The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 27, 1906, Image 7

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GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. GEORGIA, Coweta County. After four weeks’ notice, pursuant to Section 2546 of the Civil Code, a peti tion, of which n true and cor’-ect copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. R. W. Freeman, Judge of the Su perior Court of said county, at the court house in said county, on the 1st day of August, 1906. This June 28th, 1906. T. F. RAWLS. Guardian of J. F. Shell, f GEORGIA, Coweta County. To the Hon. R. W. Freeman, Judge of the Superior Court of said County: The petition of T. F. Rawls shows: 1. That he is the gunrdian.of Joseph F. Shell, duly appointed as such guard ian in said county. 2. That he desires to sell for rein vestment at private snle the following projterty, the same being n part of the estate of his said ward, towit: A cer tain lot with improvements thereon, in the town of Senoia, said State and coun ty, said lot being known in the plat of done. We don’t charge high and . SB id town as lot No. 4, in Section 7, and bounded on the north by Mary L. Stew art, east by Edwards & Travis, south by Seavy street, and west bv S. C. We Don’t Lose Any Time when called on to do plumbing. If you discover a leak Prompt Plumbing Action is what you want. Always get us for plumbing if you want it well Trusting I am trusting Thee, my Savior For the road is rough and steep: I am trusting Thee to guide me— Guide my tired and aching feet. I am trusting, sweetly trusting, Though astray my feet should roam; I am trusting Thee to help me, And to lead me safely home. Trusting, ever gladly trusting— For I know thy way is best ; Trusting that thy love shall lend me To the mnnsions of the blest. Trusting Thee though rough my pathway; Trusting Thee though dark the uight— In my heart Thy loving presence Turns my darkness into light. Trusting Thee to give me nlways From my cares a sweet release; Ever trusting Thee to lead me Into realms of perfect peace. Ruth Fostkk. The Labor Problem in Georgia. Our newspaper exchanges throughout the state are anticipat ing the cotton harvest and voicing the fear of many farmers that the labor supply for the purposes is going to be both scant and high- priced. Evidently there is good reason to fear that both these things will materialize as the sea son advances. The fact is that the solution of LIVE IN COMFORT No matter what your position or income may be the labor problem in Georgia lies ‘ l,Hl Uu ‘ * ♦‘“‘i?, Ul !?° r H,,y “ ml , ^ ^ W v 11 make arrangements that will suit your almost in the hands ot the general are always ready to come. w. Tj. sexton. Tiie Newnan Plumber. Travis. it. PetititioUer purchased said prop erty for his snid ward in 190il that said ward might have a home of his own New Artmll Building. Phone 159 wherein to reside, hut snid ward for — ' ' divers reasons never OOOUpied same, and circumstances have come about that the property can not be used for the pur pose it was originally intended, The property lias been occupied at intervals by tenants, they paying the sum of $0.50, $7.00 and $7.5(1, respectively, each month as each occupied. The expense of keeping up the property is slight, ex tending to repairs on the bouse only. Petitioner makes this application for With the Exchanges I T. M. MARTIN ’ Hoes nil kinds of |j Tin Work, Roofing p Plumbing and Repairing. [ct Expert work and low prioes win. Shop op- Isi 1-,. , _ , fHJ posito Pinson Hotel. rptrCUrfUtnFCPUUgrrUCnfaCnlCCTfCtr FIPTrUDTrjUTrCtnintnrCUirUPmtCnf'o'i R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5*eent packet is enough for usual occasions Theffamily bottle (00 centsi contains a supply for a year.All druggists sell them. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Residence Telephone No. 5-3 Calls. DR. W. A. TURNER. Residence Telephone No. 64. Miss Ruth Cole, of Newnan, is visiting Miss Gena Smith, at the Abrams house.—Palmetto Corre spondent Campbell News. Miss Sallie King Penniston, of Newnan, is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. W. N. Kdge.— Palmetto Cor. Campbell News. Mr. and Mrs. .1. <Arnall, of Senoia, wore in the city yesterday the reason that his ward will not occupy on their way to Wrights'vi'lle Beach, the residence, mid lie desires that tin S. < ’., time.- Our money involved in this property bo oth erwise invested. 4. Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of such sale in a ouo-fourtli ( '.j) interest ill the merchandise busi ness of J. II. Li}>sooinl>&.Son, at Whites burg, Georgia; and if said property decs not bring a sufficient sum to purchase the said interest in said business, peti- Qj-aphic tinner asks leave to add other funds be-! longing to his ward's estate not now in vested in anything, to meet the deficien cy. 5. Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application lias been published once a week for four weeks, as required by law. T. F. Rawi,s. Sworn to and subscribed beforo me. this June 28, 1906. VV. G. Post, Notary Public, Coweta County, Ga. wltoro they will spend some -(iritlin News and Sun. genial friend, Mr. VV. VV OEPOTI8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, 6A. Watts, is at Newnan this week, spending a portion of his summer utnl til th holidays with relatives and friends hdior. in that s e c t i o n.—LaGrange lS,)lm How much lighter work seems to the man who, throughout the day, has thoughts of a happy and eomfortable home to which he man go when his day’s work is done. A neatly furnished home is an inspiration which every man of toil should enjoy. And every may may possess and enjoy artistic and comfortable furnishings, for UKK8K excludes no one. \\ e oiler you the fullest use of our most helpful credit plan. We offer you all the credit you want—and we oiler you more: We oiler—we guarantee—you generous treatment, eonseien- all circumstances, convenience—not only at the time you make your purchases, but throughout the entire assembly. That body can do much life of the credit account and until the last payment is made. It's to increase the supply of farm lids generous treatment and this granting of favors (hut makes laborers and b\ the ensuing com- Reese's credit plan most suitable for people in moderate eireum,stau- petition reduce the wages of it to U tlu ‘ ^ P lai > for reasonable figures. There is not a member of either ! house of the legislature who would not, under oath, declare that va grancy is one of the most serious of the curses to our labor system in Georgia. Nearly all of them who live below the mountains and in counties where the negro popu lation is considerable in numbers i know that idle, roaming negro men are the disturbers of labor conditions as well as the greatest menaces to the social order in gen- i oral. An attempt was made to reach and reduce that class of loafers by the Galvin vagrancy law, lint the administration of it lias shown its weakness and futil ity. It needs to lie so amended as, that strict proof of past employ ment and a reasonable promise of future employment will be required . from every man, white or black, found living in persistent idleness urge of those who do ORDINARY'S NOTICES. Drs. Davis & Turner Physicians and Surgeons Newnan, Georgia. -Offices in Sanatorium Building, corner College and Hancock streets. Tele phone No. 6-2 calls. Z. Greene, D. D. 8., Office on Second Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building L. Mi Farmer, LAWYER. . Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Oo.’s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Treats all diseases of domestic animals Calls answered day or night. Ofltiee at Gearreld’s Livery Stable. GEORGIA, Coweta County. W. B. Orr, administrator of estate of A. W. Hill, deceased, having applied to , the Court of Ordinary of said County | for leave to sell twenty (20) shares of j the capital stock of Palmetto Cotton Mills, all persons concerned are required to show cause in snid Court by the first Monday in August next, if any they can, why said application should not, be granted. This July 2d, 190(1. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Mr. F. II, Lythgoe, wife and children, of Newnan, are among the camping patty at Trentham Spring. The mother of Mr. R. C. Moore is also at the spring.— Campbell News. Miss Katherine Wooten left yes terday to spend the week-end in Carrollton at Miss Pauline Harris' house party. Miss Nelia Lou j Walton, of Newnan, will be anoth- Georgia will speedily In er guest,—Saturday’s Atlanta Con- Atlanta News stitution. persons leal’ that diustie vagrancy law wouh many negroes to leave the Why isn't that desirable? good does the state gel ehronie vagrants? 11' the law d rives them from the state, so much the greater will lie the praise due to the law. I f t he general assembly will make the vagrant law proof against the escape of those w horn it was meant to reach, the labor situation in ictteroi GEORGIA. Coweta County. J. H. Dennis, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for letters of administration on estate of Cornelia A. Dennis, decensed, ail per sons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in August, next, if any they enn, why Haul application should not be granted. This July 2d, 1906 The intention of Mr. Leroy Har ris to move to Newnan some time this year is a source of much re gret to his Palmetto friends. No Honest, After All. NEWNAN MARBLE WORKS J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of marble and granite. GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY All work guaranteed to be first class in every particular. Parties needing anvil in , in our line are requested to call, examine work and get prices. .. jIRON FENCE OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR THE RAILROAD JUNCTION NEWNAN, CEORC8A MERCK & DEIMT IMPROVED HIGH GRADE BUGGIES A Tip Top Job • repairing of earring 1 her \ chicles is I he we attempt or turn out. success in repair work. your business when you thing in our line and we’ll satisfy you in price as well as work. We use only the bestcolors and varnish, thus getting the best results in bug gypainting. < let one. CAR HI ace: BUILDING & REPAIRING l-s, \v agons only kind IlfllCI i- our Wo want have any- The trend of foreign opinion, as indicated in the various reviews citizen of Palmetto has ever done il nd periodicals, seems to be to the more for the upbuilding of the town than Mr. Harris and his re moval of residence is being recog nized as a distinct loss.—Palmet to Cor. Campbell News. R. D. Adair, the popular treas urer of Meriwether county, has been stricken blind. Wednesday effect that all our American ex posures of graft in the insurance business, fraud in the packing business, unfairness in the rail road rate business and other expo sitions of American irregularity on j a large scale, show that we arc, as a people, ready to stoop to nearly any practice to gain the almighty MERCK Buggy & DENT Builders. id, 1900. i night, without warning,he lost one, , ,, . , , L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. b , . , . ,, | dollar. And it is possible that a eye; I hursday night, in an equally . . , , ——————— ! J , , , , ^ •' great many Americans have also Do You Sufferfrom Kidney Trouble? ] sodden manner, the light^went out \ ^ ^ Hamo i(lca . |t 'of the other. Saturday Mr. Adair 1 We guarantee one bottle of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure to benefit or cure, or your druggist will refund your money. Price 50 cents at Holt & Cates’. is true that there has been great and widespread dishonesty. But— If we had been a dishonest peo- , , . , . . , , pie at heart, the exposures of this versal sympathy in his irreparable , . , , . , ■ ' ' , „ 1 dishonesty would never have come, loss.—Griffin News and Sun. ' , .... ... nor aroused us to better conditions house of the general assembly of From the Carroll Free Press . ^ ThuHe C °" Georgia passed the bill of Boykin ditions, when A Good Bill. By a vote of in to 3 the lower went to Atlanta to consult Dr. Calhoun. It is feared that the af fliction is permanent and the un fortunate gentleman will have uni- after they did come they became thor- Wright, of Richmond, which reg- Miss May <,0,e ’ of Newnan, is , 0 ughly-known, were met with loud ulates illegal voting, buying and the guest oi Mrs. ('. H. Stewart. remonstrance and with legislation selling votes and the influencing Miss Nelia Lou Walton, of New- against them. A pieaehei up in of voters at the polls. nan, is visiting Mrs. (?. It. Turner I ( Heveland, Ohio, put the case very The bill is very stringent and and Miss Pauline Harris. neatly tha-ottier day. He saidi -ii 111 ii- far-reaching. It makes it a mis-j Misses Minnie -111(1 Florrie ” * * U! *'ec6nt exposures 01 the ray 74th year;am crippled, have lost one j p Misse s Minnie and FJOiric. ,. .. of nroce- eye and am nearly blind in the other; demeanor for anyone to hire work- Stevens, of Newnan, are the guests . . , am worn out, ana have an almost help- ers at the polls on the day of an 0 f Miss LucilGShell this week. ‘ Im! 0 wreat < ‘ ol 'l Kmillons a " less wife, and no children to ask for election nr prior, Or to himself as- their managers has been one ol the help. I am a candidate for Treasurer of s j s t i n influencing any vote by of- Hr. and Mrs. Buford Boykin are most hopeful signs of better times. Coweta county as an Independent. Am f er j n „ any kinc j 0 f inducement. entertaining as guests this week, | The deep feeling of resentment not canvass the county, and de- The bill goes even further and Mi ' sses Thomas, of Way-j that has swept over the country For Treasurer. I am an old ex-Confederate soldier, in WHY BAKE IN NOT WEATHER? Housekeepers, why do you allow yourselves to be vexed and worried with baking during these hot summer days! The prep aration of bread, cakes and pics for daily meals, luncheons, pic nics and other purposes is one of the housekeeper’s most troub lesome duties “in the good old summer time”; but all the vex ation of spirit and worry of mind can be avoided by pursuing the proper course that is, allow us to do your baking. Baking is our business and we do it to perfection. Baking is a continuous performance here and we can always supply the freshest and best bread, cakes and pies. Con lei- with us about the baking problem—we can help you solve it. Let us do the work and relieve you of the responsibility and vexation. You will lie pleased and satisfied and so will we. C. P. STEPHENS & CO, Proprietors of the New Bakery. Telephone No. 31. sire the people to meet me at the court house iu Newnan the third Saturday in by ail amendment, provides that it August, at two o'olock, p. m., so I can tell them of my needs. J. P. Shaw. Cotton Mills. Newnan, Ga. Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. nesboro, Winnie Feminger, of Hill- w hen the facts became known, ley, Ga., and Dr. Cliff Hodnett, of showed that the hearts of the Senoia. The only guaranteed kidney remedy Buy it—try it—it costs yeu nothing if it fails. Price 50 cents at Holt & Cutes. fl U e nce voters at the polls and will “““leave the voters free to express Bowel Complaintln Children. I , . . , , , their choice unhampered by any- shall be a misdemeanor to hire any person for pay as a worker at the iSenoia ’ M,s ’ Boykin wil) e,,tei " American people, as a whole, are polls on the day of the election or ! tain very delightfully this evening | sound and right.”-Atlanta Jour- prior to the election. This measure will stop the hir ing of professional heelers to in- in compliment to her visitors. nal. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels passing the bill, which should receive careful attention I as soon as the first unnatural looseness of ^ „ The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure Do Not Neglect Your Bowels. Many serious diseases arise from ne glect of the bowels. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets are a pleas ant and agreeable laxative. They in- , - ,. , ,, 5 , vigorate the liver and regulate the 1 he legislature did well in bowels. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. Hot Weather Trips via Central of Georgia Railway. Summer excursion tickets to the Seashore, Mountain and Lake Re sorts in the North, South, East the bowels appears. The best medicine in use for bowel complaint is Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as it promptly controls any un natural looseness of the bowels. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money if af ter taking one bottle yon are uot satis fied with results. 60 cents at Holt & Cates’. When a man begins “flying and West, high” it is a pretty good sign 1h.1t A trip by rail and sail to New he hasn’t been walking straight. York, Boston, Baltimore, l hila- delphia and points m the F.ast via Men who pose in the limelight Savannah and steamship lines, is should be careful of what they do to be considered at this season in the twilight. „ „ , . , ticket offices, r or rates, schedules, ' What some men believe to be a etc., apply to any Agent or rep- A dollar-owned man is of less crisis in their lives is usually mert- resentanve of the Central of Geor- worth to the community than a i j y an incident. gia Railrdad. man-owned dollar. ! „ , - Speaking about good judges ot j r The greatest luck is born of human nature, how about a child For anything in music or inusi- p] uc g 4 | a nd a dog? eal instrument*; telephone No. 196. Modest Claims Often Carry Most Conviction. the When Maxim, the famous gun inven tor, placed his gun before a committee of judges, he stated its carrying power to be much below what ho fell sure the gun would accomplish. The result of the trial was therefore a great surprise, instead of disappointment. It is the same with the manufacturers of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. They do not publicly boast of Tickets are on sale at all coupon “ U this remedy will accomplish, but pre fer to let the users make the statements. What they do claim, is that it will posi tively cure diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in the stomach and bowels and has never been known to fail. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, Newnan, Ga. Buy your sidewalk tile from the Newnau Tile Works. tf