’.5)8. Barnett, St. .lohn A t'o. Miss Nelie Lou Walton is visit ing relatives in Carrollton, Ha.’ S5 Banister Oxfords Pat. at S.'i.iis. Barnett, St. .lohn A Co. Miss Emmie Terry Snead is visit ing Mrs. Frank Rod wine nt Roseoe. Misses Susie Barr and Linda Simril spent Saturday in Atlanta. Miss Lida Brown has returned from a pleasant visit to Orantvillo. Mrs. W. II. Kersey is spending the week with relatives at Roseoe. We carry the and periodicals. Mr. W. H. Holmes is spending the week with relatives in Macon. Peniston. Misses Pearl and Lena Hogan,of, Carrollton, who have been visiting i B. C. Sanders, who was very j Miss Kittle Holton? hllve retimi0 ,i sick last week, is able to resume | i 10mu his duties. i Mrs. T. E. Patterson, of Grifiln, Miss Hattie Rivers, of Hriffln, visited luT parents, Mr. and Mrs. is expected this week to visit Miss A Hl ,,wster, the latter part of Lula Brown. last week. ?Iiss Fanilu ' 1 hi vies, of Atlanta. M . R anS om U nd little .laugh- will be a visitor in the city during ; tolN? <; l>org i a a n.l Margaret, of ( hautau.|u<i. Kirkwood, are visiting relatives in Hash ford Foote, of Shorter Col lege. Rome, was the guest of .lohn Favor Tuesday. Miss Claudia Troutman, of Mil eon. is the guest this week of Miss F.ldie North. thi> city. Mrs. F. W. Dixon, who has been the guest of Mrs. .lack Pow ell for several weeks, left Friday for Rome. Frank Holmes returned last Fri day from a week in ('arrollton. >' visit to relativ es 3. Croft an- son. Tlmrs- latest magazines! -Peniston A Lee. Miss Henrietta Smith,of Hreens boro, is visiting Mrs. V. E. Man- get. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lane are visiting their son in Macon this week. Miss Ada Williams, of Atlanta, Mrs. .lames Crane, of LnHran visited mis. Joseph Baughman Newnan last week. M r. and M i s. (1. nounce the birth of day, July lilth. Mrs. Walter Boone and Miss Lula Boone, of Texas, are visiting 1 Miss Parkie Leigh. Miss Mattie Sue Chandler, of Birmingham, spent last week with j Mi's. Tom Brooks. Messrs. Joe Nall, Jim Ethridge and Park Newton will spend Sun day in Newnan. Our place is headquarters for line stationery, postcards, etc. See ns.—Peniston A Lee. Rend Harnett, St. John A Co’s, ad. and call and get their prices on summer goods. 17 Summer clothing at greatly re duced prices. 17 Barnett, St. John A Co. Miss May Nelie Brewster, of College Park, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. vV. T. Lazenby. Miss Crawford, of Thomasville, will be the guest of Miss May Miss Janie B < 'amilla. (In., wil Miss Athngene < 'haiiliuu|uii. Mr. and mrs. ( children and Mr. nrber Collins, of I be tile guest of Kersey daring ■. W. Ramey and L. J. nelson and children will arrive Sat unlay on a | visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. II. \V. Dent and family, of Atlanta, will come down Saturday for a visitwith Mr. and Mrs. .1. '1'. Kirby. Miss Mary Newton, of Jackson, is expected today to v isit Misses I Katie Arnall, Bessie Powell and i J iiliu May Hacknev. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Byrd | Campbell next week. | Miss Claudia Troutman, of Mil- Messrs. Bob Stanford and Jack | ledgeville, is the popular guest of Powell spent last Sunday in Car rollton. Miss Edna Phillips, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Peavy. Little Miss May Cole has return ed from a visit to her aunt in Car rollton. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. .T. H. Ramey, Saturday, daughter. AV. W. spent last this city. Miss Evelyn Martin. Miss Laura Hocio, of Sarasota, Fla., is attending the Southern School ol’Telegraphy. Miss Julia Mac Hackney return ed last Friday from a visit to Jack- son and Indian Spring. H. E. Croft and little son, Jack, returned last week from a visit to July 2J, a relatives in West Point. The friends of Capt. T. AV. Povv- Mrs. .Marjorie Leigh and Miss Parkie Leigh attended the barbe cue given by Judge Tom Allen ill Sargent last Saturday. Miss Gladys Kirk,a most charm ing young lady of Atlanta, is the guest of Misses Frances and May Herring this week. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Cuttino und viiss Anna Cuttino Kelly have re turned from a delightful stay at Piedmont Springs, A la. Misses Lizzie May and Mary Lou Holmes and Misses DoUicuud Ruth Bailey attended the reunion at Roswell last Saturday. Miss Harry Lee Merck, who was the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Merck, last week, re turned to Atlanta Sunday. Misses Pauline Bowden,of Turin, and May Helton, of Columbus,who have been visiting Miss Vandella Lazenby, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Waldrop, of Jacksonville, Fla., who have been on a visit to their lather this week, will return home today. Mrs. Harry Fence, of Mem phis, Tenn., will be the guest of Mrs. AV. Tom Brooks during Chau tauqua week. Mrs. Ferree will be JH** QUICK MEAL QUICK MEAL QUICK MEAL QUICK MEAL QUICK MEAL QUICK MEAL Quick meal # nrWK 6*- * Quick Meat'" Ranges ore better made, bake quicker ami _usc Less fuel than any range made. We have the best line of Ranges ever before carried in Newnan. Let us show yon before you buy, Newnan Hardware Company AVatts, of LaGrange, elwil] reg ret to learn that he does I'basantly remembered as Miss week with friends in Special Orders Special orders for fine Jew elry, Watches, Diamonds and Silverware will receive the most prompt and careful at tention if given to us. Any thing desired in these lines may be secured readily and quickly by placing an order here. 1 am in touch with the largest manufacturers and wholesale dealers in the United States, and am pre pared to purchase these goods at reasonable figures. Bear these facts in mind and let me serve you when you have special orders to place. Frank J. Flannery Watchmaker and Jeweler. not improve very rapidly. Otis Barrow, of Bowden, spent the latter part of last week with AV. 11. Holmes and family. .Miss Naualine King, of Haines vi 1 It*, is expected this week to visit Miss Nancy Claire Freeman. Horace Gobert has returned to this city, after a visit to vir. and Mrs. F. .vi. Gobert in Macon. J. R. Cates is enjoying a two weeks’ vacation at the country home of Mr. AVarren Melson. Mrs. Acldie Varner left yester-j day for an extended visit in the mountains of North Georgia. Mrs. Fannie G. Hill, of Atlanta, who spent the past month in New nan, returned home this week. Miss Maie Campbell has return ed from a delightful visit to friends at Bartlesville and Thomasville. Miss Louise Hearreld entertain ed several couples very informally and delightfully Thursday evening. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Torres, Mrs. J. C. At- j taway and Mrs. Lee Taylor went to Moreland last Sunday to spend the day. Lillie Dare. Our Repair Department Ik jnst aching to gut- a chance to be of service to you. It is so thorough ly equipped that there is no repair job that it is afraid to tackle. Wo repair the highest grades of watches that are ninde, with a per fect knowledge of the care they should receive. We rejuvenate tired clocks so that they run again as good as new We repair rings and brooches and eye glassesi and such things, and stand ready to assist you at short notice in any emergency that, may require the use of our repair depart ment. Mr. Thomas D. Johnson, an expert watch maker, is now in our repair department, and prompt, and efficient attention will he given to all orders. H. S. BANTA ('all and get our prices and ex amine the values we are offering in summer goods. 17 Barnett, St. John < Jo. Misses Letitia and Mary Bailey, of Oxford, Ala., have returned home after a pleasant visit to Misses Dollie and Ruth Bailey. Mrs. Willis Jones and Miss Jeannette Swift, of Atlanta, came down Wednesday to attend the barbecue given by Mr. Pope Jones. Misses Frances and May Her- i ring, two of Newnan’s most popu lar young ladies, spent last week ! with Miss MayWood at LaFay - lette, Ala. ! i We are asked to announce that iall persons interested in the ceme tery at Emory Chapel, meet there ! on August 2nd lor the purpose of i improvement. I To insure prompt delivery of mail, the patrons of the postollice should ask correspondents to put : street and number on all mail ad dressed to them. Isaac N. Edge, the genial and popular young soda wider dis penser at Peniston Lee’s drug store, spent Sunday with home- folks in Palmetto. During the thunderstorm Wed nesday afternoon, a house owned by J. H. Widener, near the fair grounds, was struck by lightning and burned down. The friends of Mr. Frank Hughes will be pleased toJearn that he has accepted a position with D. T. Maiiget & Co. and will be located in Newnan in the future. The friends of Mr. Will Mattox will be gratified to know he has been brought home from the Pied mont.Sanitarium in Atlanta, and is steadily regaining his health. Have your mules and horses in sured in tin* Mutual Life Stock In surance Company of Georgia. Full face value of ail policies will be paid. For information and terms, call on or write to J. W. Will- coxon, agent for (Joweta and Car- roll counties, Newnan, Ga. tf An alarm was turned in from Mrs. Britt’s home, on the street in the rear of the Episcopal church, Wednesday muring, but, the blaze was extinguished with hut slight damage. The Bible Circle, conducted by the women of the First Baptist Church, will meet with Mrs. Bob <‘lower, on Spring Street, next Tuesday at 4 p. in. All are invit ed to attend. Rev. W. J. Cotton and Edgar Long returned Tuesday from a very pleasant visit to relatives all Newnan Spring, in Catoosa eoun-j ty, and at East Lake, Hamilton i county, Tenn. About fifty Newnanitos attended j the concert in Moreland Thursday ! night given for the benefit of the Presbyterian church. Miss Ruth j Cole delighted her hearers with j some beautiful solos. On Thursday afternoon ill. 8:80 I o’clock, Mr. John Corea and .Miss |Susie Brack were united in mar I riage, Dr. (1. A. Nunnally ol’li leiatiug. Mr. Corea is an employe of .Mangel’s cigar factory. Misses Ethel Marbury, Edna Mooney and Eudora Spence have returned to Atlanta, after a pleas ant visit to Miss Louise Cearreld. They are an attractive trio of young Indies and were delightfully entertained during their stay. J. I). Hopkins, an aged and highly respected resident of Luth erville, Meriwether county, died two weeks ago today at his home, j Deceased was well known in New nan, and was the grandfather of Mrs. O. F. Allen, of this city. Thomas Cole, a young man 18 years of age, of Senoia, died at a! private sanitarium in Atlanta Sun-) day afternoon, of typhoid fever. | The funeral services were held as Poole’s chapel in Atlanta Monday, ; and the body was shipped home for interment. Dr. J. M. Couch, of Moreland, has been suffering with appendi citis for the past week or ten days and is said to be in a critical con- ’’W2** Want an Automobile ? We are agents for the “Orient,” a fam ous little runabout that is simple, dura ble and cheap. Any body can afford to own one of them at the price. See us! Peniston & Lee W3fe«a5M3ijtfMU dilion. As soon us the state of his health will permit, he will under go an operation, which will be performed by Dr. Floyd McRae, of Atlanta, and Drs. T. 11. Davis and W. A. Turner, of Newnan. A Remarkable Gain. Tax Receiver Summers has finished making up his books for tiie year 1000, and the remarkable gain of #1100,000 is made over last year. Last year’s gain over the year 15)04 was approximately $401,000, making a total net gain for the two years 1005 and 1000 about one million one hundred thousand dol lars (#1,100,000). This certainly shows progress, as well as the result of faithful work on the part of a careful, fear less, competent public official. An honest vote is the best medicine for the ills of the body politic.