The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 10, 1906, Image 5

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.). T. HOM/HM AN, I’RKMI'LST. \V. L vin: v:\Fa KKM1\ AN1» TRKAS. \V. ANDKKWS, SECRETARY. LOANS OF $1,0(10 TO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW RATES ON IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS COINTY If you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO. as*L,"oV«i c’orrVftpondeut .v* Atlanta, Georgia. I barlweue at their Third District | | farm last Friday afternoon. A number of friends and relatives, together with their tenants, enjoy ed the barbecue. Mrs. Charles Astin and two lit tle daughters, Martha and Francis, are on a visit to her sisters,Mrs.A. B. Quinker and Mrs. A. F. Slier-, wood, of Macon. They will be] gone until autumn and will visit I relatives in Atlanta. | Local News of Newnan j A. K. Brod is on a ten days’ visit to Anniston, Ala. Dr. J. B. Sanders, of Corinth, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Witherspoon is the truest of Mrs. H. C. Fisher this week. Miss Kosadell Holmes is with friends and relatives in Atlanta. Miss Ida Daniel, of Hoptnsville, visited Miss Ruth Foster last week. Prof. F. ixoy Almon, of Whites- Burg, was in Newnan last Wednes day. Mrs. Hoy Askew, who was ill in Mrs. H. I’. Woodruff and Miss Atlanta several weeks, has return-! Emily Woodruff, of Savannah, are ed home. While in Atlanta she spending some time with relatives. Mrs. J. A. Parks and daughter, Miss Susie, have returned to At lanta, after a visit to Col. W. (5. Post and family. Miss Mattie Lee Hogan, of Cor inth, <!a., spent a few days with her friend, Miss Emmie Sue Hen drick. this week. Miss Gladys Kirk, of Atlanta. in Newnan had an operation performed to re lieve a severe case of appendicitis, and her friends are delighted to learn that the operation was en tirely successful. Last Wednesday evening Mr. Italph Bingham entertained at a lovely tea at the Virginia House in honor of Mr. Bussell Bridges and Miss Nolle Forbes, of Atlanta, and members of the Chautauqua company. This was a most de- atter a \ cry pleasant visit to Misses, netful affair and Mr. Bingham Ma> and I*ranees Herring, has re- was a most charming host, turned to her home. Mrs. Jack Powell has returned from Atlanta, where she had been with her husband, who is sick at Mr. ami Mrs. E. F. Sims, of At- |)l * McHea’s sanitarium. lantn, lives. are visiting Newnan rela- Mrs. D. S. Muse, of Woodbury, is visiting Hon. W. G. Post and family. Mrs. Ira Orr Jackson, of Atlan ta, is visiting Hon. W. B. Orr and family. Mrs. G. R. Sponcler and Miss Services at St. Paul's Episcopal Rae Lowe Sponcler are at Pied-! church Sunday at 4:dO p. m. by mont Springs, Ala. Miss Katie Tatum, of Atlanta, Mrs. J. A. Pendergrust and little son have returned to Luthersville, after spending several days with Mrs. J. E. Pemlergrast. Mrs. J. P. Hall, of Atlanta, ami Mrs. George Burkell and little daughter, of Savannah, are the guests of Mrs. Tom Martin. visited Miss Kosadell Holmes from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fisher have a lovely little daughter, who came to their home a few days ago. Miss Ruth Barnes and MDs Smith, of Hogahsville, spent last week with Mrs. V. C. Foster. the Rev. R. F. Moody. A cordial invitation to all to be present. Miss Bettie Quinn returned to her home in Washington, Ga., last Tuesday, after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. II. II. Mur ray. Miss Alma Kirby was the charming hostess at a reception Monday evening, given in honor of her guest, Miss Lillian Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Holt and of Atlanta. daughter leave the last of the week ... ,, . ,, , .. ... s ... . >\ . G. Arnold, who retired Irom fora months visit to New i ork. , , , ... . .. v a clerkship in the Newnan post- Miss Lillian Jackson has return- office last week, has accepted the ed to her home in Atlanta, afteru position of bookkeeper for II. C. pleasant visit to relatives in the Glover & Co. c ’^‘ Miss Jennie Lou Orr delighted a Mrs. W. H. Dunbar and chil number of her friends with a wa- dren are spending a few days with ter melon cutting Tuesday after- the family of Prof. J. E. Pender- noon from six to eight o’clock at grast. Mineral Spring. Mrs. Gordon Lee and Mrs. W. Misses Katie Lou Thomason and B. Pringle leave this week for Eiila Moore, of Carrollton, re- Mrs. Lee's summer home at Chick- turned home Monday, after spend- amauga. Miss Madaline Stewart, of Se- noia, is spending a few weeks with Miss Louise Lynch.—Gridin News and Sun. ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamrick. R. Mrs. John (). Davies anddaugh- Mrs. J. E. Feat hers ton enter tained in a very delightful manner Monday evening at her lovely country home in honor of Misses Morris, Huglilcy and Hunt, of At lanta. Refreshing and delicious punch and ices weruNerved during the evening and a great number of young people enjoyed this delight ful occasion. Early in Septemlier we will open up an annex in our room over Farmer <.N Leo’s store for the dis play and sale of ladies’ and chil dren's ready-made garments, car pets, rugs, curtains, upholstery goods, blankets, etc., etc. A large and attractive stock will be shown and we solicit a share of your pat ronage in these lines. 20 P. F. (’iittino < ’o. W. I,. McCoy, of the Fourth district, treated the occu pants of tin* Coweta count,y- coiMf house and several other gentlemen to a least last Monday afternoon. The feast consisted of pouches of several varieties, and they wcj'o undoubtedly some of the largest and linest ever grown in the county. Mr. McKoy is well known as a successful fruit grower in the western section of this county. Mrs. Willu Holt Wakefield gave a delightful entertainment at the Auditorium last Tuesday evening, an audience of considerable si/e be ing present. , Mrs. Wakelield's ap pearances during Chautauqua de lighted many people and there was a desire on the part of many t hat she should present an entire even ing's entertainment before her re turn to New York City. In com- HOT Reductions on COLD GOODS To close out our line of refrigerators and ice chests we offer our stock at the following very low prices: 1 No. 603 La Belle refrigerator, 75 lbs. ice capacity. Regular price $14.50, to close out $ 1 1 .75 1 No. 134 Colonial refrigerator with six-quart enameled water cooler, 60 lbs. ice capacity, reg- price $14.00, to close out at $ 1 1 .25 1 No. 30 Colonial refrigerator, 50 lbs. ice capacity. Regular price $10.50, to close out $8.1 O 1 No. 30 Mohawk refrigerator, 35 lbs. ice capacity. Regular price $8.75, to close out $6.85 1 No. 1 Solid oak ice chest, 75 lbs. ice capacity. Regular price $8.25, to close out $6.75 2 No. 01 Solid oak ice chests, 40 lbs. ice capacity. Regular price $4.75, to close out $3.50 Newnan Hardware Company Milltown. E. 8. Wellborn, from IfiiiiUolpli oouii- ; ty, Ain., in visiting relatives hern. Mm. Joseph Prinoo Iiiin bonn threat ened with fever for several days. Bert Gallon oaiiio down from Whites- burg last Saturday and spent a few days with relatives. John Garner and wife, from La- Grange, came up his. Friday, aooompa i ,,ir »“ ,u ^ HU »’I M ’ r ut GnC,rn.. K « hist Hat- nied by their little son, Ira, and spent. uu * 11 -' "' K ,t " Miss liettib Cooper, I rom Grnntvillo, is spending n little while with relatives and friends here. Arthur Hemrink and Miss .Maud Mob ley were united in miirnnge last Satur day, Will and Charlie Deadwiler left last Saturday for Elberton to visit lludr pa rents. J. T. Wellborn, from Whltesburg, was slinking hands with relatives and friends last Sunday. lltram Moblev attended Wm, Ward's IF YOU severnldayswitli Mrs. I. ('. MeGehee. Will Bishop, from Langdiile, spent Inst Saturday night with Ids cousin, Durkin Bishop. Pink Barton, from Winder, etopjied ,,nc "' ,l "' h0l,,,,,1 «' ,h " Glmpel After a considerable fall off in attend-1 ter, Miss Fanille, anil Mr. Boone plianee with the wishes of the pt*o- Ha tillers, of Atlanta, wore the, p ] e Mix. Wakelleld appeared at the Persons contemplating the put guests of Mr. and Mix. B. (’. Sail- chase of gasoline engines should dots last week. see E. L. Waltom, at Burdette’s I have something speeial in bug- warehouse. 20 G. W. By ram has recovered from a painful illness which lasted some m .V E linn, uiwl i« able to attend to bus- < l {! ttl“ s waiel Auditorium Tuesday evening. Next Sabbath at 11 a. in. and S p. m., Rev. <’. O’N. Martindale time and is able to attend to bus iness again BRING Your watch, clock and jew elry repairing to my repair department. I have been engaged in this line of work in Newnan for many years, and my past record is a pres ent and future guarantee of expert service and reasonable charges. 1 also repair auto mobiles, bicycles, motorcy cles, baby carriages, etc. Bicycle Bargains. One #20 wheel, to go at #17.50. A #25 wheel is offered at #10.75. These are great bicycle bargains and should be in vestigated by prospective wheel buyers. Frank J. Flannery Watchmaktr and Jeweler. Kies to show the public. If you will preach at the Presbyterian need a buggy, call and examine church in Turin. Everybody in- E. L. Waltom, at Bur- vited. On Monday lie leaves fora chouse. 2(1 ten d a y S i meeting at Pantliersvillo Mr. W. H. Dunbar, formerly of 6y order of Atlanta Presbytery. Eufaula, Ala., has moved to Jack- " - son, Tenn., and will have position of superintendent of cotton com press at that point. Andrew J. Houston lias the thanks of the News for two of the ; finest watermelons of the season. The melons were grown on the i Houston place, in the Third ilis- 1 trict. Mrs. Wade 8. Dent has as her guests this week Misses Maude Crawford, of Thomaston, and Mae i Campbell, of Newnan, and will en tertain for them tin* last of the week. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Gibson was operated on in Atlanta Tuesday and their many friends will be delighted to know the operation was very suc- cessiul. The Northsiile Bridge Club met over and spent Hal unlay night with 11. H. Purker’s family, on route to Grittin. Unborn, little son of W. H. Dewberry anil wife, got his arm badly hurt in the cotton mill last week. Mandamus John Richie and 'J'. M. Sampled visited relatives at Carrollton last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. ,1. P. Shaw, who has been con fined to his room for so loin*, was able to ride out lust Sunday afternoon. Miss Lovle Dukes, from LnGrnnge, visited the family of Mis. L. A. Bryant last Saturday and Sunday. C. H. Giles and family visited rein- lives at Sargent last Sunday. on the in or ease again; nearly twenty more present last Sunday than for sev eral weeks past. J. H. Summers was elected secretary and O. B. Christian treasurer. We need more teachers; wo regret that one of onr best teachers,Mrs, Boy Cole, lias been unable, on account of sickness, to lie with us for severui weeks. Next, instead of last, Sunday, is Brother Layton's day to be with us. All are invited to come to church next Sun day. Senoia. The Northsiile Bridge < lull met with Mrs. Mamie Johnson Monday evening and had a most delightful evening. Mrs. Gordon Lee, mak ing the highest score, received a andsome box of stationery Messrs. P. L. Sutherland and Jonathan Orr gave a delightful Tell Your Eye Troubles to Us We want to remove them for you. It’s folly for you to suffer with weak eyes when the remedy is so simple and easily procured Its a hundred to one that there is nothing wrong witli your eyes that a properly fitted pair of glasses will not remedy, anil remedy quickly. After we've determined the lenses you should wear—the only lenses that would he likely to help you any —you may have them put into any sort of frames you like. See ns today about it. H. S. BANTA Miss Fay Hoduett has returned home Raymond, little son of Melvin Mat-1 from Carrollton, after a week’s visit with Miss Monica Harris. tox and wife, was vc ry sick the past week. Tillman Dewberry visited relatives at Carrollton Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Henry Boatright is still sick. H. Ii. Parker has been suffering with rheumatism for several days. Charlie Hinds was confined to his room most, of last week. Columbus Bunn and Miss May Odum were happily mhrried last Sunday af ternoon. Rev. J. E. D. Taylor perform ed the ceremony. Mrs. ,T. J. Hendrix, from Sargent, ac companied by her daughter, Miss Min nie, and little son, Henry, came down and spent last Sunday with tier daugh ter, Mrs. Homer Alle,::. “Tack" Smith and wife have a new- Miss Myra Warnock and brother, Harry, of Birmingham, Ala., are the guests of ttieir grandmother, Mrs. GIiihh. A delightful event of last week was the barbecue given by O. O. MeKnlght and wife, in compliment to Miss Mattie Estes, of Gay, Gu. Misses Kate and Ruth Cooke have re turned from Dawson. Mrs. R. K. McKnight was a charming hostess at a progressive anagram party Wednesday morning. The prize was won by Miss Ethel Finley. After tiie game a delightful salad course was served. Those present were Mesdames Die Hand, L. K. Arnull, ii. T. Baron, W. D. Lined, J. H. Jones,.). H. Turner, Gussie Edwards, Grace Row, K. T. Me- two going In paint wo oiiii interest you. We sell tlio well-known Puriun paints. This Immil Inis long been known for its dura bility, economy anil up pen ra nos. It looks best and wears long est. We carry nil paint ing accessories, also, iih white lead, nils, e n luring material, brushes, etc. We would like to figure with you if you are going to paint. Peniston&Lee Druggists. comer at their bouse, whose advent took j Knight; Misses Lillie Fall, Evelyn Carl- phoe ten days ago. ton, Ethel Finley,Kate and ftuth Cocke, Mrs. John Phildps has been on the i Sarah Finley, Henry Roberts, sick list. I Miss Editli Culpepper has returned Mrs. George Anderson spent several home from Atlanta, where she had been days in Griffin last week | the guest of Miss Elizabeth Wilson. Mrs. Hiram Mobley and iliree young- I Miss Evelyn Milner, of Zebulou, is the est children, visited her brothers, Elisha ^uest of Miss Gussie Hogg, and Judge Altrtway, at Cureton’s last' P. M. Reid, of Eaton ton, is spending week. George Anderson was called to Macon last Friday to attend the burial of a lit tle niece. Mrs. P. C. Bryant, from East Point, came down Saturday to spend several weeks with the family ot her niece,Mis. Naamun Pitts. this wepk in Senoia. Misses Ruth Whatley, of Newnan,and Margaret Gay, of Turin, spent Tuesday in Senoia. Wulter Brnkeficld left Monday for Turin, where lie will accept a position in the Turin Bunk. MeMlaines Frank Sibley and C. F. Sasser are visiting relatives and friends in Athens. P. M. Robertson and wife, of Atlan ta, are guests of Dr. J. W. llogg and wife. Miss Fay Hoduett leaves Friday for i West Point, where she will spend a week with friends. j Raymond Sullivan and Hubert At kinson left Tuesday for Atlanta. I Mrs. O. C. McKnight was a lovely hostess at a party given in honor of her i attractive guest, Miss listcs. A guessing i contest was the feature of the evening; - Mrs. II. E. McKnight winning the prize, a beautiful picture. The entire lower floor was thrown together and beauti fully decorated with palms and ferns. A delicious ice course was served. Those present were Lee Hand and wife, John Turner and wife; Mrs. Grace Row, Mrs. IS. T. Whatley; K. E. McKnight and wife; Misses Myra Waru<x:k, Sarah Fin- Icy, Henry Roberts, Ethel Finley, Eve lyn Carlton, Kate and Roth Cocke; Messrs. Love Brandenberg, Cliff Hod- nett, W. B. Baggerly, Elbert Lindsay, < Hill Rodwiue, Paul McKnight. Miss Susie Nolan is visiting friends at Jonesboro. Miss Lena Hand is spending the week ■ at Brooks wit Ii tier cousin, Miss Opal Hand.